Facilities use survey, 1991, residents of homes for the aged - AVO 1991/BBO


Survey on the use of social and cultural facilities by residents of old peoples homes. Housing conditions: number of rooms, presence of telephone, alarm system, kitchen or hot plate, meals supplied by a central kitchen / domestic help / possession and use of reduced-fare pass (65+) / need for help with specific daily activities, who gives help and to what extent / cultural participation: activities and use of facilities (museums, theatre, etc.) before and during residence in the old peoples home / practice of sport / use of recreational facilities / use of social services / reading and buying books, use of public library / watching c.q. listening to cultural programs on TV and radio / social contacts: giving aid to other people, contacts with children, receiving visitors and paying visits, number of children, relatives and friends living nearby r. / condition of eyes and ears, contacts with family doctor, specialist, physiotherapist, stay in hospital or nursing home, handicaps due to chronic diseases / kind of medical insurance / financial position, sources of income, who administrates the finances / self administeredquestionnaire: satisfaction with life, feelings of fear, loneliness, happiness etc. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ housing situation/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ religion/ consumption of durables/ readership, mass media, and 'cultural' exposure/ organizational membershi

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