19 research outputs found

    Optical maps of plasmids as a proxy for clonal spread of MDR bacteria: A case study of an outbreak in a rural Ethiopian hospital

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    Objectives: MDR bacteria have become a prevailing health threat worldwide. We here aimed to use optical DNA mapping (ODM) as a rapid method to trace nosocomial spread of bacterial clones and gene elements.We believe that this method has the potential to be a tool of pivotal importance for MDR control. Methods: Twenty-four Escherichia coli samples of ST410 from three different wards were collected at an Ethiopian hospital and their plasmids were analysed by ODM. Plasmids were specifically digested with Cas9 targeting the antibiotic resistance genes, stained by competitive binding and confined in nanochannels for imaging. The resulting intensity profiles (barcodes) for each plasmid were compared to identify potential clonal spread of resistant bacteria. Results: ODM demonstrated that a large fraction of the patients carried bacteria with a plasmid of the same origin, carrying the ESBL gene blaCTX-M-15, suggesting clonal spread. The results correlate perfectly with core genome (cg)MLST data, where bacteria with the same plasmid also had very similar cgMLST profiles. Conclusions: ODM is a rapid discriminatory method for identifying plasmids and antibiotic resistance genes. Long-range deletions/insertions, which are challenging for short-read next-generation sequencing, can be easily identified and used to trace bacterial clonal spread. We propose that plasmid typing can be a useful tool to identify clonal spread of MDR bacteria. Furthermore, the simplicity of the method enables possible future application in low-and middle-income countries

    Optical dna mapping of plasmids reveals clonal spread of carbapenem-resistant klebsiella pneumoniae in a large thai hospital

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    Carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae (CR-KP) in patients admitted to hospitals pose a great challenge to treatment. The genes causing resistance to carbapenems are mostly found in plasmids, mobile genetic elements that can spread easily to other bacterial strains, thus exacerbating the problem. Here, we studied 27 CR-KP isolates collected from different types of samples from 16 patients admitted to the medical ward at Siriraj Hospital in Bangkok, Thailand, using next generation sequencing (NGS) and optical DNA mapping (ODM). The majority of the isolates belonged to sequence type (ST) 16 and are described in detail herein. Using ODM, we identified the plasmid carrying the blaNDM-1 gene in the ST16 isolates and the plasmids were very similar, highlighting the possibility of using ODM of plasmids as a surrogate marker of nosocomial spread of bacteria. We also demonstrated that ODM could identify that the blaCTX-M-15 and blaOXA-232 genes in the ST16 isolates were encoded on separate plasmids from the blaNDM-1 gene and from each other. The other three isolates belonged to ST147 and each of them had distinct plasmids encoding blaNDM-1

    High prevalence of bla(CTX-M-15) and nosocomial transmission of hypervirulent epidemic clones of Klebsiella pneumoniae at a tertiary hospital in Ethiopia

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    Background: Genomic epidemiology of antibiotic resistance is not sufficiently studied in low-income countries. Objectives: To determine prevalence of ESBL production, and resistome and virulome profiles, of Klebsiella pneumoniae isolated at Jimma Medical Center, Ethiopia. Methods: Strains isolated from patients with suspected infections between June and November 2016 were characterized by MALDI-TOF for species identification and disc diffusion for antimicrobial susceptibility testing. All K. pneumoniae isolates were characterized by double disc diffusion for ESBL production and all ESBL-producing strains (ESBL-KP) were subjected to WGS on the Illumina (HiSeq 2500) platform. DNA was extracted by automated systems (MagNA Pure 96). Genome assembly was performed using SPAdes (v. 3.9) and draft genomes were used for analysing molecular features of the strains. Maximum likelihood trees were generated using FastTree/2.1.8 based on SNPs in shared genomic regions to identify transmission clusters. Results: Of the 146 K. pneumoniae strains isolated, 76% were ESBL-KP; 93% of the ESBL-KP strains showed resistance to multiple antimicrobial classes. bla(CTX-M-15) (84.4%) was the most prevalent ESBL gene. Resistance genes for aminoglycosides and/or fluoroquinolones [aac(6)-Ib-cr (65.1%)], phenicols [catB3 (28.4%)], sulphonamides [sul1 (61.2%) and sul2 (60.5%)], trimethoprim [dfrA27 (32.1%)], macrolides [mph(A) (12.8%)] and rifampicin [arr2/arr3 (39.4%)] were prevalent. Plasmids of the IncF and IncR families were prevalent among ST218, ST147, ST15 and ST39. KL64 and KL57 capsular types and O1 and O2 LPSs were prevalent. A high-risk clone, ST218-KL57 encoding rmpA1/rmpA2 and iutA, was detected. Phylogenetic analysis showed a cluster of clonally related strains from different units of the hospital. Conclusions: Prevalence of ESBL-KP was high and bla(CTX-M-15) was the predominant ESBL gene. ESBL genes had spread through both clonal and polyclonal expansion of high-risk and hypervirulent clones. Nosocomial transmission of MDR strains between different units of the hospital was observed

    Polyclonal spread of blaCTX-M-15 through high-risk clones of Escherichia coli at a tertiary hospital in Ethiopia

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    Objectives: The burden of antimicrobial resistance and spread of epidemic clones are rarely reported from low-income countries. We aimed to investigate the genome-based epidemiology of extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli (ESBL-EC) at a tertiary hospital in Jimma, Ethiopia. Methods: Bacteria were isolated from clinical specimens at Jimma Medical Center and subjected to species identification (MALDI-TOF), antimicrobial susceptibility testing (disk diffusion) and whole-genome sequencing (Illumina, HiSeq2500). Genomic data analysis was performed using EnteroBase and Center for Genomic Epidemiology bioinformatics pipelines. A maximum likelihood tree was generated using FastTree/2.1.8 based on single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in shared genomic regions to identify transmission clusters. Results: Escherichia coli isolates (n = 261) were collected from 1087 single non-duplicate clinical specimens over a 5-month period in 2016. The prevalence of ESBL-EC was 54.8% (143/261), 96% of which were resistant to multiple antibiotic classes. The blaCTX-M-15 ESBL gene was present in 88.4.% of isolates (122/138). Genes conferring resistance to aminoglycosides and ciprofloxacin [aac(6′)-Ib-cr, 62.3% (86/138)], phenicols [catB3, 56.5% (78/138)], sulfonamides [sul1, 68.1% (94/138), trimethoprim [dfrA17, 58.0% (80/138)] and macrolides [mph(A), 67.4% (93/138) were detected. The most prevalent sequence types were ST410 (23%), ST648 (17%), ST131 (10%) and ST167 (7%). Isolates of the same sequence type collected from different units of the hospital were highly similar in the SNP analysis. Conclusion: A high prevalence of ESBLs and dissemination of blaCTX-M-15 through multiple high-risk E. coli clones was detected. Nosocomial spread of multidrug-resistant ESBL-EC within the hospital puts vulnerable patients at risk of difficult-to-treat infections

    Fecal carriage and clonal dissemination of blaNDM-1 carrying Klebsiella pneumoniae sequence type 147 at an intensive care unit in Lao PDR

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    OBJECTIVES: Carbapenemase-producing Enterobacterales (CPE) are high priority targets of global antimicrobial surveillance. Herein, we determined the colonization rate of CPE on admission to intensive care units in Vientiane, Lao PDR in August-September 2019. METHODS: Data regarding clinical conditions, infection control, and antibiotic usage were collected during admission. Rectal swab samples (n = 137) collected during admission were inoculated to selective chromogenic agars, followed by confirmatory tests for extended-spectrum beta-lactamases and carbapenemases. All CPE isolates were sequenced on Illumina (HiSeq2500), reads assembled using SPAdes 3.13, and the draft genomes used to query a database (https://www.genomicepidemiology.org) for resistome, plasmid replicons, and sequence types (ST). Optical DNA mapping (ODM) was used to characterize plasmids and to determine location of resistance genes. Minimum spanning tree was generated using the Bacterial Isolate Genome Sequence database (BIGSdb) and annotated using iTOL. RESULT: From 47 Enterobacterales isolated on selective agars, K. pneumoniae (25/47) and E. coli (12/47) were the most prevalent species, followed by K aerogenes (2/47), K. variicola (1/47), and K. oxytoca (1/47). The overall prevalence of ESBLs was 51.0%; E. coli 83.3% (10/12) and Klebsiella spp. 41.3% (12/29). Twenty percent of the K. pneumoniae (5/25) isolates were carbapenem-resistant, and 4/5 contained the blaNDM-1 gene. All blaNDM-1 isolates belonged to ST147 and were indistinguishable with cgMLST. ODM showed that the blaNDM-1 gene was located on identical plasmids in all isolates. CONCLUSION:\ua0The prevalence of ESBL-producing Enterobacterales was high, while carbapenemases were less common. However, the detection of clonal dissemination of blaNDM-1-producing K. pneumoniae isolates in one of the intensive care units calls for vigilance. Stringent infection prevention and antimicrobial stewardship strategies are highly important measures

    Strain-level bacterial typing directly from patient samples using optical DNA mapping

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    For bacterial infections, it is important to rapidly and accurately identify and characterize the type of bacteria involved so that optimal antibiotic treatment can be given quickly to the patient. However, current diagnostic methods are sometimes slow and cannot be used for mixtures of bacteria. We have, therefore, developed a method to identify bacteria directly from patient samples. The method was tested on two common species of disease-causing bacteria - Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae - and it could correctly identify the bacterial strain or subtype in both urine samples and mixtures. Hence, the method has the potential to provide fast diagnostic information for choosing the most suited antibiotic, thereby reducing the risk of death and suffering. Nyblom, Johnning et al. develop an optical DNA mapping approach for bacterial strain typing of patient samples. They demonstrate rapid identification of clinically relevant E. coli and K. pneumoniae strains, without the need for cultivation. BackgroundIdentification of pathogens is crucial to efficiently treat and prevent bacterial infections. However, existing diagnostic techniques are slow or have a too low resolution for well-informed clinical decisions.MethodsIn this study, we have developed an optical DNA mapping-based method for strain-level bacterial typing and simultaneous plasmid characterisation. For the typing, different taxonomical resolutions were examined and cultivated pure Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae samples were used for parameter optimization. Finally, the method was applied to mixed bacterial samples and uncultured urine samples from patients with urinary tract infections.ResultsWe demonstrate that optical DNA mapping of single DNA molecules can identify Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae at the strain level directly from patient samples. At a taxonomic resolution corresponding to E. coli sequence type 131 and K. pneumoniae clonal complex 258 forming distinct groups, the average true positive prediction rates are 94% and 89%, respectively. The single-molecule aspect of the method enables us to identify multiple E. coli strains in polymicrobial samples. Furthermore, by targeting plasmid-borne antibiotic resistance genes with Cas9 restriction, we simultaneously identify the strain or subtype and characterize the corresponding plasmids.ConclusionThe optical DNA mapping method is accurate and directly applicable to polymicrobial and clinical samples without cultivation. Hence, it has the potential to rapidly provide comprehensive diagnostics information, thereby optimizing early antibiotic treatment and opening up for future precision medicine management

    Nanofluidic optical DNA mapping for rapid identification of antibiotics resistant plasmids

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    Bacterial resistance to antibiotics has become a major threat to health worldwide. In 2014, the World Health Organization (WHO) classified antibiotic resistance as one of the major threats to human health.1 As the resistance genes are frequently transmitted via mobile genetic elements, such as plasmids, a method to rapidly detect and identify plasmids is needed. This paper reports an improved nanofluidic optical mapping strategy to identify plasmids and locate the antibiotic resistance genes via the Cas9/CRISPR technique. We used the assay to analyze clinical samples from a potential nosocomial outbreak in an Ethiopian hospital, tracing the transmission routes among wards

    Multiplexed optical DNA mapping to identify plasmids and their resistance genes in fecal samples

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    Multi-drug resistant bacteria are a major health threat worldwide. Resistance is frequently horizontally transferred among bacteria via mobile genetic elements, such as plasmids. We have developed a one-step staining protocol to reveal sequence-correlated fluorescence profiles along stretched plasmids. In this report, we demonstrate an automation approach to increase the throughput of nanofluidic optical DNA mapping(ODM). Using plasmid samples derived from patients\u27 feces, the results demonstrate an improved throughput, both regarding the number of plasmids analyzed per sample as well as the number of samples analyzed. By combining the ODM with Cas9/CRISPR, plasmids containing the antibiotic resistance gene are readily identified

    A Parallelized Nanofluidic Device for High-Throughput Optical DNA Mapping of Bacterial Plasmids

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    Optical DNA mapping (ODM) has developed into an important technique for DNA analysis, where single DNA molecules are sequence-specifically labeled and stretched, for example, in nanofluidic channels. We have developed an ODM assay to analyze bacterial plasmids-circular extrachromosomal DNA that often carry genes that make bacteria resistant to antibiotics. As for most techniques, the next important step is to increase throughput and automation. In this work, we designed and fabricated a nanofluidic device that, together with a simple automation routine, allows parallel analysis of up to 10 samples at the same time. Using plasmids encoding extended-spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBL), isolated from Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae, we demonstrate the multiplexing capabilities of the device when it comes to both many samples in parallel and different resistance genes. As a final example, we combined the device with a novel protocol for rapid cultivation and extraction of plasmids from fecal samples collected from patients. This combined protocol will make it possible to analyze many patient samples in one device already on the day the sample is collected, which is an important step forward for the ODM analysis of plasmids in clinical diagnostics