12 research outputs found

    Assessment of occupational medicine retraining course on general practitioners' efficacy using Kirkpatrick's model

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    Background and Aims: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of labor medicine retraining on the performance of general practitioners using the Kirkpatrick model.Materials and Methods: To determine the sample size, we used Krjatsy and Morgan tables. According to the population size (100 persons) in our study, 93 general practitioners working in the department of labor medicine affiliated to Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran were selected as the study population. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the working-class retraining course, the Kirkpatrick Evaluation Model was used in three levels of reaction, learning and learner behavior. In line with ethical considerations, only general practitioners willing to cooperate were used, as well as respect for honesty and trust in the use of English and Persian resources.Results: Based on the results of present study, the response of 81% of all subjects was evaluated as an effective factor in the implementation of a training course. The results of the second level review of Kirkpatrick's model also showed that the level of learning and knowledge of participants after their presence in the period increased significantly (p-value <0.001). Also, the rate of changes in the behavior of physicians participating in the course (third level of Kirk Patrick) revealed that participation in the retraining period had a good effect on the behavior of participants in the course.Conclusion: Generally, it can be suggested that the holding of retraining courses of occupational medicine for general practitioners has a positive effect on their effectiveness.

    Assessment of occupational medicine retraining course on general practitioners' efficacy using Kirkpatrick's model

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    زمینه و اهداف: ، این مطالعه با هدف ارزیابی اثربخشی دوره بازآموزی طب کار بر کارآیی پزشکان عمومی با استفاده از مدل کرک پاتریک انجام گرفت. مواد و روش­ها: برای تعیین حجم نمونه از جدول کرجسی و مورگان استفاده شد که با توجه به حجم جمعیت (100نفر) در این مطالعه، 93 نفر از پزشکان عمومی شاغل در بخش طب کار مراکز وابسته به دانشگاه علوم پزشکی شهید بهشتی تهران به عنوان جمعیت مورد مطالعه انتخاب شدند. جهت ارزیابی اثربخشی دوره باز آموزی طب کار بر پزشکان از مدل ارزشیابی کرک پاتریک در سه سطح واکنش، یادگیری و رفتار فراگیران استفاده شد. در راستای رعایت ملاحظات اخلاقی تنها از نظر پزشکان عمومی که تمایل به همکاری را داشتند، استفاده شد و همچنین رعایت صداقت و امانت در استفاده از منابع انگلیسی و فارسی صورت گرفت. یافته‌ها: براساس نتایج ، واکنش 81 درصد از افراد نسبت به عوامل موثر در اجرای یک دوره آموزشی، مطلوب ارزیابی شد. نتایج بررسی سطح دوم مدل کرک پاتریک نیز نشان داد، میزان یادگیری و دانش شرکت کنندگان پس از حضور آنان در دوره افزایش معناداری یافت (p-value<0.001). همچنین میزان تغییرات رفتار شغلی پزشکان شرکت کننده در دوره (سطح سوم کرک پاتریک) نشان داد، شرکت در دوره بازآموزی تاثیر مطلوبی در رفتار شرکت کنندگان در دوره آموزشی داشت. نتیجه‌گیری: در مجموع می‌توان پیشنهاد داد که برگزاری دوره‌های بازآموزی طب کار برای پزشکان عمومی در افزایش کارآیی آنها تاثیر مثبتی دارد. کلید واژه‌ها: مدل کرک پاتریک، دوره بازآموزی، آموزش، طب کار، پزشکان عمومیBackground and Aims: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of labor medicine retraining on the performance of general practitioners using the Kirkpatrick model. Materials and Methods: To determine the sample size, we used Krjatsy and Morgan tables. According to the population size (100 persons) in our study, 93 general practitioners working in the department of labor medicine affiliated to Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran were selected as the study population. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the working-class retraining course, the Kirkpatrick Evaluation Model was used in three levels of reaction, learning and learner behavior. In line with ethical considerations, only general practitioners willing to cooperate were used, as well as respect for honesty and trust in the use of English and Persian resources. Results: Based on the results of present study, the response of 81% of all subjects was evaluated as an effective factor in the implementation of a training course. The results of the second level review of Kirkpatrick's model also showed that the level of learning and knowledge of participants after their presence in the period increased significantly (p-value <0.001). Also, the rate of changes in the behavior of physicians participating in the course (third level of Kirk Patrick) revealed that participation in the retraining period had a good effect on the behavior of participants in the course. Conclusion: Generally, it can be suggested that the holding of retraining courses of occupational medicine for general practitioners has a positive effect on their effectiveness

    Relationship between Non-Specific Shoulder Pain and General Health Status in Tire production Industry Workers

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    Introduction: Shoulder is among the most common sites of musculoskeletal pain. Shoulder and neck pain has been widely investigated but its etiology still remains unknown. However, it appears to be multifactorial. Despite extensive studies on shoulder pain and its etiology, studies on the effect of general health status on non-specific shoulder pain are scarce. The aim of this study was to evaluate relationship between non-specific shoulder pain and general health status in Tire production industry workers. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in a large tire factory during 2013-2015 and 497 male production line workers were evaluated. Characteristics of workers at baseline were evaluated using a questionnaire covering three main domains: Demographic and occupational characteristics, general health questionnaire (GHQ) and the job content questionnaire (JCQ). subjects were followed up for developing shoulder pain for one year. Results: At one year following the first visit, 159 (32%) subjects complained of unilateral or bilateral shoulder pain. T-test applied for quantitative variables revealed that the mean work experience, the general health questionnaire (GHQ) score and the quick exposure check (QEC) score were significantly higher in patients suffering from shoulder pain than healthy subjects (

    Effect of general health status on chronicity of low back pain in industrial workers

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    Recognizing patients at a higher risk of developing chronic low back pain (LBP) is important in industrial medicine. This study aimed to assess the power and quality of General Health Questionnaire (GHQ) for prediction of the odds of chronicity of acute LBP. This study was conducted on industrial workers. All subjects with acute LBP who met the inclusion criteria were enrolled. Demographic characteristics, occupational, physical, and mental parameters and the general health status of subjects were evaluated; they were followed up for developing chronic LBP for one year. Cigarette smoking, high body mass index, job stress, physical load and high GHQ scores were found to be the risk factors for the progression of acute LBP to chronic LBP (P0.05). High GHQ score can be a risk factor for progression of acute LBP to chronic LBP. The GHQ in combination with the Job Content Questionnaire can be used as a quick and simple screening tool for detection of subjects at high risk of chronic LBP when evaluating acute LBP in an occupational setting. © 2016 Tehran University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved.

    Investigating air quality status and air pollutant trends over the Metropolitan Area of Tehran, Iran over the past decade between 2005 and 2014

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    Studies on the trend of air pollution in Tehran, Iran, as one of the most polluted metropolis in the world are scant, and today Tehran is known for its high levels of air pollutants. In this study, the trend of air pollution concentration was evaluated over the past 10 years (2004-2015). The data were collected from 22 stations of the Air Quality Control Company. Daily concentrations of CO, NO2, SO2, O3, PM10 were analyzed using SPSS 16 based on the statistical method, repeated measures, and intra-group test to determine the pattern of each pollutant changes. As a result of the 22 air pollution monitoring stations, NO2 and SO2 concentrations have been increasing over the period of 10 years. The highest anomaly is related to SO2. The CO concentrations represent a descending pattern over the period, although there was a slight increase in 2013 and 2014. The O3 concentrations declined in the following years. The average concentration of PM10 has been rising during the period. Also we evaluated changes of each pollutant in different months and calculated the number of clean, healthy, unhealthy days for sensitive, unhealthy, very unhealthy, and dangerous groups. The study findings illustrated the necessity for larger investment in air pollution abatement. Overall, trends have been progressed to worsening, the number of healthy days has been declined and the number of unhealthy days has been increased in recent years

    Relationship between Non-Specific Shoulder Pain and General Health Status in Tire production Industry Workers

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    Introduction: Shoulder is among the most common sites of musculoskeletal pain. Shoulder and neck pain has been widely investigated but its etiology still remains unknown. However, it appears to be multifactorial. Despite extensive studies on shoulder pain and its etiology, studies on the effect of general health status on non-specific shoulder pain are scarce. The aim of this study was to evaluate relationship between non-specific shoulder pain and general health status in Tire production industry workers. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in a large tire factory during 2013-2015 and 497 male production line workers were evaluated. Characteristics of workers at baseline were evaluated using a questionnaire covering three main domains: Demographic and occupational characteristics, general health questionnaire (GHQ) and the job content questionnaire (JCQ). subjects were followed up for developing shoulder pain for one year. Results: At one year following the first visit, 159 (32%) subjects complained of unilateral or bilateral shoulder pain. T-test applied for quantitative variables revealed that the mean work experience, the general health questionnaire (GHQ) score and the quick exposure check (QEC) score were significantly higher in patients suffering from shoulder pain than healthy subjects (

    Air Pollution: The Knowledge and Ideas of Students in Tehran-Iran, and A Comparison with Other Countries

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    Study of students' knowledge about air pollution can help authorities to have better imagination of this critical environmental problem. This research examines guidance school and high school students' ideas about air pollution and the results may be useful for the respective authorities to improve cultural and educational aspects of next generation. In this cross-sectional study, a closed questionnaire was used to examine knowledge and ideas of 2140 randomly selected school students of Tehran-Iran about composition of unpolluted air, air pollution and its causes and consequences. Cognitive scores were also calculated. Outcomes were compared with results of similar researches in Australia, Hong Kong and the United Kingdom. While a student's 'cognitive score' could range from -16 to +16, Iranian students' mean cognitive score was equal to +2.97. There was not significant statistical difference between girls and boys (P=0.32). In response to question "most common gas in unpolluted air" nitrogen was mentioned by only 23.7%, While 45.1% of students mentioned oxygen. In general, student's knowledge was not acceptable and there were some misconceptions such as "supposing oxygen as the most prevalent gas in unpolluted air". The findings of this survey indicate that, this important stratum of society of Iran have been received no sufficient and efficient education and sensitization on this matter

    Global Warming: Knowledge and Views of Iranian Students

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    Study of students’ knowledge about global warming can help authorities to have better imagination of this critical environmental problem. This research examines high school students' ideas about greenhouse effect and the results may be useful for the respective authorities to improve cultural and educational aspects of next generation. In this cross-sectional study, a 42 question questionnaire with mix of open and closed questions was used to evaluate high school students' view about the mechanism, consequences, causes and cures of global warming. To assess students’ knowledge, cognitive score was also calculated. 1035 students were randomly selected from 19 educational districts of Tehran. Sampling method was multi stage. Only 5.1% of the students could explain greenhouse effect correctly and completely. 88.8% and 71.2% respectively believed “if the greenhouse effect gets bigger the Earth will get hotter” and “incidence of more skin cancers is a consequence of global warming”. 69.6% and 68.8% respectively thought “the greenhouse effect is made worse by too much carbon dioxide” and “presence of ozone holes is a cause of greenhouse effect”. 68.4% believed “not using cars so much is a cure for global warming”. While a student’s ‘cognitive score’ could range from -36 to +36, Students' mean cognitive score was equal to +1.64. Mean cognitive score of male students and grade 2 & 3 students was respectively higher than female ones (P0.05). In general, students' knowledge about global warming was not acceptable and there were some misconceptions in the students’ mind, such as supposing ozone holes as a cause and more skin cancer as a consequence of global warming. The Findings of this survey indicate that, this important stratum of society have been received no sufficient and efficient education and sensitization on this matter

    Effect of General Health Status on Chronicity of Low Back Pain in Industrial Workers

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    Recognizing patients at a higher risk of developing chronic low back pain (LBP) is important in industrial medicine. This study aimed to assess the power and quality of General Health Questionnaire (GHQ) for prediction of the odds of chronicity of acute LBP. This study was conducted on industrial workers. All subjects with acute LBP who met the inclusion criteria were enrolled. Demographic characteristics, occupational, physical, and mental parameters and the general health status of subjects were evaluated;  they were followed up for developing chronic LBP for one year. Cigarette smoking, high body mass index, job stress, physical load and high GHQ scores were found to be the risk factors for the progression of acute LBP to chronic LBP (P0.05).High GHQ score can be a risk factor for progression of acute LBP to chronic LBP. The GHQ in combination with the Job Content Questionnaire can be used as a quick and simple screening tool for detection of subjects at high risk of chronic LBP when evaluating acute LBP in an occupational setting

    The Intricate Expression of CC Chemokines in Glial Tumors: Evidence for Involvement of CCL2 and CCL5 but Not CCL11

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    Chemokines are biologically active peptides involved in the pathogenesis of various pathologies including brain malignancies. They are amongst primitive regulators of the development of immune responses against malignant glial tumors. The present study aimed to examine the expression of CC chemokines in anaplastic astrocytoma and glioblastoma multiform patients at both mRNA and protein levels. Blood specimens in parallel with stereotactic biopsy specimens were obtained from 123 patients suffering from glial tumors and 100 healthy participants as a control. The serum levels of CCL2, CCL5, and CCL11 were measured by ELISA and stereotactic samples subjected to western and northern blotting methods for protein and mRNA, respectively. Demographic characteristics were also collected by a researcher-designed questionnaire. Results of the present study indicated that, however,CCL2 andCCL5 are elevated in serum and tumor tissues of patients suffering from a glial tumor at both mRNA and protein levels, theCCL11 was almost undetectable. According to the findings of the present investigation, it could presumably be reasonable to conclude that chemokines are good predictive molecules for expecting disease severity, metastasis, and response to treatment