206 research outputs found

    Influence of Cold Sensation on Plantar Tactile Sensation for Young Females

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    Cold sensation (CS) is a cold feeling on people’s hands or feet; this is a well-known health problem for young females. Plantar tactile sensation plays an important role in postural control and is affected by skin temperature. However, there is no research focusing on the relation between CS and plantar tactile sensation. In this study, we address the question of whether the CS influences plantar tactile sensation. 32 non cold sensation (Non-CS) and 31 cold sensation (CS) young females have participated in this research. A tactile sensation test was conducted at five plantar points (first and fifth toes, first and fifth metatarsal heads, and heel). Experimental results showed that although there was no significant difference at the first and fifth toes as well as the first metatarsal head and heel, the sensation threshold at the fifth metatarsal head for CS was lower than the Non-CS (21.61 ± 8.10 μm, 27.42 ± 11.02 μm respectively, p < 0.05).  It was concluded that plantar tactile sensation for young females with cold sensation was more sensitive compared to healthy subjects

    フレッチング ケンキュウ ニ トリクンデ

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    東京海洋大学 名誉教

    Dioxins levels in human blood after implementation of measures against dioxin exposure in Japan

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    Background: Over the past few decades, the Japanese Ministry of the Environment has been biomonitoring dioxins in the general Japanese population and, in response to public concerns, has taken measures to reduce dioxin exposure. The objectives of this study were to assess the current dioxin dietary intake and corresponding body burden in the Japanese and compare Japanese dioxin data from 2011 to 2016 and 2002–2010 surveys. We also examined the relationship between blood dioxins and health parameters/clinical biomarkers. Methods: From 2011 to 2016, cross-sectional dioxin surveys were conducted on 490 Japanese (242 males and 248 females, aged 49.9 ± 7.6 years) from 15 Japanese prefectures. Blood (n = 490) and food samples (n = 90) were measured for 29 dioxin congeners including polychlorinated dibenzo-para-dioxins (PCDDs), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs), and coplanar polychlorinated biphenyls (Co-PCBs) using gas chromatography coupled with high-resolution mass spectrometry. Using the 2006 World Health Organization toxic equivalence factors, the toxic equivalents (TEQs) were calculated. Clinical biomarkers and anthropometric parameters were also measured and information on lifestyle behaviours collected. Data imputations were applied to account for blood dioxins below the detection limit. Results: The median (95% confidence interval or CI) blood levels and dioxin dietary intake was respectively 9.4 (8.8–9.9) pg TEQ/g lipid and 0.3 (0.2–0.4) pg TEQ/kg body weight/day. The median blood dioxin level in the 2011–2016 survey was found to have decreased by 41.3% compared to the 2002–2010 surveys. Participants who were older were found to be more likely to have higher dioxin levels. Blood dioxins were also significantly associated with body mass index, triglycerides, docosahexaenoic acid, eicosapentaenoic acid, and dihomo-gamma-linoleic acid levels in blood. Furthermore, associations between blood dioxin and dietary dioxin intake were evident in the unadjusted models. However, after adjusting for confounders, blood dioxins were not found to be associated with dietary dioxin intake. Conclusions: Blood dioxin levels declined over the past decade. This study showed that the measures and actions undertaken in Japan have possibly contributed to these reductions in the body burden of dioxins in the Japanese population

    Bilateral Chronic Subdural Hematoma in the Posterior Fossa Treated with a Burr Hole Irrigation: A Case Report and Review of the Literature

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    Chronic subdural hematoma (CSH) in the posterior fossa is extremely rare. The surgical strategy is still controversial. We report a case of bilateral CSH in the posterior fossa successfully treated with a single-burr hole surgery. A 74-year-old man under anticoagulation and antiplatelet therapy developed headache and nausea during observation for an asymptomatic supratentorial CSH. Radiological examinations revealed appearance of bilateral CSH in the posterior fossa associated with hydrocephalus. Upon rapid deterioration of the patient’s consciousness, an urgent treatment was required. A burr hole was made near the transverse-sigmoid junction on the left side to access the hematoma. No ventricular drainage was placed as his consciousness improved during the decompression of the hematoma. Postoperative computed tomography showed that bilateral CSH and hydrocephalus had been successfully treated. In bilateral CSH in the posterior fossa, there may be a connection between each side. CSH in the posterior fossa, when urgent, can be treated under local anesthesia with a unilateral burr hole irrigation

    Air pollution and its health effects in China

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    国立環境研究所千葉大学金沢大学大学院自然科学研究科China Medical UniversityProceeding : International Symposium of Kanazawa University 21st-Century COE Program Vol.2(2004),Schedule: February 29(SUN)-March 3(WED), Venue: 29 FEB, Ishikawa Life-Long Learning Center(Former Prefectural Government Building) / 1-3 MAR Kanazawa Art Hall, Organized by: Kanazawa University 21st-Century COE Program / Ishikawa International Cooperation Research Centre / United Nations University-Institute of Advanced Studies, Supported by: Ishikawa Prefectural Government / City of Kanazawa, Eds : Hayakawa, Kazuichi / Kizu, Ryoichi / Kamata, Naok

    Intradural Lipoma at the Craniocervical Junction Presenting with Progressing Hemiparesis: A Case Report

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    Intradural spinal lipomas are rare in an adult population. They are mostly asymptomatic and usually associated with spinal dysraphism in a pediatric population. We report a rare case of spinal lipoma without dysraphism and with progressing hemiparesis. A 60-year-old woman had incidental lipoma at the craniocervical junction observed for more than 5 years. Recently, she developed right-sided hemiparesis and sensory disturbance. Radiological studies revealed a large lipoma compressing the dorsal medulla and C1–C2 spinal cord. Standard midline suboccipital craniotomy and C1 laminectomy were performed, and the lipoma was removed subtotally. The lipoma showed severe adhesion to the dorsal medulla and C1 spinal cord; therefore, the excision was limited as internal debulking. Her neurological deficit subsided within 6 months after the decompressive surgery. Considering the benign nature of lipoma, internal decompression is a reasonable management for this lesion

    Measurement of the total neutron scattering cross section ratios of noble gases of natural isotopic composition using a pulsed neutron beam

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    Precision measurements of slow neutron cross sections with atoms have several scientific applications. In particular the n-4^{4}He s-wave scattering length is important to know both for helping to constrain the nuclear three-body interaction and for the proper interpretation of several ongoing slow neutron experiments searching for other types of neutron-atom interactions. We present new measurements of the ratios of the neutron differential scattering cross sections for natural isotopic-abundance mixtures of the noble gases He, Ar, Kr, and Xe to natural isotopic abundance Ne. These measurements were performed using a recently developed neutron scattering apparatus for gas samples located on a pulsed slow neutron beamline which was designed to search for possible exotic neutron-atom interactions and employs both neutron time of flight information and a position-sensitive neutron detector for scattering event reconstruction. We found agreement with the literature values of scattering cross sections inferred from Ar/Ne, Kr/Ne and Xe/Ne differential cross section ratios over the qq range of 171 - 7 nm1^{-1}. However for the case of He/Ne we find that the cross section inferred differs by 11.3% (7.6 σ\sigma) from previously-reported values inferred from neutron phase shift measurements, but is in reasonable agreement with values from other measurements. The very large discrepancy in the He/Ne ratio calls for a new precision measurement of the n-4^{4}He scattering length using neutron interferometry

    Dose Measurements through the Concrete and Iron Shields under the 100 to 400 MeV Quasi-Monoenergetic Neutron Field (at RCNP, Osaka Univ.)

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    Shielding benchmark experiments are useful to verify the accuracy of calculation methods for the radiation shielding designs of high-energy accelerator facilities. In the present work, the benchmark experiments were carried out for 244- and 387-MeV quasi-monoenergetic neutron field at RCNP of Osaka University. Neutron dose rates through the test shields, 100-300 cm thick concrete and 40-100 cm thick iron, were measured by four kinds of neutron dose equivalent monitors, three kinds of wide-energy range monitors applied to high-energy neutron fields above 20 MeV and a conventional type rem monitor for neutrons up to 20 MeV, placed behind the test shields. Measured dose rates were compared one another. Measured results with the wide-energy range monitors were in agreement one another for both the concrete and the iron shields. For the conventional type rem monitor, measured results are smaller than those with the wide-energy range monitors for the concrete shields, while that are in agreements for the iron shields. The attenuation lengths were obtained from the measurements. The lengths from all the monitors are in agreement on the whole, though some differences are shown. These results are almost same as those from others measured at several hundred MeV neutron fields

    High time resolved electron temperature measurements by using the multi-pass Thomson scattering system in GAMMA 10/PDX

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    High time resolved electron temperature measurements are useful for fluctuation study. A multi-pass Thomson scattering (MPTS) system is proposed for the improvement of both increasing the TS signal intensity and time resolution. The MPTS system in GAMMA 10/PDX has been constructed for enhancing the Thomson scattered signals for the improvement of measurement accuracy. The MPTS system has a polarization-based configuration with an image relaying system. We optimized the image relaying optics for improving the multi-pass laser confinement and obtaining the stable MPTS signals over ten passing TS signals. The integrated MPTS signals increased about five times larger than that in the single pass system. Finally, time dependent electron temperatures were obtained in MHz sampling