8 research outputs found

    Landscape archaeology and ancient establishments strategy. Spatial analysisfor the investigation of Roman colonial territories in Wadi Abiod, Aures, Eastern Algeria

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    The present article exposes the potential of a geo-archaeological approach in revealing the diversity of settlement strategies within the colonized areas according to an intramountainous landscape conditions.It attempts to understand the Roman expansion in the valley of Wadi Abiod, an important fluvial artery in the eastern Atlas based onthe reconstruction and analysis of ancient roads systems. The nature of Roman colonization in the area is currently heavily debated, therefore the paper aims to contribute to this discussion by investigating the non-urban aspect of this segment in the Aures region through a combination of all information provided from extensive fieldsurveys (from 2018 to 2020) and Geographical Information System-based analysis that were confronted with geological and geomorphological controls of the territory. the preliminary results ofthis integrated approach reveal the importance of the roads in expanding the scope of Romanization in a land crossing complex that seems at the margin of interest to the Romans

    Landscape archaeology and ancient establishments strategy. Spatial analysis for the Investigation of Roman colonial territories in Wadi Abiod, Aures, Eastern Algeria

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    The nature of Roman colonization in the area is currently heavily debated, therefore the paper aims to contribute to this discussion by investigating the non-urban aspect of this segment in the Aures region through a combination of all information provided from extensive fieldsurveys (from 2018 to 2020) and Geographical Information System-based analysis that were confronted with geological and geomorphological controls of the territory. the preliminary results ofthis integrated approach reveal the importance of the roads in expanding the scope of Romanization in a land crossing complex that seems at the margin of interest to the Romans

    Survey archaeology and regional analysis. A conceptual model on the selection of past dynamics during the Holocene in Wadi Abiod, Aures, Eastern Algeria

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    This paper inserted within a geoarchaeological study, provides a model for the investigation and the support of past dynamics of a mountainous landscape in the Aures region (Algeria) during the Holocene. It introduces the first analysis based on the detailed mapping of morphological features of the study area in relation with a typomorphology theoretical model that was confronted with data from archaeological research. Our results suggest that the choice of the prehistorical movement processes has been driven by the outcrop of some deposits and the presence of specific landforms, such as high and low-relief areas. This approach was applied to a sector with controversial archaeological evidences (the valley of Wadi Abiod), where geological and morphological analyses support archaeological research in the reconstruction of the ancient pathways during the Holocene. This integrated approach can help archaeologists to understand and then discover ancient courses crossing complex in impervious landscapes such as the intramountain Lands

    A scientific support for the control of illicit trafficking of cultural goods in circulation. Algeria

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    African, Mediterranean, Maghreb country, a place of passage and trade by its strategic position, Algeria has dealt with influences brewed through numerous invasions, occupations, and colonization. The resultant varied cultural heritage is apparent largely through Algeria’s linguistic diversity, forms of cultural expression, and an enormous archaeological wealth. The definition of cultural heritage of the Algerian nation is the sum of all tangible and intangible assets that it has inherited through all ages and without distinction. And the Algerian Ministry of Culture reorganized and created a directorate for the legal protection of cultural heritage and institutions which coordinates all actions related to the struggle against the illicit trafficking, together with specific protection services which set up specialized brigades for operational investigations related to the various acts of damage to the national cultural heritage, the theft and illicit trafficking of archaeological objects, antiquities and works of art, degradation and pillage of archaeological sites and artistic counterfeiting. Threats to cultural property are massive, despite the application of a legal framework for the protection of cultural heritage in Algeria (laws and texts), it becomes today necessary to develop new mechanisms as a control strategy to combat the illicit trafficking by strengthening the methodology of the inventory of protected and classified cultural heritage properties according to the law 04-1998 and others of the country's cultural heritage, and to construct a set of scientific tools and descriptive systems, essential for the work of field operators which we will propose in this paper through a diagnosis at a central and local level of the status of the inventory in the different cultural institutions

    Cultural heritage landscape and natural landforms study of the valley of Wadi Abiod – Aures, Algeria

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    This thesis, inserted within a research in landscape, settlement and spatial archaeology, proposes over the very long run the study of spatial dynamics of settlements in an intermountainous territory constituted by a massif hardly offering passages, but partially crossed by a north-east, south-west syncline depression at the bottom of which flows a river. The behavioral perspective of this study being dependent on a decisive environmental context, although unstable and little known, wishes to draw attention to the Holocene chrono-cultural potential of the Aures region and more specifically in the Wadi Abiod valley in the Saharan Atlas, in terms of heritage presence, by the use of new and more in-depth studies and investigations to support archaeological research and to boost the interest and significance on its important antecedents currently unprotected, endangered and, to a certain extent, complicated to manage and promote. Therefore, the research aims to provide a support for the enhancement and valorization of this natural and cultural landscape, and its affiliated values, in a sustainable way, based on a scientific and historic documentation, knowledge, and fruition by the application of an integrated approach of research-combined methodologies, and technologies to make more immersive the idea of rediscovery of cultural heritage in a multidisciplinary way by underlining the coexistence of the different cultural assets and focusing on the complex relationships between habitat e biome. These last ones are studied in their natural and historical contexts with an integrated approach combining archaeological, anthropological and geomorphological parameters, to foster the knowledge of the natural sites and the numerous manifestations of material and immaterial culture. From this point of view, it was indispensable the implementation of meticulous and precise procedures to generate useful results on the above described premises, in particular in the case of problem-oriented territorial investigations. In fact, the best results are attained when using a research methodology that consists of two parts. One part regarded the assessment of the environmental data, while the other part focused on the extraction of an anthropic evidence from these data. This portion constituted 3 the purposefulness phase of the procedure: through the application of different methods, it evidenced the posed historical - archaeological question. The proposed research procedure was applied on this particular case- study that regards a natural and cultural landscape, from the Neolithic to modern times (19th century). This chronological interval was necessary for the analysis of society-environment interactions, that have been noticeable since prehistory. In addition, This diachronic approach stemmed from the need to understand the contribution of past legacies in the processes observed at different times: these processes underlined the importance of understanding the occupation of the territory in ancient times in order to discern the extent of the modifications, or continuities observed. Whereas, the archaeological method in this case was based on a regressive analysis, which studies the most recent periods in order to go towards the oldest. By starting at the state of the best known landscape (the traditional or the 19th century one), an attempt to reconstruct in reverse the past stages of the evolution of this landscape from available sources (maps, parcels, written sources) was performed. Functional and chronological hypotheses were then established for elements of the landscape that made it possible to compensate for the lack of documentation for older societies. While, The emergence of the environmental question has taken place through the notion of occupation of space by ancient societies. From then on, the work has focused on studying the social construction of the environment through the identification of the modes of exploitation of natural resources, and the analysis of processes by the study of trajectories, and their effects on past legacies, by the application of GIS-based procedures and a three-dimensional representation, that provided an understanding of the complex morphology of the territory, in combination with the settlement theory, that highlighted the expected spatial patterns, facilitated the correlation of the anthropic and climatic modalities of environmental evolution, and grasped the impacts for the ancient societies that inhabited and exploited the space in the valley of Wadi Abiod, long been considered isolated

    De l'archive à l'objet, pour une approche différente de l'Algérie punique

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    In the archives of the ISPC (Institute for the Sciences of Cultural Heritage, CNR), a special role seems to play in the documentation of the missions carried out in Algeria between 1969 and 1975 by the then Centre of Studies for the Phoenician and Punic Civilizations, which saw direct interventions in territorial prospecting, the revision of museum materials and the graphic recording of sites and monuments, all included in the Punic and Neopunic phase. Starting from the consistency of the archival documentation and the planning intentions of the missions carried out, a number of craft categories will be presented, whose specimens, preserved at the Archaeological Museum of Annaba, have so far not received a specific registration

    Prehistorical and prothistorical societies of Ouled Nail region. Algeria

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    The present paper investigates, using a multidisciplinary approach, the dynamic of the settlements in the mountains of Ouled Nail (Algeria) during the Holocene as an attempt to reveal an important historic phenomenon in connection with the expansion of the human establishment. Indeed, the archaeological researches led from 1939 to 1955 in North Africa support the Capsanisation movement where the excavated sites were dated back to the Upper Pleistocene and constitutes the most complete archaeological sequence known until today in the Atlas region. The presented results will display the first systematic analysis of rock art, lithic industries and funeral monuments during the Capsien period which is supported by chronological, and palaeoenvironmental data. Today, using geomatics and analytical techniques such as GIS as well as and archaeological investigations, allow us to understand the settlement processes during prehistorical and protohistorical periods

    Non invasive spectroscopic and imaging techniques for the investigation of ancient and modern pigments using ir false color, xrf, fors and raman

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    The analyses of pigments on important paintings is a delicate issue because it is necessary not to harm the work of art. The use of non invasive techniques becomes mandatory within this restrain. Non invasive spectroscopic techniques together with multispectral imaging is the best way to deal with the issue. Multispectral imaging techniques need to be calibrated as every different CCD camera works in a different way. The analysis of a built experimental oil painted palette using ancient and modern pigments provides intrinsic information for a better comprehension of the artwork’s initial painting, restoration, and current state of conservation and is the better way to calibrate a specific CCD camera. The focus of this paper is given to practical aspects using Multi-analytical and imaging noninvasive techniques, such as Infrared false color, X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF), Fiber Optic Reflectance Spectroscopy (FORS), and Raman spectroscopy. Some case studies will be showed in which the calibrated CDD camera supports the recognition of the painter palette in a non invasive way