50 research outputs found

    xTrimoPGLM: Unified 100B-Scale Pre-trained Transformer for Deciphering the Language of Protein

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    Protein language models have shown remarkable success in learning biological information from protein sequences. However, most existing models are limited by either autoencoding or autoregressive pre-training objectives, which makes them struggle to handle protein understanding and generation tasks concurrently. We propose a unified protein language model, xTrimoPGLM, to address these two types of tasks simultaneously through an innovative pre-training framework. Our key technical contribution is an exploration of the compatibility and the potential for joint optimization of the two types of objectives, which has led to a strategy for training xTrimoPGLM at an unprecedented scale of 100 billion parameters and 1 trillion training tokens. Our extensive experiments reveal that 1) xTrimoPGLM significantly outperforms other advanced baselines in 18 protein understanding benchmarks across four categories. The model also facilitates an atomic-resolution view of protein structures, leading to an advanced 3D structural prediction model that surpasses existing language model-based tools. 2) xTrimoPGLM not only can generate de novo protein sequences following the principles of natural ones, but also can perform programmable generation after supervised fine-tuning (SFT) on curated sequences. These results highlight the substantial capability and versatility of xTrimoPGLM in understanding and generating protein sequences, contributing to the evolving landscape of foundation models in protein science

    In vivo study of transverse carpal ligament stiffness using acoustic radiation force impulse (ARFI) imaging.

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    The transverse carpal ligament (TCL) forms the volar boundary of the carpal tunnel and may provide mechanical constraint to the median nerve, leading to carpal tunnel syndrome. Therefore, the mechanical properties of the TCL are essential to better understand the etiology of carpal tunnel syndrome. The purpose of this study was to investigate the in vivo TCL stiffness using acoustic radiation force impulse (ARFI) imaging. The shear wave velocity (SWV) of the TCL was measured using Virtual Touch IQ(TM) software in 15 healthy, male subjects. The skin and the thenar muscles were also examined as reference tissues. In addition, the effects of measurement location and ultrasound transducer compression on the SWV were studied. The SWV of the TCL was dependent on the tissue location, with greater SWV values within the muscle-attached region than those outside of the muscle-attached region. The SWV of the TCL was significantly smaller without compression (5.21 ± 1.08 m/s) than with compression (6.62 ± 1.18 m/s). The SWV measurements of the skin and the thenar muscles were also affected by transducer compression, but to different extents than the SWV of the TCL. Therefore to standardize the ARFI imaging procedure, it is recommended that a layer of ultrasound gel be maintained to minimize the effects of tissue compression. This study demonstrated the feasibility of ARFI imaging for assessing the stiffness characteristics of the TCL in vivo, which has the potential to identify pathomechanical changes of the tissue

    Viscoelastic properties of isolated collagen fibrils.

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    ABSTRACT Understanding the viscoelastic behavior of collagenous tissues with complex hierarchical structures requires knowledge of the properties at each structural level. Whole tissues have been studied extensively, but less is known about the mechanical behavior at the submicron, fibrillar level. Using a microelectromechanical systems platform, in vitro coupled creep and stress relaxation tests were performed on collagen fibrils isolated from the sea cucumber dermis. Stress-straintime data indicate that isolated fibrils exhibit viscoelastic behavior that could be fitted using the Maxwell-Weichert model. The fibrils showed an elastic modulus of 123 5 46 MPa. The time-dependent behavior was well fit using the two-time-constant Maxwell-Weichert model with a fast time response of 7 5 2 s and a slow time response of 102 5 5 s. The fibrillar relaxation time was smaller than literature values for tissue-level relaxation time, suggesting that tissue relaxation is dominated by noncollagenous components (e.g., proteoglycans). Each specimen was tested three times, and the only statistically significant difference found was that the elastic modulus is larger in the first test than in the subsequent two tests, indicating that viscous properties of collagen fibrils are not sensitive to the history of previous tests

    Viscoelastic properties of isolated collagen fibrils.

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    ABSTRACT Understanding the viscoelastic behavior of collagenous tissues with complex hierarchical structures requires knowledge of the properties at each structural level. Whole tissues have been studied extensively, but less is known about the mechanical behavior at the submicron, fibrillar level. Using a microelectromechanical systems platform, in vitro coupled creep and stress relaxation tests were performed on collagen fibrils isolated from the sea cucumber dermis. Stress-straintime data indicate that isolated fibrils exhibit viscoelastic behavior that could be fitted using the Maxwell-Weichert model. The fibrils showed an elastic modulus of 123 5 46 MPa. The time-dependent behavior was well fit using the two-time-constant Maxwell-Weichert model with a fast time response of 7 5 2 s and a slow time response of 102 5 5 s. The fibrillar relaxation time was smaller than literature values for tissue-level relaxation time, suggesting that tissue relaxation is dominated by noncollagenous components (e.g., proteoglycans). Each specimen was tested three times, and the only statistically significant difference found was that the elastic modulus is larger in the first test than in the subsequent two tests, indicating that viscous properties of collagen fibrils are not sensitive to the history of previous tests

    Competing for Temporary Advantage in a Hypercompetitive Mobile App Market

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    Hypercompetitive mobile app stores are characterized by rapid innovation and intense competition. App firms must vie for temporary competitive advantage through competitive actions such as releasing product improvements. We study how competitive indicators influence a particular competitive action—app updates—in a mobile game app market. Our results reveal that app firms take action to improve or sustain their temporary competitive advantage, updating their apps when there are opportunities to capitalize on popularity (e.g., rank and rating volume are increasing) and when their apps’ advantages are threatened (e.g., customer ratings are decreasing). We also find that app updates are released in response to competitors’ actions—specifically, when competitors update their apps and new competitors enter ranking lists. Moreover, our findings show that app firms release app updates when an app’s customer rating volume is increasing or when an app firm’s portfolio of game apps is less diverse, relative to its competitors. We conduct additional analyses that show that older app firms are responsive to more competitive indicators than younger ones and major updates are primarily used to respond to serious threats to apps’ competitive positions. Overall, our results indicate that app updates are competitive actions used to improve or sustain temporary advantage when competitive indicators reveal opportunities to improve or threats to apps’ competitive positions

    Insight into Relationship between Thermal Dissolution of Low-Rank Coals and Their Subsequent Oxidative Depolymerization

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    Oxidative depolymerization of low-rank coals is promising for obtaining benzene carboxylic acids (BCAs). However, it is hindered by the low yield of BCAs along with a large number of alphatic acids. Thermal dissolution could modify the physico-chemical structural features of low-rank coals, which is expected to improve the oxidation of LRCs. In this paper, lignite and subbituminous coal were firstly subjected to thermal dissolution with cyclohexane at 250 °C for 2 h. Then, the raw coal and the corresponding thermal insoluble portion (TIP) were oxidized by NaOCl under the same conditions. The residual yields of TIPs oxidation were both lower than those of raw coals oxidation, indicating that TIPs were more easily oxidized than the raw coals. The yield of BCAs obtained by TIPs oxidation was above 19% higher than that from the oxidation of raw coals. Meanwhile, the selectivity of BCAs was improved in the resulting oxidation products from TIPs compared with that from the raw coals. The relationship between BCAs generation and thermal dissolution of low rank coals was investigated by ultimate analysis, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and nitrogen adsorption-desorption analysis. The results suggested that thermal dissolution could enrich aromatic portion in the remaining TIPs, resulting in an increasing of the yield and selectivity of BCAs. Simultaneously, thermal dissolution raised the specific surface area and expanded the looser space structure of TIPS, which were beneficial for the sufficient collision between aromatic structures and oxidant, facilitating the oxidative depolymerization of TIPs. This investigation would provide a novel route for promoting BCAs production by mild oxidative depolymerization of low-rank coals

    Insight into Relationship between Thermal Dissolution of Low-Rank Coals and Their Subsequent Oxidative Depolymerization

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    Oxidative depolymerization of low-rank coals is promising for obtaining benzene carboxylic acids (BCAs). However, it is hindered by the low yield of BCAs along with a large number of alphatic acids. Thermal dissolution could modify the physico-chemical structural features of low-rank coals, which is expected to improve the oxidation of LRCs. In this paper, lignite and subbituminous coal were firstly subjected to thermal dissolution with cyclohexane at 250 °C for 2 h. Then, the raw coal and the corresponding thermal insoluble portion (TIP) were oxidized by NaOCl under the same conditions. The residual yields of TIPs oxidation were both lower than those of raw coals oxidation, indicating that TIPs were more easily oxidized than the raw coals. The yield of BCAs obtained by TIPs oxidation was above 19% higher than that from the oxidation of raw coals. Meanwhile, the selectivity of BCAs was improved in the resulting oxidation products from TIPs compared with that from the raw coals. The relationship between BCAs generation and thermal dissolution of low rank coals was investigated by ultimate analysis, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and nitrogen adsorption-desorption analysis. The results suggested that thermal dissolution could enrich aromatic portion in the remaining TIPs, resulting in an increasing of the yield and selectivity of BCAs. Simultaneously, thermal dissolution raised the specific surface area and expanded the looser space structure of TIPS, which were beneficial for the sufficient collision between aromatic structures and oxidant, facilitating the oxidative depolymerization of TIPs. This investigation would provide a novel route for promoting BCAs production by mild oxidative depolymerization of low-rank coals

    Stress-strain experiments on individual collagen fibrils.

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    ABSTRACT Collagen, a molecule consisting of three braided protein helices, is the primary building block of many biological tissues including bone, tendon, cartilage, and skin. Staggered arrays of collagen molecules form fibrils, which arrange into higherordered structures such as fibers and fascicles. Because collagen plays a crucial role in determining the mechanical properties of these tissues, significant theoretical research is directed toward developing models of the stiffness, strength, and toughness of collagen molecules and fibrils. Experimental data to guide the development of these models, however, are sparse and limited to small strain response. Using a microelectromechanical systems platform to test partially hydrated collagen fibrils under uniaxial tension, we obtained quantitative, reproducible mechanical measurements of the stress-strain curve of type I collagen fibrils, with diameters ranging from 150-470 nm. The fibrils showed a small strain (e , 0.09) modulus of 0.86 6 0.45 GPa. Fibrils tested to strains as high as 100% demonstrated strain softening (s yield ÂĽ 0.22 6 0.14 GPa; e yield ÂĽ 0.21 6 0.13) and strain hardening, timedependent recoverable residual strain, dehydration-induced embrittlement, and susceptibility to cyclic fatigue. The results suggest that the stress-strain behavior of collagen fibrils is dictated by global characteristic dimensions as well as internal structure

    A representative ultrasound image and a respective schematic displaying selected regions of interest (ROIs).

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    <p>(A) Gray-scale B-mode ultrasound image where the transverse carpal ligament (TCL), the skin, the thenar muscles, the hamate, and the trapezium are reliably identifiable. The thenar muscle’s ulnar point (TUP) is indicated by an arrow. (B) A schematic to illustrate the fifteen ROIs that correspond to the shear wave velocity measurement locations, including five on the TCL (red), five on the skin (blue), and five on the thenar muscles (green). The sequence used for placing the ROI boxes is indicated by the number within each box. The TCL (dashed lines) is attached to the hamate and the trapezium. The thenar muscles are represented by the shaded area.</p