5 research outputs found

    Perbandingan Kandungan Merkuri pada Eucheuma Spinosum di Pulau Pari, Teluk Jakarta dengan di Pantai Pasauran, Banten, Jawa Barat

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    Aquatic ecosystem of Jakarta Bay has already been contaminated by mercury on the average of 20 ppb due to the increasing number of industries in Jakarta and its surroundings which dispose their wastes to the rivers ended at Jakarta Bay. The average concen­tration of mercury in sea water at the Jakarta Bay is significantlv different from the concentration of mercury in sea water at Pasauran Beach, Banten, West Java which is still undetectable. The increasing mercury in sea water caused also increasing mercury in Eucheuma spinosum, a kind of algae consumed by many people. Samples of E. spinosum taken from Pulau Pari in Jakarta Bay showed the average of 0,3184 ppm mercury which is significantly different from the samples taken, from Pasauran Beach with an average of 0,0796 ppm mercury


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    Ecological and social fators play very important roles in the control of emerging infectious diseases, beside case management, surveillance and laboratory examinations. The ecological factors include physical environmental factors such as altitude, latitude, climate, season, temperature, humidity, water, air, food and land; as well as biological environmental factors such as flora, fauna, agent, vector, host and biological agents used for vector control. The social factors include: education, economic status, behaviour, attitude, habit, religion, culture, population migration and density. Intervention to ecological and social factors could be done as preventive measures. We should learn from the failures as well as successes in the control of infectious diseases which gave considerations on ecological and social factors. For new diseases, studies should also be conducted to know what kinds of ecological and social factors have important roles in the control of these diseases

    Penelitian Cara Penyediaan Air Minum di Daerah Pasang Surut Rantau Rasau, Jambi

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    A study has been made to investigate provisions of water supply in areas where availability of potable water is scarce due to high organic matter, red and yellowish in colour and low in pH. The water quality was determined for surface and shallow ground water. Clean potable water was acquired by dugging a well with concrete casing in podsolic soil, provided with a shallow well hand pump with PVC casing in non-podsolic soil, and one provided with a shallow well hand pump with PVC casing connected to a small water treatment unit in podsolic soil. The study shows that a water treatment unit is urgently needed, to provide a proper water supply sys­tem. The best potable water supply can be provided through the installment of auger shallow well hand pumps with PVC casing and connected to a small water treatment unit. A well with concrete casing alone does not meet the requirement for acquiring potable water


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    <p class="Style6">A survey of mercury poisoning was carried out among people living in 3 villages along Jakarta Bay (Muara Angke, Kalibaru, and Pajagalan) during October - December 1980.</p> <p class="Style6">A total of 3178 persons were included in the survey. From this number 77 persons were selected for further clinical examination by a neurologist. Based on the clinical symptoms and laboratory findings of 51 persons examined not a single case of mercury poisoning was found in the study area. The average of total mercury content of 77 hair samples is 5,57 ± 7,03 ppm (SD), and the ratio of methyl mercury to total mercury has a range from 0,4   46,1 %.</p> <p class="Style6">It was concluded that the mercury content in hair from the inhabitants surveyed along the Jakarta Bay was within the normal range.</p