5 research outputs found

    Получение и антисептические свойства состава на основе таллового пека

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    The tall pitch, modified by polyethylenepolyamine, has been prepared. Antimicrobic and anticorrosion properties of the product obtained, have been studied. The possibility of its use in impregnating compositions for protection of cable yarn and underground power cable, has been shownПриведены результаты получения и изучения свойств таллового пека, модифицированного полиэтиленполи-амином. Изучены антимикробные и антикоррозионные свойства полученного продукта. Показана возможность его использования в пропиточных составах, применяемых для защиты кабельной пряжи, силовых кабелей подземной прокладки

    Identification of the plant oil composition by chromatographic and spectral methods

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    This article presents the results of research by chromatographic and spectroscopic methods of fatty acid composition of vegetable oils which sold in the trading network of the Republic of Belarus, it also presents an assessment of their quality characteristics from the standpoint of modern views on food hygiene. It was found, that the vegetable oils include both saturated and unsaturated fatty acids with one or two double bonds. Two samples of sunflower oil was found in the analysis that do not meet the requirements of the quantitative content of oleic and linoleic acids. Quality counterfeits were also found among the tested olive oils. Fatty acid composition must be controlled continuously during production and use of vegetable oils, and especially mixtures thereof. The combination of spectroscopic and chromatographic methods allows obtaining detailed picture of analysis of the fatty acid content in oils

    NMR analysis of chloroform extracts of Nigella seeds

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    A comparative NMR analysis of chloroform extracts of three species of the Nigella family (Nigella damascena L., Nigella sativa L., Nigella orientalis L.) has been carried out and the influence of seeds grinding on the extract composition has been investigated. The seeds were obtained from plants cultivated on the experimental site of the Department of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology of the Central Botanical Garden NAS of Belarus. Fatty acid composition of the extract was evaluated; linoleic and oleic acids are the most abundant among triglycerides. The presence of pcymene and thymoquinone in the extracts was proven. A severe grinding of the seeds results in the extraction of additional compounds from the seed shell, and decomposition of triacylglycerols. The difference of fatty acids composition of three different Nigella species has been shown. The specificity of Nigella damascena is the highest content of eicosa dienoic acid in the seeds extracts, while Nigella orientalis contains the highest amount of linoleic acid. Nigella sativa is the leader in p -cymene and thymoquinone accumulation

    The composition study of terpenoidmaleic adducts

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    The work contains studies of the chemical composition of adducts on the basis of terpenoids and maleic anhydride to provide controlled synthesis on the basis of their secondary products with specified performance characteristics. The determination of the qualitative and quantitative composition of the mixtures of resin acids of pine turpentine and rosin by their methyl esters was performed with GLC analysis; the components of pine resin, rosin, turpentine, adducts was performed with NMR spectroscopy, functional groups in the original terpenoid resins and products of their interaction with oxygen-containing compounds (maleopimaric acid) and terpenoidmaleic adducts by the method of IR spectroscopy. Good convergence of the results obtained by NMR spectroscopy and GLC analysis on the composition of pine resin, gum rosin and turpentine confirms their authenticity. Using the obtained experimental and calculated data the composition of terpenoidmaleic adducts wasset. When obtaining resin terpenoidmaleic adducts, the composition of turpentine solution of resin varied in the range from 30/70 to 70/30 wt %, the calculated amount of maleic anhydride to link all resin acids with conjugated double bonds and terpene hydrocarbons varied from 57.7 to 38.3 wt %. It is shown that when modification of turpentine composition from 30/70 to 70/30 wt % with maleic anhydride increases, there is a significant change in the compositions of obtained terpenoidmaleic adducts of rosin. When comparing experimental data and theoretical calculations regularity is established in the change of composition of terpenoidmaleic of rosin adducts obtained from various terpentine: content of maleopimaric acid naturally increases with the increase of resin acids and the content of terpenoidmaleic adducts decreases. It is shown th at terpinoidmaleic adducts are multicomponent sys-tems composed of maleopimaric acid, terpinolene ad ducts, and of resin acids, which do not react with maleic anhydride. By varying the composition of the turpentine and the amount of maleic anhydride, adducts with different content components can be obtained, and hence, regulating their specifications. The efficiency of using the methods of NMR and IR spectroscopy to study the composition terpenoidmaleic adducts is demonstrated

    NMR analysis of the composition of essential oil of fur during its evaporation

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    Comparative analysis of the composition of essential oil of fir during its evaporation in air for 12 weeks by method of NMR 1 H and 13 C was carried out. 12 major essential oil components were identified and quantified. It was found that the compositional change of essential oil is reflected experimentally in the quantitative content of components, and caused mainly by evaporation of highly volatile compounds. The oxidation and polymerization processes in new products approve themselves slightly