22 research outputs found
Nature-based solutions to address water threats in the Mediterranean region. A characterisation of the GIAHS area of Axarquia (Málaga, Spain)
The research has focused on a traditionally agricultural territory that is highly fragile to these processes, namely GIAHS dedicated to the raisin production in the Axarquia. The objective has been to (i) assess the impact of the most important water risks and (ii )identify the main NbS implemented as adaptive mechanisms that have been implemented to ensure food security and the sustainability of these areas. To achieve these objectives, the rainfall dynamics have been statistically analysed with the data downloaded from nine meteorological stations located in the region. In addition, a total of 60 soil samples have been collected and analysed for the estimation of soil water erosion rates, based on the RUSLE model, and for the evaluation of its hydrological dynamics in recent decades. Finally, the NbS identified in the study area have been qualitatively assessed and analysed from an ecosystemic and agricultural approach. The results show an increased water stress in this area according to the projections published by the latest IPCC report for this region. A slight tendency to concentration and increased rainfall erosivity is detected, as well as a lower water availability in soil for crop phenology. Soil erosion rates show very high values. However, agricultural practices and the different structures identified have been determinant in the control of these natural risks, being considered as sustainable adaptation strategies and conforming as NbS.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech
Differences in the Soil Quality Index for two contrasting mediterranean landscapes in southern Spain
Soil quality indexes (SQIs) are very useful in assessing the status and edaphic health of soils. This is particularly the case in the Mediterranean area, where successive torrential rainfall episodes give rise to erosion and soil degradation processes; these are being exacerbated by the current climate crisis. The objective of this study was to analyze the soil quality in two contrasting Mediterranean watersheds in the province of Malaga (Spain): the middle and upper watersheds of the Rio Grande (sub-humid conditions) and the Benamargosa River (semi-arid conditions). Field soil sampling was carried out at representative sites, and the soils were subsequently analyzed for various edaphic properties in the laboratory. From the resulting data, the mean values have been grouped and reclassified, and, based on a multicriteria evaluation, an SQI for the study region was generated. The results show that there are major differences between the two watersheds, with optimal soil quality values being found in the Rio Grande watershed (very high soil quality—34.26%), but more unfavorable values occurring throughout most of the Benamargosa River watershed (very low soil quality—63.33%). Thus, these results have been subjected to a validation process in the field
Environmental restoration through soil conservation. A case study of Monte Gibralfaro (Málaga, Spain).
Soil conservation in natural areas within urban settings is essential to ensure environmental sustainability.
These spaces act as green lungs, providing crucial ecosystem services such as carbon sequestration, water regulation and habitats for biodiversity. Proper land management in these urban areas contributes to air quality, human health and resilience to extreme weather events, promoting a balance between urban development and environmental preservation.
In a context of climate change, especially in highly vulnerable areas such as the Mediterranean, land degradation processes are one of the main threats.
Therefore, the development of sustainable strategies for the evaluation and characterisation of soils, as well as the conservation, restoration and renaturalisation of these spaces is a key factor in land management. Underthese premises, the current work focuses on an urban forest area in the city of Malaga (Spain) - Monte Gibralfaro - characterised by low biodiversity and a lack of territorial connection with the natural matrix, which makes it more vulnerable to the effects of climate change.
The objectives of this research are: (i) todetermine soil erosion rates using the RUSLE model; (ii) to estimate SOC stocks as an indicator of soil health; (iii) to evaluate the dynamics of vegetation cover in recent years using spatial remote sensing techniques; and (iv) to promote strategies and actions for soil conservation and the improvement of ecosystem services.
In short, the work aims to provide a general characterisation and diagnosis of the state of soil health and, subsequently, to design different actions focused on the restoration of soils as an essential component of environmental dynamics.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech
Adaptación a la dinámica de cambio climático mediante soluciones basadas en la naturaleza (NBS). El caso del área SIPAM de la Axarquía (Málaga).
Las elevadas tasas de pérdida de suelo en la región mediterránea se identifican como uno de los principales problemas a los que se enfrenta la actividad agrícola en la actualidad, especialmente en el contexto de Cambio Climático, en el que las modificaciones en el patrón pluviométrico generan escenarios de gran fragilidad en estas áreas. El Sistema Importante de Patrimonio Agrícola Mundial (SIPAM) de la Axarquía (Málaga), dedicado a la producción de uva pasa, se encuadra como una de estas áreas de gran vulnerabilidad, en donde las Soluciones Basadas en la Naturaleza (NbS) han jugado desde hace siglos un papel fundamental en la adaptación a los procesos de erosión del suelo. Esta investigación pretende estimar las tasas de erosión del suelo en el área SIPAM e identificar las principales NbS utilizadas para la adaptación y mitigación de estos procesos. Los resultados confirman unas elevadas tasas de pérdida de suelo, especialmente en viñedo. Estas tasas de erosión han sido abordadas por los agricultores mediante técnicas ancestrales, que en la actualidad adquieren la denominación de NbS. Se han implementado diferentes estrategias sostenibles de adaptación, la mayor parte de ellas siendo de gran eficacia y obteniendo un claro impacto positivo en la conservación del suelo.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech
Soil erosion susceptibility assessment in Mediterranean areas through the analysis of soil quality. A test in the Guadalmedina watershed (Málaga, Spain).
Soil erosion is one of the most relevant environmental problems facing society today. Thus, climate change has a direct impact on these processes through a feedback loop, especially in the Mediterranean region, where the situation is conceived as one of maximum fragility and sensitivity. The increase in extreme precipitation and temperature events, together with differential human land use, lead to an intense impoverishment of Mediterranean soils. In this sense, it is essential to determine the levels of susceptibility of the territory to erosive processes in order to create strategies aimed at improving the management of the territory and reducing the possible existing risks. Specifically, this work has focused on the Guadalmedina river basin in the province of Malaga (Spain), which is representative of the current dynamics of the Mediterranean landscape. To achieve this, a soil quality index based on a multi-criteria analysis of different soil indicators (water, physical and organic) has been applied in this work, using a total of 132 soil samples. In addition, the results of this analysis have been compared with soil erosion values derived from the application of the RUSLE model. On a general level, lower soil erosion rates clearly correspond to those areas where soil quality indicators show optimal values. Likewise, the results obtained show how soil organic indicators play a decisive role in water erosion processes in the Mediterranean area.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech
Land use change dynamics in two contrasting andalusian mediterranean watersheds (1977 2022) and their effect on SOC stocks.
Mediterranean region, according to the latest IPCC report, is particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. This vulnerability is exacerbated by intense human activity and frequent changes in land use, leading to a notable increase in erosion and degradation processes. As a direct consequence, there is a decline in soil health and, within it, the capacity to retain organic carbon is reduced. In this context, this study aims to: (i) analyze changes in land use over the past decades (1977-2022); (ii) estimate which land uses have a higher soil of organic carbon (SOC) stocks through the collection and analysis of a total of 145 soil samples; (iii) assess the link between current SOC stocks and land use dynamics in recent years; (iv) evaluate the importance of climatic characteristics in SOC stock; (v) generate detailed SOC stocks mapping using Random Forest. For this purpose, two small Andalusian Mediterranean watersheds with contrasting climatic conditions have been selected: on one hand, a watershed (C1, Arroyo de la Pindolita – Valle del Río Genal) characterized by a subhumid Mediterranean climate (±700 mm of annual rainfall); on the other hand, a watershed (C2, Rambla del Serrón – Campo de Tabernas) with arid conditions (±150 mm of annual rainfall). The results show how the contrasting dynamics in land use changes and climatic conditions, especially rainfall, determine a highly differential behavior between the two watersheds. C1, mainly occupied by agricultural land and with a high dynamism in land use changes, has higher SOC stocks, a fact clearly conditioned by climatic characteristics favoring a biostasis situation. Meanwhile, C2 has seen a significant increase in built-up areas and land dedicated to irrigation crops, especially in recent years, identifying generally low SOC stocks.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech
La precipitación geomorfológica como elemento clave en el modelado del paisaje mediterráneo.
El incremento de la frecuencia de la torrencialidad en ámbitos mediterráneos es una cuestión preocupante y no solo desde el punto de vista hidrogeomorfológico, sino también desde el humano, socioeconómico e infraestructural. La definición del umbral de torrencialidad es clave para determinar la peligrosidad de un territorio determinado. En este estudio ajustamos diferentes clasificaciones de torrencialidad con los problemas e impactos identificados en dos áreas mediterráneas contrastadas de la provincia de Málaga, una de ellas caracterizada por un clima mediterráneo subhúmedo (Guadalhorce), y otra por un clima mediterráneo seco-semiárido (Axarquía). A partir del análisis de los datos pluviométricos de 18 observatorios (Red SAIH), los resultados determinan una escasa recurrencia de los eventos torrenciales predefinidos (>100 mm 24 h-1; >60 mm h-1), razón por la que proponemos el uso de un nuevo umbral de torrencialidad de menor duración, pero mucha más elevada intensidad (>10 mm 10 min-1), debido a que son muchos los episodios producidos por debajo de los umbrales anteriores, pero con consecuencias territoriales, como hemos constatado en el análisis mediático. La precipitación que se ajusta a este criterio ha sido definida como “precipitación geomorfológica” por su elevada capacidad de generar alteraciones en los componentes superficiales del territorio. Este tipo de precipitación presenta en ambos ambientes una alta recurrencia, un periodo de retorno prácticamente anual y una elevada erosividad.Esta investigación forma parte del proyecto de investigación “Incidencia del cambio global en paisajes mediterráneos contrastados. GLOMED-LAND” (CSO2016-75898-P) financiado por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitivida
Propuesta didáctica: estudio de los espacios litorales a través de las TIG y metodologías activas.
La nueva legislación educativa señala la importancia de llevar a cabo un proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje para la materia de ‘Geografía e Historia’ basado del uso de metodologías activas y de herramientas digitales. Además, pone de manifiesto la necesidad de realizar un acercamiento a los retos actuales a través de un análisis local. En este sentido, uno de los grandes problemas a los que se enfrenta la región mediterránea es la degradación de las áreas litorales como consecuencia de los efectos del cambio climático. Por ello, se ha realizado una propuesta didáctica destinada a que el alumnado sea capaz de analizar y comprender el territorio a través de los recursos que les ofrece la geolocalización y la implantación de las TIG. Para ello, se ha elegido como área de estudio la franja litoral inmediata a la desembocadura del río Vélez (Vélez-Málaga, Málaga). Los diferentes métodos activos que se han realizado para el desarrollo de esta actividad atienden a metodologías activas, como ABP. La actividad está enfocada para el alumnado de primero de ESO y está programada en materia educativa estatal por la Ley Orgánica 3/2020 de 29 de diciembre (LOMLOE), el RD 217/2022 y la Instrucción 1/2022 en materia educativa autonómica (Andalucía).Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech
Effect of LivinGro treatment on soil health indicators in an experimental crop plot in Zaragoza (Spain).
Assessing the soil health in agricultural areas is a fundamental task, particularly in the context of climate crisis, where soil degradation is perceived as one of the primary threats facing contemporary society. Proper management of these spaces is a priority action for maintaining food security and achieving sustainable development goals. In this regard, it is imperative to develop sustainable and effective adaptation strategies, understanding the need to promote the application of robust methodologies for monitoring various soil health indicators (physical, chemical, and biological). Thus, it is essential to promote practices and treatments aimed at enhancing soil resilience to new changing conditions. Under this paradigm, this study aims to evaluate the soil health status based on different physicochemical indicators in a representative experimental plot of nectarine cultivation in the province of Zaragoza (Spain). The study investigates the impact of a treatment based on the use of multifunctional cover crops (CCM) on these indicators. Soil samples were collected every two months over three years, evaluating different indicative properties in (i) a control zone (without CCM treatment) and (ii) a zone with CCM treatment (Livingro). The results show the effects of this treatment on the soil. The main analyzed properties indicate that the Livingro-treated zone is improving soil health, particularly in key indicators such as basal respiration, organic carbon, nitrogen, and porosity. Likewise, climatic variability, specifically existing seasonal rainfall differences, has been identified as a determining variable in the results analysis.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech
Sostenibilidad hídrica en la agricultura mediterránea: Evaluación de sistemas de riego para el cultivo del mango.
La región mediterránea enfrenta una severa crisis de recursos hídricos, exacerbada por el cambio climático. En las últimas décadas, la región ha sufrido un aumento en la presión antrópica debido al crecimiento poblacional, el turismo y la expansión urbana y agrícola, intensificando la competencia por el agua entre los sectores económicos. El sector agroalimentario es uno de los más afectados por la escasez hídrica. Esto plantea retos significativos para la sostenibilidad de los cultivos de regadío, y subraya la necesidad de adoptar estrategias de riego eficientes y mecanismos de adaptación. Entre las estrategias innovadoras se encuentra el riego deficitario (Khapte et al., 2019). En este sentido, para asegurar un manejo efectivo del agua, es esencial monitorear constantemente la humedad del suelo y adaptar las condiciones hídricas a los requerimientos específicos de cada cultivo (Sillero-Medina et al., 2021). La agricultura de precisión, apoyada por tecnologías como la teledetección y los UAVs, juega un papel fundamental en este contexto, permitiendo un monitoreo detallado de los cultivos y facilitando una gestión más eficiente del riego (Easterday, 2019). Este trabajo tiene como objetivo evaluar el impacto del uso de tres diferentes tratamientos de riego en el cultivo del mango, un cultivo subtropical de importancia creciente en la región mediterránea.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech