11 research outputs found

    Analisis Pengaruh Mekanisme Good Corporate Governance Terhadap Praktek Manajemen Laba Pada Perusahaan Manufaktur Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia Peri Ode 2005-2007

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    Earnings management is management intervention in .financial statement reporting process, aimed to increase management's wealth personally and/or increase value of the firm. Earnings management is G,/actor that could reduce financial statement credibility, increase bias, and prevent ~takeholders from believing profit values. Consistent good corporate government iml7lementation is indicated could increasing financial statement quality and reduce earnings management activities. This research pwpose is to find out whether corporate governance mechanisms, consists of institutional ownership, managerial ownership, proportion of independent board of commisioner, board of directo,-, and audit comittee, influence earnings management. The object of this research is manufacturing companies listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange in 2005-2007. There are ninety six companies selected with purposive sampling techniques and data was analyze

    Penerapan Jurnalisme Warga Di Media Sosial Instagram Kabar Tebet

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    The development of telecommunications technology is increasingly opening up great opportunities for everyone to have their own media. So that opens up opportunities for everyone to become a citizen journalist. This research arises from the results of the increasingly widespread phenomenon of citizen journalists using social media such as Instagram to convey local news, such as at the sub-district or residential area level. The purpose of this research is to observe how citizen journalists apply journalism to convey news and information to citizens via Instagram. The research method uses a qualitative approach, literature, interviews, and analyzes content created by citizen journalists for one year. The results of the research show that the types of local news at the sub-district level with news values of proximity are really needed or in demand by residents of the area where the journalist lives

    Efisiensi Penggunaan Oil Water Separator Pada Kapal Penangkap Ikan Untuk Pencegahan Pencemaran Minyak Di Laut (Studi Kasus Km. Mantis) Di Bbppi Semarang

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    Cemaran minyak akan berdampak pada penurunan daya dukung lingkungan yang dapat mengganggu kehidupan organisme perairan. Cemaran minyak dapat berasal dari limbah cair kamar mesin kapal. Berdasarkan ketentuan IMO (International Maritime Organization) yaitu harus kurang dari 15 ppm. Kapal berukuran di atas 100 GT diwajibkan menggunakan OWS (Oil Water Separator) sebagai alat pemisah air dan minyak. Balai Besar Pengembangan Penangkapan Ikan (BBPPI) Semarang mencoba menerapkan penggunaan OWS pada kapal penangkap ikan berukuran di bawah 100 GT. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efisiensi penggunaan OWS, dan perbedaan toksisitas minyak sebelum dan setelah diolah dengan OWS terhadap Chlorella vulgaris. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan November – Desember 2013. Metode yang digunakan adalah eksperimental laboratorium dengan menganalisis kandungan minyak. Dilanjutkan analisis efisiensi OWS dan uji toksisitas minyak terhadap alga Chlorella vulgaris sebelum dan setelah diolah dengan OWS. Kemudian dilakukan uji statistika T berpasangan apabila distribusi data normal dan uji wilcoxon apabila distribusi data tidak normal dengan taraf signifikansi 95%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan OWS mampu mereduksi kandungan minyak dari sebelum diolah dengan OWS antara 2.083,60 mg/L - 29.246,60 mg/L menjadi 8,40 mg/L - 23,20 mg/L setelah diolah, tingkat efisiensi mencapai 99,3% - 99,9%. Hasil analisis statistik uji wilcoxon pada hasil uji toksisitas (p < 0,05) OWS mampu mengurangi toksisitas limbah cair kamar mesin mengandung minyak sebelum dan setelah diolah dengan OWS terhadap Chlorella vulgaris. Oil pollution results in the reduction of environmental capacity which can disturb the life of aquatic organism. The waste water from engine room of the vessel is one of the source oil pollution. Based on IMO (International Maritime Organization) recommendation which are less than 15 ppm. Vessel measuring above 100 GT must use OWS (Oil Water Separator) as the equipment to separate water and oil. Balai Besar Pengembangan Penangkapan Ikan (BBPPI) semarang has tried to apply the USAge of OWS at the fishing vessel measuring under 100 GT. This research has intended to determine the efficiency of using OWS, and the difference of oil toxicity before and after processed OWS to Chlorella vulgaris. The research was carried in November – December 2013. The methods used are laboratory experimental by analyzing oil continued by OWS efficiency analysis and testing oil toxicity on Chlorella vulgaris before and after processed using OWS. After that, data was analyzed using paired sample T-test if the data distribution was normal or wilcoxon test if the data distribution was abnormal using significancy level 95%. The result that OWS was able to reduce the oil content from 2.083,60 mg/L - 29.246.60 mg/L before processed, and 8,40 mg/L - 23,20 mg/L after processed with OWS, with efficiency level attained 99,3% - 99,9%. The statistical analysis using wilcoxon test at toxicity test (p<0,05) that OWS was able to reduce waste water from engine room that contains oil and it has proven by comparing the toxic level before and after processed using OWS to Chlorella vulgaris

    Code Mixing and Code Switching in the “Yowis Ben” Movie: Sociolinguistic Study

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    The use of native language in the Yowis ben movie by Fajar Nugros and Bayu Eko Moektito turns it into various language forms. Therefore, the research aims to identify the types of code-mixing and code-switching in the movie. This research uses a qualitative approach. The researcher also played a direct role in the data collection process by determining the data source, listening to and recording data. Based on the discussion of code switching and code mixing in the “Yowis Ben” movie, the conclusions drawn are as follows. First, the code-mixing used in the “Yowis Ben” movie occurred using Indonesian and Javanese language. There are three functions of code-mixing: respecting the addressee, providing information, and clarifying the speech. Second, the code-switching in the “Yowis Ben” movie occurred using the Javanese language. This is because the background of the screenplay depicted actors who are from Malang, East Java. Also, there are three functions of code-mixing: neutralizing the use of language, establishing humour, and getting an immediate response to the speech

    The Influence of Investment Knowledge, Investment Motivation and Financial Literature on Investment Interest (Case Study in Indonesia Students Who Have Invested)

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    The purpose of this study is to determine whether there is a relationship between investment interest based on investment knowledge, investment motivation and financial literacy. The investment interest variable is the dependent variable. Meanwhile, investment knowledge, investment motivation and financial literacy are independent variables in this study. Processing research data using multiple regression method through SPSS software. Based on the results and conclusions of this study, investment knowledge does not have a significant effect on student investment interest in the capital market. Meanwhile, investment motivation and financial literacy have a significant influence on investment interest in the capital market