3 research outputs found

    Peranan Bimbingan Konseling Islam bagi Siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas

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    Bimbingan dan konseling islam di sekolah dalam membangun keseimbangan antara emosi, intelektual, spiritual dan sikap kepribadian para peserta didik. Adapun sasaran tulisan ini adalah lembaga-lembaga pendidikan dan para mahasiswa fakultas dakwah dan ilmu komunikasi dan fakultas ilmu tarbiyah dan keguruan yang berkepentingan untuk memberikan pembinaan dalam membangun keseimbangan ilmu dan mental kepribadian serta mental keagamaan para peserta didik. Secara ringkas, dari tulisan ini dapat dipahami, bahwa lembaga pendidikan berkewajiban menugaskan kepada para peserta didik untuk memberikan pembekalan kepada para peserta berupa ilmu pengetahuan. Sama pentingnya dengan memberikan pembekalan ilmu pengetahuan kepada para peserta didik ini, para pengelola lembaga pendidikan juga dituntut untuk menugaskan kepada para guru yang memiliki kompetensi untuk memberikan pendampingan kepada para peserta didik selama menjalani proses belajar mengajar. Islam merupakan sumber utama dalam membentuk pribadi seorang muslim yang baik. Dengan berlandasankan al-quran dam as-sunnah, islam mengarahkan dan membimbing manusia ke jalan yang diridhoi-nya dengan membentuk kepribadian yang berakhlak karimah. Sebagaimana sabda rosulullah saw: sesungguhnya aku diutus untuk menyempurnakan akhlak yang muli

    Pelatihan Da’I Muda Sumatera Utara

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    Da'wah Islamiyah is the education of Islamic values which is taught through oral, written, and behavior or actions. To that end, Al-Ittihadiyah has responded to the need for da'wah cadres as “Islamic educators” in society by training the younger generation in training activities for young da'i. This paper aims to analyze the role of the DPW Al-Ittihadiyah in fostering young da'i in North Sumatra. The data were collected by means of interview techniques, observation, and documentation review. Furthermore, the data were analyzed using reduction techniques, data display, and conclusion drawing. The data validity was tested through triangulation and member check. The results of this study indicate that the role of Al-Ittihadiyah in fostering young preachers in North Sumatra has been carried out well through preachers' training every year since 2017. This is indicated by 3 aspects, namely (1) input in the form of efforts to produce young preachers. AlIttihadiyah through youth preachers training, (2) a process in the form of training activities with Islamic da'wah practices and materials for 3x24 hours, and (3) the output in the form of delegating young preachers to the Tanah Karo area for 7x24 hours. 

    The Role Of Technology For Islamic Education In Covid 19 Era

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    Technology is a reflection of the progress of the times. Science and the dynamism of its development demand novelty and progress. For this reason, Islamic education institutions must not be negligent, let alone anti-technology, especially in the Covid-19 era. This is the basic reason for the establishment of state Islamic universities in Indonesia that are members of the public and private Islamic Religious Universities (PTKI). This paper analyzes the role of technology in Islamic education in the Covid-19 era. This study uses a qualitative approach with a literature study method. books and scientific articles become materials or "knives" for analyzing studies and checking the validity of the data. The results of this study indicate that technology plays a very important role in Islamic education in the current Covid-19 era, this is indicated by (1) the technical use of online learning platforms which are conducted face-to-face virtual via Zoom Meeting and chat via WhatsApp, E-Learning, Google Classroom, and others; (2) the use of technology for Islamic education in the Covid-19 era was marked as an academic facility, a network facility, a means of institutional quality assurance and a means of student activities