464 research outputs found

    Structure of the Draco Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy

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    This article studies the structure of the Draco dwarf spheroidal galaxy with an emphasis on the question of whether the spatial distribution of its stars has been affected by the tidal interaction with the Milky Way, using R- and V-band CCD photometry for eleven fields. The article reports coordinates for the center, a position angle of the major axis, and the ellipticity. It also reports the results of searches for asymmetries in the structure of Draco. These results, and searches for a ``break'' in the radial profile and for the presence of principal sequences of Draco in a color-magnitude diagram for regions more than 50 arcmin from the center, yield no evidence that tidal forces from the Milky Way have affected the structure of Draco.Comment: 25 pages, 11 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for publication in A

    A theoretical look at ensemble-based optimization in reservoir management

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    Ensemble-based optimization has recently received great attention as a potentially powerful technique for life-cycle production optimization, which is a crucial element of reservoir management. Recent publications have increased both the number of applications and the theoretical understanding of the algorithm. However, there is still ample room for further development since most of the theory is based on strong assumptions. Here, the mathematics (or statistics) of Ensemble Optimization is studied, and it is shown that the algorithm is a special case of an already well defined natural evolution strategy known as Gaussian Mutation. A natural description of uncer-tainty in reservoir management arises from the use of an ensemble of history-matched geological realizations. A logical step is therefore to incorporate this uncertainty description in robust life-cycle production optimization through the expected objective function value. The expected value is approximated with the mean over all geological realizations. It is shown that the frequently advocated strategy of applying a different control sample to each reservoir realization delivers an unbiased estimate of the gradi-ent of the expected objective function. However, this procedure is more variance prone than the deterministic strategy of applying the entire ensemble of perturbed control samples to each reservoir model realization. In order to reduce the variance of the gradient estimate, an importance sampling algorithm is proposed and tested on a toy problem with increasing dimensionality.acceptedVersio

    Arginine interactions with anatase TiO2 (100) surface and the perturbation of 49Ti NMR chemical shifts – a DFT investigation: relevance to Renu-Seeram bio solar cell

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    Density functional theoretical calculations have been utilized to investigate the interaction of the amino acid arginine with the (100) surface of anatase and the reproduction of experimentally measured 49Ti NMR chemical shifts of anatase. Significant binding of arginine through electrostatic interaction and hydrogen bonds of the arginine guanidinium protons to the TiO2 surface oxygen atoms is observed, allowing attachment of proteins to titania surfaces in the construction of bio-sensitized solar cells. GIAO-B3LYP/6-31G(d) NMR calculation of a three-layer model based on the experimental structure of this TiO2 modification gives an excellent reproduction of the experimental value (-927 ppm) within +/- 7 ppm, however, the change in relative chemical shifts, EFGs and CSA suggest that the effect of the electrostatic arginine binding might be too small for experimental detection

    Modeling propagation in large deformed step-index fibers using a finite operator method

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    © 2019 Optical Society of America. A finite operator model is applied to the propagation of light in deformed step-index fibers. The distribution of the light captured by the fiber from an arbitrary initial excitation is illustrated in the phase space for each fiber boundary. The method proves to be promising in modeling the transmission of light in the presence of fiber asymmetries. Simulations are made of the captured power in the core in the presence of fiber deformations

    Classical limit of the d-bar operators on quantum domains

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    We study one parameter families DtD_t, 0<t<10<t<1 of non-commutative analogs of the d-bar operator D_0 = \frac{\d}{\d\bar{z}} on disks and annuli in complex plane and show that, under suitable conditions, they converge in the classical limit to their commutative counterpart. More precisely, we endow the corresponding families of Hilbert spaces with the structures of continuous fields over the interval [0,1)[0,1) and we show that the inverses of the operators DtD_t subject to APS boundary conditions form morphisms of those continuous fields of Hilbert spaces

    Core Formation by a Population of Massive Remnants

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    Core radii of globular clusters in the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds show an increasing trend with age. We propose that this trend is a dynamical effect resulting from the accumulation of massive stars and stellar-mass black holes at the cluster centers. The black holes are remnants of stars with initial masses exceeding 20-25 solar masses; as their orbits decay by dynamical friction, they heat the stellar background and create a core. Using analytical estimates and N-body experiments, we show that the sizes of the cores so produced and their growth rates are consistent with what is observed. We propose that this mechanism is responsible for the formation of cores in all globular clusters and possibly in other systems as well.Comment: 5 page
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