58 research outputs found

    Amenities and services utilization survey, 1995 - AVO 1995

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    Use of a great number of social and cultural facilities in connection with characteristics of households and individuals. P1304A and P1304B have exactly the same cases and variables. In P1304B imputation is used to decrease the partial non respons. Adjustments and supplies for handicapped people in dwelling / mortgage / use of rent subsidy regulation / separated collection of refuse / nursing and personal care: use of patient-care services, day-nursery facilities / ( assistence with ) housekeeping / use of supplies for individual transport and financial compensation for disabled / child care, maternity leave / primary school of children, child care after school hours / sholarship, compensation for costs of study / sports activities / membership sports-clubs / use of sports facilities / visiting social cultural centres, community centres / use of recreational facilities / visiting theatres, concerts / going to the movies, exhibitions, museums / membership of art library, buying art / frequency of reading books, radio listening and watching tv / having a video / leisure activities / hobbies / cultural exposure during childhood / use of educational facilities / contacts with Employment Exchange, social services, Industrial Insurance Administration Office (GAK) in the last 2 years / use of organizations for legal assistance ( included: experiences with lawyers and with police ) / use of medical facilities / extent of infirmity, problems with housekeeping / chronical disorders / preferred terms of employment, fringe benefits / incapacity for work / sources of income (also in the past), tax-deductible expenses, kind of social security benefit, kind of pension scheme. Background variables: basic characteristics/ place of birth/ residence/ housing situation/ household characteristics/ characteristics of parental family/household/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ politics/ religion/ consumption of durables/ readership, mass media, and 'cultural' exposure/ organizational membership. The data- and documentation files of this dataset can be downloaded via the option Data Files

    Culturele Veranderingen in Nederland 2006 - CV'06

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    Het doel van het onderzoek Culturele Veranderingen in Nederland is het systematisch peilen van meningen onder de Nederlandse bevolking om inzicht te krijgen in de culturele veranderingen. Het onderzoek is gebaseerd op enquêtevragen uit een aantal onderzoeken die vóór 1975 zijn gehouden en wordt in principe jaarlijks, na 1999 tweejaarlijks herhaald. Het steekproefaantal wordt zodanig gekozen dat de netto respons rond de 2000 personen ligt. De vragen hebben betrekking op de volgende onderwerpen: veiligheid, criminaliteit, leefsituatie, sociale contacten, vrijtijdsbesteding, gezondheid, emancipatie, homosexualiteit, sociale zekerheid, migratie, islam, woonomstandigheden. Het databestand bevat bovendien een groot aantal achtergrondvariabelen o.a. met betrekking tot religie, politieke overtuiging, inkomen en onderwijs. Tot en met 2002 waren in het schriftelijke deel van CV vragen opgenomen voor het International Social Survey Programme (ISSP). Vanaf 2004 bevat het schriftelijke deel vragen voor de SCP Leefsituatie-index (SLI)

    Image of Science

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    Importance of science, and importance of results of scientific research in society/ survey held on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of NWO, the Dutch Organisation for Scientific Research. Frequency of following radio- and tv programs about science / frequency of reading about science in journals and magazines / using internet to collect information about science / need for more information about science / reasons for being interested in science, and most important reason for respondent / reliability of scientific information / perception of science in general / respondent's opinion about the implementation of technological innovations / importance of scientific knowledge in daily life / importance of scientific research for governmental policy / respondents opinion about the three most important fields of scientific research to be subsudized by the government Background variables: basic characteristics/ housing situation/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ social class/ religion/ readership, mass media, and 'cultural' exposur

    Culturele Veranderingen in Nederland 2006 - CV'06

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    Het doel van het onderzoek Culturele Veranderingen in Nederland is het systematisch peilen van meningen onder de Nederlandse bevolking om inzicht te krijgen in de culturele veranderingen. Het onderzoek is gebaseerd op enquêtevragen uit een aantal onderzoeken die vóór 1975 zijn gehouden en wordt in principe jaarlijks, na 1999 tweejaarlijks herhaald. Het steekproefaantal wordt zodanig gekozen dat de netto respons rond de 2000 personen ligt. De vragen hebben betrekking op de volgende onderwerpen: veiligheid, criminaliteit, leefsituatie, sociale contacten, vrijtijdsbesteding, gezondheid, emancipatie, homosexualiteit, sociale zekerheid, migratie, islam, woonomstandigheden. Het databestand bevat bovendien een groot aantal achtergrondvariabelen o.a. met betrekking tot religie, politieke overtuiging, inkomen en onderwijs. Tot en met 2002 waren in het schriftelijke deel van CV vragen opgenomen voor het International Social Survey Programme (ISSP). Vanaf 2004 bevat het schriftelijke deel vragen voor de SCP Leefsituatie-index (SLI)

    Amenities and services utilization survey, 1991 - AVO 1991

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    Use of a great number of social and cultural facilities in connection with characteristics of households and individuals. Sports activities / membership sports-clubs / use of sports facilities / visiting social cultural centres, community centres / use of recreational facilities / visiting theatres, concerts / going to the movies, exhibitions, museums / membership of art library / radio listening and watching tv / having a video / renting video films / leisure activities / hobbies / use of educational facilities / use of organizations for legal assistance ( included: experiences with lawyers and with police ) / use of medical facilities / respondent older than 55 years: extent of infirmity, use of social service centre for elderly people / membership: unions, organizations, clubs / kind of social security benefit / ( other ) income sources / kind of pension scheme / use of rent subsidy regulation / use of patient-care services / use of day-nursery facilities / use of health-care facilities for children / religious affiliation of school ( s ) for children / use and type of grants for study of children. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ housing situation/ household characteristics/ characteristics of parental family/household/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ politics/ religion/ readership, mass media, and 'cultural' exposure/ organizational membership. The data- and documentation files of this dataset can be downloaded via the option Data Files

    Facilities use survey, 1991, residents of homes for the aged - AVO 1991/BBO

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    Survey on the use of social and cultural facilities by residents of old peoples homes. Housing conditions: number of rooms, presence of telephone, alarm system, kitchen or hot plate, meals supplied by a central kitchen / domestic help / possession and use of reduced-fare pass (65+) / need for help with specific daily activities, who gives help and to what extent / cultural participation: activities and use of facilities (museums, theatre, etc.) before and during residence in the old peoples home / practice of sport / use of recreational facilities / use of social services / reading and buying books, use of public library / watching c.q. listening to cultural programs on TV and radio / social contacts: giving aid to other people, contacts with children, receiving visitors and paying visits, number of children, relatives and friends living nearby r. / condition of eyes and ears, contacts with family doctor, specialist, physiotherapist, stay in hospital or nursing home, handicaps due to chronic diseases / kind of medical insurance / financial position, sources of income, who administrates the finances / self administeredquestionnaire: satisfaction with life, feelings of fear, loneliness, happiness etc. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ housing situation/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ religion/ consumption of durables/ readership, mass media, and 'cultural' exposure/ organizational membershi

    Aanvullend voorzieningen gebruiksonderzoek, 1991, bewoners bejaardenoorden - AVO 1991/BBO

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    Survey on the use of social and cultural facilities by residents of old peoples homes. Housing conditions: number of rooms, presence of telephone, alarm system, kitchen or hot plate, meals supplied by a central kitchen / domestic help / possession and use of reduced-fare pass (65+) / need for help with specific daily activities, who gives help and to what extent / cultural participation: activities and use of facilities (museums, theatre, etc.) before and during residence in the old peoples home / practice of sport / use of recreational facilities / use of social services / reading and buying books, use of public library / watching c.q. listening to cultural programs on TV and radio / social contacts: giving aid to other people, contacts with children, receiving visitors and paying visits, number of children, relatives and friends living nearby r. / condition of eyes and ears, contacts with family doctor, specialist, physiotherapist, stay in hospital or nursing home, handicaps due to chronic diseases / kind of medical insurance / financial position, sources of income, who administrates the finances / self administeredquestionnaire: satisfaction with life, feelings of fear, loneliness, happiness etc. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ housing situation/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ religion/ consumption of durables/ readership, mass media, and 'cultural' exposure/ organizational membershi

    Sharing domestic tasks by partners 1998

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    Survey concerning sharing of domestic tasks by partners, use of facilities, and division of responsibilities. Everyday life and daily activities / working situation / living conditions / income / support from family, friends and neighbours / household composition / facilities to combine a job with care for children / time-spending / dividing domestic tasks / care for children / financial situation / family planning / gender roles / attitudes towards women's liberation, childcare, and work Background variables: basic characteristics/ housing situation/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ consumption of durable

    Consumer and environment 1995

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    Survey concerning environmental problems and environmental policy. General attitude towards environmental issues / supposed attitudes of others towards the environment / role of financial budget, knowledge, time budget, and skills on environment-minded behaviour / use of facilities to prevent the growth of environmental problems / appropriate environment-minded behaviour Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ housing situation/ household characteristics/ place of work/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ politics/ religion/ consumption of durables/ readership, mass media, and 'cultural' exposure/ organizational membershi

    Entrance fee and visitors of four museums in Rotterdam, 1982-1983

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    Effects of charging entrance fee on composition of visitors and on number of visits of four museums. Number of visits to museum / length of visit / intended or accidental visit / company / frequency of visits to museums and exhibitions in general / travelling costs / opinions about entrance fee / possession of annual museum entrance card. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ income/capital assets/ educatio