4 research outputs found
Citoarhitektura humanog paraventrikularnog jedra
Introduction. The significance of this research in terms of structure and biochemical processes in PVN contributes to further understanding of vital physiological processes from delivery and stress to delicate chemical processes that keep the hypothalamo-hypophysial axis in balance. Conclusion. Comparative studies of the human hypothalamus with the hypothalamus of other mammals enable further research, especially pharmacological and physiological ones. These are made possible with the aid of highly sophisticated equipment for examination of neurophysiological features of the brain.Ovim Älankom smo želeli da ukažemo na važnost paraventrikularnog jedra pokazujuÄi novije podele Äelijskih podgrupa, kao i podele prema hemijskom sastavu proteina koji se nalaze u njemu. FizioloÅ”ka uloga hipotalamo-hipofiznog kompleksa je svakako uslovljena njegovim vezama sa drugim delovima mozga, kao i hemijskim supstancijama od kojih zavisi prenos signala. UvoÄenjem savrÅ”enijih tehnika u razvojno-neurobioloÅ”ka istraživanja, možemo da pratimo i poredimo mnoge delove mozga, pa i paraventrikularno jedro s istim jedrima drugih sisara, a time omoguÄimo lakÅ”i rad na eksperimentalnim modelima fizioloÅ”ko-farmakoloÅ”kih i drugih istraživanja
The Role of C-Fos Protein, Somatostatin and Neuropeptide Y in the Pathogenesis of Ischemic Brain Injuries Based on Animal Model of Cerebral Ischemia
The aim of this study was to define all the areas of changes in expression of nuclear c-Fos protein (c-Fos), cytoplasmic somatostatin (SS) and neuropeptide Y (NPY) in rat brain during experimental ischemia. Using the immunohistoche- mical method, brain mapping (based on the atlas by Paxinos & Watson) of immunoreactivity for c-Fos, SS and NPY in 39 rats, was studied in telencephalon, diencephalon and midbrain after resistant and transitory ischemia. The first ex- perimental group (R group) was exposed to resistant ischemia by occlusion (10 minutes) of four vessels according to the Pulsinelli method. The second group was first exposed to transitory (4 minutes) ischemia (preconditioning) and, after 72 hours, to total ischemia as in the R group. There was a statistical difference between the R and T group in the c-Fos reac- tion, especially in the parietofrontal cortex, anterior amygdaloid area, claustrum, reuniens nucleus and suprachiasmatic nucleus. The dominant immunohistochemical reactivity was found for c-Fos protein, and the most reactive in terms of co-localization of c-Fos with SS and NPY was periventricular area of hypothalamus. The mapping showed that both, phylogenetically new as well as phylogenetically older brain structures reacted immunohistochemically. The results of our study, regarding the impact of preconditioning with a short period of ischemia on c-Fos activity and co-localization of c-Fos with SS and NPY immunoreactivity, showed the need for future studies of brain neuropeptides related to re- gional and time effects, and indicated brain structures which may require pharmacological targeting to achieve neuro- protective level of proto-oncogene activity in populations at risk
Quantitative analysis of the change in neuronal numerical density of the human nucleus dentatus within development
Background/Aim. The role of the dentate nucleus is to coordinate input information coming from the lower olivary complex and various parts of the brainstem of the spinal marrow with the output information from the cerebellar cortex. To better understand functions and relations of the dentate nucleus it is highly important to study its development process. The aim of this study was to determine a possible mathematical model of decrease in neuronal numerical density of the human nucleus dentatus at different stages of development. Methods. This study included 25 fetal brains of different age (12.5-31 weeks of gestational age and one brain of a 6-day-old newborn). The brains were fixed in 10% formalin-alcohol solution and embedded in paraffin. Sections were cut at a thickness of 6, 15, and 30 Ī¼m and stained with cresyl violet. Each fifth section was analyzed using a light microscope, and numerical density of dentate nucleus neurons was established using the M42 Weibel's grid system. Results. The obtained results revealed a constant decrease in numerical density value. The changes of numerical densities at different stages of development correspond with Boltzmann function principles. The first, almost perpendicular part of Boltzmann function corresponds with the development of the dorsomedial lamina and the appearance of ventrolateral lamina primordium. The second, more or less horizontal part of Boltzmann function corresponds with the development of both laminae. Conclusion. The obtained results indicate that Boltzmann function can be considered a mathematical model of change in neuronal numerical density of dentate nucleus at different stage of development