374 research outputs found

    Towards the automation of the Local Analytic Sector subtraction

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    We present the state of the art of the Local Analytic Sector subtraction. The scheme is now complete at NLO in the massless case for the treatment of initial- and final-state radiations. Its flexibility has been improved by the introduction of damping factors, which can be tuned to reduce numerical instabilities, though preserving the simplicity of the algorithm. The same degree of universality has been reached at NNLO for final-state radiation, where we derived fully analytic and compact results for all integrated counterterms. This allows us to explicitly check the cancellation of the virtual infrared singularities in generic processes with massless final-state partons

    Robustness tests for an optical time scale

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    Optical clocks have reached such an impressive accuracy and stability that the future redefinition of the second will be probably based on an optical transition. Consequently, building time scales based on optical clocks has become a key problem. Unfortunately, optical clocks are still laboratory prototypes and are not yet capable of long times of autonomous operation. It is hence critical to understand the impact of this limited optical clock availability on the generated time scale. In this work, after describing a simple and effective optical time scale algorithm, based on the steering of a flywheel oscillator towards the optical clock, we investigate in detail the impact of the limited availability of the optical clock on the performances of the steering algorithm and of the generated time scale through numerical simulations. In particular, we simulate a time scale generated by a hydrogen maser (with a flicker floor of 5.5 x 10(-16)) steered towards an optical clock, by considering six different scenarios for the availability of the latter, spanning from the ideal one, i.e. continuous operation of the optical clock, to the worst one, i.e. non-uniformly distributed frequency measurements with long unavailability periods. The results prove that the steering algorithm is robust and effective despite its very simple implementation, and it is capable of very good performances in all the considered scenarios, provided that the hydrogen maser behaves nominally. Specifically, they show that a time scale with an accuracy of a few hundreds of picoseconds can be easily realized in the ideal scenario, whereas in a more realistic scenario, with one measurement per week only, the time accuracy is nonetheless of a few nanoseconds, competing with the best time scales currently realized worldwide. The performances degradation due to a non-nominal maser behaviour is also discussed

    Time-frequency analysis of the Galileo satellite clocks: looking for the J2 relativistic effect and other periodic variations

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    When observed from the ground, the frequency of the atomic clocks flying on the satellites of a Global Navigation Satellite System is referred to as apparent frequency, because it is observed through the on-board signal generation chain, the propagation path, the relativistic effects, the measurement system, and the clock estimation algorithm. As a consequence, the apparent clock frequency is affected by periodic variations of different origins such as, for example, the periodic component of the J2 relativistic effect, due to the oblateness of the earth, and the clock estimation errors induced by the orbital estimation errors. We present a detailed characterization of the periodic variations affecting the apparent frequency of the Galileo clocks, obtained by applying time-frequency analysis and other signal processing techniques on space clock data provided by the European Space Agency. In particular, we analyze one year of data from three Galileo Passive Hydrogen Masers, flying on two different orbital planes. Time-frequency analysis reveals how the spectral components of the apparent frequency change with time. For example, it confirms that the amplitude of the periodic signal due to the orbital estimation errors depends on the angle between the sun and the orbital plane. Moreover, it allows to find a more precise estimate of the amplitude of the J2 effect, in agreement with the prediction of the general theory of relativity, and it shows that such amplitude suddenly decreases when the corresponding relativistic correction is applied to the data, thus validating the analytical formula used for the correction

    Time–frequency analysis of the Galileo satellite clocks: looking for the J2 relativistic effect and other periodic variations

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    When observed from the ground, the frequency of the atomic clocks flying on the satellites of a Global Navigation Satellite System is referred to as apparent frequency, because it is observed through the on-board signal generation chain, the propagation path, the relativistic effects, the measurement system, and the clock estimation algorithm. As a consequence, the apparent clock frequency is affected by periodic variations of different origins such as, for example, the periodic component of the J2 relativistic effect, due to the oblateness of the earth, and the clock estimation errors induced by the orbital estimation errors. We present a detailed characterization of the periodic variations affecting the apparent frequency of the Galileo clocks, obtained by applying time–frequency analysis and other signal processing techniques on space clock data provided by the European Space Agency. In particular, we analyze one year of data from three Galileo Passive Hydrogen Masers, flying on two different orbital planes. Time–frequency analysis reveals how the spectral components of the apparent frequency change with time. For example, it confirms that the amplitude of the periodic signal due to the orbital estimation errors depends on the angle between the sun and the orbital plane. Moreover, it allows to find a more precise estimate of the amplitude of the J2 effect, in agreement with the prediction of the general theory of relativity, and it shows that such amplitude suddenly decreases when the corresponding relativistic correction is applied to the data, thus validating the analytical formula used for the correction

    Robustness tests for an optical time scale

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    Optical clocks have reached such an impressive accuracy and stability that the future redefinition of the second will be probably based on an optical transition. Consequently, building time scales based on optical clocks has become a key problem. Unfortunately, optical clocks are still laboratory prototypes and are not yet capable of long times of autonomous operation. It is hence critical to understand the impact of this limited optical clock availability on the generated time scale. In this work, after describing a simple and effective optical time scale algorithm, based on the steering of a flywheel oscillator towards the optical clock, we investigate in detail the impact of the limited availability of the optical clock on the performances of the steering algorithm and of the generated time scale through numerical simulations. In particular, we simulate a time scale generated by a hydrogen maser (with a flicker floor of 5.5 × 10−16) steered towards an optical clock, by considering six different scenarios for the availability of the latter, spanning from the ideal one, i.e. continuous operation of the optical clock, to the worst one, i.e. non-uniformly distributed frequency measurements with long unavailability periods. The results prove that the steering algorithm is robust and effective despite its very simple implementation, and it is capable of very good performances in all the considered scenarios, provided that the hydrogen maser behaves nominally. Specifically, they show that a time scale with an accuracy of a few hundreds of picoseconds can be easily realized in the ideal scenario, whereas in a more realistic scenario, with one measurement per week only, the time accuracy is nonetheless of a few nanoseconds, competing with the best time scales currently realized worldwide. The performances degradation due to a non-nominal maser behaviour is also discussed

    Candidate genes and quantitative trait loci for grain yield and seed size in durum wheat

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    Grain yield (YLD) is affected by thousand kernel weight (TKW) which reflects the combination of grain length (GL), grain width (GW) and grain area (AREA). Grain weight is also influenced by heading time (HT) and plant height (PH). To detect candidate genes and quantitative trait loci (QTL) of yield components, a durum wheat recombinant inbred line (RIL) population was evaluated in three field trials. The RIL was genotyped with a 90K single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array and a high-density genetic linkage map with 5134 markers was obtained. A total of 30 QTL were detected including 23 QTL grouped in clusters on 1B, 2A, 3A, 4B and 6B chromosomes. A QTL cluster on 2A chromosome included a major QTL for HT co-located with QTL for YLD, TKW, GL, GW and AREA, respectively. The photoperiod sensitivity (Ppd-A1) gene was found in the physical position of this cluster. Serine carboxypeptidase, Big grain 1 and β-fructofuranosidase candidate genes were mapped in clusters containing QTL for seed size. This study showed that yield components and phenological traits had higher inheritances than grain yield, allowing an accurate QTL cluster detection. This was a requisite to physically map QTL on durum genome and to identify candidate genes affecting grain yield

    From genetics to histomolecular characterization: An insight into colorectal carcinogenesis in lynch syndrome

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    Lynch syndrome is a hereditary cancer‐predisposing syndrome caused by germline defects in DNA mismatch repair (MMR) genes such as MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, and PMS2. Carriers of pathogenic mutations in these genes have an increased lifetime risk of developing colorectal cancer (CRC) and other malignancies. Despite intensive surveillance, Lynch patients typically develop CRC after 10 years of follow‐up, regardless of the screening interval. Recently, three different molecular models of colorectal carcinogenesis were identified in Lynch patients based on when MMR deficiency is acquired. In the first pathway, adenoma formation occurs in an MMR‐proficient background, and carcinogenesis is characterized by APC and/or KRAS mutation and IGF2, NEU‐ ROG1, CDK2A, and/or CRABP1 hypermethylation. In the second pathway, deficiency in the MMR pathway is an early event arising in macroscopically normal gut surface before adenoma for-mation. In the third pathway, which is associated with mutations in CTNNB1 and/or TP53, the adenoma step is skipped, with fast and invasive tumor growth occurring in an MMR‐deficient context. Here, we describe the association between molecular and histological features in these three routes of colorectal carcinogenesis in Lynch patients. The findings summarized in this review may guide the use of individualized surveillance guidelines based on a patient’s carcinogenesis subtype