28,764 research outputs found

    Study of convective magnetohydrodynamic channel flow

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    Study involves the effects of the interactions of electromagnetic, velocity, and temperature fields to aid in the design of a magnetohydrodynamic device. It concerns a theoretical analysis of the convective flow of an electrically conducting gas in a channel composed of conducting walls

    Visible and near-IR spectral reflectance of geologically important materials: A short review

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    Examples of reflectance spectra are presented and discussed for various mineral groups including pyroxenes, olivene, phylosilicates, amphiboles, feldspars, oxides and hydroxides, carbonates, and mixtures of minerals. The physical sources of some spectral features are also reviewed such as charge transfer and conduction bands, crystal field absorptions, and vibrational absorptions

    A next-generation mapping spectrometer

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    Operational and design characteristics for a remote sensing instrument for aircraft and orbital use are defined. The ideal instrument would be based around two-dimensional detector arrays, silicon for the visible and very-near infrared (0.4 to 1.0 microns) and InSb or PbS for the rest of the near-infrared (out to about 2.6 microns). Spectral information would be dispersed along one axis. Thus one exposure or frame would simultaneously record a full spectrum for each pixel in a row perpendicular to the ground track. The instrument should be smart and versatile, with extensive pre-processing capability programmable from the ground. Spatial and spectral resolution, signal to noise radio, data precision, and calibration and atmospheric corrections are also discussed

    Evaluating Lossy Collections for Java Applications

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    We propose to remove live objects from near-full heaps to reduce memory pressure. We modify Java Collections to enable lossy behavior. Some DaCapo benchmarks tolerate an amount of live data loss

    Rapid Bayesian position reconstruction for gravitational-wave transients

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    Within the next few years, Advanced LIGO and Virgo should detect gravitational waves from binary neutron star and neutron star-black hole mergers. These sources are also predicted to power a broad array of electromagnetic transients. Because the electromagnetic signatures can be faint and fade rapidly, observing them hinges on rapidly inferring the sky location from the gravitational-wave observations. Markov chain Monte Carlo methods for gravitational-wave parameter estimation can take hours or more. We introduce BAYESTAR, a rapid, Bayesian, non-Markov chain Monte Carlo sky localization algorithm that takes just seconds to produce probability sky maps that are comparable in accuracy to the full analysis. Prompt localizations from BAYESTAR will make it possible to search electromagnetic counterparts of compact binary mergers.Comment: 23 pages, 12 figures, published in Phys. Rev.

    Radiation Damping Effects in Two Level Maser Oscillators

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    Several experiments [1,2] have noted recently that when an inverted two-level spin system was permitted to radiate spontaneously, the resulting oscillation was characterized by an appreciable amplitude modulation. The phenomenon was first believed to be the result of interference of different spin packets in an inhomogeneously broadened spectrum [1]. A theoretical analysis (which will be reported separately) shows that this is not the case. The spins are not independent but are coupled together by means of their radiation field. This explanation has since been by its original authors