590 research outputs found

    Design and Simulation of a MEMS Structure for Electrophoretic and Dielectrophoretic Separation of Particles by Contactless Electrodes

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    Rapid identification of pathogenic bacterial species is an important factor in combating public health problems such as E. coli contamination. Food and waterborne pathogens account for sickness in 76 million people annually (CDC). Diarrheagenic E. coli is a major source of gastrointestinal illness. Severe sepsis and Septicemia within the hospital environment are also major problems. 75 1,000 cases annually with a 30-50% mortality rate (Crit Care Med, July '01, Vol. 29, 1303-10). Patient risks run the continuum from fever to organ failure and death. Misdiagnosis or inappropriate treatment increases mortality. There exists a need for rapid screening of samples for identification of pathogenic species (Certain E. coli strains are essential for health). Critical to the identification process is the ability to isolate analytes of interest rapidly. This poster discusses novel devices for the separation of particles on the basis of the dielectric properties, mass and surface charge characteristics is presented. Existing designs involve contact between electrode surfaces and analyte medium resulting in contamination of the electrode bearing elements Two different device designs using different bulk micromachining MEMS processes (PolyMUMPS and a PyrexBIGold electrode design) are presented. These designs cover a range of particle sizes from small molecules through eucaryotic cells. The application of separation of bacteria is discussed in detail. Simulation data for electrostatic and microfluidic characteristics are provided. Detailed design characteristics and physical features of the as fabricated PolyMUMPS design are provided. Analysis of the simulation data relative to the expected performance of the devices will be provided and subsequent conclusions discussed

    Network Security via Biometric Recognition of Patterns of Gene Expression

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    Molecular biology provides the ability to implement forms of information and network security completely outside the bounds of legacy security protocols and algorithms. This paper addresses an approach which instantiates the power of gene expression for security. Molecular biology provides a rich source of gene expression and regulation mechanisms, which can be adopted to use in the information and electronic communication domains. Conventional security protocols are becoming increasingly vulnerable due to more intensive, highly capable attacks on the underlying mathematics of cryptography. Security protocols are being undermined by social engineering and substandard implementations by IT organizations. Molecular biology can provide countermeasures to these weak points with the current security approaches. Future advances in instruments for analyzing assays will also enable this protocol to advance from one of cryptographic algorithms to an integrated system of cryptographic algorithms and real-time expression and assay of gene expression products

    Education and Outreach at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center

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    NASA?s Space Communications and Navigation (SCaN) Program Office maintains a year-round educational program for undergraduate and graduate students. Within NASA?s Goddard Space Flight Center, the Exploration and Space Communications Projects Division implements the SCaN intern program with a focus on space operations, including operations of orbiting spacecraft, space communications, ground activities and networking. The intern program enables students to work with various NASA projects in solving real-world problems inside the Exploration and Space Communications division. Goddard interns have been assigned to the NASA?s Near Earth Network facilities in Greenbelt, Maryland, and Wallops, Virginia. They have also been assigned to NASA?s Space Network facilities in Greenbelt, Maryland, and Las Cruces, New Mexico

    Measurement of Error Vector Magnitude (EVM) to Characterize the Impairment of the Tracking and Data Relay Satellite (TDRS) Channel

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    A digital signal is transmitted via a carrier wave, it demodulates at a receiver, and locates at an ideal constellation point. However, noise distortion, carrier leakage, and phase noise can force a signal to divert from its ideal position to a new position. Consequently, the performance of the signal is decreased. Bit Error Rate (BER) and Error Vector Magnitude (EVM) measurement techniques are used to enable the analysis and assessment of the extent to which the performance of a signal has been decreased. In this paper, we present the EVM measurement technique as a figure of merit to analyze and evaluate the performance of a User Services Subsystem Component Replacement (USSCR) modem. Also, we demonstrate the use of the EVM measurement technique in a Tracking and Data Relay Satellite (TDRS) system to measure and evaluate channel impairment between a satellite (transmitter) and the ground terminal (receiver) at the White Sands Complex

    Sol-gel processing to form doped sol-gel monoliths inside hollow core optical fiber and sol-gel core fiber devices made thereby

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    A process of fabricating a fiber device includes providing a hollow core fiber, and forming a sol-gel material inside the hollow core fiber. The hollow core fiber is preferably an optical fiber, and the sol-gel material is doped with a dopant. Devices made in this manner includes a wide variety of sensors

    Space Mobile Network (SMN) User Demonstration Satellite (SUDS) for a Practical On-Orbit Demonstration of User Initiated Services (UIS)

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    This paper will discuss the various aspects of implementation of the Space Mobile Network (SMN) architecture framework within the context of operations of various nodes equipped with the User Initiated Services (UIS) protocol. These aspects include development of a Client-Server architecture in which space based Clients can create links with ground based Servers to negotiate passes with ground stations or contacts with the Tracking and Data Relay Satellite (TDRS) fleet. A key feature of this concept is that Users may require a mix of low data rate continuous contacts with one or more of the TDRS fleet and sporadic contacts with ground stations as passes become available. SUDS (SMN User Demonstration Satellite) will have the availability of TDRS contacts, the U.S. Naval Academy's ground station, NASA Near Earth Network ground sites and others. This mode of operations must be integrated within the traditional mode of scheduling contacts and passes. Thus, SUDS fits into a heterogeneous network operations concept of operations

    S-Band Transponder Multi-Network Compatibility, Space Environment and Radiation Testing

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    This paper presents the development and testing of the Software Define Radio (SDR) transceiver to meet the emerging needs for SmallSat communication and navigation. Vulcan Wireless and NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) collaborated in testing the Vulcan Wireless S-band SDR engineering model. Apart from testing, communication link analysis was performed for a Low Earth Orbit (LEO) 400 km scenario. The results of the compatibility, radiation, environmental testing, and link analysis are presented. Also, this paper reviews a set of SmallSat missions under development at NASA GSFC

    Applying a Space-Based Security Recovery Scheme for Critical Homeland Security Cyberinfrastructure Utilizing the NASA Tracking and Data Relay (TDRS) Based Space Network

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    Protection of the national infrastructure is a high priority for cybersecurity of the homeland. Critical infrastructure such as the national power grid, commercial financial networks, and communications networks have been successfully invaded and re-invaded from foreign and domestic attackers. The ability to re-establish authentication and confidentiality of the network participants via secure channels that have not been compromised would be an important countermeasure to compromise of our critical network infrastructure. This paper describes a concept of operations by which the NASA Tracking and Data Relay (TDRS) constellation of spacecraft in conjunction with the White Sands Complex (WSC) Ground Station host a security recovery system for re-establishing secure network communications in the event of a national or regional cyberattack. Users would perform security and network restoral functions via a Broadcast Satellite Service (BSS) from the TDRS constellation. The BSS enrollment only requires that each network location have a receive antenna and satellite receiver. This would be no more complex than setting up a DIRECTTV-like receiver at each network location with separate network connectivity. A GEO BSS would allow a mass re-enrollment of network nodes (up to nationwide) simultaneously depending upon downlink characteristics. This paper details the spectrum requirements, link budget, notional assets and communications requirements for the scheme. It describes the architecture of such a system and the manner in which it leverages off of the existing secure infrastructure which is already in place and managed by the NASAGSFC Space Network Project

    Portfolio Vol. II N 3

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    Jeffers, Robinson. From \u27The Beaks of Eagles\u27 . Poem. 6. Clement, Harry. Mr. Bigger Tries Faith . Prose. 7. Shaw, A.A. Students of Denison . Prose. 9 Deweerd, H.A. New German War Prophets . Prose. 11. West, Bill C. Reproach . Poem. 14. West, Bill C. Dilemma . Poem. 14. Manship, Paul. Dancer and Gazelles . Picture. 14. Saunders, Paul. Review of New Books . Prose. 15. Smith, Bob. Review of New Records . Prose. 15. Picasso, Pablo. Nude (Pink) . Picture. 16. Korbel, Mario. The Andante . Picture. 16. Bethune, Don. Review of \u27Susan and God\u27 . Prose. 17. Baily, Bernard. Thornton Wilder\u27s \u27Out Town Reviewed . 17. Maxwell, Robert. Reflections . Poem. 18. Carter, Clarence Holbrook. July . Picture. 18. Browne, Phil. The Drag . Picture. 2. Browne, Phil. A Faithful Servant . Prose. 19. Hanna, Stanley. Jazz . Poem. 20. Hanna, Stanley. M.A. . Poem. 20. Whistler, James McNeill. Rotherhithe . Wager, Dick. Black . Poem. 22. Wager, Dick. Ruthless . Poem. 22. Wager, Dick. Train . Poem. 22. Martindale, Virginia. Song of a Cynic . Poem. 22. Blazys, Alexander. Russian Dancers . Picture. 22. Price II, Ira. The Rains Fell . Prose. 5
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