5 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Rasio Panjang Dan Diameter Pipa Suplai Terhadap Unjuk Kerja Model Pompa Tanpa Motor (Hydraulic Ram Pump)

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    A hydraulic ram pump is environmentally friendly devices using the energy from a stream of water falling from a low head as the driving power to pump part of the water to a head much higher than the supply head for agricultural or domestic use. In the use of this pump, one of factors that influence the performance is ratio of drive pipe length to diameter (L/D). This paper presents the experimental study of effect of ratio of drive pipe length to diameter on hydraulic ram pump designing model. This hydraulic ram pump designing model is tested on various ratio of drive pipe length to diameter, namely 158, 165, 176, and 202. The results of the testing of the model hydraulic ram pump shows that the operation of this pump should use the ratio of drive pipe length to diameter (L/D) of 176. Using supply head of 1 m and volume of air chamber of 5702,754 cm3, water can be pumped with the volume flow rate of 3 lit/min to the height of 8,5 m, and the efficiency of this pump is 78,7 %. The data of the testing results also show that using the volume of air chamber of 4562,203 cm3, and supply head of 1 m, this model of hydraulic ram pump can lift water of 2,727 lit/min to the height of 9,5 m with the maximum efficiency of 87,96 %.

    Perancangan Alat Uji Gesekan Aliran Di Dalam Saluran

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    Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Lampung has been established since 1998 and implementation of the learning process at this Department supported by ten laboratories. One of these laboratory is laboratory of Mechanical fundamental phenomena. But testing equipment available until now in this laboratory is still lacking. In this paper is given, design an analysis of test result of friction flow in channel testing equipment, with channels used are: circle, triangel, square with hydraulic diameter of Dh . Results of testing equipment show relationship between friction factor f and Reynolds number close to the graph on Moody diagram in the textbook of fluid mechanics. That means, this friction flow in channel testing equipment can be used to support laboratory work of mechanical fundamental phenomena in the Mechanical Department Engineering, University of Lampung

    Penggunaan Saluran untuk Meningkatkan Unjuk Kerja Model Sistem Pembangkit Listrik Ultra Low Head

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    Pada makalah ini diberikan peningkatan unjuk kerja model sistem pembangkit listrik untuk memanfaatkan energi aliran irigasi Way Tebu yang ada di Desa Banjar Agung Udik, Kecamatan Pugung, Kabupaten Tanggamus dengan menggunakan turbin helik. Model sistem pembangkit listrik ini menggunakan turbin helik dengan bentuk sudu yang simetri yaitu NACA 0030, panjang chord 41,8 cm, jumlah sudu 3 buah, dan kemiringan sudu turbin 62 o.. Peningkatan unjuk kerja model sistem pembangkit listrik dengan menggunakan saluran pengarah, dimana hasil pengujian menunjukkan saluran pengarah ini dapat meningkatkan kecepatan aliran air dari 31,1 % sampai 38 %. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan unjuk kerja turbin helik dengan menggunakan sudu turbin tiga buah, dihasilkan daya poros maksimum turbin dengan saluran 240,7 W, dimana tanpa saluran 98,74 W. Daya listrik maksimum yang dibangkitkan dengan menggunakan model sistem pembangkit listrik dengan saluran ini juga meningkat menjadi 127,68 W dengan efisiensi sistem 39,17% terhadap daya hidro (energi kinetik air) dimana sebelumnya 26,01 W dengan efisiensi 26,34 %

    Perancangan Model Pembangkit Listrik dengan Menggunakan Teknologi Pompa tanpa Motor (Hydraulic Ram Pump)

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    This paper presents the design of parameters of hydraulic ram pump and hydraulic turbine to use the energy of flowing water for water supply to generate electrical power and irrigation. Design of parameters of hydraulic ram pump with head of water supply of 1,5 m was obtained: 1,25 in. diameter and 8 m length of drive pipe, 200 gr and 4,6 cm of weight and diameter of impulse valve, 4.200 cm3 of air chamber volume. The testing results of the hydraulic ram pump model shown that water could be pumped as far as the height of 7 m and 8 m, with the volume flow rate of 2,755 lit/men and 1,73 lit/men. Design of geometric parameters of cross flow hydraulic turbine with head of water supply of 1,75 m was obtained: 12 cm and 8 cm of external and internal diameter, 25 cm of runner width, and 18 of runner number. The testing results of the cross flow hydraulic turbine shown that power could be generated 83,47 W with the volume flow rate of 0,01 lit/s and the efficiency of 71,05 % at 799 rpm. The testing result also shown that with using volume flow rate of 0,003 lit/s, this turbine could be generated 23,39 W with the efficiency of 46,64 %. Technically the technology of hydraulic ram pump can be developped and used to supply of water for irrigation and generating of electrical power