9,620 research outputs found

    UV albedo of clouds from TOMS data

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    The Pilot Climate Data System (PCDS) was found to be useful in examining a subset of data from the Nimbus-7 Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS). The TOMS instrument scans with six channels between .3 and .4 micrometers. It was suggested that by analyzing albedo values from the longer wavelength channels of the TOMS, the effects of increasing optical depth could be determined. It is spectral relationship of albedo-to-optical depth that is investigated here. The question can be stated: Is there spectral differentiation in albedo with changes in the optical depth of clouds? Nimbus-7 TOMS data were obtained through the PCDS for an area and time period for which correlative NOAA AVHRR data were available. The AVHRR data were important in determining the existing cloud patterns. As expected, no spectral differentiation was observed at very high albedos (associated with high optical depths). However, at lower optical depths, evidence of spectral dependence on albedo was observed. Mapping the results geographically was deemed highly desirable but was not possible through the PCDS at the time. The PCDS can be viewed as an effective research tool to access selected portions of data. Without being intimately familiar with a data set, a PCDS user can successfully manipulate data in a scientific study


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    Effects of low milk prices on U.S. dairy farms are assessed using a survey of U.S. dairy operations. Although small dairy operations were particularly vulnerable to the decline in milk prices in 2000, 41 percent of these operations were able to produce milk at a cost that was competitive with larger operations. This suggests that the managerial ability of the individual dairy producers is likely to be as important as size economies to lowering the costs of milk production.Livestock Production/Industries,

    Preliminary Checklist of the Fishes of the Illinois River, Arkansas

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    A survey of the fishes of the mainstream of the Illinois River in northwestern Arkansas produced 51 species representing 11 families. Four of these species, Ictiobus bubalus, smallmouth buffalo; Moxostoma carinatum, river redhorse; Lepomis gulosus, warmouth; and Percina phoxocephala, slenderhead darter, have not been recorded previously from the Arkansas part of the Illinois. Eleven additional species have been reported previously that were not collected during this survey, for a total of 62 species known in the Illinois River

    Estimating the impact of monetary policy on short-term interest rates in a rational expectations-efficient markets model: further evidence

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    Monetary policy - United States ; Rational expectations (Economic theory) ; Interest rates

    Earth observations from space: Outlook for the geological sciences

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    Remote sensing from space platforms is discussed as another tool available to geologists. The results of Nimbus observations, the ERTS program, and Skylab EREP are reviewed, and a multidisciplinary approach is recommended for meeting the challenges of remote sensing


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    Production and financial impacts of recombinant bovine somatotropin (rbST) adoption are assessed using a survey of U.S. dairy operations and a model that corrects for self-selection bias. A substantial increase in milk production per cow is associated with rbST adoption, but large estimated financial impacts are not statistically significant. Substantial variation in the net returns of rbST adopters may be related to the management-intensive nature of rbST.Livestock Production/Industries,


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    Students with learning disabilities face many challenges throughout their academic careers. There are numerous assessments to diagnose students and many strategies to assist them in the classroom. There are three main learning disabilities which students can be diagnosed with: Dyslexia, Dysgraphia and Dyscalculia. There are currently an estimated number of six million students who are diagnosed with a learning disability. This study investigated if students with learning disabilities face more psychosocial challenges than their peers without learning disabilities. This study focuses on the psychosocial implications that students with learning disabilities face from peers, parents and school personnel. These psychosocial implications include more depressive symptoms, lower self-esteem than other peers, unrealistic self-perspectives, and anxiety and face peer challenges such as bullying. The final chapter discusses strategies to assist students with learning disabilities including more screening for students with disabilities to determine if he or she is facing a psychosocial challenge as well as more education about psychosocial challenges to parents, teachers and school administration
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