462 research outputs found

    Ear, nose and throat manifestations of Lyme disease

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    The manifestations of Lyme disease as they may present to the ENT surgeon are discussed. The most important ENT symptom is facial palsy. Particularly when combined with other cranial palsies, systemic illness or signs of meningeal irritation, the diagnosis must be considered. Three case reports are used to illustrate the presentation and diagnosis and treatment of Lyme disease. The characteristics of the disease are reviewed and the limitations of serological testing outlined. The literature has concentrated on bilateral or relapsing facial palsy. A review of palsies in Zurich that presented to the ENT clinic found only unilateral and partial palsies. The diagnosis should be considered in every case of facial palsy of unknown aetiology especially in childre

    Primate energy input and the evolutionary transition to energy-dense diets in humans

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    Humans and other large-brained hominins have been proposed to increase energy turnover during their evolutionary history. Such increased energy turnover is plausible, given the evolution of energy-rich diets, but requires empirical confirmation. Framing human energetics in a phylogenetic context, our meta-analysis of 17 wild non-human primate species shows that daily metabolizable energy input follows an allometric relationship with body mass where the allometric exponent for mass is 0.75 ± 0.04, close to that reported for daily energy expenditure measured with doubly labelled water in primates. Human populations at subsistence level (n = 6) largely fall within the variation of primate species in the scaling of energy intake and therefore do not consume significantly more energy than predicted for a non-human primate of equivalent mass. By contrast, humans ingest a conspicuously lower mass of food (−64 ± 6%) compared with primates and maintain their energy intake relatively more constantly across the year. We conclude that our hominin hunter–gatherer ancestors did not increase their energy turnover beyond the allometric relationship characterizing all primate species. The reduction in digestive costs due to consumption of a lower mass of high-quality food, as well as stabilization of energy supply, may have been important evolutionary steps enabling encephalization in the absence of significantly raised energy intakes

    On the relationship between sweet taste and seasonal body weight changes in a primate (Microcebus murinus)

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    The relationship between obesity and taste, especially sweet taste, has been and is of interest. From this point of view of a small primate, the lesser mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus), is of particular interest. It goes through a yearly cycle of physiological changes, one of which is an extreme variation in body weight of up to 100%. This occurs concomitantly with significant changes of the animal's liking for sucrose; measured by two-bottle preference tests, the threshold for sucrose changes from 28-45 in lean to 77-105 mM in obese animals. It is possible that a change in peripheral taste sensitivity might be the cause for these preference changes. To test this possibility we studied the ability of M.murinus to taste sucrose with electrophysiological and conditioned taste aversion techniques. The electrophysiological recordings were obtained from the chorda tympani proper nerve in two heavy and three lean animals. We did not record any difference between the two groups in their neural response to a series of sucrose concentrations. Conditioned taste aversion experiments with 200 mM sucrose as conditioning stimulus and 50 and 200 mM sucrose as test stimuli gave similar results. No difference was found between three heavy and four lean animals; both groups rejected the sucrose concentrations. The results support the notion that the seasonal variations in preference threshold to sucrose were unrelated to the ability of M.murinus to taste sucros

    Age- and Gender-Specific Normative Data of Grip and Pinch Strength in a Healthy Adult Swiss Population

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    Assessment of hand strength is used in a wide range of clinical settings especially during treatment of diseases affecting the function of the hand. This investigation aimed to determine age- and gender-specific reference values for grip and pinch strength in a normal Swiss population with special regard to old and very old subjects as well as to different levels of occupational demand. Hand strength data were collected using a Jamar dynamometer and a pinch gauge with standard testing position, protocol and instructions. Analysis of the data from 1023 tested subjects between 18 and 96 years revealed a curvilinear relationship of grip and pinch strength to age, a correlation to height, weight and significant differences between occupational groups. Hand strength values differed significantly from those of other populations, confirming the thesis that applying normative data internationally is questionable. Age- and gender-specific reference values for grip and pinch strength are presented

    Functional specialization in nucleotide sugar transporters occurred through differentiation of the gene cluster EamA (DUF6) before the radiation of Viridiplantae

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The drug/metabolite transporter superfamily comprises a diversity of protein domain families with multiple functions including transport of nucleotide sugars. Drug/metabolite transporter domains are contained in both solute carrier families 30, 35 and 39 proteins as well as in acyl-malonyl condensing enzyme proteins. In this paper, we present an evolutionary analysis of nucleotide sugar transporters in relation to the entire superfamily of drug/metabolite transporters that considers crucial intra-protein duplication events that have shaped the transporters. We use a method that combines the strengths of hidden Markov models and maximum likelihood to find relationships between drug/metabolite transporter families, and branches within families.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We present evidence that the triose-phosphate transporters, domain unknown function 914, uracil-diphosphate glucose-N-acetylglucosamine, and nucleotide sugar transporter families have evolved from a domain duplication event before the radiation of <it>Viridiplantae </it>in the EamA family (previously called domain unknown function 6). We identify previously unknown branches in the solute carrier 30, 35 and 39 protein families that emerged simultaneously as key physiological developments after the radiation of <it>Viridiplantae</it>, including the "35C/E" branch of EamA, which formed in the lineage of <it>T. adhaerens </it>(<it>Animalia</it>). We identify a second cluster of DMTs, called the domain unknown function 1632 cluster, which has non-cytosolic N- and C-termini, and thus appears to have been formed from a different domain duplication event. We identify a previously uncharacterized motif, G-X(6)-G, which is overrepresented in the fifth transmembrane helix of C-terminal domains. We present evidence that the family called fatty acid elongases are homologous to transporters, not enzymes as had previously been thought.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The nucleotide sugar transporters families were formed through differentiation of the gene cluster EamA (domain unknown function 6) before <it>Viridiplantae</it>, showing for the first time the significance of EamA.</p

    The influence of lithium excess in the target on the properties andcompositions of Li1+ x Mn2O4− ή thin films prepared by PLD

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    Li-Mn-O thin films were deposited by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) onto stainless steel substrates using targets containing different concentrations of added Li2O. The influence of the target composition on the stoichiometry of the resulting thin films, the surface morphology and the electrochemical properties was studied. The application of the target with added 7.5 mol% Li2O results in an almost ideal lithium content, while all films were still oxygen deficient. The thin films were applied as electrodes in Li//Li1+x Mn2O4−ή cells (i.e. model cells for a rechargeable Li-ion battery) and characterized by cyclic voltammetry and galvanostatic charge/discharge experiments. The electrochemical measurements of the thin films confirmed that the thin films can serve as good model systems and that they show a sufficient cyclabilit

    Conservation et introduction de lémuriens sur l'ßlot Mbouzy (Mayotte)

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    À Mayotte, l'Ăźlot Mbouzi est un lieu remarquable par son milieu naturel en grande partie prĂ©servĂ©, alors qu'il se situe Ă  proximitĂ© de la ville principale, Mamoudzou. Il fait l'objet d'une demande de classement en rĂ©serve naturelle. Nous pensons utile d'apporter quelques Ă©lĂ©ments pouvant servir Ă  la rĂ©flexion sur l'avenir de cet Ăźlot, et d'Ă©tablir une sorte d'Ă©tat des lieux concernant son intĂ©rĂȘt biologique. Quelles sont les possibilitĂ©s d'Ă©quilibre Ă  long terme entre les populations animales et vĂ©gĂ©tales, sachant qu'une association (loi de 1901) consacr

    Conservation et introduction de lémuriens sur l'ßlot Mbouzy (Mayotte)

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    À Mayotte, l'Ăźlot Mbouzi est un lieu remarquable par son milieu naturel en grande partie prĂ©servĂ©, alors qu'il se situe Ă  proximitĂ© de la ville principale, Mamoudzou. Il fait l'objet d'une demande de classement en rĂ©serve naturelle. Nous pensons utile d'apporter quelques Ă©lĂ©ments pouvant servir Ă  la rĂ©flexion sur l'avenir de cet Ăźlot, et d'Ă©tablir une sorte d'Ă©tat des lieux concernant son intĂ©rĂȘt biologique. Quelles sont les possibilitĂ©s d'Ă©quilibre Ă  long terme entre les populations animales et vĂ©gĂ©tales, sachant qu'une association (loi de 1901) consacr

    On the sense of taste in two Malagasy Primates (Microcebus murinus and Eulemur mongoz)

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    The relationship between phylogeny and taste is of growing interest. In this study we present recordings from the chorda tympani proper (CT) nerve of two lemuriforme primates, the lesser mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus) and the mongoose lemur (Eulemur mongoz), to an array of taste stimuli which included the sweeteners acesulfame-K, alitame, aspartame, D-glucose, dulcin, monellin, neohesperidin dihydrochalcone (NHDHC), saccharin, sodium superaspartame, stevioside, sucralose (TGS), sucrose, suosan, thaumatin and xylitol, as well as the non-sweet stimuli NaC1, citric acid, tannin and quinine hydrochloride. In M.murinus the effects of the taste modifiers gymnemic acid and miraculin on the CT response were recorded. Conditioned taste aversion (CTA) experiments in M.murinus and two-bottle preference (TBP) tests in E.mongoz were also conducted. We found that all of the above tastants except thaumatin elicited a CT response in both species. The CTA technique showed that M.murinus generalized from sucrose to monellin but not to thaumatin. The intake of aspartame, ranging in concentration from 0.1 to 30 mM was measured in E.mongoz with TBP tests. At no concentration did we see a preference, but there was a significant rejection of 10 and 30 mM aspartame (P←0.025). Miraculin had no effects on the CT response to acids, and gymnemic acid did not selectively suppress the CT response to sucrose or that of any other sweeteners. The absence of ability to taste thaumatin in these species supports the dichotomy between catarrhine and non-catarrhine species. The difference in results with thaumatin and monellin indicate that their sweet moieties are not identical. It also points to a phylogenetic difference in taste within the prosimian group. Further, the results with aspartame indicate that the perception of sweetness from aspartame is limited to catarrhine species. Finally, neither miraculin nor gymnemic acid exhibit the same taste modifying effects in lemuriformes as they do in hominoidea. Thus the results with gymnemic acid and miraculin corroborate those obtained earlier in other prosimian
