973 research outputs found

    Tine options for alleviating compaction in wheelings

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    Repeated trafficking and harvesting operations lead to high levels of compaction in inter-row wheelings used in asparagus (Asparagus officinalis) production. This reduces soil porosity and infiltration resulting in water ponding on the soil surface. Even on gently sloping land this can result in runoff generation and an increased risk of soil erosion. A winged tine (WT) is currently used by a leading asparagus grower to loosen compacted inter-row wheelings. In order to test the effectiveness of this tine for alleviating compaction and implications for runoff and soil erosion control, it was evaluated alongside several other tine configurations. These were a narrow tine (NT); a narrow tine with two shallow leading tines (NSLT); a winged tine with two shallow leading tines (WSLT); and a modified para-plough (MPP). Testing was conducted under controlled conditions on a sandy loam soil in the Soil Management Facility at Cranfield University, Bedfordshire, UK. Tine performance was assessed at 3 depths (175, 250 and 300 mm) by draught force; soil disturbance (both above and below ground); specific draught for a given level of soil disturbance; surface roughness; and estimated change in soil bulk density. The effectiveness of tines for compaction alleviation and potential for mitigating runoff and soil erosion varied with depth. The most effective tines were found to be the MPP NSLT and the WSLT at 175 mm, 250 mm and 300 mm depth, respectively

    Sustainability lies in the soil

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    An experimental system developed in partnership by vegetable growers Produce World Ltd’s Mr Jonathan Tole and Cranfield University’s Senior Lecturer in Sustainable Soil Management, Dr Robert Simmons, is poised to revolutionise the way farmers manage their soils. Together, the researchers are unlocking the potential of soils through the new science of agri-informatics and their innovative, collaborative Soil-for-Life® management system

    Ensuring health and food safety from rapidly expanding wastewater irrigation in South Asia: BMZ final report 2005-2008

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    Wastewater irrigation / Institutions / Public health / Health hazards / Diseases / Cropping systems / Vegetables / Fodder / Livestock / Risk assessment / Economic evaluation / Surveys / GIS / Research priorities / South Asia / India / Pakistan / Hyderabad / Faisalabad / Musi River

    Long-term deficits in cortical circuit function after asphyxial cardiac arrest and resuscitation in developing rats

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    AbstractCardiac arrest is a common cause of global hypoxic-ischemic brain injury. Poor neurologic outcome among cardiac arrest survivors results not only from direct cellular injury but also from subsequent long-term dysfunction of neuronal circuits. Here, we investigated the long-term impact of cardiac arrest during development on the function of cortical layer IV (L4) barrel circuits in the rat primary somatosensory cortex. We used multielectrode single-neuron recordings to examine responses of presumed excitatory L4 barrel neurons to controlled whisker stimuli in adult (8 ± 2-mo-old) rats that had undergone 9 min of asphyxial cardiac arrest and resuscitation during the third postnatal week. Results indicate that responses to deflections of the topographically appropriate principal whisker (PW) are smaller in magnitude in cardiac arrest survivors than in control rats. Responses to adjacent whisker (AW) deflections are similar in magnitude between the two groups. Because of a disproportionate decrease in PW-evoked responses, receptive fields of L4 barrel neurons are less spatially focused in cardiac arrest survivors than in control rats. In addition, spiking activity among L4 barrel neurons is more correlated in cardiac arrest survivors than in controls. Computational modeling demonstrates that experimentally observed disruptions in barrel circuit function after cardiac arrest can emerge from a balanced increase in background excitatory and inhibitory conductances in L4 neurons. Experimental and modeling data together suggest that after a hypoxic-ischemic insult, cortical sensory circuits are less responsive and less spatially tuned. Modulation of these deficits may represent a therapeutic approach to improving neurologic outcome after cardiac arrest.</jats:p

    Soil water and available nitrogen during cover crop growth

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    A field trial in Ely, Cambridgeshire was set up to investigate the soil moisture and nitrogen dynamics of a frost sensitive cover crop compared to a control of an over winter stubble. Cover crops were established in late summer following wheat harvest and a summer tillage operation. Soil and aboveground biomass sampling commenced in September 2017 was continued at 2–3 week intervals until May 2018. The results highlight the fast growth of cover crops which rapidly reduced the total oxides of nitrogen present in the soil by late autumn. During winter a gradual increase in total oxides of nitrogen is measured as the cover crop residue is mineralized. The use of the frost sensitive cover crop permitted ease of management and termination, though it is not completely reliable and termination times can vary from year to year

    Do cover crops give short term benefits for soil health?

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    Cover crop use in the UK is increasing with establishment often before spring cereal crops. Therefore trials were implemented to assess two different cover crop mixtures for i) their ability to remediate soil compaction, ii) aid water management and iii) increase earthworm numbers. Two cover crop mixtures; frost sensitive (black oats, oil radish and mustard) and winter hardy (forage rye, oil radish and berseem clover) were compared to control plots. This replicated trial was based at G’s Growers on an organo-mineral soil with a cover crop sown between wheat harvested in August 2016 and maize sown in May 2017. The results suggest that in the short term there are small differences in soil physical characteristics. Notably at a depth of 10–20 cm there is a reduction in soil strength as measured by the penetrologger and shear vane following the frost sensitive cover crop mix. Juvenile earthworm population was significantly greater in the control treatment compared to the frost sensitive cover crop treatment. In May 2017 maize was established across all plots

    The use of cover crops in the UK: a survey

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    A sustainable soil management survey targeting UK arable farmers was distributed via online platforms throughout the winter of 2016–2017. The main focus of the survey was the use and management of cover crops along with tillage practice and aspects of soil health. Following harvest in 2016 two-thirds of participants used a cover crop, with 56% of those using a cover crop having 3 years or less experience. There is evidence that the species selected as a cover crop is linked to soil type whilst the benefits to soil structure is related to the extent of farmer experience. Of the participants using cover crops 81% used herbicide to terminate the cover crop. Participants provided suggestions for improvements to ecological focus area rules (based on the 2016 Basic Payment Scheme) for cover and catch crops with 70% of participants suggesting they are not suitable

    Leaf-Encapsulated Vaccines: Agroinfiltration and Transient Expression of the Antigen Staphylococcal Endotoxin B in Radish Leaves.

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    Transgene introgression is a major concern associated with transgenic plant-based vaccines. Agroinfiltration can be used to selectively transform nonreproductive organs and avoid introgression. Here, we introduce a new vaccine modality in which Staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB) genes are agroinfiltrated into radishes (Raphanw sativus L.), resulting in transient expression and accumulation of SEB in planta. This approach can simultaneously express multiple antigens in a single leaf. Furthermore, the potential of high-throughput vaccine production was demonstrated by simultaneously agroinfiltrating multiple radish leaves using a multichannel pipette. The expression of SEB was detectable in two leaf cell types (epidermal and guard cells) in agroinfiltrated leaves. ICR mice intranasally immunized with homogenized leaves agroinfiltrated with SEB elicited detectable antibody to SEB and displayed protection against SEB-induced interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) production. The concept of encapsulating antigens in leaves rather than purifying them for immunization may facilitate rapid vaccine production during an epidemic disease

    UV Imaging Polarimetry of the peculiar Seyfert 2 galaxy Mrk 477

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    We present the results of UV imaging polarimetry of the Seyfert 2 galaxy Mrk 477 taken by the Faint Object Camera onboard the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). From a previous HST UV image (lambda ~ 2180A), Mrk 477 has been known to have a pointlike bright UV hotspot in the central region, peculiar among nearby Seyfert 2 galaxies. There are also claims of UV/optical variability, unusual for a Seyfert 2 galaxy. Our data show that there is an off-nuclear scattering region ~ 0."6 (~ 500 pc) NE from the hotspot. The data, after the subtraction of the instrumental effect due to this bright hotspot region, might indicate that the scattered light is also detected in the central 0."2 radius region and is extended to a very wide angle. The hotspot location is consistent with the symmetry center of the PA pattern, which represents the location of the hidden nucleus, but our data do not provide a strong upper limit to the distance between the symmetry center and the hotspot. We have obtained high spatial resolution color map of the continuum which shows that the nuclear spiral arm of 0."4 scale (~ 300pc) is significantly bluer than the off-nuclear mirror and the hotspot region. The nature of the hotspot is briefly discussed.Comment: To appear in Ap

    Life on ice, Antarctica and Mars

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    The study of the origin of life and the prospects for human exploration of Mars are two themes developed in a new 57-minute film, Life on Ice, Antarctica, and Mars, produced by the InnerSpace Foundation and WHRO Television for broadcast by the Public Broadcasting System (PBS). A brief explanation of the film and how it relates to the future human exploration of space is presented
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