3 research outputs found

    Peganum Harmala plant as an adsorbent for the removal of Copper(II) ions from water

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    Batch removal of Cu(II) from water by powdered seeds of Peganum Harmala has been investigated in this research. The Peganum Harmala seeds were collected after which they have been beaten slowly, separated and then cleaned using a sieve. The prepared sorption is characterized by FT-IR. Batch adsorption studies have been undertaken in 100 ml Erlenmeyer flasks, inside an incubator container. The main process parameters that are considered are pH, contact time, Cu(II) concentration, the Adsorbent dose effect and reaction temperature effect. Cu(II) is measured at a wavelength of 620 nm, using a UV-vis spectrophotometer. The result evidence that the maximum removal of Cu(II) is observed at pH 6.2, with the pH over 6.2 result to participate the copper hydroxide. Clearly, the uptake process of the Cu(II) ion occurres very swiftly from the outset of the experiments during the first 15 min, after which there is a low decrease until 40 min, when maximum adsorption of Cu(II) ion onto Peganum Harmala is observed. An increased Cu(II) ions removal percentage occurres with increasing dose of adsorbents, increasing from 0.2 to 0.6 g followed by an increased percentage removal from 63.50% to 66.02%. Subsequently, the removal of Cu(II) ions decline, with an increased dose to 1g. Langmuir adsorption isotherm is more appropriate than the Freundlich adsorption isotherm, while the pseudo second-order reaction model is suitable for adsorption of the Copper ion onto the active centers of the Peganum Harmala surface compared with the pseudo first-order model

    Peganum Harmala plant as an adsorbent for the removal of Copper(II) ions from water

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    163-171Batch removal of Cu(II) from water by powdered seeds of Peganum Harmala has been investigated in this research. The Peganum Harmala seeds were collected after which they have been beaten slowly, separated and then cleaned using a sieve. The prepared sorption is characterized by FT-IR. Batch adsorption studies have been undertaken in 100 ml Erlenmeyer flasks, inside an incubator container. The main process parameters that are considered are pH, contact time, Cu(II) concentration, the Adsorbent dose effect and reaction temperature effect. Cu(II) is measured at a wavelength of 620 nm, using a UV-vis spectrophotometer. The result evidence that the maximum removal of Cu(II) is observed at pH 6.2, with the pH over 6.2 result to participate the copper hydroxide. Clearly, the uptake process of the Cu(II) ion occurres very swiftly from the outset of the experiments during the first 15 min, after which there is a low decrease until 40 min, when maximum adsorption of Cu(II) ion onto Peganum Harmala is observed. An increased Cu(II) ions removal percentage occurres with increasing dose of adsorbents, increasing from 0.2 to 0.6 g followed by an increased percentage removal from 63.50% to 66.02%. Subsequently, the removal of Cu(II) ions decline, with an increased dose to 1g. Langmuir adsorption isotherm is more appropriate than the Freundlich adsorption isotherm, while the pseudo second-order reaction model is suitable for adsorption of the Copper ion onto the active centers of the Peganum Harmala surface compared with the pseudo first-order model

    تحضير وتمييز الأشكال التركيبية لمركبات ثيوسيميكاربازون رباعية الإرتباط

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    New transtion metal complexes of Co", Ni" and Cu" with benzil bis 4-(p-Chlorophenyl-thiosemicarbazone) and benzil bis 4-(p-Bromophenyl-thiosemicarbazone) were synthesized. Attempts were made to ascertain their probable structures on the basis of elemental analysis, infrared and electronic spectra, thermal and magnetic studies. Ligands can function as a binegative quadridentate with the metal ions forming com¬plexes in a molar ratio 1:1 having the formula (ML and ML.2H2O). The magnetic moment measurements and the crystal field parameters calculated for Co11 and Ni" complexes agree well with that reported for known octahedral complexes.تم تحضير ودراسة خواص مجموعة جديدة من متراكبات الأيونات الثنائية لعناصر الكوبلت والنيكل والنحاس مع مشتقات كل من بنزل مضاعف (4-باراكلوروفينيل ثيو سيمبكاربازون) وبنزل مضاعف (4‏-بارابروموفينيل ثيو سيمبكاربازون). تم فصل المتراكبات ودراسة الأشكال الكيميائية الفراغية المناسبة لها بناء على نتائج التحليل الكمي الميكروني للعناصر ودراسة التحليل الطيفي في مجال الأشعة تحت الحمراء وطيف الانتقال الامتصاصي الإلكتروني لمحاليل المتراكبات والقياسات المغناطيسية ودراسة نتائج التحليل الحراري للمواد الصلبة. أثبتت نتائج الدراسات أن المرتبطات قيد الدراسة تتعامل مع أيونات الفلزات الثنائية كمرتبط يحمل شحنتين سالبتين رباعي الارتباط مكونا متراكبات من خلال مواقع ذرات النيتروجين والكبريت والكبريت والنيتروجين (NSSN‏) ولهما الصيغة الجزئية ML and ML. 2H2O‏ أوضحت النتائج من خلال القياسات الطيفية والمغناطيسية أن متراكبات الكوبلت والنيكل تتفق تماما مع المتراكبات ثمانية الأوجه المعروفة