12 research outputs found

    Designing an Online Case-Based Library for Technology Integration in Teacher Education

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    The purpose of this paper is to introduce an interactive online case-study library website developed in a national project. The design goal of the website is to provide interactive, enhanced, case-based and online educational resource for educators through the purpose and within the scope of a national project. The ADDIE instructional design model was used in the development of the website for interactive case-based library. This library is developed on a web-based platform, which is important in terms of manageability, accessibility, and updateability of data. Users are able to sort the displayed case-studies by their titles, dates, ratings, view counts, etc. The usability test is used and the expert opinion is taken for the evaluation of the website. This website is a tool to integrate technology into education. It is believed that this website will be beneficial for pre-service and in-service teachers in terms of their professional developments

    Designing an Online Case-Based Library for Technology Integration in Teacher Education

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    The purpose of this paper is to introduce an interactive online case-study library website developed in a national project. The design goal of the website is to provide interactive, enhanced, case-based and online educational resource for educators through the purpose and within the scope of a national project. The ADDIE instructional design model was used in the development of the website for interactive case-based library. This library is developed on a web-based platform, which is important in terms of manageability, accessibility, and updateability of data. Users are able to sort the displayed case-studies by their titles, dates, ratings, view counts, etc. The usability test is used and the expert opinion is taken for the evaluation of the website. This website is a tool to integrate technology into education. It is believed that this website will be beneficial for pre-service and in-service teachers in terms of their professional developments

    Эмбриональный рак яичка у взрослого пациента мужского пола: отчет о клиническом случае

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    Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Usak University, Usak, Turkey, Kemalöz Family Health Center, Uşak, Turkey, Department of Family Medicine, İKÇÜ Atatürk Educ. Res. Hospital, İzmir, TurkeyAbstract. As a case presentation, the present paper aims to present a patient with pure embryonal carcinoma, which is rarely seen, together with the relevant literature. The case is a 36-year-old male patient, who applied to the clinic with complaints of pain and swelling in the left testis. In the scrotal doppler ultrasonography, hypoechoic solid lesion contoured to the lobule almost filling the left testis and having the size of 25x60 mm were observed. Histopathological and immunohistochemical analysis of this case was diagnosed with pure embryonal carcinoma. All the patients with complaints of pain-free mass in the testis should be investigated. Although pure embryonal carcinoma is rarely seen, it is one of the tumors that can be clinically and histopathologically confused with other testis tumors and should be considered for the patients applying to the clinic with complaints of pain-free mass in testis.Rezumat. Lucrarea prezintă cazul, mai rar întâlnit, de carcinom embrionar pur la un pacient de sex masculin, însoțit de literatura relevantă. Pacientul, în vârstă de 36 de ani, a aplicat la clinică cu acuze de durere și umflături la nivelul testiculului stâng. În ultrasonografia scrotală doppler, s-au observat leziuni solide hipoecogene conturate până la lobul, aproape umplând testiculul stâng și având dimensiunea de 25x60 mm. Analiza histopatologică și imunohistochimică a acestui caz a fost diagnosticată cu carcinom embrionar pur. Toți pacienții cu acuze de masă nedureroasă în testicule ar trebui investigați. Deși carcinomul embrionar pur se întâlnește rar, el rămâne una dintre tumorile care pot fi confundate clinic și histopatologic cu alte tumori ale testiculului și ar trebui luat în considerare în cazul pacienților care se adresează cu acuze de masă fără durere în testicule.Резюме. В качестве презентации клинического случая настоящая статья имеет целью представить пациента с чистой эмбриональной карциномой, которая редко встречается, вместе с соответствующей литературой. Пациент 36 лет обратился в клинику с жалобами на боль и припухлость в левом яичке. При ультразвуковом допплеровском исследовании мошонки наблюдались твердые гипоэхогенные очаги, очерченные долькой, почти заполняющие левое яичко и имеющие размер 25x60 мм. Гистопатологический и иммуногистохимический анализ этого случая выявил чистую эмбриональную карциному. Все пациенты с жалобами на безболезненное образование яичек должны быть обследованы. Хотя чистая эмбриональная карцинома встречается редко, это одна из опухолей, которую клинически и гистопатологически можно спутать с другими опухолями яичка, и ее следует учитывать пациентам, обращающимся в клинику с жалобами на безболезненное образование в яичках

    Fathers' knowledge about and attitudes towards breast feeding in Manisa, Turkey

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    WOS: 000318904400014PubMed ID: 22840976Objective: to determine the extent of knowledge fathers of newborns have about breast feeding and lactation and to examine their attitudes regarding breast feeding. Design: a descriptive, cross-sectional study. Setting: Manisa Maternity and Children's Hospital. Participants: 203 fathers of newborn infants. Findings: although a wide majority of the participants (92.1%) expressed a desire to have their infants breastfed, it was found that only 58.6% discussed this with their partners. It was discovered that 88.7% of the fathers were happy to help with the housework so that their wives could breast feed while 57.6% stated that breast feeding would be psychologically beneficial to both the mother and the baby. Approximately half of the study subjects (48.8%) expressed an interest in attending an educational programme on breast feeding for fathers. The study also showed that the fathers' level of education, the type of family they were a part of and previously received education on lactation and breast feeding had an effect on their knowledge and attitudes toward breast feeding (p < 0.05). Conclusion: it was seen that fathers were eager to have their infants breastfed but unable to adequately share such thoughts with their wives. It was also observed that their knowledge about breast feeding and lactation was limited, leading to the conclusion that fathers may benefit from a supportive educational programme on breast feeding. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Cytopathologic diagnosis in pleural effusion and cyto-histopathologic correlation

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    A retrospecti&#775;ve evaluation of the epitelial lesions / neoplasms of the gallbladder in Usak city and determination of the visual frequency

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    Cholecystectomy is one of the most common types of surgical operations and includes many pathologies ranging from the most common cholecysistitis to randomly detected dysplasia and cancer. In this study, it is aimed to obtain a general regional incidence by documenting gallbladder pathology data in Usak province and to contribute to literature in this field. Between 2015 and 2019, 1712 cholecystectomy specimens were analyzed retrospectively in the Department of Pathology, Usak University Training and Research Hospital; adenocarcinoma (primary invasive carcinomas), low and high grade dysplasias (Biliary intraepithelial neoplasia - BillN1,2 ), neoplasms / adenomas, intestinal pyloric metaplasia, reactive atypia and other lesions were re-evaluated with Olympus CX41 light microscope and based on recent diagnoses. Epithelial changes / lesions were reported in 11.3% of cholecystectomy materials. Of these epithelial lesions, 6.18% had adenocarcinoma, 4,6% had high-grade dysplasia, 29,3% had low-grade dysplasia, 27,3% reactive / regenerative atypia and 2,06% - 14,9% - 15,4 %, neoplastic polyps, intestinal metaplasia and intestinal + pyloric metaplasic respectively. Of the cases with dysplasia and carcinoma, 39.3% and 33.4% were male, 60.7% and 66% female, respectively. The mean age was 57 in dysplasia and 66 in carcinoma. The female / male ratio in carcinoma cases was 2/1 and 41.6% of these cases had stones. The remaining lesions (88,7%) were non-neoplastic polypoid / hyperplastic leions and pyloric metaplasia. According to our findings, we suggest that, even in the absence of clinical symptoms, an adequate number of samples should be taken from the specimen during histopathological examination, especially in elderly women with long-standing stones due to the risk of developing precancerous lesions. [Med-Science 2020; 9(1.000): 26-32

    Does anti-Helicobacter pylori immunohistochemical staining has a confirmative role in the definitive diagnosis of negative gastric biopsy samples stained with routine histological stains?

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    Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) causes chronic gastritis, and is associated with gastric lymphoma and carcinoma. Although severe infections with many bacteria can be identified easily on hematoxylin-eosin (H&E)stained tissue samples; the identification ratio is only 66% with many false-positive and false-negative results. Furthermore, identification of the low-density bacteria, primarily following the therapy, requires special staining methods. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the use of anti-helicobacter immunohistochemical (IHC) methods in the histopathological diagnosis of H. pylori is necessary to obtain accurate results. We investigated whether the use of specific immunohistochemical methods can detect H. pylori, which previously undetected by classical histological staining methods, in endoscopic gastric biopsy specimens. The study involved 210 endoscopic gastric biopsies considered as H. pylori negative with routine histological stainings and subsequently applied IHC staining methods to confirmative diagnosis. Inflammation was seen in all cases. One hundred thirty-eight patients had chronic inactive, 72 patients had chronic active gastritis. While H. pylori was found as negative in all cases with H&E and Giemsa stainings, in 60 of all these cases, H. pylori was found as positive with anti-H. pylori IHC staining. We suggest that in cases of chronic gastritis suggestive of H. pylori infection, when H. pylori cannot be seen by routine histological stainings, the IHC staining method is a definitive diagnostic tool for identification of H. pylori to avoid from false negative results. [Med-Science 2019; 8(4.000): 786-91

    Designing an Online Case-Based Library for Technology Integration in Teacher Education

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    The purpose of this paper is to introduce an interactive online case-study library website developed in a national project. The design goal of the website is to provide interactive, enhanced, case-based and online educational resource for educators through the purpose and within the scope of a national project. The ADDIE instructional design model was used in the development of the website for interactive case-based library. This library is developed on a web-based platform, which is important in terms of manageability, accessibility, and updateability of data. Users are able to sort the displayed case-studies by their titles, dates, ratings, view counts, etc. The usability test is used and the expert opinion is taken for the evaluation of the website. This website is a tool to integrate technology into education. It is believed that this website will be beneficial for pre-service and in-service teachers in terms of their professional developments

    The Prognostic Value of the Novel Global Immune-Nutrition-Inflammation Index (GINI) in Stage IIIC Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients Treated with Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy

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    Background: We sought to determine the prognostic value of the newly developed Global Immune-Nutrition-Inflammation Index (GINI) in patients with stage IIIC non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) who underwent definitive concurrent chemoradiotherapy (CCRT). Methods: This study was conducted on a cohort of 802 newly diagnosed stage IIIC NSCLC patients who underwent CCRT. The novel GINI created first here was defined as follows: GINI = [C-reactive protein × Platelets × Monocytes × Neutrophils] ÷ [Albumin × Lymphocytes]. The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis was used to determine the optimal pre-CCRT GINI cut-off value that substantially interacts with the locoregional progression-free (LRPFS), progression-free (PFS), and overall survival (OS). Results: The optimal pre-CCRT GINI cutoff was 1562 (AUC: 76.1%; sensitivity: 72.4%; specificity: 68.2%; Youden index: 0.406). Patients presenting with a GINI ≥ 1562 had substantially shorter median LRPFS (13.3 vs. 18.4 months; p p p p p p < 0.05 for each). Conclusion: The newly developed GINI index efficiently divided the stage IIIC NSCLSC patients into two subgroups with substantially different median and long-term survival outcomes