20 research outputs found


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    This study focused on the comparison on similarities and differences of teaching and learning process in primary schools in Indonesia and in Uzbekistan. Two different developing countries run their own educational policies in primary education. The main purpose of the study was to identify and generally compare similarities and differences between two countries’ Primary Education, analyze and reach a deeper understanding of their teaching and learning processes.Since this study was intended to examine the process of teaching and learning in primary schools of two developing countries of Asia named Indonesia and Uzbekistan, it was hoped that this studywould be useful in improving the education policy, making process in both countries studied, and point out better ways of modifying imported educational planning techniques to make them suitable to the realities in Indonesia and as well as in Uzbekistan. Secondly, this study of the applicability of contemporary education planning and policy formulation models to the both countries arena was the first step toward carrying out the much-needed reforms in curriculum. This study utilized a qualitative method approach with four phases of data collection, in which the Researcher collected qualitative data through school observation, interview, questionnaire, and analysis study. Two primary schools in Indonesia and another two primary schools in Uzbekistan were observed for richer data. The results of the study showed that there is significant difference between the Primary Education System of Indonesia and Uzbekistan. Republic of Indonesia runs a 6-3-3 formal education structure, meanwhile, Uzbekistan runs 4-5-3 formal education structure. Another difference in basic education level between two countries is that Education System if decentralized in Indonesia, simultaneously, it remains centralized in Uzbekistan. Nowadays, according to school observation, in Indonesia, student-centered instruction is widely implemented. In elementary schools of Uzbekistan start from 2012, teacher-centered system changed into students-centered system. The teaching methods in urban schools remains same in both countries, by using modern teaching devices each countries is reaching quite high expectations. In outlying areas, it remains as a crucial issue in either Indonesia or Uzbekistan. There are some reformations being taken and new policies have been introduced in both countries to improve quality of education, teacher effectiveness, access to education and teacher trainings. Nevertheless, some crucial issues remain, such as lack of quality teachers, access to education in outlying areas and supplying books and proving teaching-learning gadgets. The findings of the present study offer some recommendations for further research in the same field of inquiry. Despite the fact that this study provides evidence of the issue being investigated and might be useful for basic information for further research, the finding is not exhaustive since a limited number of observations were merely allowed to be conducted due to the factors provided for conducting this study. This study only covers very limited areas and discusses certain points. This study only took four the classroom observation in four different schools in two different countries. Other phenomenon could be found if the classroom observation were done more than four meetings. Penelitianinidifokuskanpadaperbandinganpadapersamaandanperbedaandari proses belajarmengajar di sekolahdasar di Indonesia dan di Uzbekistan. Duanegaraberkembang yang berbedamenjalankankebijakanpendidikanmerekasendiridalampendidikandasar.TujuanutamadaripenelitianiniadalahuntukmengidentifikasidanumumnyamembandingkanpersamaandanperbedaanantaraPendidikanDasarkeduanegara, menganalisisdanmencapaipemahaman yang lebihdalam proses belajarmengajarmereka. Karenastudiinidimaksudkanuntukmenguji proses belajarmengajar di sekolahdasardariduanegaraberkembang di Asia bernama Indonesia dan Uzbekistan, diharapkanbahwapenelitianiniakanbergunadalammeningkatkankebijakanpendidikan, proses pembuatan di keduanegara yang diteliti, danmenunjukkancara yang lebihbaikmemodifikasidiimporteknikperencanaanpendidikanuntukmembuatmerekacocokdenganrealitas di Indonesia danjuga di Uzbekistan. Kedua, penelitianinipenerapankontemporerperencanaanpendidikandanperumusankebijakan model untuk arena keduanegaraadalahlangkahpertamamenujumelaksanakanreformasi yang sangatdibutuhkandalamkurikulum.Penelitianinimenggunakanpendekatanmetodekualitatifdenganempattahappengumpulan data, dimanaPenelitimengumpulkan data kualitatifmelaluiobservasisekolah, wawancara, angket, danstudianalisis.Duasekolahdasar di Indonesia danduasekolahdasar di Uzbekistan diamatiuntuk data lebih kaya.Hasilpenelitianmenunjukkanbahwaadaperbedaan yang signifikanantaraSistemPendidikanDasar Indonesia dan Uzbekistan.Republik Indonesia menjalankan 6-3-3 strukturpendidikan formal, sementaraitu, Uzbekistan berjalan 4-5-3 strukturpendidikan formal.Perbedaan lain di tingkatpendidikandasarantaraduanegaraadalahbahwaSistemPendidikanjikadesentralisasi di Indonesia, secarabersamaan, tetapterpusat di Uzbekistan. Saatini, menurutpengamatansekolah, di Indonesia, instruksi yang berpusatpadasiswasecaraluasditerapkan.Di sekolahdasardari Uzbekistan mulaidaritahun 2012, sistemberpusatpada guru diubahkedalamsistemsiswa-berpusat.Metodepengajaran di sekolah-sekolahperkotaantetapsama di keduanegara, denganmenggunakanperangkatpengajaran modern masing-masingnegaramencapaiharapan yang sangattinggi. Di daerah-daerahterpencil, tetapsebagaiisupentingbaik di Indonesia ataupun Uzbekistan.Ada beberapareformasi yang diambildankebijakanbarutelahdiperkenalkan di keduanegarauntukmeningkatkankualitaspendidikan, efektivitas guru, akseskependidikandanpelatihan guru.Namundemikian, beberapaisukrusialtetap, sepertikurangnya guru yang berkualitas, aksespendidikan di daerah-daerahterpencildanmemasokbukudanmembuktikan gadget belajar-mengajar.Temuandaristudiinimenawarkanbeberaparekomendasiuntukpenelitianlebihlanjut di bidang yang samapenyelidikan. Terlepasdarikenyataanbahwastudiinimemberikanbuktitentangmasalahinisedangdiselidikidanmungkinbergunauntukinformasidasaruntukpenelitianlebihlanjut, temuaninitidaklengkapkarenasejumlahpengamatanhanyabolehdilakukankarenafaktor-faktor yang disediakanuntukmelakukanstudiini .Penelitianinihanyamencakupwilayah yang sangatterbatasdanmembahastitik-titiktertentu.Penelitianinihanyamengambilempatpengamatankelas di empatsekolah yang berbeda di duanegara yang berbeda.Fenomenalaindapatditemukanjikaobservasikelasdilakukanlebihdariempat kali pertemuan

    Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Human Resources Management

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    This research article aims to explore and assess the influence of music education on cognitive development in children. Drawing upon various theories and previous studies, the research seeks to provide a comprehensive analysis of the potential benefits of music education in enhancing cognitive abilities such as memory, attention, problem-solving, and language skills. A thorough literature review was conducted, encompassing studies from diverse disciplines, including psychology, education, neuroscience, and music therapy. The review revealed that exposure to music activates multiple regions of the brain involved in cognitive processes, suggesting a strong interconnection between music and cognitive development. The findings indicated that music education, with its structured learning, practice, and performance elements, could actively contribute to the cognitive growth of children. This study employed a mixed-methods approach, including both quantitative and qualitative methodologies, to examine the cognitive skills of children enrolled in formal music education programs in comparison to those without such exposure. The quantitative analysis involved administering standardized cognitive tests to measure various aspects of cognitive development, while the qualitative component included interviews and observations to capture the nuanced experiences and perceptions of the participating children and their parents. Preliminary findings from this study indicate that children engaged in music education demonstrated higher levels of cognitive performance compared to their non-musical peers. Specifically, participants displayed improved attention span, verbal and non-verbal memory, problem-solving abilities, and creativity. The qualitative data explored the positive impact of music education on self-esteem, discipline, social skills, and emotional well-being, providing a holistic perspective on the potential benefits of music beyond cognitive development. This research article concludes by discussing the implications of these findings for educators, policymakers, and parents. It highlights the significance of integrating music education into school curricula and recommends further investment in music programs to optimize cognitive development in children. The study underscores the importance of a well-rounded education that recognizes the multifaceted benefits of music across different domains of child development

    Decolonizing Development: Unpacking Post-Colonialism in South Asia

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    This conceptual paper aims to critically examine the colonial legacy and its impact on development in South Asia, with a specific focus on decolonization efforts and the implications for state-building, social inequalities, and cultural preservation. It explores the ideologies and mechanisms of colonial domination and their enduring effects on the region's socio-economic and political landscape. The paper also draws upon indigenous knowledge systems and South Asian philosophical perspectives to propose alternative approaches to development that challenge Eurocentric notions and promote self-reliance, cultural diversity, and sustainable development. Through this investigation, the paper highlights the importance of decolonization for South Asia's emancipation and offers a unique perspective on post-colonial development paradigms

    South Asian Economic Constitutionalism: A Path to Constitutional Order

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    South Asia is a region of diverse post-colonial countries that are undergoing significant constitutional and socioeconomic change. Constitutional law scholars have taken an interest in South Asian constitutionalism and how the region is addressing its unstable democratic systems. In recent years, South Asian states have amended or replaced their constitutions and forms of governance. Two recent crises, the 2021 Taliban offensive in Afghanistan and the 2022 Sri Lankan political crisis, highlight the importance of economic governance and the role of accountable government in the market. Despite constitutional structures for economic governance and the establishment of government institutions, South Asian states are witnessing the weakening of institutional mechanisms and the delegitimization of the rule of law. This paper argues that South Asian states need to develop practices that focus on accountable constitutional governance of the economy and strengthening financial institutions. While South Asian constitutions have traditionally kept economic actions by the state outside the purview of judicial and public scrutiny, the lack of accountability and the cynical manipulation of economic institutions by authoritarian leaders raises questions about the constitutional limits of the power of elected leaders. The paper explores how strengthening the pillars of economic constitutionalism can lead to the creation of a stable constitutional order in South Asia

    Transforming Mobility Exploring the Impact and Challenges of Intelligent Transportation Systems in Asia

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    Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) have emerged as a transformative force revolutionizing mobility and transportation trends in Asia. This conceptual paper explores the current state of transportation infrastructure, traffic congestion, and environmental concerns in the region. Additionally, it analyzes the impact of ITS in enhancing efficiency, safety, sustainability, and accessibility. The paper investigates the challenges hindering widespread ITS adoption and proposes strategies to overcome these barriers. Through case studies from various Asian countries, it highlights successful implementation and identifies policy implications. The paper concludes by emphasizing the crucial role of government policies, public-private partnerships, and technological innovations in shaping the future of transportation systems in Asia

    Cracking the Code of Market Secrets: A Deep Dive into Financial Anomalies

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    This paper reviews the literature on market anomalies and puzzles, providing a comprehensive overview of these complex phenomena that challenge the traditional Efficient Market Hypothesis. The authors examine a wide range of anomalies, including long-term return irregularities, earnings management, information uncertainty, mutual fund performance, day-of-the-week returns, the January effect, weather-induced mood shifts, international asset pricing, weekend anomalies, cryptocurrency efficiency, social transmission bias, emotional finance, biased beliefs, investor optimism, sentiment, global market inefficiencies, the influence of unique events and seasonal factors, and disappearing anomalies in country and industry returns. The authors also discuss the evolving landscape of market anomalies research, including machine learning approaches, investor behavior challenges, and the disappearance of some anomalies over time. They conclude by setting the groundwork for a more holistic comprehension of market anomalies, suggesting future research directions such as exploring new data sources, developing comprehensive theoretical models, and examining the role of technology, market regulations, and environmental changes in market anomalies

    The Digital Frontier: AI-Enabled Transformations in Higher Education Management

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    The study examines the current state of AI infrastructure in Uzbekistan, global best practices in AI implementation in higher education management, and presents case studies of AI adoption within Uzbekistan's educational institutions. Using a mixed-methods approach encompassing document analysis, interviews, and case studies, the research provides an in-depth understanding of the opportunities and challenges associated with AI integration in higher education management. Findings reveal that while AI infrastructure is in a nascent stage in Uzbekistan, governmental commitment, early AI applications across sectors, and increasing investment in digital infrastructure show promise for the future. However, challenges such as a lack of skilled personnel, the need for substantial infrastructural investments, and issues of data privacy persist. The paper concludes with recommendations for enhancing AI adoption in higher education institutions in Uzbekistan, including policy formulation, investment in digital infrastructure, capacity building, and stakeholder collaboration. The study adds to the growing body of research on AI in higher education, providing insights specific to the context of Uzbekistan. It serves as a guide for policymakers, educators, and administrators looking to navigate the digital revolution in higher education management

    Dawn of a New Era: History of Uzbekistan's Higher Education System Transforms with Matrix Management

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    This research explores the impact of the transition to matrix management within history Uzbekistan's higher education system, marking a significant shift in its administrative and operational paradigm. The study posits that the adoption of matrix management will engender a range of positive outcomes.  This approach uses  a mixed-methods design  with descriptive methods. Firstly, the author hypothesizes that the shift will improve operational efficiency through better resource allocation and interdepartmental collaboration. This is anticipated due to matrix management's inherently flexible structure, allowing for more dynamic resource utilization and encouraging cross-functional teamwork. This research suggests that this transformation will lead to heightened job satisfaction among faculty and staff. Matrix management, with its emphasis on open communication and collaborative decision-making, is expected to create a more engaged and motivated workforce. The results of this study could potentially inform other sectors in history Uzbekistan and other nations grappling with similar educational challenges, particularly those seeking to improve efficiency, innovation, and stakeholder satisfaction within their systems. This research underscores the significance of administrative and managerial strategies in transforming the higher education landscape, paving the way for future educational excellence