378 research outputs found

    Asymmetric perception of gains vs non-losses and losses vs non-gains: The causal role of regulatory focus

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    Recent studies show that, while losses loom larger than equivalent non-gains, gains loom larger than equivalent non-losses. This finding, at odds with the loss aversion principle, has been interpreted within the framework of regulatory focus theory. In this study, we explore the causal effect of regulatory focus on the asymmetric perception of gains vs non-losses and losses vs non-gains. We examine the perceived effects of both hypothetical and actual changes in monetary wealth, while orthogonally manipulating framing, valence, and regulatory focus. We find a significant interaction between the three factors. The gain vs non-loss asymmetry in perceived satisfaction is stronger in promotion focus, while the loss vs non-gain asymmetry in perceived dissatisfaction is stronger in prevention focus. The results suggest that the effects of incentives framed in terms of (non)gains and (non)losses, depend on their congruence with the individual’s motivational state.Loss-gain asymmetry, regulatory focus, prospect theory, subjective value

    Molecular analysis of the effects of Piroxicam and Cisplatin on mesothelioma cells growth and viability

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    Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) have been proposed for prevention and treatment of a variety of human cancers. Piroxicam, in particular, has been recently shown to exert significant anti-tumoral activity in combination with cisplatin (CDDP) on mesothelioma cells. However, the mechanisms through which NSAIDs regulate the cell cycle as well as the signal pathways involved in the growth inhibition, remain unclear. In the present study, using two mesothelioma cell lines, MSTO-211H and NCI-H2452, we have investigated the influence of piroxicam alone and in association with CDDP on proliferation, cell cycle regulation and apoptosis. In both cell lines a significant effect on cell growth inhibition, respect to the control, was observed with all the drugs tested. Moreover, treatment with piroxicam or CDDP alone altered the cell cycle phase distribution as well as the expression of some cell cycle regulatory proteins in both cell lines. These effects were increased, even if in a not completely overlapping manner, after treatment with the association of piroxicam and CDDP. In particular, the two drugs in NCI cell line had a synergistic effect on apoptosis, probably through activation of caspase 8 and caspase 9, while the most evident targets among the cell cycle regulators were cyclin D1 and p21waf1. These results suggest that the association of piroxicam and CDDP specifically triggers cell cycle regulation and apoptosis in different mesothelioma cell lines and may hold promise in the treatment of mesothelioma

    Morality and intergroup relations: Threats to safety and group image predict the desire to interact with outgroup and ingroup members

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    • We investigated the behavioral consequences of ingroup and outgroup morality. • Immoral targets elicited less positive behavioral intentions than moral ones. • For ingroup members, the effect was driven by group image threat. • For outgroup members, the effect was driven by group safety threat. a b s t r a c t a r t i c l e i n f o Recent research has shown that information on group morality (rather than competence or sociability) is the primary determinant of group pride, identification, and impression formation. Extending this work, three studies investigated how the morality of ingroup and outgroup targets affects perceived threat and behavioral intentions. In Study 1 (N = 83) we manipulated the moral characteristics ascribed to an ingroup (vs. outgroup) member. In Study 2 (N = 165) we manipulated morality and competence information, while in Study 3 (N = 108) morality was crossed with sociability information. Results showed that behavioral intentions were influenced only by moral information. Specifically, people reported less desire to interact with targets depicted as lacking moral qualities than those depicted as highly moral. This effect was mediated by perceived group image threat for ingroup targets and safety threat for outgroup targets. Results are discussed in terms of their theoretical implications for social judgment and future research directions are outlined

    Development of a front-end electronics for an innovative monitor chamber for high-intensity charged particle beams

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    A multi-gap ionization monitor chamber has been developed by INFN and Torino University, for monitoring of high intensity pulsed charged particle beams. The read-out of the chamber is based on a 64-channel ASIC, designed in CMOS 0.35ÎĽm technology which features for each channel an independent current-to-frequency converter followed by a synchronous counter. The chip was designed for connecting each channel to a different detector element. However, high beam intensities may lead to an input current above the saturation level of a single channel. A novel readout has been tested where all the input channels of the chip have been connected in parallel to the same detector element allowing to reach 64-times higher input current with only a modest deterioration of the resolution. Results will be presented in terms of linearity and noise, and will be compared to a simulation where the chip is modeled as a set of independent and uncorrelated channels

    Turning Away From Averted Gazes: The Effect of Social Exclusion on Gaze Cueing

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    Past studies showed increased sensitivity to other people’s gaze after social exclusion. In the present research, across two studies, we tested whether social exclusion could affect the basic cognitive phenomenon of gaze-cueing effect, namely, the tendency to redirect visual attention to the same location that other people are looking at. To this purpose, participants were socially excluded or included using the Cyberball manipulation. In Study 1, after the manipulation, participants performed a gaze-cueing task in which an individual’s gaze, oriented rightward or leftward, preceded a peripheral target stimulus requiring a simple categorization response. The gaze direction could be congruent or incongruent with the location of the target. Results revealed a reduced gaze-cueing effect for socially excluded than for socially included participants. In Study 2, where human gazes were replaced by arrow cues, such an interaction between social exclusion and trial congruency disappeared, indicating a specific effect of social stimuli. We interpreted these findings with the notion that excluded participants can perceive an averted gaze as a further sign of social exclusion, thus showing a reduced gaze-cueing effect

    Fluence Beam Monitor for High-Intensity Particle Beams Based on a Multi-Gap Ionization Chamber and a Method for Ion Recombination Correction

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    This work presents the tests of a multi-gap detector (MGD), composed of three parallel-plate ionization chambers (ICs) with different gap widths, assembled to prove the capability of correcting for charge volume recombination which is expected to occur when high fluence rates are delivered. Such beam conditions occur with a compact accelerator for charged particle therapy developed to reduce the costs, to accomplish faster treatments and to exploit different beam delivery techniques and dose rates as needed, for example, for range modulation and FLASH irradiations, respectively. The MGD was tested with carbon ions at the Centro Nazionale di Adroterapia Oncologica (CNAO Pavia, Italy), and with protons in two different beam lines: at Bern University Hospital with continuous beams and at the Laboratori Nazionale del Sud (Catania, Italy) of the Italian National Center of Nuclear Physics (INFN) with pulsed beams. For each accelerator, we took measurements with different beam intensities (up to the maximum rate of ionization achievable) and changed the detector bias voltage (V) in order to study the charge collection efficiency. Charge recombination models were used to evaluate the expected collected charge and to measure the linearity of the rate of ionization with the beam fluence rate. A phenomenological approach was used to determine the collection efficiency (f1) of the chamber with thinnest gap from the relative efficiencies, f1/f2 and f1/f3, exploiting the condition that, for each measurement, the three chambers were exposed to the same rate of ionization. Results prove that two calibration curves can be determined and used to correct the online measurements for the charge losses in the ICs for recombination
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