12 research outputs found

    Strategic adjustment of Serbia s tourist economy to market changes

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    Permanentno prilagođavanje tržišnim promenama ukupne turističke privrede Srbije, predstavlja njeno strategijsko prilagođavanje. U tom smislu sagledavane su dimenzije i strukturne odlike turističkog tržišta, a posebno funkcionalne karakteristike tražnje i ponude. Analizirani su faktori  konkurentnosti turističke ponude. Posebno su obrađeni procesi i složenost promena na turističkom  tržištu kao što su:  dugoročne promene u pokretačkim faktorima turističke traženje, dugoročne tendencije i promene u međunarodnom turističkom poslovanju,  faktori i efekti globalizacije poslovanja u turizmu. U strategijskom prilagođavanju preduzeća turističke privrede, kao i ostalih učesnika u turističkoj ponudi promenama tražnje, pošlo se od procesa formulisanja strategije a potom od tehnološkog i tržišnog prilagođavanja usluga i ostalih instrumenata marketinga.  Zatim je  ukazano na prilagođavanje organizacione strukture preduzeća na turističkom tržištu, a posebno na strategijsko i taktičko upravljanje tražnjom. Obuhvaćen je i koncept strategijskog upravljanja turističkom destinacijom. U daljem istraživanju obuhvaćene su strategijske  osnove razvoja Srbije kao turističke destinacije.  Naročito je ukazano na strategije transformacije preduzeća. Poboljšanje ukupne organizovanosti turističke privrede Srbije podrazumeva unapređenje proizvoda i ostalih instrumenata tržišnog nastupa turističke ponude.  To podrazumeva i strategijsko unapređivanje prodajno-promotivnih aktivnosti.  Dati su elemnti perspektive razvoja turizma Srbije do  2010 godine, zajedno sa ekološkom komponentom turističkog proizvoda Srbije.Permanent adjusting of the overall Serbian touristic economy to the market changes represent a form  of its strategic adjustment. Dimensions and structural characteristics of the tourist market, and especially the functional characteristics of demand and offer have been perceived from that aspect. Factors of competitiveness of the tourist offer have also been analyzed. Processes and complexity of changes on the tourist market such as: long term tendencies and changes in motivating  factors of the tourist demand, long-term tendencies and changes in the carrying of business activities in tourism, factors and effects of globalisation of the carrying out of business enterprises in tourist economy, as well as that of the other participants in tourist offer of to do schanges of the demand have been initiated by process of strategy formulation, followed by technological and market adjustments of services and other marketing instruments. At a later stage, adjustment of organizational structure of enterprises to the scanges on the tourist market, and especially strategic and tactical management of the demand have also been pointed out


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    Interdepadance of agricultural development and rural tourism in contemporary conditions will be more important. Agriculture has to provide human survival, as its goal, to provide food, necesary ror the people. In a process of agricultural production, people have changed natural environment ecological conditions. People needs are biger, not only nutritional, but the industrial needs of organic materials. Thats the agricurtural influence in ecosystem transformation. The way and the intensity of rural spaces and agriculturalland using have much more influence and circumstances on the society and country, than on each agricultural worker. The agrarian politics is a factor which should have, as its goal, providing wanted food quantities for domestic population as well as for the export. The agrarian politics have significant influence on the modern country management and enforcement of sustinable agriculture and healthy food production. In Serbia agriculture is not full protected and stimulated. So, theres need of agrarian politics transformation. In that kind of conditions, tourism development is directly dependingon agriculture and living environment protection. Rural tourism and sustainable development is very importante from aspect European integration process. Present state of our agrriculture and tourist industry clearly indicates the necesity to carry out the reform


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    Abstract: The task of this paper is to perceive the usage of information technologies in hotel business in Novi Sad, as well as the level of utilization of the present information technologies potentials. In terms of that, the level of computer competence of the employees and the quality of conditions for information technologies implementation in the hotel industry of Novi Sad, are analyzed. The following indicators were examined: computer existence in hotels and in which positions, possibility of the Internet usage and the connection type, the availability of the Internet and data bases to the hotel guests, the existence of the hotel web site presentation, possibility of on-line booking and the existence of hotel information system (HIS). The research for the purpose of this paper was conducted on the sample of five hotels categorized 3* -5*. Data were collected by survey method, using questionnaire as the instrument for collecting necessary data

    The Characteristics of Foreign Direct Investments in Serbia

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    The international movement of capital takes place in three main forms, namely: international mobility of credit capital, portfolio investments and foreign direct investments. Foreign direct investments (Greenfield investments) today are considered as the most desirable form of international capital. They represent such type of capital investment in the company through which ownership control over the company is being acquired. Direct investment of capital can be made in the existing company (modernization, expansion, etc.) abroad, or in the construction of a new capacities ("Greenfield investment"). In both cases the capital owner decides where to invest capital, how to organize production, takes care of the conditions of placements, the financial results of operations and the like, but also bears the risk of doing business. Therefore, foreign direct investments carry the highest business risk, but also bring the most revenue or profit. Foreign direct investments (FDI) play a key role in economic development. When it comes to the exporting countries, export of capital allows increased use of capacities, expansion of markets and new technology development, and essentially comes down to profit maximization, especially in medium and long term. When it comes to importing countries, import of capital provides an additional accumulation, transfer of new technologies and know-how without need to purchase a license, higher exports, the ability to finance new investments which affects the growth of employment, income, labor productivity, increase of budget revenues and other effects.foreign direct investments, investments in Serbia

    The Effects of Tourism on the GDP of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia in the Process of European Integration

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    Tourism is a socio-economic phenomenon exerting considerable economic, social and political impact, thus securing itself an important position in the overall economic growth. The principal purpose of this paper is to present the effects of the EU integration process on tourist movements in Serbia, Macedonia and Montenegro during the period 2006-2014, as 2006 was the year when one of the surveyed countries initiated EU accession negotiations, and tourism sector contribution to GDP in these countries in the period from 2002-2013 based on the data available for these years. To that end, the authors have compared the relationship between the number of foreign tourist arrivals and overnight stays and the GDP rates in the surveyed countries. Upon reviewing the available sources, the authors have reached the conclusion that during the EU integration period, an increase in the number of foreign tourists and overnight stays positively correlated with the GDP growth. EU integration process has had a positive bearing on tourism movements in the surveyed countries. The panel regression method has shown that despite a continuous increase in the number of foreign tourist arrivals, tourism sector still makes a modest direct contribution to the overall economic growth of the surveyed countries (Serbia, Montenegro, and Macedonia). Also, the Granger causality test was applied to demonstrate that it is not possible to predict GDP values in any of the surveyed countries based on the tourism revenue growth, while tourism contribution to GDP in Macedonia and Montenegro can be predicted based on their GDP

    Historical development of tourism in Serbia

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    The analysis of the research papers on the beginnings of tourism development in the world led to the conclusion that our literature lacked detailed studies dealing with the historical development of tourism in Serbia. The aim of this paper is to present the results of the research into the available documentation on the developments related to the first forms and types of tourism, including observations, notes and experiences of the first passengers on the territory of today's Serbia. In order to indicate the directions of the current tourism development, it is necessary to analyse its original forms in the past, and also to compare whether the first tourism forms have reached their peak development until today. The importance of tourism can be seen not only through its economic indicators and impacts, but also through cultural, educational, health and other needs of both tourists and locals. Various forms of tourism in the past can affect not only their future development, but also the tourist consumption of domestic and foreign tourists, as well as the development of the entire tourism industry

    The Impact of Ownership Structure on Corporate Performance in Transitional Economies

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    The relationship between ownership structure and corporate performance might be remarkably strong and in formative within transition economies. In this research, we explore this relationship, referring to the example of the Republic of Serbia. For that purpose, appropriate linear models have been fitted to the panel dataset compiled from financial reports of 2101 non-financial companies actively operating during the period 2008-2013. The results indicate that, after controlling for size effect, companies characterised by state, dispersed or/and foreign ownership have significantly lower profitability in comparison to their counterparts. We would argue that an intensified agency problem and lack of entrepreneurial spirit might be the root of the profitability problem

    The contribution of tourism industry on the GDP growth of Western Balkan countries

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    Tourism industry records various economic, social, political and others influences and provides itself important position in the overall economic development of many countries. The analysis of the available data of tourist arrivals and number of tourist overnight stays in observed countries of the Western Balkans (Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro) led us to conduct research in order to determine tourism contribution to the overall economic growth. Based on the modified methodology used by Brida et al. (2008) for calculating real GDP growth rates and tourism contribution to the overall economic growth, the paper indicates that tourism makes a modest direct contribution to the overall economic growth in the examined countries, regardless of the continuous increase in the number of foreign tourist arrivals. The level of tourism contribution to the overall economic growth varies and it is primarily related to diversity and quality of supply (the highest contribution is recorded in Montenegro, while lowest contribution is observed in Macedonia)

    Total Quality Management Implementation and Guest Satisfaction in Hospitality

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    Total quality management (TQM) has become a modern system of constant improvement of the quality of all company activities. The purpose of this study is to measure the expectations and satisfaction of the guests concerning the attribute quality of the hotel product. Furthermore obtained results were compared in such a way as to analyse particularly the reviews of hotels which have implemented TQM and have the ISO 9001 certificates with reviews from hotels which have not implemented TQM and do not have the ISO 9001 certificates. The conducted analysis included 55 hotels in Serbia belonging to the 4- and 5-star categories, i.e. 1308 guests who have stayed in them. The results show that between the observed groups of guests there are fewer differences in expectations than in perception, and that generally speaking guests who have stayed in the hotels that have implemented TQM are more satisfied. The biggest difference concerning the guest satisfaction with the quality of service in the observed hotels is noticeable in relation to the employees and the value-for-money


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    Tourism has recorded a favorable development trend in the previous decades. Despite the fact that it was occassionaly exposed to adverse effects of the crises caused by numerous economic and non-economic factors, tourism has managed to recover significantly faster and record a higher growth rate compared to the entire world economy. This paper analyses the effects of the economic crisis and other non-economic factors on tourist movements in Serbia during the period 2007-2014, with special emphasis on Zlatibor as a popular tourism destination. The aim of this paper is to show that the aforementioned crisis had a major impact on the movements of domestic and foreign tourists in Serbia and Zlatibor during the analyzed period. Based on the available data, research was conducted and the results showed that the economic factors primarily led to the reduction in the number of tourists in Serbia, while the economic crisis had more impact on domestic travel than on the movements of foreign tourists in our country