18,114 research outputs found

    The environmental dependence of clustering in hierarchical models

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    In hierarchical models, density fluctuations on different scales are correlated. This induces correlations between dark halo masses, their formation histories, and their larger-scale environments. In turn, this produces a correlation between galaxy properties and environment. This correlation is entirely statistical in nature. We show how the observed clustering of galaxies can be used to quantify the importance of this statistical correlation relative to other physical effects which may also give rise to correlations between the properties of galaxies and their surroundings. We also develop a halo model description of this environmental dependence of clustering.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, MNRAS in pres

    One step beyond: The excursion set approach with correlated steps

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    We provide a simple formula that accurately approximates the first crossing distribution of barriers having a wide variety of shapes, by random walks with a wide range of correlations between steps. Special cases of it are useful for estimating halo abundances, evolution, and bias, as well as the nonlinear counts in cells distribution. We discuss how it can be extended to allow for the dependence of the barrier on quantities other than overdensity, to construct an excursion set model for peaks, and to show why assembly and scale dependent bias are generic even at the linear level.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure. Uses mn2e class styl

    Halo abundances and counts-in-cells: The excursion set approach with correlated steps

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    The Excursion Set approach has been used to make predictions for a number of interesting quantities in studies of nonlinear hierarchical clustering. These include the halo mass function, halo merger rates, halo formation times and masses, halo clustering, analogous quantities for voids, and the distribution of dark matter counts in randomly placed cells. The approach assumes that all these quantities can be mapped to problems involving the first crossing distribution of a suitably chosen barrier by random walks. Most analytic expressions for these distributions ignore the fact that, although different k-modes in the initial Gaussian field are uncorrelated, this is not true in real space: the values of the density field at a given spatial position, when smoothed on different real-space scales, are correlated in a nontrivial way. As a result, the problem is to estimate first crossing distribution by random walks having correlated rather than uncorrelated steps. In 1990, Peacock & Heavens presented a simple approximation for the first crossing distribution of a single barrier of constant height by walks with correlated steps. We show that their approximation can be thought of as a correction to the distribution associated with what we call smooth completely correlated walks. We then use this insight to extend their approach to treat moving barriers, as well as walks that are constrained to pass through a certain point before crossing the barrier. For the latter, we show that a simple rescaling, inspired by bivariate Gaussian statistics, of the unconditional first crossing distribution, accurately describes the conditional distribution, independently of the choice of analytical prescription for the former. In all cases, comparison with Monte-Carlo solutions of the problem shows reasonably good agreement. (Abridged)Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures; v2 -- revised version with explicit demonstration that the original conclusions hold for LCDM, expanded discussion on stochasticity of barrier. Accepted in MNRA

    Linear theory and velocity correlations of clusters

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    Linear theory provides a reasonable description of the velocity correlations of biased tracers both perpendicular and parallel to the line of separation, provided one accounts for the fact that the measurement is almost always made using pair-weighted statistics. This introduces an additional term which, for sufficiently biased tracers, may be large. Previous work suggesting that linear theory was grossly in error for the components parallel to the line of separation ignored this term.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, MNRAS accepte

    Halo bias in the excursion set approach with correlated steps

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    In the Excursion Set approach, halo abundances and clustering are closely related. This relation is exploited in many modern methods which seek to constrain cosmological parameters on the basis of the observed spatial distribution of clusters. However, to obtain analytic expressions for these quantities, most Excursion Set based predictions ignore the fact that, although different k-modes in the initial Gaussian field are uncorrelated, this is not true in real space: the values of the density field at a given spatial position, when smoothed on different real-space scales, are correlated in a nontrivial way. We show that when the excursion set approach is extended to include such correlations, then one must be careful to account for the fact that the associated prediction for halo bias is explicitly a real-space quantity. Therefore, care must be taken when comparing the predictions of this approach with measurements in simulations, which are typically made in Fourier-space. We show how to correct for this effect, and demonstrate that ignorance of this effect in recent analyses of halo bias has led to incorrect conclusions and biased constraints.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures; v2 -- minor clarifications, accepted in MNRA

    Optimal linear reconstruction of dark matter from halo catalogs

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    We derive the weight function w(M) to apply to dark-matter halos that minimizes the stochasticity between the weighted halo distribution and its underlying mass density field. The optimal w(M) depends on the range of masses being used in the estimator. In N-body simulations, the Poisson estimator is up to 15 times noisier than the optimal. Implementation of the optimal weight yields significantly lower stochasticity than weighting halos by their mass, bias or equal. Optimal weighting could make cosmological tests based on the matter power spectrum or cross-correlations much more powerful and/or cost-effective. A volume-limited measurement of the mass power spectrum at k=0.2h/Mpc over the entire z<1 universe could ideally be done using only 6 million redshifts of halos with mass M>6\times10^{13}h^{-1}M_\odot (1\times10^{13}) at z=0 (z=1); this is 5 times fewer than the Poisson model predicts. Using halo occupancy distributions (HOD) we find that uniformly-weighted catalogs of luminous red galaxies require >3 times more redshifts than an optimally-weighted halo catalog to reconstruct the mass to the same accuracy. While the mean HODs of galaxies above a threshold luminosity are similar to the optimal w(M), the stochasticity of the halo occupation degrades the mass estimator. Blue or emission-line galaxies are about 100 times less efficient at reconstructing mass than an optimal weighting scheme. This suggests an efficient observational approach of identifying and weighting halos with a deep photo-z survey before conducting a spectroscopic survey. The optimal w(M) and mass-estimator stochasticity predicted by the standard halo model for M>10^{12}h^{-1}M_\odot are in reasonable agreement with our measurements, with the important exceptions that the halos must be assumed to be linearly biased samples of a "halo field" that is distinct from the mass field. (Abridged)Comment: Added Figure 3 to show the scatter between the weighted halo field vs the mass field, Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Constrained realizations and minimum variance reconstruction of non-Gaussian random fields

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    With appropriate modifications, the Hoffman--Ribak algorithm that constructs constrained realizations of Gaussian random fields having the correct ensemble properties can also be used to construct constrained realizations of those non-Gaussian random fields that are obtained by transformations of an underlying Gaussian field. For example, constrained realizations of lognormal, generalized Rayleigh, and chi-squared fields having nn degrees of freedom constructed this way will have the correct ensemble properties. The lognormal field is considered in detail. For reconstructing Gaussian random fields, constrained realization techniques are similar to reconstructions obtained using minimum variance techniques. A comparison of this constrained realization approach with minimum variance, Wiener filter reconstruction techniques, in the context of lognormal random fields, is also included. The resulting prescriptions for constructing constrained realizations as well as minimum variance reconstructions of lognormal random fields are useful for reconstructing masked regions in galaxy catalogues on smaller scales than previously possible, for assessing the statistical significance of small-scale features in the microwave background radiation, and for generating certain non-Gaussian initial conditions for NN-body simulations.Comment: 12 pages, gzipped postscript, MNRAS, in pres

    On estimating redshift and luminosity distributions in photometric redshift surveys

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    The luminosity functions of galaxies and quasars provide invaluable information about galaxy and quasar formation. Estimating the luminosity function from magnitude limited samples is relatively straightforward, provided that the distances to the objects in the sample are known accurately; techniques for doing this have been available for about thirty years. However, distances are usually known accurately for only a small subset of the sample. This is true of the objects in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, and will be increasingly true of the next generation of deep multi-color photometric surveys. Estimating the luminosity function when distances are only known approximately (e.g., photometric redshifts are available, but spectroscopic redshifts are not) is more difficult. I describe two algorithms which can handle this complication: one is a generalization of the V_max algorithm, and the other is a maximum likelihood approach. Because these methods account for uncertainties in the distance estimate, they impact a broader range of studies. For example, they are useful for studying the abundances of galaxies which are sufficiently nearby that the contribution of peculiar velocity to the spectroscopic redshift is not negligible, so only a noisy estimate of the true distance is available. In this respect, peculiar velocities and photometric redshift errors have similar effects. The methods developed here are also useful for estimating the stellar luminosity function in samples where accurate parallax distances are not available.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, submitted to MNRA

    An excursion set model for the distribution of dark matter and dark matter haloes

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    A model of the gravitationally evolved dark matter distribution, in the Eulerian space, is developed. It is a simple extension of the excursion set model that is commonly used to estimate the mass function of collapsed dark matter haloes. In addition to describing the evolution of the dark matter itself, the model allows one to describe the evolution of the Eulerian space distribution of the haloes. It can also be used to describe density profiles, on scales larger than the virial radius, of these haloes, and to quantify the way in which matter flows in and out of Eulerian cells. When the initial Lagrangian space distribution is white noise Gaussian, the model suggests that the Inverse Gaussian distribution should provide a reasonably good approximation to the evolved Eulerian density field, in agreement with numerical simulations. Application of this model to clustering from more general Gaussian initial conditions is discussed at the end.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, submitted to MNRAS Sept. 199
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