846 research outputs found


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    Internationalization has been widely studied throughout the years. Broadly, it has been predicted as irrevocable and having increasing impact on firm-related strategy. Within entry modes, consortium, has not received as much attention as others. Hence, it seems important to understand how this specific entry mode allows the entrance of firms in the international markets. This study intends to answer the question of “how” to internationalize, anticipating the consortium as the most feasible way for construction firms to enter certain markets. The reasons that determine its choice concern the specificness of the projects, markets and of the firm. In the first part of the study, we review the existent literature on consortia as an entry mode and as a tool of internationalization used by construction firms. Through this review we build a framework that reveals the motivations that lead to this choice. In the second part, we present the case study of Mota-Engil, as a potential source of valuable information which may contribute to the understanding of the phenomenon under study. This case study corroborates the motivations found to create consortia. The paper closes with its contributions, limitations and suggestions for future researches.consortia, internationalization, cooperation, construction

    Domestic Impact of Internationalisation: The case of JM

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    The influence of internationalisation processes in the domestic activities of firms’ has not been considered as an important issue in existing models, because they tend to focus on a partial and restricted view of the firm. The purpose of this paper is to challenge that view by attempting a dynamic view of the firm is which primal importance is given to the relationship between international and domestic activities. The main research question is whether domestic activities can be significantly affected by international activities, namely knowledge transfer. Results confirm the dynamic approach adopted by firms however there are no definitive answers in terms of the domestic impact of internationalisation. Despite clear hints of evidence for the internationaldomestic relationship, there was no confirmation of this relationship at the financial level.

    Culture and digital art network. The RECARDI project

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    The RECARDI project –Culture and Digital Art Network intends to merge features and services, enabling enhancement and expansion of digital art. RECARDIalso aims to provide an opportunity for experimentation and digital creation in network, for virtual display of digital artefacts, approaching creators and audience, art and technology, building a collaborative network in digital art, through a web platform. In this article we aim to analyse RECARDI siteand its features and think over the new paths in the contemporary recontextualizationin the author-work-audience relationship.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cinema e interatividade. Da estação de CIOTAT rumo ao videoclip interativo

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    As tecnologias informáticas e os meios audiovisuais têm vindo a caminhar para uma progressiva e dominante utilização de interfaces quepossibilitam um maior diálogo com o utilizador/espetador. Esta abertura redimensiona a relação entre obra-autor-público. A conceção de conteúdos audiovisuais tem vindo a mudar e, por seu lado, o papel do espetador também sofreu alterações, tem vindo a assumir umaposturaprogressivamente mais ativana construção da narrativa. É neste contexto que surgeo videoclip Tempo Estado da Banda algarvia Orblua, que servirá de pretexto para uma contextualização da evoluçãoda interatividade audiovisual, tendo em conta que os indícios de interatividade,no audiovisual analógico, nomeadamente no cinema, remontam às suas origens. Este artigo procura, portanto, traçar o percurso evolutivo da ideia de interatividade relacionada com a imagem em movimento.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Personagens que saem e que entram no ecrĂŁ. Interatividade e cinema

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    Este trabalho propõe-se analisar aspetos relativos a processos de interação nas relações entre espetador e personagem cinematográfica. Quando,em 1903,Justus D. Barnes, dispara o seu revólver na direção do público, inaugura uma longa tradição de chamamento do espetador para um papel mais ativo na narrativa fílmica. Neste sentido, dividimos em dois momentos este estudo: um primeiro,onde serão identificados alguns exemplos de filmes em que as personagens abandonam uma narrativa agrilhoada ao ecrã e procuram, explicitamente, o espetador, umas vezes através de estratégias morfológicas,outras através de soluções técnicas e/ou tecnológicas; e um segundo momento, que aprofundaessas possibilidades tecnológicas e, ao invés de ir ao encontro do espetador, prefere seduzi-lo e guiá-lo para dentro da narrativa. Nesta fase, encontramos diferentes níveis de interatividade homem-máquina, onde o espetador tem algum poder de decisão sobre a narrativa. A estrutura linear pré-definida tende a esbater-se e a ideia de imersão na narrativa ganha uma nova dimensão. Na última parte do artigo,visitaremos mais de perto um caso concreto: o filme interativo Neblina, o primeiro filme da trilogiaOs Caminhos que se bifurcamque procura transferir o espetador, através de um processo de imersão, de um nível extradiagético para um nível intradiagético.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The use of consortia in the internationalization of construction firms – Mota-Engil study case

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    Paper also presented at: 2nd Annual Copenhagen Conference on Partnerships: crating innovative solutions through collaboration, Copenhagen, 17-18 November.The phenomenon of internationalization has been actively studied, throughout the years. In its wide approach, it has been predicted as irrevocable and of increasing impact in the firm-related strategy. The way by which the internationalization occurs is connected with the modes used to enter in foreign markets, which have been also industriously scrutinized. One of those modes, the consortium, has not received as much attention as others. Thus, it seems important to understand how consortia allow the settlement of firms in the international markets. This study intends to answer the question of “how” to internationalize, anticipating the consortium as the most feasible way for construction firms to enter in certain markets. The reasons which determine its choice are related with aspects concerning the specificness of the projects, markets and of the firm in question. In the first part of the study, is introduced the revision of literature already existing about consortia as a entry mode and a tool of internationalization used by construction firms, resulting a analysis matrix which reveals the motivations conducive to their choice. In the second part, it is presented the study-case of Mota-Engil, as a potential source of valuable information which may contribute to the understanding of the phenomenon under study. The case-study allows corroborating the motivations found to create the consortia. The study culminates with a combination of contributions, limitations and suggestions for future researches

    The impact of trust in international alliances - how satisfied are foreign companies with their cooperation with Portuguese partners?

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    This study will focus on the impact of trust, as a culturally defined characteristic of societies, in the performance of the alliances taking place between Portuguese partners and foreign ones. It is a work in progress and it involves different aspects to be dealt with at the same time: trust, national culture and cooperation. The operationalisation of those aspects will be done by the use of both a qualitative and a quantitative approach. The results may help managers to develop a trust production process that may enable the achievement of their objectives throughout collaborative forms and its importance in internationalisation processes. The overall aim is filling some gaps identified in the literature in terms of the overlapping characteristics of presented topics, namely its actionability. Thus far, it has been done some research about trust and cooperative strategies that will be summarized in sections 1 and 2. The following sections will sum up the efforts done concerning model development and the methodology to use. The last part will recap work done to date and present intentions in terms of research

    Empirical test of the trust – performance link in international alliances context

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    This paper focuses on the influence of trust on international alliances performance. Trust has been theoretically recognised to produce positive effects on alliances success. However, the link has rarely been empirically proven. We elaborate on the major difficulties that may explain this and propose a model for the understanding of that influence, where trust antecedents are also considered. The link is validated through primary data collected from 232 international alliances of Portuguese firms and analysed through structural equation modelling
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