1,742 research outputs found

    Electroluminescence and photoluminescence of Ge-implanted Si/SiO_2/Si structures

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    Electroluminescent devices were fabricated in SiO_2 films containing Ge nanocrystals formed by ion implantation and precipitation during annealing at 900 °C, and the visible room‐temperature electroluminescence and photoluminescence spectra were found to be broadly similar. The electroluminescent devices have an onset for emission in reverse bias of approximately −10 V, suggesting that the mechanism for carrier excitation may be an avalanche breakdown caused by injection of hot carriers into the oxide. The electroluminescent emission was stable for periods exceeding 6 h

    The role of quantum-confined excitons vs defects in the visible luminescence of SiO2 films containing Ge nanocrystals

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    Synthesis of Ge nanocrystals in SiO2 films is carried out by precipitation from a supersaturated solid solution of Ge in SiO2 made by Ge ion implantation. The films exhibit strong room-temperature visible photoluminescence. The measured photoluminescence peak energy and lifetimes show poor correlations with nanocrystal size compared to calculations involving radiative recombination of quantum-confined excitons in Ge quantum dots. In addition, the photoluminescence spectra and lifetime measurements show only a weak temperature dependence. These observations strongly suggest that the observed visible luminescence in our samples is not due to the radiative recombination of quantum-confined excitons in Ge nanocrystals. Instead, observations of similar luminescence in Xe+ -implanted samples and reversible PL quenching by hydrogen or deuterium suggest that radiative defect centers in the SiO2 matrix are responsible for the observed luminescence

    Defect-related versus excitonic visible light emission from ion beam synthesized Si nanocrystals in SiO2

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    Two sources of room temperature visible luminescence are identified from SiO2 films containing ion beam synthesized Si nanocrystals. From a comparison of luminescence spectra and photoluminescence decay lifetime measurements between Xe + -implanted SiO2 films and SiO2 films containing Si nanocrystals, a luminescence feature attributable to defects in the SiO2 matrix is unambiguously identified. Hydrogen passivation of the films selectively quenches the matrix defect luminescence, after which luminescence attributable to Si nanocrystals is evident, with a lifetime on the order of milliseconds. The peak energy of the remaining luminescence attributable to Si nanocrystals ``redshifts'' as a function of different processing parameters that might lead to increased nanocrystal size and the intensity is directly correlated to the formation of Si nanocrystals. Upon further annealing hydrogen-passivated samples at low temperatures (< 500 °C), the intensity of nanocrystal luminescence increases by more than a factor of 10


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    The paper is dedicated to issues of system objects securing (system files and user system or application configuration files) against unauthorized access including denial of service attacks. We have suggested the method and developed abstract system virtualization models, which are used toresearch attack scenarios for different virtualization modes. Estimation for system tools virtualization technology effectiveness is given. Suggested technology is based on redirection of access requests to system objects shared among access subjects. Whole and partial system virtualization modes have been modeled. The difference between them is the following: in the whole virtualization mode all copies of access system objects are created whereon subjects’ requests are redirected including corresponding application objects;in the partial virtualization mode corresponding copies are created only for part of a system, for example, only system objects for applications. Alternative solutions effectiveness is valued relating to different attack scenarios. We consider proprietary and approved technical solution which implements system virtualization method for Microsoft Windows OS family. Administrative simplicity and capabilities of correspondingly designed system objects security tools are illustrated on this example. Practical significance of the suggested security method has been confirmed

    Two-Fluid RANS-RSTM-PDF Model for Turbulent Particulate Flows

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    A novel three-dimensional (3D) model based on Reynolds turbulence stress model (RSTM) closure of equations of carrier and particulate phases was elaborated for channel turbulent flows. The essence of the model is the direct calculation of normal and shear components of the Reynolds stresses for the particulate phase similar to the carrier fluid. The model is based on the Eulerian approach, which is applied for the 3D RANS modeling of the carrier flow and the particulate phase and the statistical probability dense function (PDF) approach focusing on the mathematical description of the second moments of the particulate phase


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    Satisfaction of consumers in high-quality and competitive functional products requires the fulfillment of a number of tasks for the selection of raw ingredients, technological solutions, optimization of the recipe composition, confirmation of the functional orientation, which is generally aimed at shaping the quality of the finished product. The article discusses the possibility of using flour confectionery as a functional food additive, bee bread, characterized by high biological value.Удовлетворение потребителей в качественных и конкурентоспособных продуктах функционального назначения требует выполнения ряда задач по подбору сырьевых ингредиентов, технологических решений, оптимизации рецептурного состава, подтверждении функциональной направленности, что в целом направлено на формирование качества готового продукта. В статье рассмотрена возможность использования в технологии мучных кондитерских изделий как функциональную пищевую добавку пергу, характеризующуюся высокой биологической ценностью

    Stereo Imaging Miniature Endoscope with Single Imaging Chip and Conjugated Multi-Bandpass Filters

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    A dual objective endoscope for insertion into a cavity of a body for providing a stereoscopic image of a region of interest inside of the body including an imaging device at the distal end for obtaining optical images of the region of interest (ROI), and processing the optical images for forming video signals for wired and/or wireless transmission and display of 3D images on a rendering device. The imaging device includes a focal plane detector array (FPA) for obtaining the optical images of the ROI, and processing circuits behind the FPA. The processing circuits convert the optical images into the video signals. The imaging device includes right and left pupil for receiving a right and left images through a right and left conjugated multi-band pass filters. Illuminators illuminate the ROI through a multi-band pass filter having three right and three left pass bands that are matched to the right and left conjugated multi-band pass filters. A full color image is collected after three or six sequential illuminations with the red, green and blue lights

    Patent Research as a Tool for Analysis of the Technical Solutions Market

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    The example of the analysis of patent activity shows the solution of the problem related to the assessment of the development potential of technical systems. The main possibilities of modern information resources of patent analytics are described. It is shown how the analysis of patent information helps to select the most promising scientific and technical solutions and technologies for development, to identify trends in the industry, to analyze the market situation to determine the main competitors and partners, to assess the competitiveness of the developed products, to form requirements and to draw up a plan for research and development, to develop a strategy for innovative development of the enterprise