7 research outputs found

    PROFIL PASIEN KO-INFEKSI TUBERCULOSE-HIV DI RSUD DOK II JAYAPURA Tuberculosis-HIV Co-infection Profile in DOK II Hospital Jayapura

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    AbstrakPapua adalah daerah yang memiliki angka prevalensi HIV-AIDS tertinggi di Indonesia. Infeksi TB adalah infeksi oportunistik terbanyak yang menyerang pasien HIV-AIDS.  Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui profil pasien koinfeksi TB-HIV yang mendapatkan pengobatan obat anti tuberculosis (OAT) di klinik VCT RSUD Dok II Jayapura selama periode Januari 2011 hingga September 2012. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian retrospektif deskriptif. Data diambil dari rekam medik, kartu TB 01 dan hasil mikrobiologis pasien koinfeksi TB-HIV yang mengambil OAT di  klinik VCT RSUD Dok II Jayapura. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 35 dari 124 pasien adalah pasien default yang mengalami efek samping obat dan tidak memiliki Pengawas Minum Obat (PMO). Efek samping obat TB menjadi kendala selama pengobatan sehingga peranan PMO yang berasal dari keluarga inti mampu membantu pasien menyelesaikan pengobatan TB tersebut. Kata kunci: AIDS, pengawas minum obat (PMO), rifampisin, tuberculosis, AbstractPapua shows the highest prevalency rate of HIV-AIDS in Indonesia and almost 60% people who live with HIV develop tuberculosis (TB), hence TB is the most common opportunistic infection in HIV patients. This study was aimed to know and to describe the profile of TB-HIV co-infection patients among TB patients according to clinical symptoms and the side effects of FDC (Fixed Dose Combination) drugs. Methods used was descriptive study taken from medical record of 124  TB-HIV co-infection patients in Dok II Jayapura hospital, Papua during January  2011 – September 2012. Results showed that 35 of 124 patients indicated side effect of antituberculosis risk default when they did not undergo drug monitoring therapy. The patients should be controlled by his/her family to help them through all the side effects of antituberculose drugs to complete the treatment. Keywords: AIDS, drug monitoring therapy, rifampicin, tuberculosi


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    Angka kejadian stunting di Indonesia meningkat setiap tahunnya dan Provinsi Papua menunjukkan peningkatan yang relatif tinggi dibanding provinsi lainnya. Perlunya penanganan yang komprehensif dari berbagai sektor menjadi hal yang perlu diprioritaskan. Salah satu target utama pencegahan stunting selain ibu hamil dan anak di bawah umur 5 tahun adalah perlunya pencegahan sedini mungkin pada perempuan muda yang telah memulai siklus menstruasi. Sehingga siswi-siswi terutama di sekolah menengah menjadi salah satu prioritas dalam program pencegahan stunting yang komprehensif. Hal ini didasarkan bahwa mereka rentan mengalami anemia selama mendapatkan siklus tersebut ditambah lagi dengn kurangnya asupan makanan yang sehat. Hal ini bila tidak ditangani segera maka perempuan akan mengalami masalah kurang energi kronis (KEK). Pengabdian ini dilakukan untuk memberikan informasi apa stunting itu, bahaya stunting serta apa yang perlu dilakukan agar kejadian stunting tidak terjadi terutama pentingnya suplemen Fe pada siswi-siswi SMA di Jayapura. Program ini diikuti oleh 19 siswi, sebelum dan sesudah kegiatan disebarkan kuesioner untuk menilai keefektifan program ini dalam rangka meningkatkan pengetahuan siswi. Hasil yang diperoleh bahwa ada peningkatan pengetahuan mengenai pentingnya suplemen Fe di antara siswi-siswi yang mengikuti program ini. Diharapkan pelatihan ini akan berdampak bahwa siswi-siswi mengerti bahwa mereka sangat riskan mengalami anemia. Hal ini akan menyebabkan kemungkinan mereka akan melahirkan anak dengan risiko mengalami stunting. Selain itu mereka diharapkan menjadi agen informasi kepada siswi-siswi lain mengenai angka kejadian KEK dapat dicegah dengan mengkomsumsi tablet suplemen Fe setidaknya selama mereka mendapatkan periode menstruasi


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    Pandemi Covid-19 telah menyebabkan meningkatnya jumlah pengangguran, termasuk di Papua. Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) melaporkan, pengangguran di Papua sebanyak 75.658 orang pada tahun 2020. Sebanyak 60.607 pengangguran di Bumi Cenderawasih tercatat sedang mencari pekerjaan. Angka ini mencapai 80,11% dari total pengangguran di Papua. Program peningkatan kemampuan berwirausaha lulusan farmasi diselenggarakan untuk menciptakan wirausahawan muda terutama bagi alumni program studi Farmasi Universitas Cenderawasih, sehingga dapat membantu pemerintah maupun masyarakat luas dalam penyediaan lapangan pekerjaan. Sasaran kegiatan adalah lulusan farmasi Universitas Cenderawasih. Kegiatan dilakukan melalui webinar secara online dengan menggunakan media zoom dan kegiatan berlangsung pada 11 April 2022. Programnya adalah pemberian materi terkait mengenal potensi diri lulusan farmasi Uncen, apa saja karakter dan kemampuan/ skill dalam berwirausaha, serta aspek-aspek yang diperhatikan ketika membuka sebuah usaha. Kesimpulan kegiatan adalah peningkatan peserta dalam mengenal kelebihan atau potensi diri masing-masing, peningkatan karakter dan kemampuan/ skill berwirausaha lulusan farmasi Uncen, dan peningkatan dalam pengetahuan terkait aspek-aspek yang diperhatikan ketika membuka sebuah usaha

    Distress Adherence and Quality of Life of Type 2 Diabetes mellitus patients in Indonesia

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    Purpose: This study is aimed to determine the correlation among distress, adherence and quality of life of diabetic patients. Methods: We used a cross-sectional design. Data were collected from diabetec patients at RSUD Abdul Azis Singkawang, West Kalimantan, Indonesia, RSUD Meranti and RSUD DOK II Jayapura during 2017 and 2018. Subjects were patients diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes mellitus (T2DM), aged over 18, and under outpatient treatment at the hospitals in the aforementioned period. We used Diabetes-Distress Scale (DDS), Morisky Medication Adherence Scale-4 (MMAS-4) and EQ-5D to measure distress, adherence and quality of life, respectively. The Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) was used to define the structure of distress, adherence and quality of life. Results: We recruited 231 patients. The average of blood sugars were high (> 150 mg/dl). The four dimensions of DDS were moderate (< 3.0), most of the patients were in moderate risk of not adherence (55.76%), the index of EQ-5D was around 0.7 and the VAS was around 70%. The deterioration of quality of life is significantly influenced by moderate risk of non- adherence and moderated distress. The deterioration of quality of life is dominantly influenced by the moderate distress level. The moderate risk of non-adherence is correlated with moderate distress. Conclusion: Patients’ distress has significant correlation with adherence. Distress and adherence have significant correlation with quality of life. The moderate risk of non- adherence of diabetic patients can cause the worse of clinical data, whereas can be the risk of diabetic complications. The psychological intervention can push the patients to cope with the disease and disease treatment. Keywords: distress, adherence, QoL, diabetes, Indonesi

    Daily struggle to take antiretrovirals: a qualitative study in Papuans living with HIV and their healthcare providers

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    Objective The aim of the study was to explore the experiences of Papuans living with HIV to take antiretroviral therapy (ART) from the patient and the healthcare providers (HCPs) perspective. Design This was a qualitative study covering all five tribes located in Papua Provinces one of two Indonesian provinces on Papua Island. Semistructured interviews were conducted with Papuans living with HIV and their HCPs. Interviews were transcribed verbatim and coded to find themes. Results Overall, we conducted interviews with 13 Papuans living with HIV (mean age: 33 years, 61% female) and 14 HCPs (mean age: 42 years, 64% female) within five customary areas. HCPs included three physicians, nine nurses, two others. Two main themes were identified: (1) personal factors and (2) healthcare environment-related factors. Personal factors were beliefs and knowledge of ART, stigma from family, community and HCPs as well as practical problems such as transportation because of long distance. Within the theme of healthcare environment, the competences and attitudes of HCPs were particularly relevant. The findings are important in refining HIV treatment strategies implemented in Papua, especially when extending HIV care provided by community centres. Conclusions Despite free access to ART, Papuans living with HIV struggle to remain on treatment. Considering local culture and religion in strategies to reduce stigma should be a priority

    Understanding reasons for lack of acceptance of HIV programs among indigenous Papuans: A qualitative study in Indonesia

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    BACKGROUND: Melanesians are indigenous Papuans racially and culturally different from most Indonesians. The Melanesia region is characterised by high poverty and inequalities, even though it has the highest revenue. Furthermore, Papua has the highest HIV prevalence rate, 24-fold higher than that of other regions. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the resistance of indigenous people residing in eastern Indonesia towards HIV programs. METHODS: This is a qualitative study analysed using grounded theory. Data were collected from July to September 2018 through semi-structured face-to-face interviews involving 23 Papuans. The interviews were conducted in Bahasa Indonesia, audio-recorded, summarised and transcribed for analysis. RESULTS: The results showed that being a good Papuan emerges from four interconnected categories, including culture and religion, dealing with modernisation, integrated HIV program and stigma reduction. As a substantive theory underpinning the indigenous people's experiences with HIV programs, 'Keep being a good Papuan' was a way of overcoming problems and dealing with modernism to eliminate HIV. This largely focuses on the local culture, implying any adjustment should keep their tradition and welcome modernism. CONCLUSIONS: The future of the HIV programs should be agreed upon, funded, implemented, measured and achieved by stakeholders. This could be achieved by elaborating a supportive culture and community-based interventions. Furthermore, the implementation should be prioritised to integrate and improve the programs' quality to take into account community needs and the available resources