12 research outputs found

    Flexibility in the Workplace. Envisioning the Role of Domestic Spaces in the Era of Hybrid Work

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    Modern society has always pictured the home and the workplace as two separate entities: the former for personal and private space, the latter for professional growth and productivity. The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted this dichotomy as homes became the only places to work. Companies had to reorganize their dynamics remotely, discovering new communication and resource management methods. Employees adjusted to unconventional workstations and new behaviors led to a domestic new deal. Rooms became flexible areas in which to organize work activities as well as leisure tasks. It has also become clear that the daily commute to the office is not vital, and working from home has both productivity perks and drawbacks on well-being. With the resumption of office work, employees desire to maintain work from home, urging companies to comprehend how to incorporate flexible approaches. This entails striking a balance between the home environment’s opportunities and enhancing the collaborative and physical interaction that the office still provides. To integrate new workspace habits, a multidisciplinary approach is key, merging design practices, organizational management, and behavioral analysis. The contribution aims to explore how new working practices are redefining the functions and dynamics of workspaces. The analysis of the home transformation, through a literature and case study review, will generate insights to improve mixed workplace strategies

    Modular relations in work environments – Data-driven approaches to design their future

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    This contribution explores the evolutionary nature of workspaces in the context of technological and social flexibility. The modular dimension of an office is analysed through a change in spatial solutions considering the influence that socio-cultural transformations have had on management models and design choices. The analysis focuses on the effectiveness of data-driven approaches when used to explore work contexts: data are a useful tool to understand the experiences and perceptions of employees when developing solutions to improve well-being in the workplace. This contribution aims to outline the transformation of an office from a closed and individualistic module to an open and shared system in which data play a fundamental role in defining the future of workspaces.   Article info Received: 10/09/2023; Revised: 16/10/2023; Accepted: 22/10/202

    Glass-making workshop: fostering new design practices

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    Bringing future designers closer to the professional world requires the right balance of theoretical and practical activities; parallel to the traditional ateliers offered in design schools, some institutions are experimenting with different educational models, such as workshops. Contaminating, reinterpreting and experimenting are the keywords behind this activity, carried out in the Politecnico di Torino, in which glass has been one of the protagonists as a material with strong socio-cultural connotations. Because of its increasing application in technological fields, glass’s artisanal identity is getting weaker and requires a shift of focus from technological innovations to social innovations. Therefore, the week-long workshop “Il soffio di vetro”, offers the chance to envision glass as the meeting point between the knowledge of a local glass master and the design-creative skills of students. The experimental approach offered during the workshop enables students to understand the synergy between the glass’s aesthetic possibilities and functional constraints. It also helps define a more substantial value of sustainability in the relationship between university and craftsmanship. The workshop’s goal is not to create a perfect final product but to bring students to understand the process and review it in a logic of innovation. It also helps to foster sustainable and creative approaches where the relationship between the designer and the material is direct, personal and supported by the local know-how

    Onboarding Future Systemic Innovation Designers Through Informal and Collaborative Activities

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    The contribution presents a collective learning system developed by the Innovation Design Lab team within the Innovation Module of the Master’s Degree in Systemic Design of the Politecnico di Torino. A strategy aimed at the development of all those soft skills useful to bring out the potential of the individual’s contribution in projects of entrepreneurial, innovative, and sustainable impact. The research shows the results of educational methodology that integrates digital ecosystems and collaborative tools, highlighting how, from the students’ visions, emerges the urgency to design new future-oriented teaching-learning practices

    Case Study: The analysis of an integrated project management.

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    Textile is still considered as special waste, and in the Metropolitan Area of Turin 4.960 tons (CittĂ  Metropolitana di Torino, 2020) of it are collected every year. This aspect, among others, is one of the challenges that this territory is confronting. The research paper has the aim to show the results that emerged from the state of the art of a specific area in Italy. These data are then confronted with information about a local company, Dual Sanitaly, that produces and distributes textile medical devices throughout Italy. The analysis is the starting point of a shift from a linear to a systemic process. The application of the holistic approach helped to focus both on the aspects that define both physically and socially the Metropolitan Area of Turin and on the flows of energy, matter and information of the company. The collection of data follows a path that goes from macro to micro and from a generic point of view to specific topics and aspects. The ultimate goal is to have a solid base from which to identify challenges and opportunities, both in the territory and in the company, to understand which elements are fundamental to create a systemic pattern of people, projects and stories

    Onboarding Future Systemic Innovation Designers Through Informal and Collaborative Activities

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    The contribution presents a collective learning system developed by the Innovation Design Lab team within the Innovation Module of the Master’s Degree in Systemic Design of the Politecnico di Torino. A strategy aimed at the development of all those soft skills useful to bring out the potential of the individual’s contribution in projects of entrepreneurial, innovative, and sustainable impact. The research shows the results of educational methodology that integrates digital ecosystems and collaborative tools, highlighting how, from the students’ visions, emerges the urgency to design new future-oriented teaching-learning practices

    Databook design per fare innovazione. Uno strumento di ricerca e analisi per attivare progettualità sostenibili

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    I recenti eventi globali hanno dimostrato come i dati, parametri quanti-qualitativi, ben definiti e condivisi, siano in grado di fornire una sintesi esaustiva di fenomeni complessi. All’interno della Systemic Innovation Design Methodology, la fase iniziale di rilievo olistico individua nei dati e nella loro mappatura una risorsa esaustiva per la descrizione di un contesto: alla base di questo processo, la progettazione stessa del rilievo offre al progettista metodi di analisi la cui unione e sistematizzazione permettono la restituzione della complessità attraverso la loro visualizzazione. Il risultato di tale analisi è un Databook, un documento analogico-digitale dove tutte le informazioni raccolte vengono filtrate, organizzate e relazionate così da poter essere facilmente interpretabili. Uno strumento che nasce per essere il punto di partenza della fase di concept al servizio del designer e/o di enti terzi. Attraverso questi principi, il contributo esplora il Databook come strumento in grado di generare conoscenza tramite una visualizzazione chiara ed efficace, individuando, tramite un sistema di analisi e valutazione, i punti di forza, le criticità e le aree di implementazione

    Tassonomie oniriche

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    “Immaginiamo che nel 2060 qualcuno voglia conoscere qualcosa a proposito del mondo di oggi. L’enorme quantità di informazioni che nel presente nasce in forma digitale o viene registrata partendo da supporti analogici e resa disponibile in rete rappresenta una preziosa testimonianza della nostra epoca. Ma fra cinquant’anni, cosa resterà di tutto questo materiale digitale tanto ingente quanto evanescente, considerando anche la rapida obsolescenza delle tecnologie?” Così si poteva leggere sulla pagina web del Politecnico di Torino nel 2010.​​​​​​​ Questo libro non è una raccolta di racconti di fantascienza; la vera sfida di questi scritti meta-scientifici è stimolare i giovani ricercatori di oggi, frequentatori di un corso di Antropologia della tecnica, ad allargare gli orizzonti politecnici e a proiettare in avanti, verso i ricercatori del futuro, le proprie competenze specialistiche, azzardando ipotesi e immaginandone conseguenze


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    Il progetto nasce con l’obiettivo di incentivare gli studenti fuorisede a noleggiare un set di utensili, per un arco di tempo semestrale o annuale, tramite un sistema coordinato da un’organizzazione studentesca, con l’obiettivo di ridurre lo spreco annuale di utensili buttati o mal gestiti alla fine dell’esperienza universitaria. Il concept va ad agire su quattro quartieri della Città di Torino: San Salvario, Niz- za-Millefonti, Lingotto e Mirafiori Sud. Dall’analisi olistica territoriale messa a siste- ma in un databook di progetto, è emerso che le zone sono culturalmente dinami- che e in fase di transizione innovativa grazie alla presenza di studenti e residenze universitarie. In questo contesto, gli studenti fuorisede Erasmus ed extra EU sono le categoria di studenti che richiede un’attenzione maggiore per il coinvolgimen- to e l’inclusione in un contesto urbano probabilmente differente o sconosciuto da quello di provenienza