42 research outputs found

    The role of information in understanding forest ecosystem services

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    Općekorisne funkcije Å”uma važna su znanstvena i stručna tema o kojoj se na globalnoj razini raspravlja već dugi niz godina. U Hrvatskoj također postoje viÅ”egodiÅ”nji napori u promiÅ”ljanju sistematizacije i vrednovanja općekorisnih funkcija Å”uma, kao i osiguravanju naknade za njihovo pružanje. Ipak, pregled literature pokazuje da opseg znanstvene i stručne produkcije nije u skladu s važnosti ove teme za hrvatsko Å”umarstvo. Posebice se to odnosi na istraživanje stavova i percepcije građana, kao i njihove informiranosti o problematici općekorisnih funkcija Å”uma. Cilj je ovog članka analizirati ulogu informiranosti na poznavanje problematike općekorisnih funkcija Å”uma, uz pretpostavku da veća informiranost vodi i boljem poznavanju te problematike. KoriÅ”tena je metoda ankete na uzorku populacije studenata triju raznorodnih fakulteta SveučiliÅ”ta u Zagrebu ā€“ Å umarskog fakulteta (Å F), Fakulteta strojarstva i brodogradnje (FSB) te Hrvatskih studija (HRSTUD). Pretpostavljeno je da će studenti Å F imati bolje razumijevanje problematike jer su bolje informirani o njoj kroz izvedbu studijskog programa. Uzorak je bio namjeran i prigodan, a ukupno je anketirano 247 ispitanika. Primijenjene su metode deskriptivne statistike, kao i hi-kvadrat i Kruskal-Wallis neparametarski testovi. Rezultati su pokazali da su studenti Å F prema vlastitom miÅ”ljenju puno viÅ”e upoznati s pojmom općekorisnih funkcija Å”uma i Naknade za njih od studenata drugih fakulteta. Međutim, pitanja znanja pokazala su da i oni imaju problema s prepoznavanjem tih funkcija, kao i namjena za koje se koristi Naknada. Ipak, gotovo uvijek je postojala statistički značajna razlika u odgovorima između studenata Å F i studenata drugih dvaju fakulteta. Zaključuje se da informiranost donekle utječe na poznavanje problematike općekorisnih funkcija Å”uma, ali vjerojatno postoje i neki drugi čimbenici koji utječu na poznavanje i formiranje stava. U budućnosti je neophodno nastaviti istraživati razumijevanje i stavove različitih segmenata građanstva o općekorisnim funkcijama Å”uma i Naknadi, kako bi se razvili i primijenili prikladni instrumenti Å”umarske politike, a kojima bi cilj bio veće razumijevanje problematike i pozitivniji stav prema Å”umarskim aktivnostima u tom smislu.Ecosystem services including forest ecosystem services are hot topic globally among scientists and practitioners for decades. In Croatia there is a long tradition of discussing forest ecosystem services in terms of how to systemise them, assess and value, as well as how to secure payment for their provision. However, literature review showed discrepancy between scientific and professional production and importance of this topic for forestry sector in Croatia. This is especially a fact when it comes to research related to citizen perceptions and attitudes and whether they are informed about the topic. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to analyse the role of information in better understanding of the topic with the assumption that being informed leads to better understanding of the topic. Survey questionnaire was applied on the sample of three student populations of the University of Zagreb ā€“ Faculty of Forestry (FoF), Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture (FMENA) and Centre for Croatian Studies (CCS) (Table 1). The hypothesis was made that respondents from FoF would have better understanding of the topic since they are more informed through their study programme in comparison to respondents from other two faculties. The sample was purposeful and convenient at the same time, and included 247 respondents. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used for statistical data analysis that included Chi-square and Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric tests beside descriptive statistics. Results showed that respondents from FoF in their own opinion were more informed about the topic of forest ecosystem services and payment for ecosystem services in comparison to respondents from other faculties (Figures 1 and 2). However, questions concerning their actual knowledge on the topic showed that even them had problems with recognising forest ecosystem services and purposes of the payment for forest ecosystem services (Tables 2 and 4). However, there was always statistically significant difference in answers between respondents from FoF and other two faculties (Table 3). When asked about who has the obligation to pay for forest ecosystem services respondents provided various answers, while only 29.2% of respondents from FoF, 9.9% of respondents from FMENA and 15.2% of respondents from CCS provided correct answer to this question (Figure 3). Similarly respondents were asked about the institution responsible for distribution of resources collected as payment for forest ecosystem services. Correct answer was given only by 41.5% of respondents from FoF, 26.8% from FMENA and 19.7% from CCS (Figure 4). Furthermore, respondents were asked to express their agreement with four statements related to payment for forest ecosystem services in terms of purposeful and transparent money spending, whether it contributes to the better state of forests in Croatia or it should be abolished (Figures 5-9). Results showed that rather high share of respondents does not have opinion, especially respondents from FMENA and CCS. The conclusion is that information has a role in better understanding of the topic of forest ecosystem services, but there are probably other factors that were not included in this research. In future it is important to continue studying understandig and attitudes of various segments of citizens. The purpose of these studies would be to contribute to creation and implementation of proper forest policy instruments that would help in better understanding of the topic and eliciting positive attititude towards forestry activities related to forest ecosystem services by citizens

    "Edible" urban forests as part of inclusive, sustainable cities

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    Feeding an increasingly urban population and ensuring the economic and social well-being of urban dwellers will be the primary challenge for cities in coming decades. The impacts of climate change are expected to slow down urban economic growth, exacerbate environmental degradation, increase poverty and erode urban food security. Many cities are on a quest for more sustainable urbanization pathways that will enable effective responses to the increasing socio-economic and environmental challenges they face. In the search to \u201cmake cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable\u201d (Sustainable Development Goal 11 in the United Nations Sustainable Development Agenda 2030), interest is increasing in growing local food. Edible green infrastructure, mainly in the form of urban food forests and trees (referred to here generally as urban food forests and also sometimes as tree-based edible landscaping), can help address a range of problems caused by rapid and unplanned urbanization, such as food scarcity, poverty, the deterioration of human health and well-being, air pollution, and biodiversity loss. The use of edible plants in urban and peri-urban forestry varies among cities and is influenced by historical, cultural and socio-economic factors. Overall, it has tended to be neglected in modern cities. This article explores the potential of urban and peri-urban forests as sources of food and the role that urban food forests can play in fostering sustainable cities

    Assessment of Forest Damage in Croatia Caused by Natural Hazards in 2014

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    Background and Purpose: Recent natural disasters (ice-breaks, torrents, floods) that affected five Croatian counties caused significant damage on forest stands and forest infrastructure. Since in Croatia there is no common methodology for fast and reliable assessment of forest damage, the aim of this paper is to develop and present methodology for rapid damage assessment and to prescribe urgent recovery measures, as well as to provide first preliminary results of the total damage to forests. Materials and Methods: An attempt was made to develop the methodology which would rely on existing legislations, regulations, instructions and experiences for forest damage assessment as much as possible. Estimation of forest damage was based on field observations, spatial data of forest management units and data from the existing Forest management plans. Results: According to conducted assessment, forests of Primorsko-goranska County are the most affected by the overall damage caused by ice-storm. Major damages occurred both on the forest and on forest roads. Ice-storm also caused serious damages on forests and on forest roads in Ličko-senjska County and Karlovačka County, while floods and torrents caused damages on forest roads in Zagrebačka County, Sisačko-moslavačka County and Karlovačka County. Money-wise, the total forest damage amounts 942 252 183 ā‚¬. Conclusions: Methodology for rapid damage assessment presented in this paper resulted on first preliminary estimate of range, intensity and cost of forest damage caused by recent natural disturbances. More precise data on forest damage will be known after the implementation of the proposed emergency recovery measures. Also, certain improvements of methodology in terms of precision and collection of data may be achieved by incorporating remote sensing methods

    Edible urban forests as part of inclusive, sustainable cities

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    Feeding an increasingly urban population and ensuring the economic and social well-being of urban dwellers will be the primary challenge for cities in coming decades. The impacts of climate change are expected to slow down urban economic growth, exacerbate environmental degradation, increase poverty and erode urban food security. Many cities are on a quest for more sustainable urbanization pathways that will enable effective responses to the increasing socio-economic and environmental challenges they face. In the search to ā€œmake cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainableā€ (Sustainable Development Goal 11 in the United Nations Sustainable Development Agenda 2030), interest is increasing in growing local food. Edible green infrastructure, mainly in the form of urban food forests and trees (referred to here generally as urban food forests and also sometimes as tree-based edible landscaping), can help address a range of problems caused by rapid and unplanned urbanization, such as food scarcity, poverty, the deterioration of human health and well-being, air pollution, and biodiversity loss (FAO, 2016).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Review of Local Residents and UsersAttitudes Towards Nonwood Forest Products and Services with Remarks on Obstacles and Possibilities for Improvement

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    Ovaj rad objedinjuje i stavlja u međusobni odnos rezultate ispitivanja stavova dvije različite grupe ispitanika prema nedrvnim Å”umskim uslugama i proizvodima, služeći se metodom triangulacije (Denzin 1978, Denzin i Lincoln 1998, 2003 i 2005). Podaci su prikupljeni pomoću dva dijelom ista upitnika, s time da se s lokalnim stanovniÅ”tvom razgovaralo licem-u-lice, dok su stanovnici Karlovca svoj upitnik dobili poÅ”tom. Uz to je ocijenjena povoljnost Å”uma područja Petrove gore za pružanje rekreacijskih i krajobraznih usluga. Rezultati ukazuju na visok stupanj slaganja stavova ispitanika ove dvije grupe te prepoznavanje važnosti ekoloÅ”ke i rekreacijske usluge Å”uma. Također je zanimljivo da obje grupe ispitanika vrlo rado i često odlaze u Å”umu, najčeŔće radi odmora i rekreacije, kao i zdravlja, a prilikom boravka u Å”umi gotovo redovno sakupljaju razne plodove i proizvode. Uglavnom su zadovoljni stanjem Å”uma, no to zadovoljstvo opada povećanjem stupnja obrazovanja, ali nisu zadovoljni stanjem i održavanjem postojećih sadržaja u Å”umi. Također im nedostaju sadržaji prilagođeni osobama s posebnim potrebama. Izuzetno dobru povoljnost cijeloga područja Petrove gore za pružanjem rekreacijskih i krajobraznih usluga može se bolje koristiti u promidžbene svrhe samog rekreacijskog centra, ali i kao dobru podlogu za privatno poduzetniÅ”tvo. Obje grupe su prepoznale važnost Å”umskih plodova i iskazale interes za njihovim sakupljanjem te koriÅ”tenjem, ponajprije za osobne svrhe. Za dobivanje potpunije slike, potrebno je provesti dodatna istraživanja s posebnom pozornoŔću usmjerenom na posjetitelje Å”ume.This paper presents results of research project ā€œDefining of values and possibilities of use for non-wood forestsā€™ products and services financed by Croatian forests ltd. and executed by Croatian Forest Research Institute in cooperation with Forest District Karlovac (2005ā€“2010). Non-wood forestsĀ“ products were defined as group of forest fruits and mushrooms, and services as group of social forestsā€™ services (recreation and landscape). Method chosen for analysis and interpretation of results from two different investigations was triangulation (Denzin and Lincoln 1998 i 2003). First investigation was done with population of PetersĀ“ mountain (2007ā€“2008) using face-to-face interviews (table 4), and second using questionnaire send by mail to citizens of Karlovac (table 5) as users of forest services (2009ā€“2010).This method allowed us to put results from different investigations into relation with aim to get better picture and understanding of investigated phenomenon. In addition the data on forest suitability for providing forest services were collected too. Those data were used for defining forest suitability for providing recreational and landscape services to users. Results show high level of correlation between attitudes of two different groups of respondents, and significant recognition of importance of ecological, recreational and landscape forestsĀ“ services (figure 1). Another finding is that both groups of respondents very often and gladly visits forest, mostly for purpose of rest and recreation, but also for health reasons (table 7 and 9) (Vuletić et al 2009). During their visits to forest they often almost regularly collect forest fruits, and they recognized this activity as very important for them (table 8). They are also equally satisfied with state of forests. However, the level of respondentsā€™ satisfaction decreased with increased level of education. Contrary level of satisfaction is low when it is about state and maintenance of recreational infrastructure in forests. Especially they missed adopted infrastructure for disabled people. The forestsĀ“ suitability for providing recreational and landscape services is for almost whole area of PetersĀ“ mountain excellent and very good (table 6) and we see this as a clear sign of huge potential for developing recreational activities and for use in marketing of whole recreational area. Also this could be used to facilitate private entrepreneurship development based on use of forestsā€™ non-wood products for which the both groups of respondents recognized the potential. The local population expresses also interest to start private entrepreneurship where those which owned they forests were more interested in it. PetersĀ“ mountain with the recreational center ā€œMuljavaā€ with numerous of visitors (table 1) presents huge potential for developing recreational activities based on collection of non-wood forestsĀ“ products which will motivate their visitors to prolong their stay in forests. The existing common interest for non-wood forest products and fruits should be used and connected through possibility to sell collected fruits to some of local collectors, which could boost the private entrepreneurship in these poorly developed areas with almost non additional investments. Although, for getting the whole picture of investigated phenomenon additional research should be planned and executed giving the special attention to concrete visitors of forests and this recreational area and in second hand to private entrepreneurs to find out what are the critical factors which can initiate or foster those activities

    Calculation of Economic Rotation Period for Even-Aged Stand in Croatia

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    Background and purpose: Even-aged forests prevail in Croatiaā€™s forestry. Rotation period is based mostly on natural parameters. In practice, rotation period is given by Croatian Rulebook of forest management. Cutting age is determined based on inventory data and many other stand characteristics. Rotation period is a planned time and it always has to be unique for particular tree species, and cutting age is the age of a stand at the moment of the final cut. The aim of the paper is to compare rotation period based on economic parameters and rotation period determined by using forest inventory data. Material and methods: Owing to absence of long term stand calculation data, research object was taken from Forest Management Handbook (1995). Mean annual increment (MAI) and current annual increment (CAI) provided fundamental data for calculations. The research was conducted at one hectare Common Beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) stand. Assortment structure and value of timber was estimated by the present cutting value method calculated by using Croatian forests Ltd. Price list for the year 2008. Labor costs in forest exploitation were also taken into account. Results and conclusion: In order to achieve cost-effective management of common beech stands, it is necessary to adjust current optimal rotation period. Optimal rotation period should be based on management goals as the main factors. So far the most common criterion adopted in Croatian forestry has been the rotation of maximum sustained yield or maximum Mean annual increment. The presented results indicate that common forest management practice should be changed in order to achieve cost-effective management of beech stands in the future

    Survey Research in the Forest Science Journals - Insights from Journal Editors

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    Background and Purpose: Survey research is one of the most commonly applied approaches in the social sciences. In the forest research it has been used for more than five decades. In spite of that or the fact that the amount of survey-based articles in the forest science journals has increased during the last decade, their share in all articles published in 20 forest science journals (9,372 articles, 2005-2014) is quite modest (3.2%). In our paper we look at the opinions and attitudes of forest science journal editors towards survey research, as their perspective might enlarge our understanding of the use of this approach in the field of forestry. Materials and Methods: We selected 20 forest science journals - 15 from the SCI list and five non-SCI journals and contacted editors of these journals with the self-administered e-mail questionnaire. Data were collected in October 2014 and analyzed by descriptive statistics. The overall response rate was 75%. The assumptions for the study were based on the evidence addressing opinions and attitudes of journal editors from other research fields (finance) since no similar study was found in the field of forestry. Results: The majority of editors reported the same review process for survey-based articles as for all others. In two journals, articles with the survey-based content are screened more rigorously and in two journals their publishing is generally discouraged. 40% of journal editors hold the view that no difference should be made between survey research and other types of original research, and another 40% think that survey research should in the first place play a complementary role. As the main strength of survey research editors see the possibility to obtain data unavailable from other sources. They perceive adverse selection and the difficulty to generalize results as the main weaknesses. Conclusions: Editors of forest science journals have similar opinion on survey research as those from the field of finance. In both fields, survey-based articles typically undergo the same review process as all other original research articles. Journal editors were evenly split in their views if survey research should be considered equal or complementary to other types of original research. The two most commonly identified strengths and weaknesses differed just by the order

    Non Wood Forest Products and Services ā€“ Are we Using them Enough?

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    Danas pod utjecajem nastalih klimatskih promjena sve je jasnije da se Å”umarska struka treba snažnije osloniti na multifunkcionalni karakter resursa kojim gospodari, te potrajno koristiti sve njegove proizvode i usluge (Nacionalna Å”umarska politika i strategija, NN 120/03). Uz drvo, tu je niz nedrvnih proizvoda i usluga koje Å”uma pruža. Taj proces je naravno dobro do Å”ao i u sektor privatnog Å”umoposjedniÅ”tva. Nedrvne Å”umske proizvode i usluge čine razni plodovi Å”umskog drveća i grmlja, gljive, razni predmeti izrađeni od sitnog drvnog i nedrvnog materijala, te posebice socijalne usluge Å”uma kao Å”to su rekreacija, turizam, lov, foto-lov i sl. (Sabadi i dr. 2005). Upravo intenzivnije koriÅ”tenje nedrvnih Å”umskih proizvoda i usluga otvara mogućnost razvoja sitnog, malog i srednjeg poduzetniÅ”tva, koje može potaknuti gospodarski razvoj ruralnih sredina. Radi boljeg razumijevanja postojećeg stupnja koriÅ”tenja i mogućnosti razvoja na bazi tih proizvoda u sklopu projekta ā€œUtvrđivanje vrijednosti i mogućnosti koriÅ”tenja ostalih proizvoda i usluga Å”umaā€ za Hrvatske Å”ume d.o.o. na području Uprave Å”uma podružnice Karlovac, provodi se istraživanje stupnja koriÅ”tenja ovih proizvoda od lokalnog stanovniÅ”tva te njihovog interesa za intenzivnijim koriÅ”tenjem nedrvnih proizvoda i usluga Å”uma. U tu svrhu oblikovan je upitnik za prikupljanje podataka metodom intervjuiranja stanovniÅ”tva općina Topusko, Vojnić i Gvozd, koje gravitira Petrovoj gori kao izabranom Å”umskom području, s izraženom zaÅ”titnom i socijalnom funkcijom. Upitnik je djelomično strukturiran, odnosno sadrži pitanja s unaprijed određenim odgovorima i otvorena pitanja, a podijeljen je u nekoliko logičkih cjelina. U ovom radu opisana je koriÅ”tena metoda, upitnik te se iznose prvi rezultati istraživanja. Na projektu sudjeluju djelatnici Odjela za uređivanje Å”uma i Å”umarskueko nomiku Å umarskog instituta, Jastrebarsko, djelatnici Hrvatskih Å”umad.o.o., UÅ P Karlovac na području Petrove gore i studentica SveučiliÅ”ta Paris 12, na postdipomskom studiju iz bioresursa. Prikupljeni podaci poslužit će i za izradu dvaju magistarskih radova te je anketiranje lokalnog stanovniÅ”tva obavljeno od strane ovo dvoje pristupnika. Konačni rezultati ukazuju na dosta visok stupanj koriÅ”tenja nedrvnih Å”umskih proizvoda te razumijevanja važnosti funkcija i usluga koje Å”ume pružaju ko risnicima. Također se posjedovanje Å”ume pokazalo kao izuzetno značajan čimbenik koji utječe na stavove ispitanika, stupanj koriÅ”tenja nedrvnih Å”umskih proizvoda, kao i izbor aktivnosti kojima se bave dok su u Å”umi. Značajan broj ispitanika iskazao je interes za pokretanjem privatnog poduzetniÅ”tva temeljen na intenzivnijem koriÅ”tenju ovih proizvoda i usluga, gdje su Å”umoposjednici značajno viÅ”e zainteresirani od onih koji ne posjeduju Å”umu. Rezultati ukazuju na postojanje interesa, ali istovremeno nedostatak financijskih sredstava i znanja Å”to otvara prostor za djelovanje u smjeru poticanja kako privatnog poduzetniÅ”tva od strane lokalne uprave i/ili Å SS, kao i povećanja raz nolikosti pro izvoda od poduzeća za gospodarenje Å”umama.Nowadays under the influence of climate changes it becomes clearer that forestry profession needs to take advantage from multifunctional character of resource that manages using all its products and services on sustainable way (National forest policy and strategy, NN 120/03). This process needs to be welcomed in private forest sector as well. Beside timber there are number of non-wood forest products and services provided by forests. Non-wood forest products and services comprises different forest fruits, mushrooms, handicrafts from wooden and non wooden material, and especially social services like recreation, tourism, hunting, etc. (Sabadi et al. 2005). More intensive use of non-wood forest products and services opens number of possibilities for development of micro, small and medium entrepreneurships which can foster economical development in rural areas. For the purpose of better understanding of existing level of usage and development possibilities based on this products, under the Project: ā€œIdentifying of values of non- wood forest products and services and possibilities of its useā€ financed by Croatian forests ltd.co on field of its Forest District Karlovac covering area of Petersā€™ mountain, this investigation has been conducted on citizens of tree municipalities: Topusko, Vojnić and Gvozd. The aim was to find out how local citizens recognized forest functions and its products and services, and are they use them and how. Special aim was to find out presence of interest for starting the entrepreneurship among local citizens. For method the interview face-to-face using semi-structured questionnaire was chosen. Petersā€™ mountain is area traditionally forestry oriented but recently also known as recreational area with more expressed social services. Project is realized in cooperation of Forest research institute, Jastrebarsko, Department for forest management and forestry economics, Croatian forests ltd.co Forest District Karlovac and postgraduate student from Paris 12 University. Additionally this project will result with two master theses. Presented results showing that this type of research, beside all its difficulties and imperfections provide valuable information and good basis for objective assessment of non-wood forest products and services use, as well existing interest for starting private entrepreneurship. Level of non-wood forest products usage can be assessed as high with prevailing use of mushrooms (76,0 %), followed by forestsā€™ fruits (51,4 %), honey (25,5 %) and medicinal plants (20,2 %) (table 1). In case of recognition of forest functionsā€™ importance, the most important is timber production function (79,3 %), second is health (67,3 %), and non-wood forest products (50,5 %). Beside the strong recognition of productive forest function important is to stress very strong recognition of social forest functions. Majority of respondents (60 %) visiting forest often, 42 % of them even during Winter, and most frequently chosen reasons for visit are leisure and entertainment (41,3 %), health (36,5 %) and sport and recreation (21,2 %) (table 3). The frequency of visits, and interest for sport and recreation growing with achieved level of education and household income. Visitors while they are in forests most often picking forestsā€™ fruits (75 %), walk (64,9 %) or observe wildlife (31,7 %). Concerning their satisfaction with situation in forest and offer 45,3 % are completely satisfied, 42,2 % are partially satisfied and only 12,5 % are not satisfied at all. Level of satisfaction has reverse proportionality with level of education and household incomes. Interest for starting private entrepreneurship is studied using model of logistic regression which put some light of direction and strength of influence of investigated variables on one Yes/No question. Results revealed that private forest owners has 2,6 times bigger willingness for starting the entrepreneurship than other population (table 2). On appearance of positive answer on that question use of non-wood forest products has positive influence. Based on results gained the average possible private entrepreneur can be described as private forest owner which use forest fruits for private purpose but also for sale, he has low level of education and low household income. In addition he is not enough informed on possibilities and existing development programs, he expecting primarily financial help from local authorities but also additional training; and he is not very keen to affiliate with other entrepreneurs. On those findings clear need for more intensive influence of local authorities and Forest Extension Service is stressed out. Main areas of work could be raising awareness on possibilities for improving private forest estate, starting private entrepreneurship based on intensified use of forest products and services. Those activities has to be facilitated by Forest Extension Service but also by Croatian forests ltd.co which can act as motivator or work in cooperation with new private entrepreneurs