117 research outputs found

    Il puzzle dell'innovazione didattica all'Università di Urbino: l'esperienza del CISDEL (Centro Integrato servizi Didattici ed E-learning

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    Il puzzle dell’innovazione didattica all’Università di Urbino: l’esperienza del CISDEL (Centro Integrato di Servizi Didattici ed E-learning) Flora Sisti – Giovanni Torrisi – Università Carlo Bo – Urbino Abstract (Italiano) I nuovi mezzi di comunicazione offrono un enorme potenziale per i processi di innovazione sociale, didattica e tecnologica del sistema universitario. Viviamo in una società liquida, dove l’informazione è ubiqua, i servizi sono globali e le popolazioni si spostano costantemente. In questo contesto, anche il ruolo dell’università cambia ed emergono nuove forme di apprendimento. L’ateneo di Urbino mette a sistema una tradizione già consolidata di servizi didattici grazie all’istituzione del CISDEL che fornirà un utile caso di studio nel presente contributo. Il CISDEL promuove un modello didattico istituzionalizzato che coniuga contenuti e prassi innovative con la dimensione tecnologica realizzata attraverso tre diverse piattaforme digitali: elearning.uniurb.it, dedicata ai servizi a distanza; blended.uniurb.it, che aggiunge alla tradizionale didattica in aula nuovi strumenti e modalità di apprendimento ed education.uniurb.it, riservata all’offerta di formazione per il life-longlearning. The Puzzle of Didactic Innovation at the University of Urbino: The CISDEL Experience (The Integrated Centre for University Didactic Services and E-Learning) Abstract (English) New means of communication offer enormous potential for processes of social, didactic and technological innovation within the university system. We live in a liquid society in which information is ubiquitous, services are global and populations move constantly. In this context, where new learning forms are emerging, the role of the university must change. The University of Urbino improves organizationally its consolidated tradition of didactic services to students and teachers thanks to the institutionalization of CISDEL, which becomes an interesting case-study for the present contribution. CISDEL promotes an innovative didactic model which combines new contents and teaching/learning strategies with ICT through three different online platforms: elearning.uniurb.it, dedicated to distance learning; blended.uniurb.it, which adds new tools and learning modes to traditional didactics; and education.uniurb.it, which offers high education life-long learning courses

    A new model with Serpent for the first criticality benchmarks of the TRIGA Mark II reactor

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    We present a new model, developed with the Serpent Monte Carlo code, for neutronics simulation of the TRIGA Mark II reactor of Pavia (Italy). The complete 3D geometry of the reactor core is implemented with high accuracy and detail, exploiting all the available information about geometry and materials. The Serpent model of the reactor is validated in the fresh fuel configuration, through a benchmark analysis of the first criticality experiments and control rods calibrations. The accuracy of simulations in reproducing the reactivity difference between the low power (10 W) and full power (250 kW) reactor condition is also tested. Finally, a direct comparison between Serpent and MCNP simulations of the same reactor configurations is presented

    Effectiveness of clinical decision support systems and telemedicine on outcomes of depression: a cluster randomized trial in general practice

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    Background: Computerized Clinical Decision Support Systems (CCDSS) are information technology tools, designed to improve clinical decision-making. Telemedicine is a health care service delivery using videoconferencing, telephone or messaging technologies. Objectives: Our project aimed at testing the effectiveness of a composite CCDSS and telemedicine approach designed to treat depression in primary care. Methods: This cluster randomized trial involved four GP clinics located in Northern Italy. Two clinics were assigned to the experimental protocol, and two served as controls. The study compared the telemedicine group (TG), in which GPs had access to a CCDSS platform, with the control group (CG) in which GPs provided treatment as usual (TAU). Patients scoring >= 11 on Patient Heath Questionnaire and >= 26 on the Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology-Self-Report were eligible for participation. Patients were also administered the World Health Organization Quality of Life-BREF to assess quality of life and Medical Interview Satisfaction Scale 21 to assess satisfaction with the medical interview. Results: Overall, 2810 patients were screened and 66 in the experimental group and 32 in the CG passed the screening stages and met inclusion criteria. The percentage of remitters at 6 months was significantly higher in the TG than in the CG group (24.1% versus 3.1%, chi(2) = 6.6, P = 0.01). This difference remained significant after adjusting for baseline confounders. Physical and psychological quality of life improved significantly from baseline in both groups. Patients reported, on average, good satisfaction with the medical interview. Conclusions: Our study showed that a combined CCDSS and telemedicine approach may be more effective than the TAU offered by GPs to patients with depression

    Comparison of Computerized Cardiotocography Parameters between Male and Female Fetuses

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    Fetal sex has been identified as an important factor influencing pregnancy outcomes, but its impact on fetal heart rate (FHR) variability in uncomplicated pregnancies is still unclear. The objective of the study was to assess short-term variability (STV) and other computerized cardiotocography (cCTG) parameters in relation to fetal sex during fetal antepartum surveillance. We retrospective compared cCTG parameters of male and female fetuses in uncomplicated singleton pregnancies at term. In addition to univariate analysis, a multivariate analysis was performed taking into account maternal characteristics. A total of 689 cCTG recordings were analyzed: 335 from male fetuses and 354 from female fetuses. Analysis of cCTG results by fetal sex showed no significant difference in percentage of signal loss, number of contractions, movements, accelerations and decelerations, long-term variability (LTV), and STV at both uni-and multivariate analysis. There was a statistically significant difference for baseline FHR at the univariate analysis, which was not confirmed by a multivariate analysis. Our results suggest that fetal sex did not affect cCTG parameters in uncomplicated term singleton pregnancies, and therefore it does not need to be taken into account when interpreting cCTG in physiological conditions

    Cervicoisthmic choriocarcinoma mimicking cesarean section scar ectopic pregnancy

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    Primary choriocarcinoma of the uterine cervix is an extremely rare disease. The clinical diagnosis of cervical choriocarcinoma is difficult, because of its rarity and being non-specific abnormal vaginal bleeding the most common symptom. In the present report, the authors present a case of cervical choriocarcinoma, which was initially misdiagnosed as a cesarean section scar ectopic pregnancy. Remission of cervical choriocarcinoma was accomplished with the combination of hysterectomy and chemotherapy
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