31 research outputs found

    Fröccsöntő paraméterek optimalizálása a szerszámban kialakult belső nyomás segítségével.: Optimization of injection molding parameters based on cavity pressure

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    The aim of this work is to optimize the process parameters of an injection molding machine that was built in the framework of a final project and is located in the laboratory of the Mechanical Engineering Department of the Sapientia University. The examined parameters were the injection temperature, the injection pressure and the holding time. The experimental design was generated by using a 3 factorial Box-Behnken method. Tensile specimens were injection molded, while monitoring the cavity pressure at two locations with a Cavity Eye system. The parameters were optimized for HDPE. Based on the analysis of the results, considering the tensile strength as the output of the statistical model, only the holding time showed a significant effect. Kivonat Egy, a Sapientia Egyetem Marosvásárhelyi Kárának Gépészmérnöki laboratóriumában található, államvizsga dolgozat keretében kivitelezett, fröccsöntő gép paramétereinek optimalizálása a dolgozat célja. A vizsgált fröccs paraméterek a fröccsöntési hőmérséklet, fröccs nyomás és az utónyomási idő. Box-Behnken metódus által generált kísérleti tervet próbatestek fröccsöntésére alkalmaztuk, melyeken szakítószilárdsági vizsgálatot végeztünk. A szerszám üregben kialakult nyomást a Cavity Eye által gyártott rendszer segítségével mértük két helyen.  A kísérletekben használt anyag a HDPE. A szakító szilárdságot tekintve kimeneti paraméterként kizárólag az utónyomási idő szignifikáns paraméter.&nbsp

    Methylene Blue Bridges the Inhibition and Produces Unusual Respiratory Changes in Complex III-Inhibited Mitochondria. Studies on Rats, Mice and Guinea Pigs

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    Methylene blue (MB) is used in human therapy in various pathological conditions. Its effects in neurodegenerative disease models are promising. MB acts on multiple cellular targets and mechanisms, but many of its potential beneficial effects are ascribed to be mitochondrial. Ac-cording to the “alternative electron transport” hypothesis, MB is capable of donating electrons to cytochrome c bypassing complex I and III. As a consequence of this, the deleterious effects of the inhibitors of complex I and III can be ameliorated by MB. Recently, the beneficial effects of MB ex-erted on complex III-inhibited mitochondria were debated. In the present contribution, several pieces of evidence are provided towards that MB is able to reduce cytochrome c and improve bio-energetic parameters, like respiration and membrane potential, in mitochondria treated with com-plex III inhibitors, either antimycin or myxothiazol. These conclusions were drawn from meas-urements for mitochondrial oxygen consumption, membrane potential, NAD(P)H steady state, MB uptake and MB-cytochrome c oxidoreduction. In the presence of MB and complex III inhibitors, unusual respiratory reactions, like decreased oxygen consumption as a response to ADP addition as well as stimulation of respiration upon administration of inhibitors of ATP synthase or ANT, were observed. Qualitatively identical results were obtained in three rodent species. The actual metabolic status of mitochondria is well reflected in the distribution of MB amongst various com-partments of this organelle

    Potenciálisan biológiailag aktív természetes anyagok és rokon vegyületeik kémiájának tanulmányozása = Study of the Chemistry of Natural Products and Related Compounds of Potential Biological Activity

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    1) Behatóan tanulmányoztuk a Pd(0)-katalizálta szén - szén(nitrogén) kötés kialakítását az O- és N- hetrociklusok körében. 2) A csontritkulás ellen hatásos ipriflavon analógjainak előállítása során tanulmányoztuk a flavanonok gyűrűszűkülési reakciójának korlátait. 3) Sikeresen folytattuk a célra-orientált kutatásunkat egy új GP inhibítor hatású antidiabetikum kifejlesztésére. 4) Tanulmányoztuk 1,4-dioxánvázas májvédő hatású vegyületek enantioszelektív szintézisét. 5) Candida albicans ellen hatásos kis toxicitású prenilezett flavanon származékok szintézisét dolgoztuk ki. 6) Elsőként ismertük fel a szilárd fázisban mért, a röntgen adatok alapján kvantumkémiai úton számított CD összehasonlításán alapuló abszolút konfiguráció meghatározás lehetőségét . 7) Potenciálisan dopaminerg hatású új apomorfin származék szintézisét dolgoztuk ki. 8) Biológiailag aktív szénhidrát származékok szintézisét megoldva számottevően szélesítettük a szintetikus ismereteinket e területen 9) A fenti kutatásainkkal fiatal kutatók ( 3fő/post.doc., 8 fő/PhD hallgató, 3 fő/ MSc és 3 fő/BSc fokozattal rendelkező kémikus) képzését segítettük elő és a tanszék infrasturkuráját is fejlesztettük a fentebb felsoroltak kapcsán . | 1) Pd(0)-catalyzed C-C(N) formation has been studied intensively in the field of O-and N- heterocycles. 2) In the course of the synthesis iprifavone analogues of potential antiosteoporosis activity, the scope and limitation of the ring-contraction of flavanones have been investigated in detail. 3) Our target-oriented research has been successfully continued for the development of a new antidiabetic agent possessing GP inhibitor activity. 4) The enantioselective synthesis of 1,4 benzodioxane derivatives of liver protecting activity has been studied. 5) The synthesis of prenylated flavanone derivatives possessing low toxicity and high activity against Candida albicans has been achieved. 6) We have firstly recognized that the absolute configuration of chiral molecules could be determined safely by the comparison of their CDs measured in solid state and calculated by a TDDFT CD methodology using their X-ray coordinates as input for the calculation. 7) The synthesis of new apomorfin derivatives of improved binding affinity to dopamine receptors has been achieved. 8) Our synthetic experiences in the field of carbohydrate chemistry was significantly improved by the synthesis of a series of carbohyrate derivatives of biological activity. 9) The education of young research fellows (3 post.doc., 8 PhD student , 3 MSc and 3 BSc chemist) was supported and the infrastructure of our institute has also been improved by the above listed researches

    Preparation and Characterization of Fenofibrate-Loaded PVP Electrospun Microfibrous Sheets

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    Fenofibrate-loaded electrospun microfibrous sheets were prepared in an attempt to enhance the dissolution of the poorly soluble antihyperlipidemic agent and to improve its bioavailability. Physicochemical changes that appeared during the electrospinning process were monitored using a wide array of solid-state characterization techniques, including attenuated total reflectance Fourier-transformed infrared spectroscopy and positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy, while fiber morphology was monitored via scanning electron microscopy. Dissolution studies carried out both in 0.025 M sodium dodecyl sulfate and in water revealed an immediate release of the active agent, with an approximately 40-fold release rate enhancement in water when compared to the micronized active agent. The dramatic increase in dissolution was attributed partially to the amorphous form of the originally crystalline active agent and the rapid disintegration of the electrospun microfibrous sheet due to its high surface area and porosity. The obtained results could pave the way for a formulation of the frequently used antihyperlipidemic agent with increased bioavailability

    Dual RNA-Seq Profiling Unveils Mycoparasitic Activities of Trichoderma atroviride against Haploid Armillaria ostoyae in Antagonistic Interaction Assays

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    Armillaria species can survive for decades in the soil on dead woody debris, develop rapidly under favorable conditions, and harmfully infect newly planted forests. Our previous study found Trichoderma atroviride to be highly effective in controlling Armillaria growth; therefore, our current work explored the molecular mechanisms that might play a key role in Trichoderma-Armillaria interactions