6 research outputs found

    Dipole-matter interactions governed by the asymmetry of Maxwell equations

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    Directionally molding the near-field and far-field radiation lies at the heart of nanophotonics and is crucial for applications such as on-chip information processing and chiral quantum networks. The most fundamental model for radiating structures is a dipolar source located inside a homogeneous matter. However, the influence of matter on the directionality of dipolar radiation is oftentimes overlooked, especially for the near-field radiation. We show that the dipole-matter interaction is intrinsically asymmetric and does not fulfill the duality principle, originating from the inherent asymmetry of Maxwell equations, i.e., electric charge and current are ubiquitous but their magnetic counterparts are non-existent to elusive. Moreover, we find that the asymmetric dipole-matter interaction could offer an enticing route to reshape the directionality of not only the near-field radiation but also the far-field radiation. As an example, both the near-field and far-field radiation directionality of Huygens dipole (located close to a dielectric-metal interface) would be reversed, if the dipolar position is changed from the dielectric region to the metal region

    Quantum Control of Graphene Plasmon Excitation and Propagation at Heaviside Potential Steps

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    Quantum mechanical effects of single particles can affect the collective plasmon behaviors substantially. In this work, the quantum control of plasmon excitation and propagation in graphene is demonstrated by adopting the variable quantum transmission of carriers at Heaviside potential steps as a tuning knob. First, the plasmon reflection is revealed to be tunable within a broad range by varying the ratio Îł between the carrier energy and potential height, which originates from the quantum mechanical effect of carrier propagation at potential steps. Moreover, the plasmon excitation by free-space photos can be regulated from fully suppressed to fully launched in graphene potential wells also through adjusting Îł, which defines the degrees of the carrier confinement in the potential wells. These discovered quantum plasmon effects offer a unified quantum-mechanical solution toward ultimate control of both plasmon launching and propagating, which are indispensable processes in building plasmon circuitry

    Faraday Rotation Due to Surface States in the Topological Insulator (Bi<sub>1–<i>x</i></sub>Sb<sub><i>x</i></sub>)<sub>2</sub>Te<sub>3</sub>

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    Using magneto-infrared spectroscopy, we have explored the charge dynamics of (Bi,Sb)<sub>2</sub>Te<sub>3</sub> thin films on InP substrates. From the magneto-transmission data we extracted three distinct cyclotron resonance (CR) energies that are all apparent in the broad band Faraday rotation (FR) spectra. This comprehensive FR-CR data set has allowed us to isolate the response of the bulk states from the intrinsic surface states associated with both the top and bottom surfaces of the film. The FR data uncovered that electron- and hole-type Dirac Fermions reside on opposite surfaces of our films, which paves the way for observing many exotic quantum phenomena in topological insulators

    Efficiency of Launching Highly Confined Polaritons by Infrared Light Incident on a Hyperbolic Material

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    We investigated phonon–polaritons in hexagonal boron nitridea naturally hyperbolic van der Waals materialby means of the scattering-type scanning near-field optical microscopy. Real-space nanoimages we have obtained detail how the polaritons are launched when the light incident on a thin hexagonal boron nitride slab is scattered by various intrinsic and extrinsic inhomogeneities, including sample edges, metallic nanodisks deposited on its top surface, random defects, and surface impurities. The scanned tip of the near-field microscope is itself a polariton launcher whose efficiency proves to be superior to all the other types of polariton launchers we studied. Our work may inform future development of polaritonic nanodevices as well as fundamental studies of collective modes in van der Waals materials