18 research outputs found

    Data for Fig 7e

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    This file contains data supporting figure 7e in the publicatio

    Data for Fig 9f

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    This file contains data supporting figure 9f in the publicatio

    Data for Fig 4f

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    This file contains data supporting figure 4f in the publication

    Data for Fig 7b

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    This file contains data supporting figure 7b in the publicatio

    Data for Fig 9e

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    This file contains data supporting figure 9e in the publicatio

    Data for Fig 4g

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    This file contains data supporting figure 4g in the publicatio

    Data for Fig 7c d

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    This file contains data supporting figure 7c,d in the publicatio

    Data for Fig 6d

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    This file contains data supporting figure 6d in the publicatio

    Postembedding immunogold labelling at approximately 80% of the distance from the cochlear base.

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    <p>(a-d). Post-embedding immunogold labelling of <i>Lhfpl5</i><sup><i>+/-</i></sup> at P5 confirms distributions seen between P0 and P9 in pre-embedding labelling of wild-type mice. (a) Lower shaft labelling (between arrows) and (b) tip labelling (arrow and inset) were both detected. (c, d) Counts from OHCs and IHCs revealed a tendency to label the lower parts of the bundle, but there was detectable enrichments associated with the tips (horizontal green bars) of all except the tallest stereocilia. (e) At P14 in CD/1 mice, labelling was also detected in the junctions between pillar cells (e.g. arrows) and also between pillar cells, Deiters’ cells (e.g. arrowheads) and hair cells (inset), which was not detected in pre-embedding, due probably to steric hindrance. IPC = inner pillar cell, OPC = outer pillar cell, PC = pillar cell, DC = Deiters’ cell, OHC = outer hair cell. (f) Minimal labelling was detected in <i>Lhfpl5</i><sup><i>-/-</i></sup> mice–the only particle observed in 50+ sections is shown (arrow). Scale bars: a, e, e inset, f = 1 μm, b = 500 nm, b inset = 200 nm.</p