1,841 research outputs found

    Conhecimentos sobre Sexualidade e Duplo Padrão Sexual em Estudantes de Enfermagem

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    Introdução: A sexualidade como temática na formação em Enfermagem é área carente, explorada superficialmente, orientada para a prevenção de IST, gravidez, gerando-se um espaço interdito de assexualização do cuidador e do beneficiário (Pereira, 2007) . Visões fluidas e limitadas espelham lacunas curriculares e ocultação do tem na formação (Gir, Nogueira & Pelá, 2000) (Ressel & Gualda, 2002) . Como temática curricular para universitários, revela benefícios no conhecimento e posturas dos Estudantes concorrendo para menor tradicionalismo (Low, 2004) . Objetivo: Descrever a relação entre o conhecimento sobre sexualidade e o duplo padrão sexual. Metodologia: Estudo quantitativo transversal. Amostra de conveniência de 117 estudantes do 3º Ano. Média de idades de 22,2 anos (DP=3.961). Questionário aplicado no inicio do ano com questões sobre Anatomofisiologia, Contraceção e Resposta Sexual Humana [RSH] e escala de Duplo Padrão Sexual (alfa de Cronbach .833). Resultados: Fisiologia Feminina e RSH são os conteúdos mais precários no conhecimento. Através de teste t de Student de amostras emparelhadas, constatam-se diferenças significativas entre a dimensão da RSH face às dimensões de Anatomia, Fisiologia Masculina e Contraceção. Os estudantes tendem a ser liberais no Duplo Padrão Sexual, mas apenas com correlação significativa face ao conhecimento sobre Fisiologia Feminina (p<.05). Conclusões: Os conhecimentos não exprimem claramente associações ao Duplo Padrão, facto que deixa dúvidas quanto à preparação dos estudantes para a abordagem respeitosa do utente

    Visita Domiciliária e Competências Maternais no Puerpério: Revisão Integrativa

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    Introdução: O conceito de puerpério tem por fundamento a recuperação da mulher após o parto e é identificado com um limite superior de 6 semanas ou 40 dias ou 42 dias (Centeno, 2010; Fraser, 2010). Nesta fase colocam-se modificações que incluem a capacidade de auto-cuidar-se, de interpretar e responder com sucesso aos sinais da criança (Copeland & Harbaugh, 2004). A Visita Domiciliária (DGS, 2005) permite a continuidade da assistência, oferecendo interações educativas para recuperação e bem-estar (Takahashi , 2001). Possibilita o conhecimento in loco das competências em saúde (Santos & Morais, 2011; Doran, 2011), sendo o enfermeiro responsável na vigilância/promoção da saúde pós-alta por maternidade (DGS, 2005). Pela reduzida convivência com recém-nascidos (i.e. 1.37 em 2010) e a curta hospitalização para o parto será então oportuno rever a bibliografia sobre a perspetiva da mulher-mãe face à VD. Questão orientadora: Que competências maternais adquirem ou desenvolvem as mulheres sujeita a VD no puerpério Objetivo: Identificar através de revisão integrativa a influência que a visita domiciliária puerperal possui nas competências maternais Metodologia: Realizou-se uma pesquisa nas Bases de Dados na PubMed, BVS, Academic Search Complete, Medline with full text e Eric. As equações boleanas utilizaram descritores próprios e as palavras-chave: house calls, postpartum period, postnatal care, maternal behavior, home visit, puerperal visit, puerperium, maternal behavior, Nursing care Resultados: Identificaram-se 20 artigos, dos quais se selecionaram 12 Da análise dos artigos emergiram os seguintes contributos da VD: 1) Melhoria no Aleitamento Materno, 2) Relacionamentos de conjugalidade equilibrados, 3) Satisfação com Parentalidade, 4) Maior desenvolvimento das crianças a longo prazo, 5) Melhor enquadramento cultural e financeiro, 6) Menor morbilidade, 7) Maior controlo da gravidez subsequente, 8) VD como fonte de recurso Conclusão: Recomenda-se 1) primeira Visita Domiciliar ocorra na 1ª semana pós-alta hospitalar, 2) Politicas de Saúde aumentem a acessibilidade de mulheres com baixa renda, 3) VD não deve ser substituída por contacto telefónico, 4) apoio por visitadores voluntários sem impacto na DP

    Attitudes of Elements of the Academic Community in Regard to the Rapid Test of HIV/AIDS

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    Background: Knowing one’s own seropositivity status of HIV/AIDS is important. Seropositivity can be determined by a rapid HIV/AIDS test. Attitudes towards a rapid test of HIV/AIDS show a predisposition to perform the analysis

    Polyamine, peroxidase activity and total protein content during storage of bird-of-paradise

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    The present study was aimed to the determination of the effect of storage on some biochemical characteristics (PAs content, POX activity and total protein content) of flower tissue of bird-of-paradise. Flowers were selected and labeled, avoiding any mechanical damage, and randomly distributed in recipients for two postharvest trials. In the first experiment, flowers were placed in recipients containing tap water and stored in a cold room, at 7.5 \ubaC and 90 % RH, for a period of 12 days. In experiment 2, flowers were stored in room temperature for a period of 6 days. For biochemical characteristics, samples (sepals, petals, stems and bracts) from experiment 1 were collected at 0, 4, 8 and 12 days, and at 0, 2, 4 and 6 days for experiment 2. Results showed that flower bracts, stored at 7.5 \ub0C, presented a lower content of PAs (Put and Spd), when compared to samples stored at room temperature. In both experiments, a high content of PAs (Spm) was observed in flower tissues in relation to Put and Spd. An increase of POX activity was observed in sepals stored in the cold, and was related to PAs degradation during senescence. No differences in total protein content were observed between the two treatments. The present study provides numeric results on changes in level of PAs, POX activity and total protein during postharvest of bird-of-paradise

    Expansion of patient eligibility for virtual glaucoma clinics: a long-term strategy to increase the capacity of high-quality glaucoma care

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    AIMS: The virtual glaucoma clinic (VGC) is a well-established diagnostic pathway for delivery of glaucoma care. Current UK national guidance recommends VGCs for patients with ocular hypertension, glaucoma suspects or early glaucoma. This study evaluates whether expanded eligibility criteria, including other glaucoma phenotypes and disease stages, can deliver safe and effective care with a positive patient experience. METHODS: Records of over 8000 patients were reviewed in order to determine suitability for VGC attendance using expanded eligibility criteria. Patients with three prior consecutive visits within the glaucoma service were included. Follow-up interval, clinic type, visual acuity (VA), intraocular pressure (IOP) and visual field performance were recorded. Patient satisfaction was recorded for a sample of 118 patients. RESULTS: 2017 patients over 31 months were included. Two-thirds of eyes had ocular comorbidities, a fifth of eyes had undergone prior cataract surgery and 10% of eyes had undergone a prior laser treatment for glaucoma. After three visits, 32% of patients remained in the VGC, 42% were seen in face-to-face clinics and 25% were discharged. There were no clinically significant changes in VA, IOP and visual field performance during follow-up. 72% of patients expressed a preference to continue their care within VGCs. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates that VGCs with expanded patient eligibility criteria can deliver high-quality glaucoma care that is safe, effective and with high levels of patient satisfaction. This approach provides a long-term solution to adapt delivery of glaucoma care to our expanding and ageing population

    Desenvolvimento de competências parentais no puerpério através da Visita Domiciliária de Enfermagem: Revisão Integrativa

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    Objetivo: Analisar a perceção de desenvolvimento de competências parentais das puérperas através da visita domiciliária de enfermagem . Desenvolvimento: Revisão de literatura a partir da formulação de uma pergunta de partida que orientou a pesquisa. Foi realizada entre janeiro e fevereiro de 2012, nas bases de dados eletrónicas da Medline, Academic Search Complete, Pub-Med. Critérios de inclusão: estudos publicados na década de 2000 e até á presente data, com evidência científica, de carácter empírico e primário, disponíveis em texto completo, escritos em português, inglês e francês, de acesso livre, cujos sujeitos/participantes são puérperas em ambiente domiciliar, foco no desenvolvimento de competências fruto da visita domiciliária de enfermagem, usando como palavras-chave home visiting, postpartum, puerperium, maternal satisfaction, motherhood satisfaction. Encontraram-se 20 artigos, selecionados 12. Principais Conclusões: da análise dos estudos selecionados, percebeu-se que mulheres de baixa renda beneficiam com o seguimento da visita, mulheres mais visitadas recorrem menos a Serviço de Urgência por problemas com os filhos, problemas de aleitamento materno relacionados com posição e pega inadequada podem ser resolvidos com visitas precoces. A primeira visita domiciliar deve ocorrer na 1ª semana pós-alta hospitalar, as visitas tardias decrescem os efeitos benéficos. Percebeu-se ainda menor sintomatologia depressiva às 8 semanas

    Optical Coherence Tomography Features of Active and Inactive Retinal Neovascularization in Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy

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    PURPOSE: To describe spectral domain-optical coherence tomography features of retinal neovascularization in proliferative diabetic retinopathy and thus to identify novel signs of new vessel activity. METHODS: Retrospective, cross-sectional study. Data were collected over a 9-month period. Spectral domain optical coherence tomography scans were performed over areas of new vessel complexes (NVC) in both the disk and elsewhere, and were qualitatively graded by two masked observers. New vessel complexes activity was determined using clinical and angiographic criteria and correlated with spectral domain optical coherence tomography features. RESULTS: Forty-three eyes of 30 patients with proliferative diabetic retinopathy were included. Sixty-one NVC lesions (neovascularization of the disk—37.7%, neovascularization elsewhere—62.3%) were captured by spectral domain-optical coherence tomography and analyzed. Among them, 63.9% were classified as active and 36.1% as quiescent. Five distinctive features were identified as significantly different between active and quiescent NVC: the presence of vitreous hyperreflective dots in active NVC (P = 0.002) and the presence of epiretinal membrane (P = 0.04), inner retinal tissue contracture (P = 0.03), vitreous invasion (P = 0.02), and protrusion towards vitreous (P = 0.002) in quiescent NVC. CONCLUSION: In this exploratory study, the presence of vitreous hyperreflective dots, epiretinal membrane, inner retinal tissue contracture, vitreous invasion, and vitreous protrusion were identified as distinct signs of disease activity. Such parameters may be useful as a noninvasive imaging modality in eyes undergoing treatment for proliferative diabetic retinopathy

    Towards unified understanding of conductance of stretched monatomic contacts

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    When monatomic contacts are stretched, their conductance behaves in qualitatively different ways depending on their constituent atomic elements. Under a single assumption of resonance formation, we show that various conductance behavior can be understood in a unified way in terms of the response of the resonance to stretching. This analysis clarifies the crucial roles played by the number of valence electrons, charge neutrality, and orbital shapes.Comment: 2 figure

    Trial Registration for Public Trust: Making the Case for Medical Devices

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    Recently, several pharmaceutical companies have been shown to have withheld negative clinical trial results from the public. These incidents have resulted in a concerted global effort to register all trials at inception, so that all subsequent results can be tracked regardless of whether they are positive or negative. These trial registration policies have been driven in large part by concern about the pharmaceutical sector. The medical device industry is much smaller, and different from the pharmaceutical industry in some fundamental ways. This paper examines the issues surrounding registration of device trials and argues that these differences with pharmaceutical should not exempt device trials from registration