7 research outputs found

    Investigation of survivin gene polymorphism in patients with gastric carcinoma

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    Objectives: Despite decreasing incidence of gastric cancerin worldwide, it is still a major health problem. Everyyear, 30.000 new gastric cancer cases emerging, and itis the second most common cancer in Turkey. Gastriccancer is a complex multifactorial disease, emerging byinteraction between genetic and environmental factors.Survivin, apoptosis inhibitory protein is over-expressed incancer tissue. In this study, association between Survivin-31G/C polymorphism and gastric carcinoma was investigated.Materials and Methods: 46 gastric carcinoma patientswho had been admitted at Düzce University Researchand Practice Hospital, Laboratory of Pathology and 42healthy individuals have been included in the study. Sampleshave been subjected to genetic analysis by PCRRFLPmethod in Medical Genetics Department laboratoryat Düzce University.Results: GG genotype was found in 16 (34.8%), GCgenotype in 21 (45.7%), CC genotype in 9 (19.6%) in patientgroup. In control group, genotype distribution werefound 13 (31%), 26 (61.9%) and 3 (7.1%) respectively.The statistically significant difference was not found whencompared between patient and control groups. However,we observed the increased occurrence of gastric cancerassociated with CC genotype (OR=1.52).Conclusions: In our knowledge, this study is the first toevaluate the relationship between gastric carcinoma andSurvivin -31G/C polymorphism in Turkish population. Ourresults show that there is no any association betweengastric carcinoma and Survivin -31G/C polymorphismin the community which is represented by our study andcontrol groups. However, it was concluded that CC genotypemay create the susceptibility to gastric cancer.Key words: Polymorphism, gastric carcinoma, survivinggene, apoptosi

    Investigation of Omentin Levels in Acne Patients

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    YÖK Tez No: 340814Akne yaygın olarak ergenlik çağındakileri ve gençleri etkileyen kronik bir inflamasyon hastalıktır. Çok faktörlü bir hastalık olan aknenin sebepleri arasında diyet, harici etkenler, Propionibacterium acnes ve genetik etkenler gösterilmektedir. Son zamanlarda genetik etki üzerine çok sayıda araştırma yapılmaktadır.Yeni keşfedilen omentin, insülin duyarlılığını arttıran ve ağırlıklı olarak viseral yağ dokusundan salgılanan bir adipokindir. Omentin proteini, insanlarda akciğer, ince barsak, kalp ve adipoz dokuda ifade edilir. Omentin geni, 8 ekzon ve 7 intron bölgesinden meydana gelir ve 1. kromozomda yer alır. Bugüne kadar yapılmış çalışmalarda, omentin geniyle alakalı literatürde sadece bir tane SNP (single nükleotide polimorphsim, tek nükleotidlik farklılık) rapor edilmiştir.Akne tanısı için uygulanabilir bir biyomarker (biyokimyasal veya genetik) arayışı üzerine çalışmalar yapılmaktadır. Yapılan bu çalışmada akne hastalarında omentin seviyesi hem protein hem de genetik seviyede incelendi ve bu veriler arasında korelasyonun olup olmadığı araştırıldı. Elde edilen verilere göre, akne hastaları ve kontrol grubu arasında omentin serum seviyesinde anlamlı bir fark saptanmadı. Aynı şekilde akne hastaları ve kontrol grubu arasında Val109Asp polimorfizmi için istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark saptanamadı (p>0.05).Fakat Val/Val genotipine (mutant homozigot) sahip akne hasta sayısı kontrol grubuna göre yaklaşık 3 kat daha fazla olduğu bulunmuştur. Bu sonuçlara göre Val/Val genotipi akne hastalığının olmasına yatkınlık oluşturabileceği düşünülebilir.Acne is a common chronic inflammatory disease that affects adolescents and young people. Acne is a multifactorial disease, and a wide variety of pathogenic factors such as diet, external factors, propionibacterium acnes, and genetic factors are accepted as reasons of it. Recently, a number of researches have been done on genetic influence.Omentin a newly discovered adipokines secreted mainly by adipose tissue increases insulin sensitivity. In humans, omentin proteins is expressed in lung, small intestine, heart and adipose tissue. Omentin gene located at first chromosome, and has 8 exons and 7 introns. Up to date, there is just one SNP (single nükleotide polymorphsim) relating to omentin gene reported in literature.The studies for viable biomarker (biochemical or genetic) for acne diagnosis have been done. In this study, the level of omentin in patients with acne were examined at both protein end genetic levels, and whether the correlation between these data was investigated. According to the data obtained from experiments, the serum level of omentin were not significantly different between acne patients and control groups. Similarly the Val109Asp polymorphism for omentin were not significantly different between acne patients and control groups (p>0,05).However, it is found that the number of acne patients with Val/Val genotype (homozygous mutant) were approximately three times more than the control group. According to these results, it can be thought the Val/Val genotype can create predisposition to diseas

    Omentin Val/Val genotype increases predisposition to acne vulgaris without changing omentin serum level

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    Yaykasli, Kursat/0000-0001-7550-6370WOS: 000449068700016PubMed: 30301508Acne vulgaris is the most frequent and multifactorial inflammatory skin disorder in all races. Obesity is considered to be a risk factor for acne due to its contribution to inflammation. The involvements of inflammatory (leptin and resistin) and anti-inflammatory (adiponectin) adipokines in the pathogenesis of acne were reported. Omentin resembles adiponectin in terms of having inhibitory effect on tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) induced inflammation, a vital process in the acne formation. This study was designed to investigate the putative involvement of omentin in acne formation. The genotyping was performed by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) method. Serum omentin protein levels were analyzed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Serum omentin level was not significantly changed between groups. However, the decreased serum omentin level was observed as the mean value of BMI increased. The Asp/Asp, Val/Asp and Val/Val genotypes distributions for control and patient groups (19[17.4%], 22[20.2%], and 3[2.8%] respectively, vs. 31[28.4%], 25[22.9%], and 9[8.3%], respectively) were obtained. The Val/Val (mutant homozygote) genotype was found nearly 1.8 times more in the patient group (p=0.403, OR=1.839 (0.442-7.653)). This is the first time to clarify a linkage between anti-inflammatory omentin and acne vulgaris. Omentin Val109Asp polymorphism affects the overall function of the protein. In conclusion, omentin Val/Val (mutant homozygote) genotype increases predisposition to acne vulgaris by probably disrupting overall protein function of omentin.Duzce University Research FundDuzce University [2012.04.HD.043]This project is supported by Duzce University Research Fund, Project Number 2012.04.HD.04

    Omentin serum levels and omentin gene Val109Asp polymorphism in patients with psoriasis

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    Yaykasli, Emine/0000-0001-6471-0106; Yaykasli, Kursat/0000-0001-7550-6370; Kaya, Ertugrul/0000-0003-0081-682XWOS: 000337509800020PubMed: 24321036Background Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory disease of uncertain pathogenesis. Omentin is a new adipokine with anti-inflammatory properties; however, the relationship between psoriasis and omentin has not been fully established yet. Objectives This study was designed to evaluate the relationship between psoriasis and omentin serum levels and Val109Asp polymorphism in exon 4 of the omentin gene. Methods Forty-nine patients with plaque-type psoriasis and 39 healthy subjects were included in the study. Omentin concentrations were determined by using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Val109Asp polymorphism in exon 4 of the omentin gene was assessed by the polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism method. Genotypes were determined according to the bands formed in agarose electrophoresis gels. In the statistical analysis, the level of significance was set at P<0.05. Results The serum omentin levels of the patients with psoriasis (354.2 +/- 152.0) were found to be significantly lower than those in the control group (488.7 +/- 190.3) (P=0.001). A moderate level negative correlation was determined between serum omentin level and body mass index and waist circumference. No significant differences were observed between the patient and control groups in terms of the genotype and allele frequency of Val109Asp polymorphism in exon 4 of the omentin gene (0.05). Conclusions Omentin serum levels were determined to be low in patients with psoriasis. No significant difference was found regarding Val109Asp polymorphism of the omentin gene. To the best of our knowledge, our study is the first clinical study to examine the relationship between psoriasis and omentin in terms of serum and genomic levels.Duzce University Scientific Research Projects CommissionDuzce University [2011.04.03.082]This study was supported by the Duzce University Scientific Research Projects Commission (project no. 2011.04.03.082)

    Investigation of survivin gene polymorphism in patients with gastric carcinoma

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    Amaç: Dünya genelinde mide kanserinin insidansı düşmesine rağmen hala önemli bir sağlık problemidir. Türkiye’de ise yılda 30.000 yeni mide kanseri vakasıyla 2. en sık görülen kanserdir. Mide kanseri genetik ve çevresel faktörlerin etkileşimiyle ortaya çıkan çok faktörlü karmaşık bir hastalıktır. Kanserli dokuda aşırı ifade edilen survivin, apoptozis inhibe edici proteinlerdendir. Bu çalışmada Survivin -31 G/C polimorfizmi ile mide kanseri arasındaki ilişki araştırıldı. Gereç ve yöntem: Çalışma Düzce Üniversitesi Araştırma ve Uygulama Hastanesi Patoloji Laboratuvarına gelen mide kanseri tanısı konmuş 46 hasta ve sağlıklı bireylerin oluşturduğu 42 kişilik kontrol grubu ile gerçekleştirildi. Bu bireylerin genotipi Düzce Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi, Tıb- bi Genetik Anabilim Dalı Laboratuvarlarında PCR-RFLP yöntemiyle tayin edildi. Bulgular: Hasta grubunda, GG genotipi 16 (% 34,8), GC genotipi 21 (% 45,7) ve CC genotipi ise 9 (% 19,6) olguda saptandı. Kontrol grubunda ise, genotip dağılımı sırasıyla 13 (% 31), 26 (% 61,9) ve 3 (% 7,1) bulundu. Hasta ve kontrol grubu karşılaştırıldığında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark saptanamadı. Fakat CC genotipine sahip bireylerin mide kanserine yakalanma riskinin GG (OR1,52) daha fazla risk oluşturduğu bulundu. Sonuç: Bu çalışma bildiğimiz kadarıyla Türk toplumunda mide kanseri ile Survivin -31G/C polimorfizmini araştıran ilk çalışmadır. Elde ettiğimiz sonuçlar hasta ve kontrol gruplarımızın temsil ettiği toplum kesitinde mide kanseri ile Survivin -31 G/C polimorfizmi arasında anlamlı bir ilişki olmadığını göstermekle birlikte CC genotipinin mide kanserine yatkınlık oluşturduğu düşünülebilir.Objectives: Despite decreasing incidence of gastric can- cer in worldwide, it is still a major health problem. Every year, 30.000 new gastric cancer cases emerging, and it is the second most common cancer in Turkey. Gastric cancer is a complex multifactorial disease, emerging by interaction between genetic and environmental factors. Survivin, apoptosis inhibitory protein is over-expressed in cancer tissue. In this study, association between Survivin -31G/C polymorphism and gastric carcinoma was inves- tigated. Materials and Methods: 46 gastric carcinoma patients who had been admitted at Düzce University Research and Practice Hospital, Laboratory of Pathology and 42 healthy individuals have been included in the study. Sam- ples have been subjected to genetic analysis by PCR- RFLP method in Medical Genetics Department laboratory at Düzce University. Results: GG genotype was found in 16 (34.8%), GC genotype in 21 (45.7%), CC genotype in 9 (19.6%) in pa- tient group. In control group, genotype distribution were found 13 (31%), 26 (61.9%) and 3 (7.1%) respectively. The statistically significant difference was not found when compared between patient and control groups. However, we observed the increased occurrence of gastric cancer associated with CC genotype (OR1.52). Conclusions: In our knowledge, this study is the first to evaluate the relationship between gastric carcinoma and Survivin -31G/C polymorphism in Turkish population. Our results show that there is no any association between gastric carcinoma and Survivin -31G/C polymorphism in the community which is represented by our study and control groups. However, it was concluded that CC geno- type may create the susceptibility to gastric cancer

    Polymorphisms in MMP-2 and TIMP-2 in Turkish patients with prostate cancer

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    Hatipoglu, Omer Faruk/0000-0002-1012-001X; Yaykasli, Kursat/0000-0001-7550-6370; Kaya, Ertugrul/0000-0003-0081-682XWOS: 000343068800021PubMed: 25539555Aim: Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed malignancy and the second most common cause of cancer deaths in the Western male population. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and tissue inhibitors of MMPs (TIMPs) modulate the remodeling of the extracellular matrix (ECM). The imbalance between MMPs and TIMPs may lead to an emergence of pathological processes such as cancer. In this study, the association between TIMP-2 (-418 G/C) and MMP-2 (-1306 C/T) polymorphisms and prostate cancer in the Turkish population was investigated. Materials and methods: Sixty-one prostate cancer patients and 46 healthy subjects were included in the study. DNA was isolated from 2 mL of peripheral blood taken from subjects, and genotypes were analyzed by the polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism method. Results: The TIMP-2 418 (GC) genotype was found in 15 cases (32.6%) in the control group and in 9 cases (14.8%) in the patients group, and statistical significance was determined (P = 0.037, OR = 0.346). The MMP-2 1306 (CT) genotype was found 2.17 times more in the patient group than in the control group (P = 0.149, OR = 2.17). Conclusion: Our results show that the TIMP-2 418 (GC) genotype had a putative protective effect against prostate cancer.Duzce University Research FundDuzce University [2012.04.02.107]This project was supported by the Duzce University Research Fund, Project Number 2012.04.02.107