7 research outputs found

    The „stability“ of the system of the eart thermal energy utilization

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    In relation to the geothermal resources and, especially, to the geothermal energy utilization, stability means the ability of an applied production system to sustain the production level over long times. Often, the resources are taken into production, mainly to meet economic goals like a quick pay-back of investments for an exploration and anequipment, in such a way that the reservoir depletion is the result. In contrast, the sustainability production of the geothermal energy secures a longevity of these resource, at a lower production level

    Sand control systems used in completing wells

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    Expandable Tubular Technology is transforming the face of well completion and construction. This technology provides: a substantially higher hydrocarbon production rates from the reservoir, a reduced well drilling and construction costs, new possibilities for previously unreachable or uneconomic reservoirs, and step a change towards the single diameter well. ESS (Expandable Sand Screen) has an unrivalled performance worldwide for delivering a reliable sand control in a wide range of applications. Well costs typically cut by over 20 %, and the productivity increases up to 70 %

    3D and 4D Seismic Technics Today

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    Years ago, exploration was done through surface observations and divining rods now, it is done by satellites, microprocessors, remote sensing, and supercomputers. In the 1970´ s, the exploration success rate was 14 percent, today, it is nearly 29 percent. Not so long ago, three dimension (3D) seismic diagnostic techniques helped recover 25-50 percent of the oil in place now, 4D seismic helps recover up to 70 percent of the oil in place. 3D and 4D seismic and earth imaging systems also help in understanding the subsurface flow of other fluids, such as groundwater and pollutants.Seismic surveys a technique in which sound waves are bounced off underground rock struktures to reveal possible oil and gas bearing formation are now standard fare for the modern petroleum industry. But todays seismic methods are best at locating structural traps where faults or folds in the underground rock have created zones where oil can become trapped

    Clean Coal and Gasification Technology: How it Works?

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    Gasification of coal is the oldest method for the production of hydrogen. Coal gasification is a process that converts coal from a solid to a gaseous state. The gas that is created is very similar to natural gas and can be used to produce chemicals, fertilizers, and/or the electric power [1]. Cleanest of all coal-based electric power technologies, gasification has significantly lower levels of air emissions (including volatile mercury), solid wastes, and wastewater.Due to its high efficiencies, gasification also uses less coal to produce the same amount of energy, resulting in lower carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Some scientists believe that CO2 in the atmosphere contributes to a "greenhouse effect" that will lead to the global warming. Coal gasification has a proven technology for capturing CO2 at a fraction of the cost required for coal combustion technologies

    New technology and engineering for well drilling with the use of a hydro-acoustic device

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    Tyt. nagł.Bibliografia s.646.Dostępny także w formie drukowanej.STRESZCZENIE: Główny problem związany z wydobyciem ropy naftowej ze starych złóż i warstw o niskim ciśnieniu złożowym, jak również w przypadku wydobycia bardzo lepkich typów ropy naftowej, polega na nieodwracalnym procesie zanieczyszczenia warstw produkcyjnych w czasie ich rozszczelnienia pierwszymi wierceniami. Na tym ważnym etapie konstrukcji otworu, bardzo ważna jest długość prac przy otworze oraz współczynnik wielkości wydobycia ropy naftowej w trakcie udostępniania. Zależą one w pełni od czystości i jakości procesu rozszczelniania złoża wierceniami. W wielu zagranicznych naftowych firmach wydobywczych do rozszczelniania złoża wykorzystuje się specjalistyczne zespoły wiertnicze. SŁOWA KLUCZOWE: rozszczelnianie złoża pierwszymi wierceniami, anizotropia, urządzenia hydroakustyczne. ABSTRACT:The main problem for oil-extractors, working in old deposits and with low formation pressure, and also where high-viscous oil is extracted, is irreversible pollution of a productive formation during its primary unsealing with drilling. To be the most responsible stage of well construction since the level of primary debit, the duration of effective well operation and factor of oil extraction during deposit development completely depends on cleanliness and quality of unsealing. In many foreign oil-extracting companies the specialized brigades are engaged in a productive formation unsealing. KEYWORDS: primary unsealing with drilling, anisotropy, hydro-acoustic device