32 research outputs found

    The Genotypes X Environment Interaction for Starch Yield in Nine-month Old Cassava Promising Clones

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    Cassava (Manihot esculenta) is planted in dry areas with different environmental conditions, therefore the yield is varied. The aim of the study was to analyze the genotype x environment interaction for starch yield in 9-month old cassava promising clones. The experiment was conducted on mineral soils in four different locations, i.e. Lumajang-East Java (Inceptisols), Kediri-East Java (Entisols), Pati-Central Java (Alfisols), and Tulangbawang-Lampung (Ultisols) during 2004- 2005. The experiment was arranged in split plot design with three replications. The main plots were cultivation techniques, i.e. simple technology and improved technology, whereas the subplots were 15 cassava promising clones. Starch yield of 9- month old cassava plants was analysed using the additive maineffects and multiplicative interaction (AMMI). The results showed that environmental factors determined the stability of starch yield were soil bulk density on subsoil, the number of rainy days at fifth month, minimum air temperature at fourth month, and minimum air humidity at seventh month. CMM97002-183, Adira 4, CMM97007-145, CMM97007-235, Malang 2, CMM97002-36, and CMM97006-44 were identified as the stable cassava clones for starch yield in 9-month old. Average starch yield of Adira 4 was the third after MLG 10311 and CMM 97006-52. The CMM97006-52 was adapted to the soils having high P2O5 content on topsoil, high minimum air temperature at 4 and 5 months after planting, high minimum relative humidity at 7 months after planting, low total rainfall at 5 months after planting, and low number of rainy days at 5 and 8 months after planting. MLG 10311 was adapted to low soil bulk density. The average starch yield of MLG 10311 was the highest at 9 months after planting. The study implies that advanced trials for CMM 977006-52 and MLG 10311 clones are needed, so the clones can be released as new varieties of cassava. In selection and evaluation, the bulk density on subsoil is needed to be attained specifically to increase the probability to obtain new variety of cassava

    Improving Students' Ability in Translating Through Analyzing English Word Equivalents Into Indonesian

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    The objective of the research is โ€œ To know the improvement of the students' ability in translating through analyzing English word equivalent into Indonesian. This research used A Classroom Action Research (CAR). It had conducted two cycles; each cycle consisted of four meetings. A number of subjects of the research were 28 students. The researcher took real data from the school to know the students' translating text achievement. The instruments of this research were translating test and observation sheet in cycle I and in cycle II. The research findings indicated that the through analyzing on English Words equivalents into Indonesian increased studensts' translating text ability. It was indicated that there was an increased of the students' translating text ability achievement from cycle I to cycle II. The students' test of translating text ability achievement was after giving action by using the analyzing on English Words equivalents into Indonesian indicated that there was a significant increase from cycle I and from that to cycle II. The students' translating text achievement in cycle I was 61.20 and in cycle II became 73.78 and it is classified as good. While the standard target achievement 70% one which was categorized good. From these findings, there was a significant increase of the students' translating ability achievement through the analyzing on English Words equivalents into Indonesian. Key Word: analyzing english word equivalent into Indonesian, translating

    Pengaruh Konflik Peran, Kepuasan Kerja dan Budaya Organisasi terhadap Kinerja Pemeriksa Pajak pada Kpp Madya Pekanbaru dan Kpp Madya Batam

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    The research aimed to analyse the effect role conflict, work satisfaction and organizational of cultural to performance of tax auditors at KPP Madya Pekanbaru and KPP Madya Batam. The respondent from this research are auditors that working at KPP Madya Pekanbaru and KPP Madya Batam. The samples with saturated sample method. The data used are primary data collected through questionnaires. Questionnaires which can be processed is number 52 questionnaires from 65 questionnaires distributed. Data analysis techniques using multiple regression analysis using SPSS version 20 was used to test whether the independent variables affect the dependent variable. Results of this study indicate that role conflict, work satisfaction and organizational culture influence on the performance of tax auditors in the KPP Madya Pekanbaru and KPP Madya Batam.Keywords: Performance of Tax Auditors, Role Conflict, Work Satisfaction, and Organization of Cultural

    Analisis Finansial USAha Tani Tanaman Hias Raphis Excelsa (Studi Kasus Kelompok Tani Labuai, Jalan Husada,kecamatan Bukit Raya, Kota Pekanbaru)

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    Raphis excelsa, also called Palemwaregu now become popular as ornamental plants. This kind of palms are cultivated and exported to overseas. The purpose of this reserch is to analyze the financial feasibility of ornamental plants Raphis excelsa farming. The research is done in Labuai, District Bukit Raya, Pekanbaru City. Farmers Group in Labuai received funding aid from the Food and Horticulture office of Pekanbaru City. The land area is about โ€‹โ€‹0.5 ha.Financial analysis criteria used in this reserch are Net Present Value (NPV), Net Benefit Cos Ratio (Net B/C), Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and sensitivity analysis. The research results showed that Raphis excelsa farming hasperformed well and its financial criteria of NPV, Net BC ratio and IRR has met the standard investment criteria. The sensitivity analiysis showed that when input prices increase by 50% and output prices decrease 20% the results of sensitivity analysis still meet the standard investment criteria

    Hubungan Persepsi K3 Karyawan dengan Perilaku Tidak Aman di Bagian Produksi Unit IV PT. Semen Tonasa

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    Perilaku tidak aman merupakan salah satu penyebab terjadinya kecelakaan kerja akibat kelalaian pekerja saat bekerja, angka kecelakaan kerja yang disebabkan oleh perilaku tidak aman di Indonesia sebesar 80% dan kondisi tidak aman sebesar 20%. Kecelakan yang diakibatkan oleh perilaku tidak aman merupakan masalah pekerja yang sering dihadapi oleh Perusahaan-Perusahaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui hubungan persepsi K3 karyawan dengan perilaku tidak aman di bagian produksi unit IV PT. Semen Tonasa. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah observasional dengan desain cross sectional study. Populasi adalah seluruh karyawan di bagian produksi unit IV PT. Semen Tonasa sebanyak 153 karyawan. Adapun sampel penelitian ini adalah 60 karyawan. Penarikan sampel menggunakan proportional random sampling. Analisa data yang dilakukan adalah univariat dan bivariat dengan uji chi square dan uji phi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dari 6 variabel independen yang diteliti, terdapat lima variabel yang memiliki hubungan dengan variabel dependen, yaitu umur (p=0,011), masa kerja (p=0,026), pengetahuan (p=0,025), sikap (p=0,020) dan persepsi (p=0,011). Sedangkan variabel pelatihan K3 tidak berhubungan dengan nilai (p=0,57). Kesimpulannya adalah ada hubungan antara umur, masa kerja, pengetahuan, sikap dan persepsi dengan karyawan di bagian produksi unit IV PT. Semen Tonasa

    Information Technology Policy through the E-Government Programs in Improving Public Services Quality

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    This paper aims to describe the application of e-Government in Indonesia in improving the performance of public services. The method used in this research was descriptive, through literature study techniques by collecting data in the library, reading, taking notes, and processing research materials relevant to the development of information technology through e-government programs in improving the quality of public services in Indonesia.  The results show that the human resource factor and leadership support were the most influential factors. The most dominant factor in implementing this policy was the consistency of the implementers' attitude from planning to supervision starting from the top management level to implementers to implement policy objectives. The government is an effort to develop governance-based using electronics to effectively and efficiently improve the quality of public services

    Karakter Kunci Pembeda antara Orangutan Kalimantan (Pongo Pygmaeus) dengan Orangutan Sumatera (Pongo Abelii)

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    Orangutans are great apes left in Asia, at the time ofthe Asian mainland is a unity, orangutan has a fairlywide distribution in Asia, especially in Southeast Asia.In the event of an increase in sea levels, which had beenfused into Mainland fragmented into islands. Thisseparation into a barrier that restricts the movementof orangutans. Currently their range is limited onlyin Borneo and Sumatra. Long period separationwith different habitat conditions have an impact onthe orangutans. In morphology occurs a significantdifference between the orangutans of Borneo andSumatra, in addition to the utilization of molecularbiology technology has also been able to reveal thepresence of significant differences between thesetwo species, making it the orangutan then serve as adifferent species, namely Pongo pygmaeus on Borneoorangutans and P. abelii for Sumatran orangutans,even for orangutans in Borneo has been divided intothree sub species namely P. pygmaeus pygmaeus,P. p. morio and P. p. wurmbii. With the unfolding ofthe different species and these sub species, the useof molecular biology technology becomes integral inconservation action against this type primarily forrelocation or translocation of orangutans into the wild

    Error Analysis on Grammatical Aspects in the Students Writing Essay (Case Study at the Fourth Semester Students of English Education Programme of STKIP Taman Siswa Bima.

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    The purpose of this study was to describe what kinds of error do the students in their writing essay and to describe the reasons why the students make the error in their writing essay at the four semester students of English education Programe of STKIP Taman Siswa Bima. This study applied case study method. The method unsuited to the error analysis procedures (following Chen, 2006:6) informed the processes to analyze the data consisted four steps were Data collection , Identification of errors, Classification of errors into error types, A statement of error frequency, Find out the case of error. The result of this research was concluded that the grammatical errors made by the fourth semester students of STKIP Taman Siswa Bima in writing essay are in Punctuation and Spelling for the highest errors 50.1%, the second is errors in Sentence Pattern 16%, followed by Auxiliaries  6,1%, Preposition 5.26%, Passive voice 4.48%, Verb Tense and Form 4.2%,  Subject-verb agreement 4.0%, Articles 4%, Plurality 3.8%, Word order 2.3% and Pronoun 1,1% of 521 errors obtained from their essays. The cause of error based on interview was succession approximation system

    Peran Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) dalam Membina Akhlak Siswa di SMPN 1 Cibarusah Bekasi

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    Latar Belakang: Akhlak merupakan salah satu fondasi utama untuk membentuk manusia yang mempunyai kecerdasan, bukan hanya kecerdasan dalam ilmu, tetapi juga secara mental dan spiritual. Tujuan: Mengetahui peran guru PAI dalam pengembangan akhlak siswa di SMP Negeri 1 Cibarusah Bekasi. Metode: Menggunakan metode Deskriptif Kualitatif yang informasinya ditemukan di tempat pengamatan. Data diperoleh dengan cara wawancara, observasi serta dokumentasi. Setelah itu, data diolah secara cermat berdasarkan fakta-fakta yang ditemukan di tempat pengamatan. Hasil: Guru Agama Islam di SMPN 1 Cibarusah Bekasi berperan aktif dalam pembinaan perilaku siswa pada semua aspek kegiatan di sekolah, khususnya kegiatan keagamaan. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan program pengembangan perilaku siswa yang telah diterapkan dengan baik oleh para guru Pendidikan Agama Islam. Kesimpulan: Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam di SMPN 1 Cibarusah berperan penting dalam membina akhlak siswa yang meliputi semua aspek pendidikan akhlak. Beberapa siswa masih ada yang melakukan pelanggaran peraturan sekolah maupun norma agama. Dengan adanya program pembinaan akhlak siswa yang dilakukan para guru Pendidikan Agama Islam, akhlak siswa perlahan berubah menjadi baik

    Design Of Computer Repair Services Application Android-based

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    Computers are one form of advances in electronic and informatics technology; the function of the computer itself serves as a tool for writing, drawing, editing images or photographs, or as a means of storage. Android, a Linux-based operating system, is a smart operating system that can compete with operating systems on a computer. Some of the problems identified include user difficulties in overcoming computer damage to determine whether to repair or buy a new unit, difficulty in reaching authorized service providers, risks when deciding to repair at a public service place, and limited access to information and costs repairing computer damage. This research specifically designs an Android application-based computer service application that makes it easier for people to get service services. The above research results formulate computer repair services using an Android-based platform with Android Studio and MySQL as the database for this study. This application is expected to be useful for customers in terms of time and cost