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    むギリス公益情報開瀺法の改正点を螏たえ぀぀、わが囜の公益通報者の法的保護のあり方を芋぀め盎すこずに䞻県をおいお考察した。公益通報者の保護察象や通報察象事実等、わが囜の公益通報者保護法の方向性に぀いお、むギリスの公益通報者保護の実態を亀えながら、若干の管芋を瀺した。Based on the revision of the Public Interest Disclosure Law in UK, This Paper studied focusing on rethinking the way of legal protection of whistleblowers in Japan. With regard to the direction of the Protection of Whistleblowers in Japan, such as protected subjects and facts to be reported, some comments were presented with the actual situation of UK whistleblower protection


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    本皿では、食品加工事業者の育成における政策の圹割を怜蚎しおいる。本皿の察象は、比范的小芏暡で、囜内の生産地ず結び぀きの匷い事業者である。近幎、食品産業の内郚、あるいは蟲林持業ずの関係に぀いお、フヌドシステム論で倚く怜蚎されおいるほか、ショヌトフヌドサプラむチェヌンなど、いく぀かの論点で採りあげられおきた。他方で、こうした事業者は、地域の産業振興における担い手ずしお期埅され、事業芏暡の拡倧に向けお、いかにマヌケティング掻動を展開するのか、ずいう点が論じられおいる。本皿で、竹田垂の事䟋を怜蚎したずころ、生産・加工・流通に至るたで、幅広く政策的に支揎したにもかかわらず、マヌケティングの課題は残った。この背景には、経営者が副業ず䜍眮づけお、事業芏暡の拡倧に消極的なこずがある。確かに、本皿の察象ずする食品加工事業者は、産業振興ぞ明瞭な効果をもたらさないが、食品の倚様性や食文化の醞成に寄䞎するこずから、こうした事業者ぞの政策的支揎も求められる。その際に、盎売所の敎備、商談䌚の開催、テスト販売などの機䌚を提䟛しお、食品加工事業者の経営方針ず敎合的な支揎を図るこずも、政策の圚り方ずしお求められよう。This paper discusses the role of policies for developing the food processing businesses in the peripheral area. Although there are many type of businesses in the food industry,such as manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers, and restaurants, we focus on the small type of food processing businesses. These businesses often link directly to local agricultural producers, and this type is analyzed in a discussion of Short Food Supply Chain, Alternative Food System, or Regional Specialty Food Products. These businesses are also discussed from the view of promoting the regional economies in peripheral areas. But, these businesses are relatively small, and they face some challenges of marketing. To clarify how this occurs, we analyze a case of Taketa-shi, and discuss how the policies support them. In Taketa-shi, about 30 food processing businesses join the policies, and develop new food products or businesses. However, they manage the food processing businesses as a side business or hobbies, and some of them evaluate the size is proper, because the small size fits their management (craft) policies. To this situation, the role of policies is to provide the chance of sales, by setting direct sales stores or business meetings, or conduct some test marketing activities


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    本皿では神奈川県暪須賀垂で発掘された高床経枈成長期のゎミ穎に廃棄された生掻財に぀いお玹介する。廃棄された生掻財には陶磁噚、ガラス補品、金属補品、プラスチック補品など様々な玠材が䜿甚されおおり、その皮類では薬品、日甚品、調味料、化粧品が党䜓の10を超え、圓時の日垞生掻を反映するものである。調査の結果、これらの生掻財は郜垂銀行の寮で消費されたものが廃棄されたものであり、廃棄幎代は1960幎代䞭頃であるこずが刀明した。さらに、同時期の䞀般家庭の資料ずの比范によっお、この資料の性栌が行員寮における消費生掻を反映しおいるこずもわかった。この資料はわが囜の高床経枈成長期の日垞生掻の実態を知る手掛かりずなるものである。In this paper, I introduce the life goods discarded into the garbage pit of the rapid economic growth period in Yokosuka-city, Kanagawa prefecture. Various materials, such as pottery, glassware, metal goods, and plastic article, are used for the discarded life goods. and if it totals for every kind, medicine, daily necessaries, seasonings, and cosmetics are over 10% of the whole rate, and it reflects everyday life of those days. As a result of investigation, it became clear that these life goods were consumed in the dormitory of the city bank, and the discarded age was middle of the 1960s.Furthermore, the feature of these materials also understood reflecting the consumption habits of dormitory by comparison with the materials of ordinary home of the period. These materials serve as a key which knows the actual condition of the everyday life of the high economic growth period of Japan

    特別逊護老人ホヌムにおける円滑な終末期ケア実斜に関する調査研究 : 京郜・倧分の調査結果からの考察

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    特別逊護老人ホヌムは圚宅、病院に次ぐ第3 の人生最埌を迎える堎所ずなり぀぀ある。その背景には䞖垯人員の瞮小もあり看取りを家族だけで行うこずが難しくなっおきたこず、䜏み慣れた堎所で最期を迎えたい垌望があるからだ。しかし、そこに配眮される職員たちは看取りを経隓したこずのある者は倚くはなく、たた資栌取埗段階で十分に看取りや死に぀いお孊ぶこずはしおいない。そこで異なる地域の、異なる特城を有した特別逊護老人ホヌムにおいおなされおいる看取りの実践に぀いお調査した。そこでは異なる職皮が連携しながら、どのような芁玠が円滑な看取りを実珟するのかを明らかにした。すなわち、様々な方法での情報共有を図り状況の倉化に察応する䜓制を構築しおいるこず、意思疎通を図りやすいように共通蚀語を甚いおいるこず、利甚者・家族の状況に応じおそれぞれの職皮が専門性に即しおリヌダヌシップを発揮するこずである。これらのこずを基本ずしお抌さえるこずでより利甚者・家族のニヌズに即した終末期ケアが実珟できるず考える。In the nursing home for the elderly, it is becoming a place to end the third life after home and hospital. The reason for this is that because of the reduction in the number of household members, it is becoming more difficult for family members to take care of themselves, because there is hope of welcoming the final in a familiar place. However, there are not a lot of staff members who have experienced the care, and they do not learn about attention or death sufficiently at the stage of qualification acquisition. Therefore, we investigated the practice of taking care at a nursing home for seniors with differentcharacteristics in different areas. There, different types of occupations worked together to clarify what kind of elements can realize smooth care. In other words, we are building a system to respond to changes in the situation by sharing information in various ways, using a common language to facilitate communication, depending on the circumstances forusers and families Each job category is to demonstrate leadership according to expertise. By thinking these things as the basis, we believe that terminal care can be realized more closely to the needs of users and families


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    EU-NATO関係は「死に䜓」ず化しおいるず蚀われる。そうであるずするならば、い぀、どのようにしおそうなったのだろうか。冷戊埌、EUが安党保障政策分野に乗り出したこずで、NATOずの競合の皮は蒔かれおいた。しかしながら、ベルリン・プラス合意策定によっお競合は回避され、分業ず協調の欧州・倧西掋安党保障ガバナンスの枠組みが構築されるかに芋えた。本論は、゜マリア沖海賊察策䜜戊に焊点を圓おながら2008-2012幎のEU-NATO関係の転機に぀いお分析するものである。Counter piracy operations off the Somali coast was the last occasion for EU-NATO cooperation. This article focuses on the missed and caught opportunities in the period of 2008-2012 and examines the change-of-tide moment in the EU-NATO relations

    近珟代ドむツにおける囜家ず憲法の盞剋関係 : それず盞連関する憲法・囜家抂念の倉容過皋を䞭心ずする䞀考察

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    グロヌバル化の始たりず共に「囜家の退堎」が叫ばれ、それず関連しお政治分析における囜家抂念の有意性も倱われお行った。こうした傟向は日本にも顕著に芋られたが、西独はやや事情が異なっおいた。囜家抂念の有意性の喪倱は勿論グロヌバル化ずの関係も䞀郚芋られるが、䞻ずしお西独の西欧的な自由民䞻政䜓制ぞの転換に起因するずころが倧きいず芋られる。19䞖玀末から20䞖玀前半期にかけおドむツでは囜家孊が政治研究の支配的な孊問ずしお君臚し、囜家抂念が有意性を有しおいた。それは、「人暩」を重芖する西欧的な政治孊に察する、「行為する䞻䜓」ずしおの囜家を至䞊芖する埌発近代囜家のドむツ的な自己䞻匵の衚れであったずも芋られる。「人暩」重芖の近代憲法理念ずドむツ的囜家ずの戊い、぀たり近代憲法理念ず囜家の盞剋関係は、ナチ囜家の消滅たで続いたドむツ近珟代政治史を貫く赀い糞であった。この䞡者の関係は憲法抂念ず囜家抂念の倉容過皋においお反映されおいた。換蚀するなら、憲法の挑戊を受けた囜家偎の察応の倉化に応じお憲法抂念はドむツでは改倉され、それず盞連関しお囜家の倚様な偎面も顕圚化した。この倉化はたた囜家抂念の倚様な定矩ずなっお衚れた。それは、囜家孊が政治分析においお囜家抂念の有意性を高める詊みでもあったず芋られる。本皿では、憲法抂念ず囜家抂念の倉容過皋を远跡するこずによっお、西独でボン基本法䜓制確立ず共に、西欧的な近代憲法理念によるドむツ的囜家ぞの「浞透性」の拡倧ずナチ囜家の敗北による西欧化の結果ずしお、ドむツのレノァむアサンの死を迎えた過皋を明らかにした。それず共に、ドむツでも囜家抂念の優䜍性が倱われ、それず共にドむツ囜家孊の圱響力も衰退した。こうしお、西欧化された䞖界では、政治研究においおは、囜家抂念よりも暩力抂念や政治過皋論、政治システム論の方が有意性をより倚く有するようになった経緯をも明らかにした。It is generally said that the retreat of the state begins with the advent of economic globalization, and with that the state-concept also begins to lose its relevance in the political study. This tendency is seen in Japan. But regarding this tendency, the situations are defferent in West Germany. The reason why the relevance of the state-concept declines can certainly be found partly in the retreat of the state, but besides there is an another main reason that has a close relationship to the establishment of “liberal and democratic basic order” in West Germany. During a half century untill the end of Weimar Republic, “Staatlehre” (the theory of state) is a dominant discipline in the political study in Germany. Staatslehre is considered as the expression of German-specific self-assertion that places a great value on the state as “acting entity” against the Anglo-American science of politics that considers the fundamental human rights as the highest value. The idea of modern constitution which represents western value has been penetrating into the German body politic with the expansion of prevailing western capitalism. This conflict between the idea of modern constitution and German state was continued untill the disappearance of Natistate.By the way, in Gemany this conflict involved Staatslehre in its academic endeavor to enhance the relevance of the sate-concept for legitimating German state’s struggle to tackle constituitional problems. One may notice that this movement brought about the transformation of constituition- and state-concept. In this thesis I would like to clarify the reason why the idea of modern constituition can prevail against German state in West Germany by tracing the process of transformation of constitution- and state-concept. And through this exploration I also would like to focus attention on the fact that the victory of the Anglo-American idea of modern constitution means the death of German Leviathan and with that German theory of the state also has lost prominent position in the political study

    日本の挫画䜜品に描かれた考叀孊者 3  : 1990幎代

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    珟代のポピュラヌ・カルチャヌ倧衆文化の䞀぀であるわが囜の挫画には、倚くの䜜品に考叀孊者が登堎する。その䜜品数は1990幎代になるずさらに増加し、そのゞャンルも倚岐にわたる。たた、数倚くの遺跡や考叀孊者が登堎する長期連茉の青幎挫画が出珟するこず、考叀孊者が登堎する少女挫画が増加するこずも1990幎代の特城である。さらに、この時期の考叀孊者キャラクタヌには埓来のようなサファリ・ルックの䞭幎男性も存圚するが、実際の考叀孊者むメヌゞに近いキャラクタヌも倚くみられる。この傟向は1980幎代埌半からの傟向を螏襲するものであるが、その背景ずしお発掘珟堎などの詳现な調査に基づく䜜品制䜜、人物衚珟の粟緻化、さらにはわが囜においお考叀孊者が認知されおきたこずが考えられる。The archaeologist appeared in Japanese comics which are one of the contemporary popular cultures at many works. In 1990s, the number of works further increases and the genre is also various. Moreover, it is also the features of Japanese comics of the 1990s that the youth comics of the long-term series in which many archaeological sites and archaeologists appear, and that the number of the girls’ comics in which an archaeologist appears increases. Furthermore, while the middle-aged male of Safari look like before existed in the archaeologist character of this time, many characters similar to an actual archaeologist came to be seen. This distinction has followed the tendency of the archaeologist character of the second half of the 1980s, and can consider the works based on the research of archaeological site spot, and elaboration of character expression, and also archaeologist has recognized in Japan as that background


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    本論文は、家族政策が合蚈特殊出生率に䞎える圱響に぀いお考察する。家族政策は、子育お支揎のみならず、女性就業支揎、男女平等なども含めお論じる。䞀般的に、女性就業率が高くなるず、合蚈特殊出生率の䜎䞋を招くず蚀われたが、女性就業率ず合蚈特殊出生率の䞡立の可胜性に぀いお考察する。䞀方、䞖界各囜のデヌタを芋るず、合蚈特殊出生率は、䞀人圓たりGDPが高い囜ほど䜎いず芋られるが、時系列で芋た堎合、経枈発展がある成熟段階に達するず、䞀人圓たりGDPが高くなるに぀れ、合蚈特殊出生率がU字型に回埩する傟向がある。合蚈特殊出生率の䜎䞋を経隓しおきた䞀人圓たりGDPの高い囜及び地域、そしお発展途䞊にある東南アゞアず比范し、その原因に぀いおも考察する。In the industrial stage of economic development, when the female labour force participation rate increases, the total fertility rate (TFR) tends to decrease. In the case of Japan, the total fertility rate (TFR) peaked at 4.4 after the Second World War. Since then, the TFR followed a declining trend and it reached a record low point at 1.26 in 2005 (Chart 1 in the Japanese text).It is not only Japan but also in most industrial countries that the TFR has followed a declining trend at least for a certain period. However, when female participation in the labour market and the existence of dual breadwinners become seen as normal phenomena, there is a good possibility that the TFR will begin to recover.“ The Nordic combination of high levels of female labour force participation with relatively high levels of fertility, may suggest that a sustainable level of fertility is compatible with gender equality. In Japan and Korea in Asia, and in Germany, Italy, Spain and the former communist countries in Europe, the TFR has remained at a low level, while in the Nordic countries, in the US, France and UK the movement of the TFR has changed from a decreasing trend to an upward trend.This paper sets out to explain the main possible reasons that make it possible to divide highly industrial countries into two groups, namely, the low TFR countries and the countries that have succeeded in recovering or in keeping the TFR at a fairly high level.By using similar reasoning, it will be possible to explain the U-shaped behaviour of TFR as an economy develops. If we express the TFR on the vertical axis and an indicator of economic development on the horizontal axis, a U-shaped line or V-shaped line will appear as shown in Chart 1.However, the U-shaped behaviour shown above does not take place automatically. We have assumed that there are three main possible reasons to explain the change in the trend of TFR behaviour and the difference in the TFR between the lowest TFR countries and the relatively higher TFR countries among the industrialized countries.The first reason to explain the U-shaped behaviour is that of changes in“ the traditional status relationships” and in conservative attitudes and practices aimed at maintaining these relationships. In particular, it is essential to change the differential treatment of female workers and that of male workers. Changing differential status relationships between regular employees and part-time employees is also important.If the changes mentioned above do not take places, the increase in the female labour participation rate or the ratio of female employees to total employees will probably entail a decline in the TFR. We assume that the conflict between increasing female participation in the labour market and unchanging conservative status relationships will bring about a decreasing TFR and that renovations in conservative status relationships have positive effects on the TFR and that the reforms in conservative status relationship will have positive effects on the TFR.Secondly, we have assumed that active family policies have positive effects on the TFR, other things being equal.Thirdly, favourable economic performance such as higher economic growth, lower unemployment rate and bright economic prospects in future will have favourable effects on the TFR, other things being equal.In this paper, we suggest that it is possible to predict the TFR in the near future by observing the behavior of the “marginal” fertility ratio (the difference of TFR between the year and that of the preceding year), for marginal ratio precedes the average ratio as Chart 2 in the case of Japan suggests.In the last section of this paper we will try to show the data to support the above hypothesis, especially from the cases of high GDP per capita countries and the cases of the developing countries in Southeast Asia.In 2009 MyrskylÀ、Mokko, Hans-Peter Kohler Francesko& C. Billari published a paper“ Advances in development reverse fertility declines” Nature, August 2009. They suggest that including developing countries a reversed J shaped curve will be observed. Their paper in 2009 is more comprehensive including less developed countries and used more comprehensive indicators than Maruo’ papers in 2006. However, their findings suggest as far as highly developed countries are concerned the V shaped behavior is observed

    正矩の抂念に぀いお : 西掋哲孊を䞭心にしお

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    この小皿は、正矩、公正、善ずいった抂念に぀いお、ギリシアの哲孊者アリストテレスのニコマコス倫理孊から、近幎話題ずなったハヌバヌド倧孊教授ゞョン・ロヌルズの正矩論に至るたで、その間に、トマス・アクィナス、トマス・ホッブス、ゞャン・ゞャック・ル゜ヌ、フェルディナンド・テンニヌス、グスタフ・ラヌトブルフなどの考えを考察した。正矩の抂念で最も広く受け入れられおおり、その基本ずなす考えは、アリストテレスの配分的正矩ず呌ばれ、これは各人にふさわしいものを各人に平等に配分するずいうこずで、この考えは、各々同䞀の状態のもずで、異なった結果でないかぎりは、配分は同じようになされなければならないずの原則である。近幎、䞖界的に倧きな問題が出来しおいる。それは、英囜の欧州連合EUからの離脱であり、シリアの内戊で、䞖界に䞍安定さが挂っおいる。私たちは、ずきどき、過ちを起こしおしたう。䞍正矩やアンフェアな行動をずるこずがある。それは、グロヌバル化の朮流の䞋でのそれたでずのギャップであったり、保護䞻矩であったり、宗教䞊の関係であったりしおいる。私たちは、英囜がEUを離脱したこずやトランプ倧統領の米囜第䞀䞻矩がどういうふうに歩むのかを泚目しなければならない。圌らの行動が正矩で公正なのかずいうこずを凝芖しなければならない。In this paper, which is written about justice, fairness, goodness, from ancient times, Nicomachean Ethics written by the Greek philosopher Aristoteles, to A Theory of Justice written by the late Harvard professor John Rawls in U.S., with other notable philosophers - St. Thomas Aquinas, Thomas Hobbes, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Ferdinand Tönnies and Gustav Radbruch etc.,in Western culture and civilization.The most fundamental principle of justice-one that has been widely accepted since it was first defined by Aristotles more than two thousand years ago. It is the principle that equals should be treated equally. This principle is described as below: individuals should be treated the same, unless they differ in ways that are relevant to the situation in which they are involved.Recently, We have global issues, to think of justice and fairness around the world in a very unstable condition due to the shock of UK exit from EU and Syria’s civil wars.We generally hold that it is sometimes unjust and unfair to give individuals special treatment on the basis of globalization gap,domestic-oriented or religious preferences, under borderless with the rise of the Internet etc.We are going to pay attention to that world affairs which are, UK to make a decision to leave EU, the principle of own country of the best cards (or principle of equality for citizens and non-citizens) of President D. Trump. Are affirmative activities justice and fairness
