138 research outputs found

    Frequency and Perinatal outcome in patients with tight Nuchal Cord

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    Background: The nuchal cord is often blamed for problems that are encountered during delivery and is often cited as a major cause of fetal distress and perinatal mortality. However, the actual significance of nuchal cord on the outcome of an infant is controversial. Objective: To determine the frequency of tight nuchal cord in patients with fetal distress and to determine the perinatal outcome in patients with nuchal cord. Material & Methods: Study Design: Descriptive cross sectional Setting: Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology Fatima Memorial Hospital, Lahore Duration: Six months i.e. From: September 2014___ to May 2015 Results: In our study, out of 350 cases, 62%(n=217) were between 18-30 years of age and 38%(n=133) were between 31-35 years. the mean age was 27.86±4.60 years, frequency of patients having tight nuchal cord, in patients with fetal distress presenting in a tertiary care hospital was calculated as 32%(n=112). Frequency of perinatal outcome in patients having tight nuchal cord was recorded which shows that 34 (30.36%) had emergency cesarean section, 39 (34.82%) had APGAR score <7 at 1 min and 9 (8.04%) had APGAR score at 5 mins. Conclusion: We concluded that the frequency of patients having tight nuchal cord, in patients with fetal distress presenting in a tertiary care hospital is higher while emergency cesarean section and APGAR score <7 at 1 minute are the most common adverse perinatal outcome among these patients

    A Study Of Attitude Of University Students Of M.A /M.Sc Towards Teaching Profession

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    This article is based on a part of study conducted in 2010. The major aim of study was to analyse the attitude of university students of M.A./M.Sc. towards teaching profession. For this purpose, all the students of Master level (1st and 2nd year) were included in the population. Out of the whole population of the students, ninety three (93) students were selected randomly by using simple random sampling technique. To gather data, questionnaire was developed. The questionnaire comprised twenty five (25) items including both, positive and negative statements. The questionnaire was analyzed on the basis of five point Likert scale.  For statistical analysis of data, the arithmetic mean, percentage and z-score were calculated. On the whole, it was found that the responses of the M.A./M.Sc students were varied. Female students had more positive attitude towards teaching profession than male students. The attitude of male and female students was found to be same towards university teaching

    Validation of Test of Nonverbal Intelligence for Pakistani Youth

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    of nonverbal intelligence. The test was developed to assess the generalcognitive ability of Pakistani youth. The items were constructed keeping inmind to tab the cognitive domains of fluid intelligence, abstract reasoning,spatial ability, working memory, processing speed, inductive anddeductive reasoning, application of logics, drawing of inferences andrelated abilities. Multidimensional construct methods were used todetermine the construct validity. The principal factor analysis withvarimax rotations yielded a single factor loading, an indicative of unifactor test. Inter correlation of five subscales and total test scores werefound to be highly significant (p < .001). The results showed thehomogeneity of the test. The discrimination validity of the test wasestablished by correlating the test scores with test takers performance ontest of physical agility and stamina. The Pearson correlation produced nonsignificant results between the two measures. The criterion validity wasestablished by correlating the test scores with academic achievementswhich generated highly significant correlations at p < .001. The convergentvalidity was established by correlation the scores with Raven progressivematrices, verbal intelligence tests and nonverbal intelligence being used atinter services selection boards. The results showed coefficient ofcorrelation .384, .227 and .396 respectively for RSPM, VIT and NVITwhich was highly significant at p. < .001. The age and grade differencesalso showed that the mean test score increases with age and grade. Theresults of the validity studies indicate that the proposed nonverbal test is avalid measure to assess the intelligence of Pakistani youth

    Comparative Susceptibility of Different Cell Cultures and Chicken Embryo Organ Cultures to Infectious Bursal Disease Virus of Poultry

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    Infectious bursal disease (IBD) is an acute highly contagious viral infection of young chickens often resulting in immunosuppression. Inactivated vaccines play significant role in protection against IBD. Mammalian cell lines could be used for producing such vaccines. In present study twenty-five, local strains of IBD virus were inoculated into chicken embryo bursa cell culture, liver cell culture, kidney cell culture, fibroblast cell culture and Vero cell lines for cytopathic effect. Moreover comparative susceptibility of chicken embryo bursa organ, embryo liver organ and embryo kidney organ cultures, to infectious bursal disease virus were studied. Chicken embryo bursa cell line was found to be most susceptible (90%) followed by Vero cell lines (70%), fibroblast cell lines (65%), kidney cell lines (50%) and liver cell lines (45%). While chicken embryo bursa organ culture gave maximum cytopathic effect (80%) followed by chicken embryo liver (60%) and kidney organ (45%). From these studies it is concluded that after bursa cell lines, Vero cell lines gave maximum cytopathic effect yielding high number of virus particles and are easy to maintain. Thus Vero cell lines can be used to produce infectious bursal disease vaccines using local isolates

    Determinants of organizational citizenship behavior: A case study of higher education institutes in Pakistan

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    This study empirically examines the relationship between altruism, conscientiousness, and civic virtue, three of the antecedents of organizational citizenship behavior, in higher education institutes in the Khyber Pakhtonkhuwa Province (KPK) of Pakistan. The study is based on primary data collected from ninety-five employees of various institutes in Pakistan. The data is analyzed using the techniques of rank correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis. All the findings are tested at 0.01 and 0.05 levels of significance. The result concludes that altruism, conscientiousness, and civic virtue have strong positive impacts on the organizational citizenship behavior in the context of higher education institutes in Pakistan

    Amniotic fluid index versus maximum vertical pocket measurement in predicting perinatal outcome at 40 weeks or beyond

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    Background: The aim of this study is to compare the use of amniotic fluid index with maximum vertical pocket for predicting perinatal outcomes.Methods: The present study was a prospective observational study and includes 140 The study include normal antenatal women at gestational age 40 weeks or beyond (by last menstrual period/1st trimester scan) referred from antenatal between 20 to 40 years were enrolled in this study from 2015 to 2017. After Institutional Ethics Committee approval all recruited women was assessed at the 3rd trimester visit for baseline demographic and obstetric data. After taking a detailed history and examination the women were subjected to ultrasonography for Amniotic Fluid index (AFI) and Maximum vertical pocket (MVP). The women were divided into 2 groups based on measurement of AFI and MVP ultrasonologically. The correlation of Amniotic fluid index and Maximum vertical pocket with perinatal outcome were computed for the 2 groups: Group Ia - women having normal AFI and normal MVP; Group Ib - women having decreased AFI and normal MVP.Results: In Group Ia, 31(34.44%) women were induced and in Group Ib 59 (65.56%) women were induced for oligohydramnios. 65 women (72.22%) had normal vaginal delivery versus 25women (27.28%) had undergone LSCS in Group Ia, while in Group Ib, 32 women (64%) versus 18 women (36%) had vaginal delivery and LSCS respectively. Higher rate of LSCS was observed in Group Ib. There was no significant difference in the rate of LSCS for fetal distress between Group Ia and Ib for fetal distress.Conclusions: Amniotic fluid index (AFI) compared with the maximum vertical pocket (MVP) excessively characterizes patients as having oligohydramnios, leading to an increase in obstetric interventions, without any documented improvement in perinatal morbidity and mortality. Thus, authors cannot find any objective reason to favour AFI over MVP


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    Child labor is basically exploiting the underage children in any form forcing them to work illegally which harms or abuses them. This abuse may be by physical, method or sexually depriving the children (child labors) of their rights of basic education. Generally, every school of thought believes that child labor would be absent in the developed countries due to their higher economic strata. Sadly, this is far from true. Be it any country, the degree of abuse is just the same. We have landed on moon but failed to the cudgels on behalf of small children who do not even know that they are being explained. In this research work we have selected Distract Bahawalpur for the purpose to get in-depth  knowledge about child labor  and strategies related to its eradication .For this purpose 800 samples is selected through simple random sampling. Among these 800, 400 are the children working in different industries and 400 are their parents. Again half of the sample is taken from rural as well as the half portion from urban area. Before distributing the final questioner’s pilot testing of the questioners was made. Finally the data was analyzed as after the classification of data, tabulation and interpretation were done. First of all simple and cross table were made. After their approval, the frequencies were fed, subsequently. The tables were described on the basis of percentages and averages. The tables were then analyzed and interpreted both descriptively and statistically. On the basis of that interpretation, conclusions were drawn as most of the parents in rural areas were happy that their children are working and play their role in earning while as 22% children were also happy with their present work .But the satisfaction level in urban area from the prospective of both children’s and parents was low but they are following because of large family size, lack of financial resources ,in order to satisfy their needs, and other socioeconomic and psychological requirements

    Two new species of genus Leucoagaricus (Agaricaceae, Agaricales) from Pakistan

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    The genus of basidiomycetous fungi, Leucoagaricus, occurs worldwide, from subtropical to boreal latitudes. Several collections of Leucoagaricus were made during mycological field trips conducted in different forests of Margalla, Pakistan. An integrative framework combining morphological and phylogenetic data was employed for their study. As a result, the two species La. margallensis and La. glareicolor are here described as new to science. Detailed macro- and micro-morphological descriptions, and a molecular phylogenetic reconstruction based on nrITS and LSU sequence data are provided and used to discriminate the new species from morphologically and phylogenetically close taxa. Whereas, our phylogenetic tree inference gave unequivocal support for the inclusion of these two species within the section Leucoagaricus
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