48 research outputs found

    Measurement of the Root Canal Length by Endometers ES-02 and ES-03

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    Svrha rada bila je usporediti točnost mjerenja duljine korijenskih kanala apeks-lokatorima ES-02 i ES-03 u suhim kanalima te u kanalima ispunjenima natrij-hipokloritom i etilendiaminotetraoctenom kiselinom. Za pokus je rabljen 31 ekstrahirani humani jednokorijenski zub. Duljine korijenskih kanala određene su vizualno proÅ”irivačem #15, Å”to je služilo kao kontrolne vrijednosti. Nakon toga zubi su uronjeni u posudu sa svježe zamijeÅ”anim alginatom u koji je postavljena i elektroda te su obavljena mjerenja s oba uređaja. Na svakom uzorku, za svaki uređaj, mjerile su se po dvije vrijednosti u suhom kanalu te u kanalu ispunjenom natrij-hipokloritom i kelatorom etilendiaminotetraoctenom kiselinom - EDTA. Prva vrijednost je radna duljina određena prema oznaki -1,0 na ljestvici, odnosno na ekranu, kao mjesto apikalnog sužetka. Druga vrijednost je mjerena prema oznaki 0,0 koja označava vanjski otvor korijenskog kanala. Dobiveni rezultati statistički su obrađeni testom MANOVA. Kao post-hoc test koristio se Student-t test. Uređajem ES-02 postignuto je 65%, a ES-03 uređajem 61% mjerenja jednakoj kontroli pri točki -1,0 u suhim kanalima, premda razlika između uređaja nije statistički znatna. Tekućine u kanalu statistički negativno utječu na točnost jerenja, ali ta je značajnost oko 10 puta veća kod točke mjerenja -1,0 u odnosu prema točki 0,0.The aim of this study was to compare the accuracy of measurements of endometers ES-02 and ES-03 in dry canals and canals filled with sodium-hypochlorite and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA). For the experiment 31 one-rooted human extracted teeth were used. Working length of the root canal was determined visually using a #15 reamer as a control measurement. After that the teeth were mbedded in vial with freshly mixed alginate and the measurements were made with both devices. Two measurements were made in dry canal and canal filled with sodiumhypochlorite and EDTA for each device. The first value was the working length determined according to the sign -1,0 on the scale and display, respectively, which corresponds to the apical constriction. The second value was measured according to the sign 0,0 which corresponds to the external foramen. Results were analyzed statistically by MANOVA test, and as post-hoc test Student-t test was used. The measurements same as control were in 65% for ES-02 device, and 61%, for ES-03 device at point -1,0 in dry canal, although the difference was not statistically significant. Fluids in root canal statistically significant negatively influence on accuracy of measurements but that significance was 10 times greater at point of measurement -1,0 than at 0,0

    Dentinal resistance to compressive forces after root canal instrumentation with three different machine endodontics systems

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    BackgroundThe association between the occurrence of microfractures and vertical root fractures has not been proven in published studies. One of the ways of trying to examine the influence of certain procedures on the resistance of the tooth to the action of occlusal forces is to subject the samples to fracture resistance testing by forces directed at the tooth or a specimen at different angles or by measuring that force on the root cross-sectional surface compressive strength.AimsThis study aims to examine dentinal resistance to compressive forces after root canal instrumentation with three different machine endodontics systems.Methods In order to examine the effect of instrumentation on the resistance of root dentin to the action of compression and compressive forces, teeth were divided in three groups and were instrumented with three different endodontics systems. The samples were subjected to compressive strength testing. Two forces were recorded: maximum force and breaking force.Results The results of the variance analysis show that there is no difference in breaking force between groups (p=0.151), but the difference is statistically significant between sections (p=0.001). The values of breaking forces in the cervical part are on average 25% lower.ConclusionWhen comparing the apical, medial and cervical part of the tooth, the medial part of the tooth has the highest values of breaking force and the apical part has slightly lower values. The values of breaking forces in the cervical part are on average 25% lower

    Incidence of Dentinal Micro Cracks during Root Canal Preparation with Self Adjusting File, Reciproc Blue, and ProTaper Next

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    Introduction: Forces formed during root canal instrumentation could cause the crack formation in dentinal walls. Their propagation may result in vertical root fracture and eventually tooth loss. The aim of the study was to explore microcrack formation after root canal preparation with Self-adjusting File (SAF), Reciproc Blue (RB), and ProTaper Next (PTN) instruments on young premolars by means of micro-computed tomography. Methods and Materials: Forty-five upper premolars with two canals, were extracted due to orthodontic reasons from patients aged 16 to 20 years and stored for up to two months. The teeth were scanned with a micro-CT (Nikon XT H 225, Tring, UK) at structural resolution of 20.2 Āµm and randomly divided into three groups: SAF, RB, and PTN. Specimens were instrumented and irrigation was performed with 12 mL of 2.5% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) and 4 mL of 17% ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) per root canal. Subsequently, the specimens were scanned under the same conditions as before, in wet condition and 24 h after drying. The presence of microcracks in dentinal walls was evaluated using the image-processing software Volume Graphics VGStudio Max 3. Results: No dentinal defect was found in any evaluated specimen, neither in pre-nor post-operative scans in wet and dry condition. Conclusion: Under the circumstances of this in vitro study instruments with improved design and metallurgy do not cause dentinal microcracks in young premolar teeth.Keywords: Dentin; Micro-computed Tomography; Nickel-titanium; Root Canal Preparatio

    The Oral Status of Adult Population in the Croatian Town of Knin: a Cross Sectional Study

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    Svrha: EpidemioloÅ”ka istraživanja u mnogim zemljama pokazuju neravnomjernu raspodjelu oralnih bolesti u populaciji ā€“ primarno karijesa, te je zato glavna svrha ovoga presječnog istraživanja bila dobiti relevantne podatke oralnog statusa populacije u Kninu i okolici određene prema smjernicama SZO-a. Ispitanici i metode: U istraživanje je bilo uključeno 414 ispitanika u dobi od 18 do 65 godina. Zabilježeni podatci uključivali su opću anamnezu, ekstraoralni status, status oralne sluznice, status temporpomandibularnih zglobova, zubni, parodontni i protetski status, te jesu li potrebni restaurativni zahvati. Obavljena je i usporedba među različitim grupama, ovisno o dobi, spolu, stupnju obrazovanja i podrijetlu. Rezultati: Prosječno je KEP indeks bio 17,3, zatim 1,7 ā€“ karijes, 6,2 ā€“ ispuni i 9,4 ā€“ ekstrahirani zubi. SIC indeks iznosio je 26,4. Razlika je bila značajna u grupama prema dobi i stupnju obrazovanja (p < 0,001). Postotak osoba s najviÅ”im zbrojem CPI-a od 0 do 4 bio je 27,3, 16,9, 36,5, 16,4, i 2, 2,9 posto. Razlika između dobnih grupa u CPI vrijednostima bila je statistički značajna, a razlika ovisno o spolu i podrijetlu nije bila značajna (p = 0,001). Zaključak: Populacija u Kninu i okolici ima vrlo loÅ” oralni status, najvjerojatnije zbog posljedica rata 1990-ih godina i ekonomske tranzicije te zato Å”to nema nacionalnog programa za promicanje oralnoga zdravlja.The aim: Epidemiologic studies in many countries show uneven distribution of oral diseases (primarily caries) within the population. This is why more studies are oriented towards specific regions or subpopulations instead of large scale national surveys. The major purpose of this cross sectional study was to obtain relevant data about the oral status of the population of Knin and its surroundings according to the WHO criteria. Subjects and methods: The study included 414 participants aged between 18 and 65. The recorded variables included general anamnestic data, extraoral status, oral mucosa status, temporomandibular joint status, dental, periodontal and prosthetic status, and the need for dental restoration. The comparison between different groups regarding age, gender, educational level and origin was made. Results: DMFT index was 17.3 ā€“ with on average 1.7 caries, 6.2 fillings, and 9.4 teeth extracted. SiC index equaled 26.4. The difference was significant regarding the level of education and age (p<0.001). The percentages of individuals with the highest CPI scores from 0-4 were 27.3, 16.9, 36.5, 16.4 and 2.9%, respectively. The difference between the age groups in CPI scores was statistically significant, while the differences according to the gender and origin were not significant (p=0.001). Conclusion: The population of Knin and the surrounding area exhibited very bad oral status which can be attributed to the consequences of the war in the 1990-ies, the economic transition, and the lack of national program for oral health promotion

    A Comparison of Oral Status of the Fourth-Year Students of Various Colleges at the University of Zagreb

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    Svrha: Svrha istraživanja bila je usporediti oralni status studenata četvrte godine StomatoloÅ”kog fakulteta te studenata četvrte godine ostalih fakulteta SveučiliÅ”ta u Zagrebu. Ispitanici i postupci: Istraživanjem je bilo obuhvaćeno 78 studenata stomatologije i 78 njihovih kolega s ostalih fakulteta SveučiliÅ”ta u Zagrebu. Pregledi su obavljeni prema metodologiji i kriterijima SZO-a (WHO-a) stomatoloÅ”kim zrcalom, a parodontoloÅ”kom sondom Community periodontal index (CPI). Rezultati: Prosječna vrijednost KEP-indeksa svih ispitanika bila 7,97 (s.d.= 4,48), a bila je veća kod muÅ”karaca negoli kod žena (p=0,043). Studenti stomatologije imali su prosječan KEP 6,96 (s.d.=4,82), a oni s ostalih fakulteta 8,97 (s.d.=3,88), sa statistički značajnom razlikom (p=0,005). Prosječan CPI statistički se značajno razlikovao (p=0.001) i kod studenata stomatologije je iznosio 1,91 (s.d.=2,40), a kod ostalih 2,99 (s.d.=2,23). Većina studenata ostalih fakulteta ( 66 %) treba, osim preventivnog tretmana, i konzervativno liječenje za razliku od studenata stomatologije od kojih 83 posto ne treba nikakvo liječenje ili treba samo preventivno. Zaključak: Premda je pojavnost karijesa, parodontnih bolesti i potreba za stomatoloÅ”kim liječenjem niža kod studenata stomatologije, razmjerno visoka vrijednost KEP-a u objema skupinama ispitanika upućuje na nužnost boljeg preventivnog djelovanja u druÅ”tvu. Zbog svijesti o oralnom zdravlju i preventivnim mjerama studenti stomatologije mogu biti pozitivan primjer kolegama s ostalih fakulteta.Objectives: To compare oral status of the fourth-year students of the School of Dental Medicine, and other fourth year students from the University of Zagreb. Materials and methods: Research included 78 dental students and 78 students of other colleges of the University of Zagreb. A standard dental check-up was performed following the WHOā€‘prescribed methodology and criteria, and by using a dental mirror and community periodontal index (CPI) probe. Results: Mean DMFT of all examined subjects was 7.97 (s.d. = 4.48), with a higher value for males than females (p =0.043). The dental students had a mean DMFT of 6.96 (s.d. =4.82) and the non-dental students group DMFT of 8.97 (s.d. =3.88). This difference was statistically significant (p =0.005). Average CPI indices difference of the examined groups (dental students ā€“ 1.91, s.d. =2.40; non-dental students ā€“ 2.99, s.d. =2.23) was also statistically significant (p=0.001). The majority of non-dental students (66%) needed, in addition to preventive measures, a conservative dental treatment, in contrast to the dental-students group, where 83% required only preventive or no dental treatment at all. Conclusions: Although the incidence of dental caries, periodontal diseases and treatment need is lower in dental students, the relatively high value of DMFT indices in both groups indicates the need for better preventive measures. Due to an inherent increased awareness of oral health and preventive measures, the dental students could set a good example to their fellowstudents of other colleges

    The Level of Anxiety and Pain Perception of Endodontic Patients

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    Svrha rada: Željela se usporediti razina anksioznosti pacijenata s tjeskobom, strahom koji su procijenili doktori dentalne medicine. Također se htjelo usporediti pacijentovu očekivanu bol s onom doživljenom tijekom zahvata te liječnikova procjena očekivane i stvarne boli. Metode: Å ezdeset i Å”est pacijenata i njihovi liječnici dentalne medicine ispunili su dva upitnika prije i poslije zahvata. Prvi dio pitanja postavljenih pacijentima odnosio se na demografske podatke, učestalost odlazaka stomatologu, razinu anksioznosti i očekivanu bol. Prije zahvata liječnici su procijenili razinu straha pojedinog pacijenta i očekivani intenzitet boli. Nakon zahvata pacijenti su procijenili razinu očekivane boli te liječnikovu empatiju, a liječnici su ponovno procijenili jakost pacijentove boli. Za statističku analizu zavisnih uzoraka upotrijebljen je bio t-test, a Spearmanovim rho koeficijentom korelacije određena je razina statističke značajnosti od 0,05. Rezultati: Pacijentovo očekivanje intenziteta boli bilo je veće, negoli se to dogodilo tijekom zahvata (t-test = 3,540, p = 0,001). Nije pronađena razlika između razine boli koju su očekivali terapeuti i njihove percepcije boli tijekom zahvata. Utvrđena je statistički značajna korelacija između pacijentove razine anksioznosti i doktorova prepoznavanja njegove ustraÅ”enosti (Spearmanov rho = 0,460, p<0,001).ViÅ”a razina anksioznosti povećala je očekivani intenzitet boli (Spearmanov rho = 0,401, p=0,001). Stvarni intenzitet boli nije bio značajno povezan s dentalnom anksioznoŔću. (Spearmanov rho = 0,080, p = 0,524). Zaključak: S obzirom na to da je razina dentalne anksioznosti povezana s povećanim intenzitetom očekivane boli, začarani krug boli i straha mogao bi biti prekinut pozitivnim informacijama koje bi dobio pacijent prije endodontskog zahvata i tijekom tretmana.Objectives: to compare the level of anxiety reported by patients and assessed by dentists. Also, the expected and actual pain during the treatment perceived by the patient and dentist were assessed. Methods: sixty six endodontic patients filled in two questionnaires, prior to and after the treatment, so did their therapists. The first set of questions for patients was regarding demographics, the frequency of dental visits, the level of anxiety and expectations about the level of pain. Before the treatment, dentists estimated the level of patientsā€™ anxiety and the expected intensity of pain. After the treatment, the patients evaluated the level of experienced pain and dentistsā€™ empathy during the treatment, while dentists reassessed the intensity of patientsā€™ pain.The data were statistically analysed by t-test for paired samples and by Spearmansā€™s Rho correlation coefficient at level of significance set at 0.05. Results: Patientsā€™ expectation of pain intensity was higher than the actual pain during the treatment (t-test=3.540, p=0.001). There was no difference in the level of pain which dentists expected and their perception of pain during the procedure. There was a statistically significant correlation between the patientsā€™ level of anxiety and recognition of it by dentists (Spearman Rho=0.460, p<0.001). A higher level of anxiety increased the expected intensity of pain (Spearman Rho=0.401, p=0.001). Actual intensity of pain was not significantly associated with dental anxiety (Spearman Rho=0.080, p=0.524). Conclusion: Since the level of dental anxiety was associated with the increased intensity of expected pain, a vicious cycle of pain and anxiety may be terminated by giving positive information to the patient before and during endodontic procedures

    The Concentration of Fluorides in tap Water and Commercial Bottled Beverages

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    Svrha: Zadatak istraživanja bio je izmjeriti koncentraciju fluorida u vodovodnoj vodi u sjevernom hrvatskom gradu Čazmi i u komercijalno dostupnim napitcima. Materijali i metode: Koncentracija fluorida određena je fluorid-selektivnom elektrodom u uzorcima vode iz vodovoda i komercijalno dostupnih napitaka. Pritom je pH određen ion-selektivnom elektrodom za vodik. Rezultati: Sadržaj fluorida u vodovodnoj vodi iznosio je 0,313 mg F-/L. Od komercijalno dostupnih napitaka najveća koncentracija izmjerena je u gaziranoj mineralnoj vodi (0,34 ā€“ 1,5 mg F-/L) te u ledenim čajevima (0,06 ā€“ 0,74 mg F-/L). Negazirane vode i sokovi te gazirani sokovi imali su vrlo nizak sadržaj fluorida i iznosili su redom <0,01 mg F-/L, 0,06 ā€“ 0,15 mg F-/L i 0,02 mg F-/L. U gaziranim napitcima pH je iznosio od 2,36 do 2,68, a u sokovima od 3,08 do 3,64. Zaključak: Niska koncentracija fluorida u napitcima te kombinacija niskog pH i dodanih Å”ećera mogla bi imati visoki kariogeni potencijal. Rezultati ovog istraživanja mogli bi se iskoristiti za planiranje preventivnih mjera.The aim of this study was to measure the concentration of fluorides in tap water in northern Croatian town Čazma and commercially available bottled drinks. Materials and Methods: Fluoride content was assessed by fluoride-selective electrode in tap water and commercial drinks from public supply. The pH was assessed by hydrogen ion-selective electrode. Results: Fluoride content in tap water was 0.313 mg F-/L. In commercially available bottled drinks fluoride concentration was the highest in carbonated mineral water (0.34 ā€“ 1.5 mg F-/L), followed by some ice tea drinks (0.06 ā€“ 0.74 mg F-/L). Non-carbonated waters, carbonated soft drinks and noncarbonated soft drinks had very low fluoride concentration and it amounted to <0.01 mg F-/L, 0.02 mg F-/L and 0.06 ā€“ 0.15 mg F-/L, respectively. The pH in carbonated drinks was 2.36 ā€“ 2.68 and 3.08 ā€“ 3.64 in juices. Conclusion: Low concentration of fluorides in soft drinks and low pH in combination with added sugars could be cariogenic. The results obtained in this investigation could be used in planning preventive measures

    Comparison of Oral Hygiene Habits of the 4th Year Students of Different Faculties of University of Zagreb

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    Preddiplomsko obrazovanje mijenja percepciju oralno-zdravstvenih i oralno-higijenskih navika i stajaliÅ”ta studenata stomatologije. Svrha istraživanja bila je usporediti te navike i stajaliÅ”ta studenata četvrte godine StomatoloÅ”kog fakulteta i njihovih kolega s iste godine na ostalim fakultetima SveučiliÅ”ta u Zagrebu, kako bismo odredili opseg i važnost mogućih razlika. Ispitanici i postupci: Sudjelovao je 151 student obaju spolova i to 79 sa stomatologije (četvrte godine) i 72 s ostalih fakulteta (četvrte godine). Svi su odgovorili na 21 pitanje iz prilagođenog upitnika prema Å palju o oralno-higijenskim navikama i stajaliÅ”tima. Podaci su nakon toga statistički analizirani programskim paketom SPSS ver. 16,0. Rezultati: Rezultati su pokazali da postoji razlika između dviju skupina te da studenti stomatologije imaju bolje oralno-higijenske navike i bolja oralno-zdravstvena stajaliÅ”ta od kolega s ostalih fakulteta. Bili su bolje podučeni u tehnici četkanja zuba, zube čeŔće četkaju, koriste se dodatnim sredstvima za održavanje higijene, rjeđe imaju probleme s krvarenjem gingive te posjećuju stomatologa čeŔće nego njihovi kolege s drugih fakulteta. Zaključak: Zbog svjesnosti o problemima oralnoga zdravlja i većeg znanja o preventivnim mjerama, studenti stomatologije mogli bi pozitivno pridonositi oralnom zdravlju svojih pacijenata i kolega i to ne samo educirajući ih, nego i vlastitim primjerom.Undergraduate dental education changes studentsā€™s perception of oral health, as well as oral hygiene habits and attitudes. Aim of this study was to compare oral hygiene and oral health habits and attitudes between 4th year students of dental medicine and 4th year students of other faculties of University of Zagreb in order to determine the possible extent and significance of differences. Material and Methods: Total number of subjects was 151 which included 79 dental students (4th year) and 72 students of other faculties (4th year) of University of Zagreb, of both genders. Modified oral hygiene habits and attitudes questionnaire according to Å palj consisting of 21 questions was used. Data were statistically analyzed using SPSS ver. 16.0 software. Results showed difference between two groups, where dental students had better oral hygiene habits and better oral health attitudes compared to their colleagues from other faculties. Dental students were better instructed in brushing techniques, brush more often, use additional means of oral hygiene, have lesser prevalence of gingival bleeding and visit dentist more often then their colleagues from other faculties. Conclusion: Because of greater awareness of oral health problems and improved knowledge on preventive measures, students of dental medicine could positively contribute to the oral health of their patients and their colleagues by education, but also by their own example as a role ā€“ model