52 research outputs found

    A Type III protein-RNA toxin-antitoxin system from Bacillus thuringiensis promotes plasmid retention during spore development.

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    Members of the Bacillus cereus sensu lato group of bacteria often contain multiple large plasmids, including those encoding virulence factors in B. anthracis. Bacillus species can develop into spores in response to stress. During sporulation the genomic content of the cell is heavily compressed, which could result in counterselection of extrachromosomal genomic elements, unless they have robust stabilization and segregation systems. Toxin-antitoxin (TA) systems are near-ubiquitous in prokaryotes and have multiple biological roles, including plasmid stabilization during vegetative growth. Here, we have shown that a Type III TA system, based on an RNA antitoxin and endoribonuclease toxin, from plasmid pAW63 in Bacillus thuringiensis serovar kurstaki HD-73 can dramatically promote plasmid retention in populations undergoing sporulation and germination, and we provide evidence that this occurs through the post-segregational killing of plasmid-free forespores. Our findings show how an extremely common genetic module can be used to ensure plasmid maintenance during stress-induced developmental transitions, with implications for plasmid dynamics in B. cereus s.l. bacteria.This work was supported by a Commonwealth Scholarship from the Commonwealth Scholarships Commission (UK) and Sir Henry Wellcome Postdoctoral fellowship to FLS, and the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (UK). .This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Taylor & Francis via http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15476286.2015.107343

    The bacterial Type III toxin-antitoxin system, ToxIN, is a dynamic protein-RNA complex with stability-dependent antiviral abortive infection activity.

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    Bacteria have evolved numerous defense systems to protect themselves from viral (bacteriophage) infection. The ToxIN system of Pectobacterium atrosepticum is a Type III toxin-antitoxin complex and "altruistic suicide" anti-phage system, which kills phage-infected cells through the release of a ribonuclease toxin, ToxN. ToxN is counteracted by a co-transcribed antitoxic RNA pseudoknot, ToxI, which self-assembles with ToxN into an inactive 3 ToxI:3 ToxN complex in vitro. However it is not known whether this complex is predominant in vivo, or how the complex is disassembled following infection to trigger a lethal, "altruistic" response. In this study, we characterise ToxI turnover and folding, and explore the link between complex stability and anti-phage activity, with a view to understanding events that lead to ToxN-mediated suicide following phage infection. We present evidence that ToxN constantly cleaves fresh ToxI in vivo rather than staying associated with pre-processed antitoxin, and that the ToxI antitoxin can partially fold spontaneously using conserved nucleotides. We also show that reducing the stability of the ToxIN complex can increase the strength of the antiviral response in a phage-dependent manner. Based on this information, we propose a revised model for ToxN inhibition, complex assembly and activation by infecting bacteriophage

    The Capsule Regulatory Network of Klebsiella pneumoniae Defined by density-TraDISort.

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    Klebsiella pneumoniae infections affect infants and the immunocompromised, and the recent emergence of hypervirulent and multidrug-resistant K. pneumoniae lineages is a critical health care concern. Hypervirulence in K. pneumoniae is mediated by several factors, including the overproduction of extracellular capsule. However, the full details of how K. pneumoniae capsule biosynthesis is achieved or regulated are not known. We have developed a robust and sensitive procedure to identify genes influencing capsule production, density-TraDISort, which combines density gradient centrifugation with transposon insertion sequencing. We have used this method to explore capsule regulation in two clinically relevant Klebsiella strains, K. pneumoniae NTUH-K2044 (capsule type K1) and K. pneumoniae ATCC 43816 (capsule type K2). We identified multiple genes required for full capsule production in K. pneumoniae, as well as putative suppressors of capsule in NTUH-K2044, and have validated the results of our screen with targeted knockout mutants. Further investigation of several of the K. pneumoniae capsule regulators identified-ArgR, MprA/KvrB, SlyA/KvrA, and the Sap ABC transporter-revealed effects on capsule amount and architecture, serum resistance, and virulence. We show that capsule production in K. pneumoniae is at the center of a complex regulatory network involving multiple global regulators and environmental cues and that the majority of capsule regulatory genes are located in the core genome. Overall, our findings expand our understanding of how capsule is regulated in this medically important pathogen and provide a technology that can be easily implemented to study capsule regulation in other bacterial species.IMPORTANCE Capsule production is essential for K. pneumoniae to cause infections, but its regulation and mechanism of synthesis are not fully understood in this organism. We have developed and applied a new method for genome-wide identification of capsule regulators. Using this method, many genes that positively or negatively affect capsule production in K. pneumoniae were identified, and we use these data to propose an integrated model for capsule regulation in this species. Several of the genes and biological processes identified have not previously been linked to capsule synthesis. We also show that the methods presented here can be applied to other species of capsulated bacteria, providing the opportunity to explore and compare capsule regulatory networks in other bacterial strains and species

    Genomic Profiling Reveals Distinct Routes To Complement Resistance in Klebsiella pneumoniae.

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    The serum complement system is a first line of defense against bacterial invaders. Resistance to killing by serum enhances the capacity of Klebsiella pneumoniae to cause infection, but it is an incompletely understood virulence trait. Identifying and characterizing the factors responsible for preventing activation of, and killing by, serum complement could inform new approaches to treatment of K. pneumoniae infections. Here, we used functional genomic profiling to define the genetic basis of complement resistance in four diverse serum-resistant K. pneumoniae strains (NTUH-K2044, B5055, ATCC 43816, and RH201207), and explored their recognition by key complement components. More than 90 genes contributed to resistance in one or more strains, but only three, rfaH, lpp, and arnD, were common to all four strains. Deletion of the antiterminator rfaH, which controls the expression of capsule and O side chains, resulted in dramatic complement resistance reductions in all strains. The murein lipoprotein gene lpp promoted capsule retention through a mechanism dependent on its C-terminal lysine residue; its deletion led to modest reductions in complement resistance. Binding experiments with the complement components C3b and C5b-9 showed that the underlying mechanism of evasion varied in the four strains: B5055 and NTUH-K2044 appeared to bypass recognition by complement entirely, while ATCC 43816 and RH201207 were able to resist killing despite being associated with substantial levels of C5b-9. All rfaH and lpp mutants bound C3b and C5b-9 in large quantities. Our findings show that, even among this small selection of isolates, K. pneumoniae adopts differing mechanisms and utilizes distinct gene sets to avoid complement attack

    Neurocognitive Dysfunction in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: Association with Antiphospholipid Antibodies, Disease Activity and Chronic Damage

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    Introduction: Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is characterized by frequent neuropsychiatric involvement, which includes cognitive impairment (CI). We aimed at assessing CI in a cohort of Italian SLE patients by using a wide range of neurocognitive tests specifically designed to evaluate the fronto-subcortical dysfunction. Furthermore, we aimed at testing whether CI in SLE is associated with serum autoantibodies, disease activity and chronic damage. Methods: Fifty-eight consecutive patients were enrolled. Study protocol included data collection, evaluation of serum level

    Distinct Loci in the CHRNA5 / CHRNA3 / CHRNB4 Gene Cluster Are Associated With Onset of Regular Smoking

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    Neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) genes (CHRNA5/CHRNA3/CHRNB4) have been reproducibly associated with nicotine dependence, smoking behaviors, and lung cancer risk. Of the few reports that have focused on early smoking behaviors, association results have been mixed. This meta-analysis examines early smoking phenotypes and SNPs in the gene cluster to determine: (1) whether the most robust association signal in this region (rs16969968) for other smoking behaviors is also associated with early behaviors, and/or (2) if additional statistically independent signals are important in early smoking. We focused on two phenotypes: age of tobacco initiation (AOI) and age of first regular tobacco use (AOS). This study included 56,034 subjects (41 groups) spanning nine countries and evaluated five SNPs including rs1948, rs16969968, rs578776, rs588765, and rs684513. Each dataset was analyzed using a centrally generated script. Meta-analyses were conducted from summary statistics. AOS yielded significant associations with SNPs rs578776 (beta = 0.02, P = 0.004), rs1948 (beta = 0.023, P = 0.018), and rs684513 (beta = 0.032, P = 0.017), indicating protective effects. There were no significant associations for the AOI phenotype. Importantly, rs16969968, the most replicated signal in this region for nicotine dependence, cigarettes per day, and cotinine levels, was not associated with AOI (P = 0.59) or AOS (P = 0.92). These results provide important insight into the complexity of smoking behavior phenotypes, and suggest that association signals in the CHRNA5/A3/B4 gene cluster affecting early smoking behaviors may be different from those affecting the mature nicotine dependence phenotype

    Acute health shocks and labour market outcomes

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    We investigate the labour supply response to acute health shocks experienced in the post-crash labour market by individuals of working age, using data from Understanding Society. Identification exploits uncertainty in the timing of an acute health shock, defined by the incidence of cancer, stroke, or heart attack. Results, obtained through a combination of coarsened exact and propensity score matching, show acute health shocks significantly reduce participation, with younger workers displaying stronger labour market attachment. The impact on older, more educated, women suggests an important role for preferences, financial constraints, and intra-household division of labour determining labour supply decisions

    Genome-wide Association Study of Long COVID

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    SummaryInfections can lead to persistent or long-term symptoms and diseases such as shingles after varicella zoster, cancers after human papillomavirus, or rheumatic fever after streptococcal infections1, 2. Similarly, infection by SARS-CoV-2 can result in Long COVID, a condition characterized by symptoms of fatigue and pulmonary and cognitive dysfunction3–5. The biological mechanisms that contribute to the development of Long COVID remain to be clarified. We leveraged the COVID-19 Host Genetics Initiative6, 7to perform a genome-wide association study for Long COVID including up to 6,450 Long COVID cases and 1,093,995 population controls from 24 studies across 16 countries. We identified the first genome-wide significant association for Long COVID at theFOXP4locus.FOXP4has been previously associated with COVID-19 severity6, lung function8, and cancers9, suggesting a broader role for lung function in the pathophysiology of Long COVID. While we identify COVID-19 severity as a causal risk factor for Long COVID, the impact of the genetic risk factor located in theFOXP4locus could not be solely explained by its association to severe COVID-19. Our findings further support the role of pulmonary dysfunction and COVID-19 severity in the development of Long COVID.</jats:p
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