1,290 research outputs found

    ‘Co-Emergence’ In Ecological Continuum: Educating Democratic Capacities Through Posthumanism as Praxis

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    In this piece I argue for posthumanism-based deliberation and education toward just global ecologies. I propose posthumanism’s nonanthropocentric ethical approach and conceptual framework enables a processual multiperspectival account of rich, variegated bionetworks and their organic and inorganic materials’ interrelationships and interdependencies. Among reciprocal studies and methodologies, I consider Mitchell’s (2004) integrative pluralism in tandem with a developmental systems paradigm of co-emergence to acknowldge the dynamic epistemological continuum of complex ecologies. In terms of specific embedded learning experiences, I briefly discuss Lind’s Konstanz Method of Dilemma Discussion (KMDD)¼ as one specific approach in which to cultivate democratic capacities whilst embracing the destabilizing-stabilizing tendencies of posthumanistic praxis for inclusive flourishing

    The Perpetuation of a Myth: The Anderson-Axworthy Affair

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    Abstract A member of the Canadian Advisory Council on the Status of Women (CACSW) gives her account of events comprising the crisis of 1980-81. As an activist from outside Ontario, Berenice Sisler presents a different view than that of lawyers and the central Canadian women’s movement. Sisler indicated that this account was written in 1997. She referred to Edward Greenspon and Anthony Wilson-Smith (1996) as having provoked it, and wrote in ink at the bottom of the last page “February, 1997.” RĂ©sumĂ© Un membre du Conseil consultatif canadien sur la situation de la femme (CCCSF) fait son propre rĂ©cit des Ă©vĂ©nements qui ont engendrĂ© la crise de 1980-1981. En tant que militante venant de l’extĂ©rieur de l’Ontario, Berenice Sisler prĂ©sente une vision diffĂ©rente de celle des avocats et du mouvement fĂ©ministe du Canada central. Sisler a indiquĂ© que ce rĂ©cit avait Ă©tĂ© rĂ©digĂ© en 1997. Elle a citĂ© Edward Greenspon et Anthony Wilson-Smith (1996) comme les personnes ayant provoquĂ© cette crise et a Ă©crit Ă  l’encre au bas de la derniĂšre page « FĂ©vrier 1997.

    Basic Income, Eco-logical Ethics, and Interdependent Well-Being

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    A Basic Income (universal basic income or citizen’s income) could contribute to the means for living a dignified ecologically- and socially-aligned life characterized by well-being, freedom, and equality. After laying out key definitions, I reflect on moral and ethical issues regarding Basic Income’s implementation, backed by supportive theory and evidence. These arguments organise around interdependence in eco-social systems and core requirements of ontogenesis as well as the intersection and intertwining of socio-cultural, political, and economic factors, known as socio-ecological determinants of global health and well-being. Following that, I briefly make the case for why intersectional and intersubjective aspects should be closely held in contextualized view of Basic Income’s democratised drafting and provision

    Elementary Education Goat Video: I Goat This!

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    The purpose of this project was to create an interactive educational video to expand the agricultural knowledge of children in third through fifth grade. The video features goats in effort to improve the next generation’s enthusiasm about agriculture. Consumer agricultural literacy has declined due to most people living at a distance from the farm. Specific objectives were to include interesting information about the terminology used and the tendencies of goats. The process involved researching this information, contacting the actor, professors, and goat herder, filming the goats multiple times for different animal tendencies, and editing the final video. The video turned out slightly different than planned. Animals are living beings who do not act on command which causes difficulties, but their tendencies also create new ideas which helped enhance the video. These educational videos could continue with the multitude of agricultural subject matter to add to the educational aspect. Different types of videos could also be created to reach a wider audience with the same general objective of progressing agricultural literacy

    The Lady in the Red Brimmed Hat

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    There is a place where the road rises up just before descending into the hollow of Olema. Looking right, one can see the sheen of Tomales Bay sliding all the way north. The sad half light of the November afternoon gives the hills and fields a muted sepia tone like a photograph you might find in your grandmother’s attic

    Experimental investigation for characterizing and improving inlet designs in rotating detonation engines

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    Rotating detonation engines (RDEs) present great potential for significant improvement in efficiency for land based power generation systems, in addition to aircraft propulsion devices. They offer the advantage of a net pressure gain across the combustor, as well as high exhaust temperatures and less entropy production due to detonative combustion. These improvements provide direct correlation to improved overall efficiency and thermal efficiency of gas turbine engines. RDEs surpass their conventional combustor counterparts in terms of their geometric size and simpler mechanical design. Among many areas of much needed research to further the technology readiness level (TRL) of RDEs, the inlet design is paramount to the successful operation of a rotating detonation engine. The inlet is one of the central impetuses behind current RDE research.;The existing inlet designs for RDEs in the research community are not optimized for maximum performance, yet are mostly used to operate research combustors. They are shown to induce high pressure drop, anywhere from 50-90%, and provide insufficient mixing for the inlet reactants. They also provide poor interaction between channel pressure fluctuations and detonation propagations. For these reasons, novel inlet design concepts are devised and tested in this work. The primary goal of the work is to design an inlet that is well isolated from the combustion channel, and is conducive to short interruption times of its refueling capability due to shockwave passes. This will precede the loss reduction efforts to the inlet. A combustor from the Air Force Research Lab (AFRL) serves as the baseline geometry for all testing conducted. A linear lab scale testing device, which is a scaled model of the full size cylindrical RDE to allow for lower flow rates and pressures to be used, has been developed for more simplified and rapid experimental testing of inlet concepts. Novel inlet geometries are designed and created using additive manufacturing techniques. Initial experiments are conducted on the baseline inlet and are used as comparison experimental results of new inlet designs. Geometric characteristics are leveraged for their acoustic and resonant properties in order to provide the highest backflow prevention. Experimental results for each design are presented and evaluated. High-speed Schlieren video is used to supplement the quantitative data reported, and is used to analyze the flow structures and interactions with detonation. Novel inlet concepts are presented that show capability to reduce the pressure influence of detonation by 1-2%, and improve the refueling time of the injectors. Improvements from the baseline inlet consist of improvements in backflow length by up to 60%, as well as reduction in recovery times from 20-30%

    Comparison of the Batch and Individual Log Study Methods for use in Determining Log Breakeven Pricing

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    Understanding log yields and overrun is critical to a profitable sawmill operation. Lumber yield and overrun data can be gathered through one of two types of sawmill studies: batch studies or individual log studies. Little to no research has previously been conducted to determine if one method provides more reliable results than the other method. For this effort, 16 batch studies were conducted. Individual log studies were also conducted on the same logs, allowing a direct comparison of the results from both study types. A breakeven analysis was conducted for each study type, which determined the amount of variability in breakeven prices generated from the two types of sawmill studies. Results show that batch compositions were quite variable, leading to unreliable breakeven pricing results. The individual log study method provided more reliable lumber yield and overrun results, leading to more reliable breakeven pricing results

    Card from Ella Sisler to Hubert Creekmore

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    Sisler writes a Christmas card from Tulksa, Oklahoma, to Creekmore via the Fleet Post Office in San Francisco, California. Includes envelope.https://egrove.olemiss.edu/creekmore/1317/thumbnail.jp

    Third culture kids: adjusting to a changing world

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    Kindergarten in London, Vorschule in Rio und Grundschule in Moskau: Was frĂŒher hauptsĂ€chlich Kinder von Diplomaten betraf, wird im Rahmen der Globalisierung mit steigender MobilitĂ€t der Arbeitnehmer immer gĂ€ngiger. Auch Kinder von entsandten Mitarbeitern globaler Unternehmen, Facharbeitern, Entwicklungshelfern, Lehrern, Medienvertretern, MilitĂ€rbediensteten oder Missionaren ziehen wĂ€hrend ihrer Kindheit und Jugend oft um und wechseln dabei die Kultur. Die Autorinnen berichten aus dem seit 2008 laufenden Pilotprojekt "TCK-Third Culture Kids", in welchem rund 60 Kinder und Jugendliche zwischen 12 und 18 Jahren, die internationale Schulen in Berlin besuchen und dem Profil von Drittkultur-Kindern entsprechen, zu Themen wie Selbstwirksamkeit, Zugehörigkeit und Integration befragt wurden. Ziel des Projektes ist es, die so genannte Risikogruppe besser zu verstehen, um Lehrer und PĂ€dagogen, die mit "TCK-Kids" arbeiten, fĂŒr dieses Thema zu sensibilisieren und Programme zur Vorbereitung fĂŒr das "globale Nomadentum" zu entwickeln. In diesem Rahmen gilt es, Leitlinien und Trainingsprogramme fĂŒr PĂ€dagogen und Lehrer zu erstellen, die auf die speziellen BedĂŒrfnisse der Drittkultur-Kinder RĂŒcksicht nehmen. (ICI2
