64 research outputs found

    Pridopidine selectively occupies sigma-1 rather than dopamine D2 receptors at behaviorally active doses

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    Dopamine stabilizers have stimulatory actions under low dopamine tone and inhibitory actions under high dopamine tone without eliciting catalepsy. These compounds are dopamine D-2 receptor (D2R) antagonists or weak partial agonists and may have pro-mnemonic and neuroprotective effects. The mechanism underlying their stimulatory and neuroprotective actions is unknown but could involve sigma-1R binding. The present study examined sigma-1R and D2R occupancy by the dopamine stabilizer pridopidine (ACR16) at behaviorally relevant doses in living rats. Rats were administered 3 or 15 mg/kg pridopidine, or saline, before injection of the radiotracer C-11-SA4503 (sigma-1R) or C-11-raclopride (D2R). Some animals received 60 mg/kg pridopidine and were only scanned with C-11-raclopride. Cerebral C-11-SA4503 binding was quantified using metabolite-corrected plasma input data and distribution volume (V (T)) calculated by Logan graphical analysis. C-11-raclopride binding was quantified using striatum-to-cerebellum ratios and binding potentials calculated with a simplified reference tissue model. Cunningham-Lassen plots indicated sigma-1R occupancies of 57 +/- 2 and 85 +/- 2 % after pretreatment of animals with 3 and 15 mg/kg pridopidine. A significant (44-66 %) reduction of C-11-raclopride binding was only observed at 60 mg/kg pridopidine. At doses shown to elicit neurochemical and behavioral effects, pridopidine occupied a large fraction of sigma-1Rs and a negligible fraction of D(2)Rs. Significant D2R occupancy was only observed at a dose 20-fold higher than was required for sigma-1R occupancy. The characteristics of dopamine stabilizers may result from the combination of high sigma-1R and low D2R affinity

    Test-Retest Stability of Cerebral 2-Deoxy-2-[F-18]Fluoro-D-Glucose ([F-18]FDG) Positron Emission Tomography (PET) in Male and Female Rats

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    Purpose: An important issue in rodent imaging is the question whether a mixed population of male and female animals can be used rather than animals of a single sex. For this reason, the present study examined the test-retest stability of positron emission tomography (PET) with 2-deoxy-2-[18F]fluoro-D-glucose ([18F]FDG inmale rats and female rats at different phases of the estrous cycle. Procedures: Long Evans rats (age 1 year) were divided into three groups: (1) males (n = 6), (2) females in metestrous (low estrogen levels, n = 9), and (3) females in proestrous (high estrogen levels, n = 7). Two standard [18F]FDG scans with rapid arterial blood sampling were made at an interval of 10 days in subjects anesthetized with isoflurane and oxygen. Body temperature, heart rate, and blood oxygenation were continuously monitored. Regional cerebral metabolic rates of glucose were calculated using a Patlak plot with plasma radioactivity as input function. Results: Regional metabolic rate of glucose (rCMRglucose) in male and female rats, or [18F]FDG uptake in females at proestrous and metestrous, was not significantly different, but females showed significantly higher standardized uptake values (SUVs) and Patlak flux than males, particularly in the initial scan. The relative difference between the scans and the test-retest variability (TRV) were greater in females than in males. Intra-class correlation coefficients (ICCs) of rCMRglucose, SUV, normalized SUV, and glucose flux were good to excellent in males but poor to moderate in females. Conclusions: Based on these data for [18F]FDG, the mixing of sexes in imaging studies of the rodent brain will result in an impaired test-retest stability of PET data and a need for larger group sizes to maintain statistical power in group comparisons. The observed differences between males and females do not indicate any specific gender difference in cerebral metabolism but are related to different levels of non-radioactive glucose in blood plasma during isoflurane anesthesia

    In vivo evaluation of [F-18]FEAnGA-Me:a PET tracer for imaging beta-glucuronidase (beta-GUS) activity in a tumor/inflammation rodent model

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    Introduction: The PET tracer, 1-O-(4-(2-fluoroethyl-carbamoyloxymethyl)-2-nitrophenyl)-O-beta-D-glucopyronuronate ([F-18]FEAnGA), was recently developed for PET imaging of extracellularl beta-glucuronidase (beta-GUS). However,[F-18]FEAnGA exhibited rapid renal clearance, which resulted in a relatively low tracer uptake in the tumor. To improve the pharmacokinetics of [F-18]FEAnGA, we developed its more lipophilic methyl ester analog, [F-18]FEAnGA-Me. Methods: [F-18]FEAnGA-Me was obtained by alkylation of the O-protected glucuronide methyl ester precursor with [F-18]-fluoroethylamine ([F-18]FEA), followed by removal of the acetate protecting groups with NaOMe/MeOH. The PET tracer was evaluated by in vitro and in vivo studies. Results: [F-18]FEAnGA-Me was obtained in 5%-10% overall radiochemical yield. It is 10-fold less hydrophilic than [F-18]FEAnGA and it is stable in PBS and in the presence of beta-GUS for 1 h. However, in the presence of esterase or plasma [F-18]FEAnGA-Me is converted to [F-18]FEAnGA, and subsequently converted to [F-18]FEA by beta-GUS. MicroPET studies in Wistar rats bearing a C6 glioma and a sterile inflammation showed similar uptake in tumors after injection of either [F-18]FEAnGA-Me or [F-18]FEAnGA. Both tracers had a rapid two-phase clearance of total plasma radioactivity with a half-life of 1 and 8 min. The [F-18]FEAnGA fraction generated from [F-18]FEAnGA-Me by in vivo hydrolysis had a circulation half-life of 1 and 11 min in plasma. Similar distribution volume in the viable part of the tumor was found after injection of either [F-18]FEAnGA-Me or [F-18]FEAnGA. Conclusion: The imaging properties of [F-18]FEAnGA-Me were not significantly better than those of [F-18]FEAnGA. Therefore, other strategies should be applied in order to improve the kinetics of these tracers. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Test-retest repeatability of [18F]MC225-PET in rodents:A tracer for imaging of P-gp function

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    In longitudinal PET studies, animals are repeatedly anesthetized which may affect the repeatability of PET measurements. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of anesthesia on the P-gp function as well as the reproducibility of [18F]MC225 PET scans. Thus, dynamic PET scans with blood sampling were conducted in 13 Wistar rats. Seven animals were exposed to isoflurane anesthesia 1 week before the PET scan ("Anesthesia-exposed" PET). A second group of six animals was used to evaluate the reproducibility of measurements of P-gp function at the blood-brain barrier (BBB) with [18F]MC225. In this group, two PET scans were made with a 1 week interval ("Test" and "Retest" PET). Pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated using compartmental models and metabolite-corrected plasma as an input function. "Anesthesia-exposed" animals showed a 28% decrease in whole-brain volume of distribution (VT) (p < 0.001) compared to "Test", where the animals were not previously anesthetized. The VT at "Retest" also decreased (19%) compared to "Test" (p < 0.001). The k2 values in whole-brain were significantly increased by 18% in "Anesthesia-exposed" (p = 0.005) and by 15% in "Retest" (p = 0.008) compared to "Test". However, no significant differences were found in the influx rate constant K1, which is considered as the best parameter to measure the P-gp function. Moreover, Western Blot analysis did not find significant differences in the P-gp expression of animals not pre-exposed to anesthesia ("Test") or pre-exposed animals ("Retest"). To conclude, anesthesia may affect the brain distribution of [18F]MC225 but it does not affect the P-gp expression or function

    Binding of the Dual-Action Anti-Parkinsonian Drug AG-0029 to Dopamine D-2 and Histamine H-3 Receptors:A PET Study in Healthy Rats

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    Introduction: Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by motor dysfunction and a diverse range of nonmotor symptoms. Functional relationships between the dopaminergic and histaminergic systems suggest that dual-action pharmaceuticals like AG-0029 (D-2/D-3 agonist/H-3 antagonist) could ameliorate both the motor and cognitive symptoms of PD. The current study aimed to demonstrate the interaction of AG-0029 with its intended targets in the mammalian brain using positron emission tomography (PET). Methods: Healthy male Wistar rats were scanned with a small-animal PET camera, using either the dopamine D-2/D-3 receptor ligand [C-11]raclopride or the histamine H-3 receptor ligand [C-11]GSK-189254, before and after treatment with an intravenous, acute, single dose of AG-0029. Dynamic [C-11]raclopride PET data (60 min duration) were analyzed using the simplified reference tissue model 2 (SRTM2) with cerebellum as reference tissue and the nondisplaceable binding potential as the outcome parameter. Data from dynamic [C-11]GSK-189254 scans (60 min duration) with arterial blood sampling were analyzed using Logan graphical analysis with the volume of distribution (V-T) as the outcome parameter. Receptor occupancy was estimated using a Lassen plot. Results: Dopamine D-2/3 receptor occupancies in the striatum were 22.6 +/- 18.0 and 84.0 +/- 3.5% (mean +/- SD) after administration of 0.1 and 1 mg/kg AG-0029, respectively. In several brain regions, the V-T values of [C-11]GSK-189254 were significantly reduced after pretreatment of rats with 1 or 10 mg/kg AG-0029. The H-3 receptor occupancies were 11.9 +/- 8.5 and 40.3 +/- 11.3% for the 1 and 10 mg/kg doses of AG-0029, respectively. Conclusions: Target engagement of AG-0029 as an agonist at dopamine D-2/D-3 receptors and an antagonist at histamine H-3 receptors could be demonstrated in the rat brain with [C-11]raclopride and [C-11]GSK-189254 PET, respectively. The measured occupancy values reflect the previously reported high (subnanomolar) affinity of AG-0029 to D-2/D-3 and moderate (submicromolar) affinity to H-3 receptors

    Steroid hormones affect binding of the sigma ligand C-11-SA4503 in tumour cells and tumour-bearing rats

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    PURPOSE: Sigma receptors are implicated in memory and cognitive functions, drug addiction, depression and schizophrenia. In addition, sigma receptors are strongly overexpressed in many tumours. Although the natural ligands are still unknown, steroid hormones are potential candidates. Here, we examined changes in binding of the sigma-1 agonist (11)C-SA4503 in C6 glioma cells and in living rats after modification of endogenous steroid levels. METHODS: (11)C-SA4503 binding was assessed in C6 monolayers by gamma counting and in anaesthetized rats by microPET scanning. C6 cells were either repeatedly washed and incubated in steroid-free medium or exposed to five kinds of exogenous steroids (1 h or 5 min before tracer addition, respectively). Tumour-bearing male rats were repeatedly treated with pentobarbital (a condition known to result in reduction of endogenous steroid levels) or injected with progesterone. RESULTS: Binding of (11)C-SA4503 to C6 cells was increased (~50%) upon removal and decreased (~60%) upon addition of steroid hormones (rank order of potency: progesterone > allopregnanolone = testosterone = androstanolone > dehydroepiandrosterone-3-sulphate, IC(50) progesterone 33 nM). Intraperitoneally administered progesterone reduced tumour uptake and tumour-to-muscle contrast (36%). Repeated treatment of animals with pentobarbital increased the PET standardized uptake value of (11)C-SA4503 in tumour (16%) and brain (27%), whereas the kinetics of blood pool radioactivity was unaffected. CONCLUSIONS: The binding of (11)C-SA4503 is sensitive to steroid competition. Since not only increases but also decreases of steroid levels affect ligand binding, a considerable fraction of the sigma-1 receptor population in cultured tumour cells or tumour-bearing animals is normally occupied by endogenous steroids


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