3,145 research outputs found

    Interplanetary scintillation observations of the solar wind close to the Sun and out of the ecliptic

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    A brief review is given of recent developments in the observation of the solar wind by the method of interplanetary scintillation. The emphasis is on observations of the velocity structure, the electron density and the effect of propagating disturbances in the interplanetary medium as detected principally by intensity and phase scintillation and by spectral broadening

    Sheep liver cytosolic aldehyde dehydrogenase : a fresh perspective : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Chemistry at Massey University, New Zealand

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    The pre-steady-state mechanism of aldehyde dehydrogenase has been further investigated using synthesised deuterated 4-trans-(N,N-dimethylamino) cinnamaldehyde as a substrate. Reporter groups of the active site of ALDH have indicated the presence of a divalent or trivalent metal electrophile, shown in chapter 3 as being either Fe (II) or Fe (III) . Studies of the spectral properties of NADH bound to aldehyde dehydrogenase have revealed the presence of at least two spectrally different enzyme-NADH species. The consequences of this information are important in interpretation of the kinetic data and understanding apparently contradictory experimental results from different research workers. The steady-state kinetics of ALDH have been further investigated. A sensitive substrate for use in enzyme immunoassays has been designed and synthesised. The preliminary kinetic behaviour observed using this substrate has been studied with three enzymes. Aldehyde dehydrogenase has been used as a model system for studying the effects of electromagnetic radiation on biological systems

    At home abroad: the life experiences of children of migrant workers in Scotland

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    The primary aim of this research is to inform the public debate and policy making organisations on the issue of children of migrant workers coming to Britain. Focussing on children aged 6-14 of Eastern European migrants; the study provides a unique perspective on the lives of children and young people settling in Scotland as a result of their parents’ migration for work purposes. The research explores children’s views on what it is like to start life in another country, what impact family migration has on their relationships and identity, and what are the main challenges they face. The study will take place over 21 months. The first stage involves several focus groups with migrant children to identify shared experiences of migration. The second stage consists of detailed case studies of over 20 migrant children between 6-14 years old and their families. Semi-structured interviews will be conducted with parents, while children will be invited to take control of the research process through the use of modern technologies such as digital and video cameras. The findings will be disseminated through reports and events suitable for young people, the general public as well as academic audiences, service providers and policy makers

    Stable water isotopes in HadCM3: isotopic signature of El Nino-Southern Oscillation and the tropical amount effect

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    Stable water isotopes have been added to the full hydrological cycle of the Hadley Centre Climate model (HadCM3) coupled atmosphere-ocean GCM. Simulations of delta O-18 in precipitation and at the ocean surface compare well with observations for the present-day climate. The model has been used to investigate the isotopic anomalies associated with ENSO; it is found that the anomalous delta O-18 in precipitation is correlated with the anomalous precipitation amount in accordance with the "amount effect.'' The El Nino delta O-18 anomaly at the ocean surface is largest in coastal regions because of the mixing of ocean water and the more depleted runoff from the land surface. Coral delta O-18 anomalies were estimated, using an established empirical relationship, and generally reflect ocean surface delta O-18 anomalies in coastal regions and sea surface temperatures away from the coast. The spatial relationship between tropical precipitation and delta O-18 was investigated for the El Nino anomaly simulated by HadCM3. Weighting the El Nino precipitation anomaly by the precipitation amount at each grid box gave a large increase in the spatial correlation between tropical precipitation and delta O-18. This improvement was most apparent over land points and between 10 and 20 degrees of latitude

    Migrant children and young people's 'voice' in healthcare

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    This chapter addresses the issue of children and young people's participation and 'voice' in healthcare provision, in the wider context of their inclusion in social and political life and with a focus on young people who have migrated to the UK with their families. While children and young people's participation in decisions that affect their lives is stipulated as a right through the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989), public services still vary in their commitment and established mechanisms for including children and young people's views in improving provision. The chapter draws on research with Eastern European migrant children newly arrived in the UK in relation to experiences of healthcare provision post-migration. The main focus is on their views of health service provision, the barriers they face in relation to health service use and the strategies migrant families adopt to overcome perceived shortcomings in provision, including adopting a transnational use of health services

    The Health of EU Migrant Children in the UK

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    This paper provides an overview of the research evidence on EU migrant children’s access to health services in the UK. It focusses on evidence on the physical and mental health status of EU migrant children, their health behaviours post-migration, the social determinants that influence migrant children’s health outcomes and, issues in their access to and use of UK health care services post-migration
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