17 research outputs found

    Overview of Requirements Engineering Process for Software Product Lines

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    Software Product Lines is an important strategy to minimize costs and time-to market, and maximize quality and productivity of the software development. It involves the management of variabilities and commonalities among several applications, which increases its complexity compared to traditional software development. In this context, a Requirements Engineering and management are central tasks, important to reduce the risks involved in a development of product line. System requirements must be properly identified, analysed and reviewed in order to provide adequate solution to manage variabilities and integrating them for making easy the products derivation. In this paper Requirements Engineering process and techniques used in some of the product line practices are reviewed and discussed. Also, Requirements Engineering techniques for traditional single product software development are analysed and their applicability in product line development is assessed. This work is licensed under a&nbsp;Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p

    The decade of inclusive educational system in the Republic of Serbia

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    The paper aims to analyze and show the situation and needs in schools related to the inclusion of students with disabilities in mainstream education in the Republic of Serbia in the previous decade, during which inclusive education became legally obliged. The study consisted of two parts: a review and analysis of relevant scientific and professional literature, and empirical pedagogical research, that included 234 respondents. Research findings show that the schoolā€™s inclusiveness depends on developing relationships, experience, and competence of teachers to work with students with disabilities. The research showed significant challenges of inclusive education and proposed measures to improve it. Improvements in the education system in terms of the education of students with disabilities will contribute to improving the care and sensitivity of the system for the specific needs of other minority groups of students. An action plan to improve inclusive education needs to be adopted

    Inclusive education of children with disabilities in the online environment

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    The study aims to determine the circumstances and usefulness of online learning and teaching that have been organized for students with disabilities during the COVID 19 virus pandemic and the closure of schools in Serbia and Montenegro. Online teaching in this case includes all measures taken with the aim of education and upbringing of children and students with disabilities, which were applied in the online environment, through the Internet. Education regulations mention distance education but education systems do not have elaborate procedures for implementing this form of education. During the pandemic, states have organized classes in two segments: the transmission of video lessons on national TV stations, and the preparation, production, distribution, and evaluation of assignments for students, have done by their teachers. There have been no special procedures and methods implemented for educating students with disabilities. The research on the education of children with disabilities in the online environment included parents and teachers of students with disabilities (N = 286) from Serbia and Montenegro. The respondents were surveyed electronically, using specially created questionnaires for both groups of respondents. The data were systematized and analyzed. The results show that the majority of respondents, with a significant difference between groups of teachers and parents (p = .05), think that online learning was not a good replacement for real learning but that in some sense it was useful for children with disabilities; also, most respondents claim that children with disabilities cannot learn online or cannot learn in that way without significant support. The level in organizing online learning for children with disabilities is visible from the results which show that teachers were in contact with students mostly indirectly, through parents to whom they sent materials for learning and practicing. Online learning for children with disabilities has yet to be developed and established as an additional form of real learning and teaching (p= .008). Such learning in special conditions (such as the one brought by the COVID 19 virus pandemic) can be a temporary substitution for real teaching, but with the application of specially adapted approaches and procedures that are suitable for children with disabilities. States should develop appropriate guidelines and establish the necessary conditions to implement the learning of children and students with disabilities in the online environment

    The decade of inclusive educational system in the Republic of Serbia

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    The paper aims to analyze and show the situation and needs in schools related to the inclusion of students with disabilities in mainstream education in the Republic of Serbia in the previous decade, during which inclusive education became legally obliged. The study consisted of two parts: a review and analysis of relevant scientific and professional literature, and empirical pedagogical research, that included 234 respondents. Research findings show that the schoolā€™s inclusiveness depends on developing relationships, experience, and competence of teachers to work with students with disabilities. The research showed significant challenges of inclusive education and proposed measures to improve it. Improvements in the education system in terms of the education of students with disabilities will contribute to improving the care and sensitivity of the system for the specific needs of other minority groups of students. An action plan to improve inclusive education needs to be adopted

    Inclusive education of children with disabilities in the online environment

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    The study aims to determine the circumstances and usefulness of online learning and teaching that have been organized for students with disabilities during the COVID 19 virus pandemic and the closure of schools in Serbia and Montenegro. Online teaching in this case includes all measures taken with the aim of education and upbringing of children and students with disabilities, which were applied in the online environment, through the Internet. Education regulations mention distance education but education systems do not have elaborate procedures for implementing this form of education. During the pandemic, states have organized classes in two segments: the transmission of video lessons on national TV stations, and the preparation, production, distribution, and evaluation of assignments for students, have done by their teachers. There have been no special procedures and methods implemented for educating students with disabilities. The research on the education of children with disabilities in the online environment included parents and teachers of students with disabilities (N = 286) from Serbia and Montenegro. The respondents were surveyed electronically, using specially created questionnaires for both groups of respondents. The data were systematized and analyzed. The results show that the majority of respondents, with a significant difference between groups of teachers and parents (p = .05), think that online learning was not a good replacement for real learning but that in some sense it was useful for children with disabilities; also, most respondents claim that children with disabilities cannot learn online or cannot learn in that way without significant support. The level in organizing online learning for children with disabilities is visible from the results which show that teachers were in contact with students mostly indirectly, through parents to whom they sent materials for learning and practicing. Online learning for children with disabilities has yet to be developed and established as an additional form of real learning and teaching (p= .008). Such learning in special conditions (such as the one brought by the COVID 19 virus pandemic) can be a temporary substitution for real teaching, but with the application of specially adapted approaches and procedures that are suitable for children with disabilities. States should develop appropriate guidelines and establish the necessary conditions to implement the learning of children and students with disabilities in the online environment

    Comparative Analysis of Classic Clustering Algorithms and Girvan-Newman Algorithm for Finding Communities in Social Networks

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    Nowadays finding patterns in large social network datasets is a growing challenge and an important subject of interest. One of current problems in this field is identifying clusters within social networks with large number of nodes. Social network clusters are not necessarily disjoint sets; rather they may overlap and have common nodes, in which case it is more appropriate to designate them as communities. Although many clustering algorithms handle small datasets well, they are usually extremely inefficient on large datasets. This paper shows comparative analysis of frequently used classic graph clustering algorithms and well-known Girvan-Newman algorithm that is used for identification of communities in graphs, which is especially optimized for large datasets. The goal of the paper is to show which of the algorithms give best performances on given dataset. The paper presents real problem of data clustering, algorithms that can be used for its solution, methodology of analysis, results that were achieved and conclusions that were derived. This work is licensed under a&nbsp;Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p

    Dermokozmetički preparati za negu kože u menopauzi

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    As one of the largest organs of the body, the skin is significantly affected by the aging process and menopause. Among others regulatory elements, the estrogen receptor has been detected on the cellular components of the skin. Accordingly, dermal cellular metabolism is influenced by the hypoestrogenoemic state of menopause leading to changes in the collagen content, alterations in the concentration of glycoaminoglycans and most importantly the water content. Clinically, aging may be manifested as wrinkles, skin roughness and dryness, irregular pigmentation, telangiectasia, sallowness and brown spots (lentigines). Wrinkles and telangiectasia are associated with increased risks of actinic keratoses and nonmelanoma skin cancer. For these reasons it is enormously important to use well-designed preparations for everyday cleansing, care and protection. Contemporary preparations contain new biodegradable mild surfactants which are skin- and environmentally-friendly. Also, they include numerous actives: phytosteroids, chosen fats and oils, retinoids, cc-hydroxy acids, non-enzymatic and enzymatic antioxidants (SOD, vitamins E and C, p-caroten, coenzyme Q10, polyphenols), humectant and emollient moisturisers (pseudocollagen, hyaluronic acid, ceramides, Aloe vera gel...). Additionally, most of these preparations should encompass UV-filters and physical blockers (SPF 4 to 12)

    Perspective Chapter: Individual Support Services in Inclusive Education ā€“ <em>Pros et Contras</em> (Polemic)

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    Inclusive education needs constant support for its development and improvement. It is a long and demanding process that requires many changes, both in society and its attitude toward the rights and needs of all children to education, as well as in the management of the education system, which certainly implies the provision of various forms of support for inclusive education. From the position of an approach based on human rights, requirements move in the direction of the complete derogation of all segregated environments for children with disabilities; such attitudes are not emphasized on positive experiences in segregation (separate and stimulating education of the gifted, for example). We cannot ignore the need for children with different abilities for additional educational support. But is it reasonable to expect that teachers can respond to all the challenges that inclusive education sets before them in the context of the requirement to adapt the approach to the needs of each child? In polemic, we discuss the power and weakness of mainstream schools to respond to the requirements of the modern concept of inclusive education for all children and the need to keep professional individual educational support services for children who need them