4 research outputs found

    Examinando o desenho infantil como recurso terapêutico para o desenvolvimento de linguagem de crianças surdas Examining children's drawing as a therapeutic resource for deaf children's language development

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    A vivência prática do desenho na Clínica Fonoaudiológica é abordada como o núcleo central e gerador deste trabalho. Procurou-se investigar as práticas dialógicas desencadeadoras de processos de construção de conhecimentos, que relacionassem o desenho à apropriação de sentidos e significados, que pudessem interferir no desenvolvimento da linguagem da criança surda. A partir do referencial de análise qualitativa, utilizou-se os construtos teóricos e metodológicos da perspectiva Histórico-Cultural. Os sujeitos deste relato de caso foram duas crianças surdas bilíngües, ambas do sexo masculino; faixa etária de nove e dez anos; diagnóstico audiológico de surdez profunda bilateral e queixa de atraso do desenvolvimento de linguagem. Os dados coletados ao longo de um ano contêm 30 horas de filmagem e relatórios das sessões semanais de 60 minutos destinados ao atendimento clínico-terapêutico. Reconhecendo o desenvolvimento - da criança, da linguagem e do desenho - como um processo em constante movimento, o foco das análises recaiu sobre a emergência das ações em mudança e na dinâmica das interações entre os sujeitos. Os resultados mostraram que o uso prioritário da língua de sinais associado ao trabalho com atividades sígnicas, além da consideração das particularidades lingüísticas e das mediações semióticas, foram fundamentais para que o desenvolvimento e aquisição da linguagem favorecessem as práticas sociais da criança surda.<br>The practical experience of drawing in the Speech-Language Pathology clinical practice is taken as the central and generating nucleus of the present study. It is investigated the dialogical practices that trigger processes of knowledge construction able to relate drawing to the appropriation of senses and meanings, which could affect the deaf children's language development. From the point of view of a qualitative analysis, the study used theoretical and methodological constructs stemming from a Historic-Cultural perspective. The subjects of this case report were two bilingual male deaf children with ages between nine and ten years, both with profound bilateral hearing loss and complaints of delay in their language development. Data were gathered for a year, producing 30 hours of video recordings and reports regarding the 60-minutes weekly therapy sessions that were carried out during this period. Taking children's, language's and drawing's development as a constantly-changing process, the focus of the analyses was the emergence of actions-in-change and the dynamics of the interactions between the studied subjects. Results showed that the priority given to the use of sign language associated with the therapeutic focus on signic activities, which took into account linguistic particularities and semiotic mediations, were vital for language acquisition and development to favor deaf children's social practices

    International interlaboratory comparison of Raman spectroscopic analysis of CVD-grown graphene

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    There is a pressing need for reliable, reproducible and accurate measurements of graphene's properties, through international standards, to facilitate industrial growth. However, trustworthy and verified standards require rigorous metrological studies, determining, quantifying and reducing the sources of measurement uncertainty. Towards this effort, we report the procedure and the results of an international interlaboratory comparison (ILC) study, conducted under Versailles Project on Advanced Materials and Standards. This ILC focusses on the comparability of Raman spectroscopy measurements of chemical vapour deposition (CVD) grown graphene using the same measurement protocol across different institutes and laboratories. With data gathered from 17 participants across academia, industry (including instrument manufacturers) and national metrology institutes, this study investigates the measurement uncertainty contributions from both Raman spectroscopy measurements and data analysis procedures, as well as provides solutions for improved accuracy and precision. While many of the reported Raman metrics were relatively consistent, significant and meaningful outliers occurred due to differences in the instruments and data analysis. These variations resulted in inconsistent reports of peak intensity ratios, peak widths and the coverage of graphene. Due to a lack of relative intensity calibration, the relative difference reported in the 2D- and G peak intensity ratios (I-2D/I-G) was up to 200%. It was also shown that the standard deviation for Gamma(2D) values reported by different software packages, was 15 x larger for Lorentzian fit functions than for pseudo-Voigt functions. This study has shown that by adopting a relative intensity calibration and consistent peak fitting and data analysis methodologies, these large, and previously unquantified, variations can be significantly reduced, allowing more reproducible and comparable measurements for the graphene community, supporting fundamental research through to the growing graphene industry worldwide. This project and its findings directly underpin the development of the ISO/IEC standard 'DTS 21356-2-Nanotechnologies-Structural Characterisation of CVD-grown Graphene'

    Thermal Energy Dissipation in Plants Under Unfavorable Soil Conditions

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