79 research outputs found

    Environmental Management System to Improve Competitiveness for SMEs

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    Nowadays, there are many SMEs economic activities which could cause damage for the environment. The occurring damage will cause negative effects for the sustainability of the environment and human life. Therefore, SMEs must undertake anticipatory measures in their economic activities. One of the ways can be achieved by implementing an environmental management system / EMS. SMEs applies EMS is not as a result of feareness of disobeying law, but it is more as an effort to build culture and life. It is an awareness that a company needs environment management and let the learning organization runs smoothly. The application of knowledge management is considered as an organization model that able to anticipate the future needs.The application of this EMS will provide benefits for the company, both in terms of economy (profitability) and in terms of the environment (the creation of a sustainable environment). At last, when there is achievement of the SMEs’ performance from both economic and non-economic, the competitiveness will also be increased. Competitiveness will encourage SMEs to continue to innovate and efficiency. Keywords: Environmental Management System, Competitiveness, SME

    Household Economics Learning in the Context of Malay and Dayak Communities

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    This article is intended to determine: (1) the perspective of economic behavior; and (2) teaching household economics in Malay and Dayak community in West Kalimantan. This study used a qualitative approach, which is more natural, descriptive, and inductive approach. Selection of data source or subjects of research taking place on a rolling basis as needed until it reaches saturation, with research subjects namely the Malay and Dayak community in West Kalimantan. The results showed that the Malay and Dayak people's perspectives seen in the economic behavior: (1) the choice of domicile: tend to be close to a food source; (2) the behavior of consumption: it largely depends on natural products; (3) productive behavior: cultivate fish, livestock and farming; (4) the ability in facing change: readiness against floods; and (5) preference for the technology: the use of technology to make ends meet. Meanwhile, the household economics learning process occurs through: (1) provide examples of behavior; (2) carrying children in economic activity; (3) give an oral explanation; (4) provide relevant demands of economic behavior; and (5) a discussion related to economic activity. Keywords: Economic Behavior, Economic Learning, Househol


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    Purpose of Study: To analyze and examine empirically the influence of entrepreneurship education, personality traits (need for achievement, locus of control and risk taking propensity), and subjective norms through the mediation of entrepreneurial attitude towards student’s entrepreneurial intention. Methodology: Based on the literature research and analysis of previous works, a conceptual model based on Theory of Planned Behavior and Personality Traits was introduced. Result: This conceptual model provides an analysis of the influence of entrepreneurial intention in higher education. Implications/Applications: This model can be used to further develop the entrepreneurial curriculum strategy in higher institution

    The Effect of Workload, Work Stress and Organizational Climate on Turnover Intention with Work Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable (Study at PT BRI Life and Health Insurance of Malang)

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    This study aims to determine the influence of workload, work stress, and organizational climate on turnover intention, the influence of workload, work stress and organizational climate on work satisfaction, the effect of workload on turnover intention, the influence of workload, work stress and organizational climate on turnover intention through job satisfaction. The population in this research is the employees of PT. BRI Life and Health Insurance of Malang. The number of samples taken in this study were 125 respondents. The data collection method that is used questionnaire. Path analysis method shows that workload, work pressure and organizational climate has direct effect on turnover intention and indirect effect on work satisfaction. The conclusion of this research is work load, work stress and organizational climate has direct effect on turnover intention of employee through job satisfaction. The recommendation that is given based on the result of the research is to make innovation system, and guidance for the employees, so that the employees will remain stay at the company. Keywords: workload, work stress, organizational climate, turnover intention, work satisfaction, BRI life, Health Insurance


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    The pandemic has impacted the global economy, including MSMEs, especially in financial issues such as minimal revenue flow and inadequate financial management. On the marketing side, there has been a decrease in demand due to the implementation of social restrictions, which will affect the company's existence, requiring MSMEs to be able to transform into online marketing. Improved financial and digital literacy can enhance MSME performance. This study aims to determine the moderating effect of financial literacy and digital literacy among MSMEs in improving their business performance. The research approach used a quantitative research method with Partial Least Square (PLS) for data analysis. The results show that financial management and digital marketing have a direct effect on MSMEs' performance. Furthermore, financial literacy can moderate and improve the performance of MSMEs, while digital literacy cannot effectively moderate the implementation of digital marketing to improve MSMEs' performance. This study implies that MSMEs need to improve their financial behavior and decision-making during crisis conditions and enhance their knowledge and skills in managing digital marketing content.JEL: L250, M310, G41

    Improving the Activity and Learning Achievement Through Rally Robin and Think Pair Share (TPS) Learning Models (A Study on the Tenth Grade Students at SMKN 1 Jombang, Indonesia)

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    The purpose of this research is to know the implementation of Rally Robin and Think Pair Share learning models which are used as an effort to improve the tenth grade students’ activity and learning achievement on online business and marketing at SMKN 1 Jombang particularly that taking business communication subject. This is a Classroom Action Research. The data obtained is data from the observation of the implementation of activities conducted by teachers and students, observation and the final test cycle. The results of this research are: 1) the implementation of Rally Robin and Think Pair Share learning models can be done well, 2) Rally Robin and Think Pair Share learning models can improve students' activity, 3) Rally Robin and Think Pair Share Rally learning models can improve student achievement. Keywords: Rally Robin, Think Pair Share, Activity Improvement and Learning Achievement Improvement, Classroom Action Research

    Impact of the Implementation of Green Human Resources Management: A Study of Systematic Literature

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    The impact of implementing Green Human Resource Management (GHRM) is an important research agenda in human resource management practices in modern business companies. This type of research is descriptive qualitative and uses a systematic literature review approach. The purpose study is to provide an overview of the latest research on the application of GHRM, problems that arise in the application of GHRM, policies and operational steps for implementing GHRM, the impact of implementing GHRM, and recommendations for further research studies on the impact of implementing GHRM in the corporate environment. This paper presents a structural overview of 30 peer-reviewed articles published in leading academic journals from 2018 to 2022. This review provides an increased understanding of the current state of research, trends, and future research directions. The literature review framework uses the PRISMA model. Research findings show that the implementation of GHRM is developing in both developed and developing countries, effective GHRM implementation requires organizational commitment and employee participation. The GHRM implementation system is the uniqueness of the organization and the impact of GHRM implementation leads to green managerial innovation and green HR process innovation that supports green management and sustainable green industries

    The Implementation of Collaborative Learning Model Find Someone Who and Flashcard Game to Enhance Social Studies Learning Motivation for the Fifth Grade Students

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    The aims of this classroom action research are to describe: (1) the implementation of cooperative learning model find someone who and flashcard game to boost students' motivation to learn social studies for the fifth grade students; (2) the response of the fifth grade students at SDN Klanderan, Kediri, East Java on the implementation of find someone who and flashcard game. The subjects of this study were 32 students. The study was conducted in one cycle. Then the data collecting in this study was done by using observations, questionnaires, and interviews. Research data analysis technique was done by using qualitative descriptive. The conclusion of this study are: (1) students' motivation to learn social studies for the fifth grader at SDN Klanderan improved that can be seen through the achievement aspect of the successful expectation, persistence of effort in learning, as well as the ability to face and overcome the failures of learning and (2) the fifth grade students at SDN Klanderan responds find someone who and flashcard game of learning with fun, the spirit of thinking, and agree. Keywords: Cooperative Learning, Find Someone Who, Flashcard Game, Motivation to Lear

    Economic Education Laboratory: Initiating a Meaningful Economic Learning through Laboratory

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    Laboratory is consisdered as one of the resources in supporting the learning process. The laboratory can be used as facilities to deepen the concepts, learning methods and enriching students’ knowledge and skills. Learning process by utilizing the laboratory facilities can help lecturers and students in grasping the concept easily, constructing the learned concepts, and developing the thinking skills. The roles of Economic Education laboratory is to be the source of learning; as a learning methods and also as a supporting place for infrastructure. The purpose of this article is to develop an the understanding on the importance of the economic education laboratory function in preparing prospective teachers to achieve competency in economic. It is concluded that laboratory has an important role to  encourage greater student engagement and helps to improve the quality of economic education. Keywords: Economic Education Laboratory, Education Infrastructure, Learning Qualit

    The Implementation of Collaborative Cooperative Learning Model of Fun N Pick and Pairs Compare to Improve Students Motivation and Learning Outcome in Subject of Economics

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    Based on observations and interviews with teachers of economic subjects, obtained information that the motivation and learning outcomes of students in grade X of science programs are not optimal. Researchers have an alternative model of learning that can be applied by the teacher that is collaborative learning model Fan n Pick and Pairs Compare with the expectation to improve motivation and student learning outcomes. The purpose of this research is to know the implementation of collaborative learning model of Fan n Pick and Pairs Compare, the improvement of motivation and student learning outcomes after the application of cooperative learning model of Fan n Pick and Pairs Compare, and the problems that occur, and problem-solving in the implementation of the collaborative learning model in students grade X of science program. Every cycle in this research consists of planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The result of this research is the application of collaborative learning model of Fan n Pick and Pairs Compare can be done well appropriate with the lesson plan. The learning model can increase students' learning motivation 6,58% in cycle I with an average success percentage of 79,06% and in cycle II about 85,64%. This learning model improves student learning outcomes by 19.44% in cycle I with an average success percentage of 70.83% and on the second cycle of 90.27%. One of the problems that occur in the implementation of collaborative learning model Fan n Picks and Pairs Compare is that many students who cheat to their friends while doing the test, the teacher should be more pay attention so that students are more discipline. Keywords: collaboration cooperative learning, Fan n Pick and Compare Pairs, motivation, and learning outcome
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